
18 Aug 2013

Waiting [Rom 15:22-24]


Romans 15:22-24
The Book of Romans: From Your Pastor’s Heart – Waiting
Pastor Jason Lim
18 Aug 2013

What does waiting reveal to us? Watch this sermon to find out more!

Sermon Transcript

Now here at GLCC we have been going through a series called "From Your Pastor's Heart" and is really about the heart of apostle Paul, as he closes the episode of Romans, he begins to share forth his heart. He shared with us, two weeks ago about the importance of obedience and that we are not to be just hearers but to be doers. Then last week we looked at what it means to have Christ-centered lives and ministry.

Today we are going to look at the subject or topic of waiting. You know how it is, to be patient in waiting and in order to begin this, let's take a look at this simple video clip to start off this sermon.

Time stamp in audio 0:00:46.0.
Video plays.

Time stamp in audio 0:01:17.4.

Sounds familiar, it's very hard to wait, isn't it? You have done this before, you saw all the body language and postures about impatiently waiting for things to happen. We live in an age that is craving for speed, there is a need for speed. Everything got to be fast, the train got to be fast, the bus got to be fast, the Internet got to be fast, we want things done now, we want things done pronto. Therefore it's very difficult for us to wait, even spiritually, even as we wait on God for answers to prayer, for dreams and for desires, we find it really hard to wait. So, today I want to share with you what, what does it mean, or what can we do when your dreams are delayed.

Everybody has dreams, everyone of us. This is the way we are. We are made for greater things, we we are made for aspirations and for hope, we, we all have dreams. My son has dreams. Just this Friday, he went for art class and his art class was about, I have a dream, a statement taken from Martin Luther King and so, each one of them is supposed to come up with an art piece that will communicate their dreams. So this is what my son did (picture shown of Shawn's art project ) and this is his art piece, I have a dream. And these are the things he dreams of, he says, IKEA, Jurassic Park, house and Australia. I think these are happy memories he had and these are the things he looks forward to.

Children have dreams. I'm sure you too have dreams. Some of you dream today of getting married, unless you are called to celibacy, I believe you would be dreaming of marriage if you are of that marriageable age; that's a good thing. God says it's not good for man to be alone, it's a good thing to desire to be married. Some of you are already married, you have dreams of having a child, you want to have a child, you want to raise a child in the ways of the Lord, for the glory of God. And that's a good dream. Some of you have dreams of a career and it need not be a bad kind of a selfish, prideful thing, it can be that you want to do your best in a career, you want to contribute and that's what Christians do, we, we shine as lights in our places of employment as well and you want to advance, you have higher dreams for your career.

Time stamp in audio 0:03:46.7.

Some of us dream today of healing, you want to be well because you are afflicted with disease. You are afflicted with a sickness and you're not as you should be, and you long to be delivered from the illness. Some of you dream of greater ministry opportunities, you dream of maybe going to seminary, you dream of maybe taking out more roles and responsibilities, you dream of maybe starting a church, you dream of maybe being a missionary and these are your dreams. Now let me say this, if it doesn't mean that when you have dreams it will be fulfilled because you believe in Jesus, because there are some dreams that are selfish, they are prideful, they are of the flesh, God is not going to fulfill them for you. The Bible says in James 4, you ask and you receive not, because you ask amiss, to consume upon your own lust.

So, there are dreams that will not be fulfilled because they are wrong, they are prideful, they are self-centered. But what if the dreams are from the Lord, what if the dreams are good, they glorify God, having a child, getting married, career advancement for His glory, ministries. You know deep in your hearts, those are good things, but somehow they get delayed, you can be waiting for a long time and it doesn't seem to be anywhere nearer.

Let me share with you today about a man, our series is about from your pastor's heart and there's a man who is in the same shoes as you are his name is apostle Paul. In the ending of Romans, he shares his heart on obedience, on Christ-centered life and ministry, and he shares his heart right now on waiting. You see in Romans 15,

This is the reason why I have so often been hindered from coming to you. But now, since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you, I hope to see you …..
(Romans 15:22-24 ESV)

So Paul has a dream. Paul has a desire, Paul longs to go to Rome to visit the people at Rome and it has been a long while coming, he is often been hindered, he says I want to go there, but I am stopped, I want to go there but I couldn't, and, and for all kinds of reasons and circumstances it, this dream remains delayed. And it's a good dream, he didn't go there for self-centered reasons. Right in the beginning of the book of Romans, he already says

I long to see you, he says I want to see because I want to impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you and then I long to be encouraged by you and I want hope and I hopefully will also encourage you and he says, in order that I may reap some harvest among you, maybe there are some who have yet to believe in Jesus, I want to communicate the Gospel that you may be saved. So great reasons, good dream, great desire, but till now, yet to be fulfilled.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine…… in order that I may reap some harvest among you as well as among the rest of the Gentiles.
(Romans 1:11-13 ESV)

Time stamp in audio 0:06:41.9.

When my Dreams are Delayed.

So, what happens, what do we do when my dreams are delayed. What happens if you been praying for a spouse and you have waited for a long time and he or she doesn't seem to be coming. What happens if you have been waiting for a child and you have tried many times, and doesn't seem to be successful. What do you do when you're still stricken with an illness? What do you do when you're stuck in a particular circumstance of life and you can't serve God as you would want to?

Now let me share with you some thoughts from apostle Paul, as he shares his heart in Romans 15.

1. Wait Patiently

Number one, I think Paul teaches us that we are to wait patiently. Let me share with you why it's so important to wait patiently. Now many of us when we don't get what we want, when we were babies, we look like this, waaaaa and and babies cry and throw tantrums very quickly, all right, eh my second son, he is very quick in making making it clear, we should not deny what he wants. Very quickly, his tears, wah, like automatic one. You just deny him something, and it's turned on straight away.

The problem is that it's quite natural for kids to behave like this, but it becomes a problem that when we are grown up, we still do this, (shows picture of a man crying) waaa, why I don't have this and, and we throw tantrums and we kick up a fuss, we get frustrated with God. We may even be upset with Him and discouraged in our Christian walk.

Time stamp in audio 0:08:11.6.

Well, I, I don't see that in Paul. He displays a kind of composure and patience, and calmness. He says, I have been longing for this for a long, long time,

.....I have so often been hindered from coming to you. But now, since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you, I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain ..….
(Romans 15:22-24 ESV)

So, number one, he is patiently waiting it out today. But he's not just waiting it out it, he's also very rested. He is very composed because in verse 29 he says I know it's all right. I know that when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.

(Romans 15:29 ESV)

From his little statement and this peek into Paul's heart, you realize that Paul was a man who really believed in God. How do you know if you really believe in God, how do you know if you really believe in God? Because you say so? Now let me tell you how you know you really believe in God, when God puts you in the time of waiting and in these times of waiting, it reveals to you, what is really in your heart. Times of waiting are very revealing times, it shows you who you are, don't you realize that? Times of waiting in a queue shows up who you are, times of waiting in a traffic jam shows up who you are, honk, honk, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, it shows you who you really are.

Time stamp in audio 0:09:32.4.

Paul in this prolonged years of waiting, shows us great composure, faith and restedness. I suggest you this statement:

Waiting Reveals Our Worship.

Who do you really worship; let me tell you, when you wait, when you are put through a time of waiting, it will show up. Because, while dreams may be good things, they can become idols in our lives. We value them more than we value God, so waiting will show. Do you really worship God or do you worship a marriage, a career, a ministry or your health? Waiting reveals it.

For some of us, careers become our idols. It started off as a great desire, I want to serve God, in my career, but, but it soon becomes the ultimate thing. Marriage can be one, children can be one. And if God doesn't give you a child, you can be bitter, upset, discouraged and and that period of waiting reveals what is really on the inside, and health and ministry, likewise.

Time stamp in audio 0:10:40.5.

So, periods of waiting are periods of revealing. For you to see what is inside your heart. God wants you to know who you are. He wants you to show, He wants to show you what you're made of, and He wants to tell you, do you really worship Me. Therefore, you say how can I know if a dream has become an idol? Well, you will know if you can look at this question, do you talk to God only about your dreams. You know how it is, every time you pray, God, I thank You mighty, merciful, sovereign, gracious and I praise You for who You, la, la, la .. But, but God, this is really what I want, ah can You, can You send me my prince charming soon and and that is all you pray. Yes you say a lot about other things, but you really only pray about what you dream of. Now, that may be a sign that that dream is soon becoming an idol in your life.

Time stamp in audio 0:11:39.5.

Another question you may ask yourself is, do get upset when you don't get what you dream of. Upset? God, You don't love me, You don't listen to me, you get upset and maybe another one. I will make it happen, even if God doesn't.

So this dream, is so overwhelming that you would start to do things on your own, when God doesn't give it to you. There is a story in the Bible about a man who had to wait for a long time. This man, his name is Abraham. God gave him a great dream. It was an amazing dream, God said to Abraham, come out, come out with me, look into the sky and start to count the number of stars. He says, why? Well, so shall your descendants be. You have such a great heritage, you have such a great number of people who will be from your loins, that it will be like the stars in the sky, sand as the seashore, on a seashore.

So, God gave Abraham a huge dream, something he would never have come up with himself, and I think Abraham must have gone about waiting for this dream for quite some time and Abraham had to wait for a good ten years, but nothing really happened. He had all this riches, but no son, no heir to pass on to and he was starting to be a bit anxious. He was starting to say, let's help God a little, and so, together with his wife Sarah, they hatched a plan. The plan was very simple, get one of their handmaids. Her name is Hagar and let me lie with her. And when Abraham did that, Hagar conceived and she brought forth a son named Ishmael. But God then came to Abraham and says, Abraham, that's not going to be the one, he will not be the one. My promise is not with Ishmael, my promise is with the child that I will give Sarah and Ishmael grew up. When he was about thirteen years old, Isaac was born and that Abraham had to send Hagar and Ishmael away. There was great heart-ache, if you trace the history of the nation of Israel and of the world, a lot of heart-ache, it's because of this, son Ishmael. He was a tremendously painful lesson for Abraham to take, but you see this is what God is saying in your waiting, don't rush into producing the Ishmael's of your life. God is saying in times of delay, wait patiently. Don't rush into producing Ishmael's but let this times of waiting, be times of revelation, times of soul-searching, to test your affections, your desires, your loyalties and if you need be repent of those idols and come and worship God and trust in Him.

Time stamp in audio 0:14:46.4.

Today, you are waiting, you may get frustrated. The problem is not God, the problem may be your idolatrous heart. Just take a step back, search yourself, have these dreams become idols, have they taken the place of God, am I upset with Him, is that what I'm talking to Him only. And am I planning for Ishmaels in my life. The word of the Lord, is don't do it, but learn from Paul, after years of wasting, ah, not wasting, after years of waiting, he's absolutely rested and trustful, trusting in the Lord Himself.

2. Wait Proactively

But, let me say this, not only must we wait patiently, the Scripture teaches us to wait proactively. You see, waiting, you may imagine it to be doing nothing, but waiting is not necessarily passive. I think waiting is active. Think about it, Paul could have said alright, if God doesn't give me my dream to go to Rome, to bless them and so and so forth, then I would just wait and what I mean by waiting, I will go and play golf every day, eighteen holes and I may take a cruise in the Mediterranean. Wah, so shiok, (colloquial word for so enjoyable) this kind of a life.

Time stamp in audio 0:16:02.1.

But Paul didn't do that, Paul waited proactively and I say to you, waiting is not just sitting back and doing nothing, waiting means I take practical actions., This cartoon strip, we have used before several times, I'll use it again. It's says here, don't you know, God said he would feed the birds of the field, so, this bird is saying, how come you are not working? Says, well, don't you know, God is going to provide for me. He's going to feed the birds of the field, and he does absolutely nothing. And this is what he ends up with (shows picture of a bird skeleton in the nest, in the resting posture). You see, God gives every bird it's food, but He does not throw it into the nest, Corrie Ten Boom.

You've got to get out of the nest, to go and get what you need. You have the got out of the nest, to get what God has provided, there is activity. There is responsibility to be fulfilled. So whilst you are waiting for your dream girl, dream guy, dream job, dream ministry, the Bible says, you are to wait proactively and let me give you three words about waiting proactively. What am I supposed to do. Very simple, number one, you are to plan. Number two, you are to pray and number three you are to press on.

1. Plan
2. Pray
3. Press On

Very simple, you have to plan, you have to pray, you have to press on and this is from the Scriptures. This is what Paul that he was not lying back, having his ice lemon tea, going on a cruise, but he says this is number one, what do I do, I plan.

When therefore I have completed this and have delivered to them what has been collected, I will leave for Spain by way of you……
(Romans 15:28 ESV)

I planned that when I've completed this and have delivered to them what has been collected, I would leave for Spain by way of you. So, he says, I have one more task to do, I have to send some money, to the needy Christians in Jerusalem and when I'm done with that, I will aim to go to Spain and on the way there, I will pass by Rome to visit you. So this is my plan. I have a plan. I want to come to you and I have worked out my plan, my schedule. This is how I intend to come, but this is a good plan in a sense, it is not presumptuous, because he says in verse 32, so that by God's will, I may come.

When therefore I have completed this and have delivered to them what has been collected, I will leave for Spain by way of you……

so that by God's will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company.
(Romans 15:28,32 ESV)

So, he is saying, I acknowledge, I may make my plans but God may dispose of the plan, that's fine, but at least I make my plans. Let me ask you, do you make plans, the application will come in the while, let me move on to the second thing Paul did besides planning, he was praying. In Romans one, he says this is what I always pray for,

always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God's will I may now at last succeed in coming to you.
(Romans 1:10 ESV)

I have a dream, and I'm not just passive about it. I've always, in my prayers, praying that I may not, at least, at last succeed in coming to you. He was very intentional, not only to plan, but to pray, pray that God will open the door and grant him success in coming to Rome, not only does he pray, he calls other people to pray. I appeal to you, brothers, I really need this. Please pray together with me, the word strive is to agonize, pray very, very hard, please, he says.

I appeal to you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf, …… so that by God's will I may come to you with joy and be refreshed in your company.
(Romans 15:30-32 ESV)

He tells the Roman Christians strive together with me in your prayers, so that by God's will, I may come to you.

Time stamp in audio 0:19:10.6.

So you have planned, you have prayed, the third one is, you need to press on. You say, press on what? Press on in your current duties, keep serving, keep working and this is what Paul did. He says in verse 23, this is the reason, now why I can come to you, because I finished my work.

But now, since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you,

(Romans 15:23 ESV)

But now since I no longer have any room for work in these regions, he says, I have preached the Gospel not that he has preached to every single human being in these regions, that would be impossible, but he has preached the Gospel to the major areas established churches, he knew that the root of the Gospel has taken place and so he says, I've done my work, I've completed the task that God has given to me in this region and now I can come to you. So you see a man, who is pursuing a dream, he is very active. He plans, he prays and he is faithful in what God has called him to do right here, right now.

Time stamp in audio 0:20:07.1.

Now let me put this into application, planning, praying and pressing on. First application, marriage. Some of you here want to be married right? Ah, I was thinking should ask who wants to be married and that will be easy and you can look across the room and you can see who are the prospects, but I will not do that, alright, sensitive issue, but some of you want to be married and you wish, pastor, why you never asked me to raise my hand. Okay (Laughter in the congregation) I want, alright. Some of you want to be married and you, you have been waiting for a long time, you start to be discouraged, you start to be in a sense, disillusioned and you say God, why is it so long, as they say, why is it that I have no luck, how come you don't bring anybody into my path. I can't seem to find a spouse, I can't find the, I can't seem to find a prospect. Let me ask you, if even if you waited patiently, have you waited proactively? You say, hah, waiting also proactively? Yes, you need to plan, you need to pray and you need to press on. You know, one of the common complaints I have, okay, I, I talked with different people in church and I have a common complaint from some of the ladies in our church. The young ladies in the church, they, they, they complained, pastor, our guys, in GLCC are very nua (colloquial term), you know what is nua, very laid-back, wah, very relaxed, they, they, they are not very, they don't take initiative, I'm waiting to here, they don't take initiative.

Now, either the lady has a problem, or the guys have problem, I don't know, but that is the complaint and I tell you guys, alright, the complaint of GLCC ladies is that the guys are very nua, laid-back, don't do anything, you see our guys are very biblical. They, they follow the Bible very closely, they said Adam had his wife when he was asleep, (Laughter in the congregation), then God brought Eve there, when he was asleep, so now I can sleep lah, then God will bring them to me, lah. Ah, no, I don't think so. I think seeking God's direction in marriage, requires pro-activity on our part; we remember Isaac, Isaac was about to be married, Abraham wanted to find a wife for Isaac. What did Abraham do? Did Abraham says, aiyah, God will provide lah, just relax? No, Abraham says to his servant, head servant, chief steward, Eliezer, go back to my homeland and look for a wife. Hey, he was active about it, alright, and Isaac would not have Rebekah if Abraham had not done something about it.

So, let me say this to you, if you are waiting for a spouse, do something about it. So pastor, what I do? First of all, you have got to plan. I am not asking you to wait outside the toilet, HEY, (Laughter in the congregation) ambushed, no, no, no, no, I am not talking about that kind of planning. But plan as in plan to meet more people, very simple, plan to get to know more people. Some Christians, says, I want to have a Christian spouse, but all I do is to come to church, I attend the service, and straight away, I go home and play my computer. So you are not going to have a spouse easily, that way, because you're not putting yourself in a position where God could show you His will. So you have got to plan, you got to plan to learn more about what it means to have a wife, a husband, you need to study the Scriptures, you have got to plan, you have got to work these things too.

Number two, you got to pray, you got to pray and not just pray perfunctorily or just casually or by the way, but pray intentionally, God, this is the dream that I have, this is the desire, that You have placed in my heart, show me, pray about it.

And the third thing is, you have got to press on. What do you mean by press on. I'm not saying you pursue the girl until she cannot take it, but press on, is about fulfilling your present responsibilities. You see, we often think of courtship, or looking for spouse as finding the dream girl, or the dream guy, I want, but I find that Scripture really, that's not quite true, what you need to do is to be the dream man and the dream girl to the future husband or wife. So, it is not about others, it is about me, about me, press on, press on in my spiritual devotions, press on in my spiritual growth, press on to be the man God wants me to be and as you plan, you pray, you press on, you can trust in God's leadership. Put yourself in the right places, I mean, in the right fellowships, don't look for your spouse in discos and so on. You say, God, give me a a godly, godly spouse and I go discos, this is where.. what's gone into your head?

I mean, Abraham sent his steward back to the right place, be in the right place and by the way, I hope you don't join adult ministry because you want to hunt for spouse, that's not your pri.., that's not our that's not our primary ministry, our ministry is growth together in Jesus Christ. But if that's what you press, you are pressing on in, my spiritual growth and you are in the right places, having the right fellowship God will lead you.

Time stamp in audio 0:25:36.9.

So, it's not passive, it's proactive, planning, praying, pressing on. I think, I think, ladies, you should also be careful about waiting and just sitting on a bench the whole day (shows picture of a female skeleton sitting on a bench -waiting for the perfect man), get about in fellowship, be prayerful on your knees and press on to be the woman God wants you to be. And then, I will tell you, if that's God dream, you will not be left here.

Now, if God's will for you is celibacy, then don't pray to be married. If you know somehow that God has given you the gift of celibacy, that's, that's great. Then, don't, don't dream somebody else's dream, but if that's your dream, then you can pursue it pro-actively.

Let's apply this, also to having a child. I think this is getting to be more and more of a reality in modern living and, and it's not something we take for granted. Some of you. you say, I'll have my kid, at this day, at this time, I tell you, not so jun, (colloquial term for accurate) ah, you need to, you don't think that it will come about as easily as you imagine it to be. And having kids is something you need to plan for, something you need to pray for and you got to work towards being a father and mother that God wants you to be. And as you pursue these things, trust God in His leadership. Sometimes dreams may be denied. It really reveals to you, who is God in your life. The image of a perfect family, or God's will, but if it is a delay, then His will to you is, keep praying, keep planning, seek help, whatever it is and keep being, growing in the Lord Jesus Christ, that He will make you a ready father, a mother, when the time should come.

Time stamp in audio 0:27:28.0.

The same for healing, you have got to be praying for that, for it and not take it for granted. Same for ministry. Some of you are dreaming of serving God in greater ways. You want to be used, you are thinking of starting a church, you are thinking of, of being a missionary, you are thinking of just giving your life for the Lord Jesus Christ and you dream of that great day. Plan for it, pray for it and be faithful whilst waiting for it, press on.

I think this is so important, you see, Paul is amazing, when he was writing Romans, he was at Corinth, alright, he was at Corinth and if you were to go to Rome, it will be a short journey there. But Paul was such a faithful man, he was such a dependable man, that he says no, God has given me one more thing to do. And though it is shorter, to go from Corinth to Rome, I will follow God's will, fulfill my task, be faithful to what He has called me to, to bring the money all the way to Jerusalem. Where is Jerusalem, diametrically opposite, right here. And he is saying, I need to go to Jerusalem and only after that, when I finished my task, then I will go to Rome. This is a man who is patient in his waiting and faithful to his task while waiting, amazing guy. You see this is what we need to grasp, if you today want to serve God, don't just live in the future, dream of the future, be faithful today. He is faithful today.

Some of us dream of being the greatest preacher, blah, blah, blah and and you are not doing anything today. That's not the way to seek God's will. Look at what John MacArthur has to say,

I've seen young people who feel called to the ministry, come in the seminary, that's the Bible college, and they say, oh God called me to preach, or teach, or go to the mission field and the whole time, they're going through the process of education, they have zero commitment to anything, so they just want to get a degree, and say God, catapult me somewhere. But right now, I'm not interested in serving yet and they expect at some time, to step out on the stage and it will all happen and it just doesn't happen. There is no realization of a future dream as God would have it for anybody, who doesn't know how it is to give himself totally, to the priority, that's existing right at his own feet, in a moment in which he lives.

Very simple. You want to be dreaming of greater things, be faithful to the little things today.

He goes on to say, it is the mark of a man, in the will of God, that he can have a strong desire, maybe someday to pastor his own church or some day to reach a mission field or some day to teach a class or whatever it might be. And even though that's the dream and the plan that is burning in his own heart for a long period of time, the measure of that man's commitment to the will of God is having that great desire, how faithful is he to the task at hand.

Time stamp in audio 0:30:50.0.

I always believe, the best guarantee for God's guidance tomorrow is obedience today, that's the best way you guarantee God's guiding you, for tomorrow. Are you willing to obey today or are you living in the future, just dreaming of the day you will be the great so and so and zero commitment, zero faithfulness, you're not living biblically.

You see, Paul had great poise and balance in his theology, in his mindset, God, I want to go to Rome, but I'm willing to wait. I'll be patient, I will not rush to produce Ishmaels in my life. I don't want the heart-aches of the flesh, and God whilst this time of waiting is going on, I was search my heart, I will make sure that you are still God, but at the same time, I will apply myself diligently to planning, praying, pressing on in my current responsibilities and duties.

3. Wait Positively

Then finally, Paul says, in all these things, let's remember also to wait positively, be confident that God's putting you to waiting, has a wonderful reason, wonderful, wonderful outlook. This is his confidence, you see,

I know that when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.

(Romans 15:29 ESV)

He is sure that at this point of time, he is storing up that blessing as it were, so that when the time comes, it overflows. God, you have a great reason for me to be waiting. I'm not grumbling, I'm not complaining because I'm absolutely positive, confident about the future. By the way, did Paul eventually go to Rome, did he? Not very confident ah ? Okay, let me tell you, he eventually arrived in Rome, but there's a twist. This is the again the same map displays picture of Paul's journeys). These are the first three journeys of Paul, I mean, he was sent by Jesus to be an apostle to the Gentiles and so, in his life, he made these three trips, to preach the Gospel, established churches, three missionary journeys and as he went through these journeys, he went there as a preacher, as a pioneer, nobody's been there before, he blazed a new trail, he forged new ground, and so he was a preacher, pastor, pioneer in all these travels.

And then when you come to the completion of these three travels, Paul now was about to take a journey to Rome. But this time he is not going there as a pioneer, he is now going to go there as a prisoner and his story, is given to us in Acts, chapters 21 to 28. His journey to Rome was a twist in the plot, because everybody might have expected him to be that superstar preacher, to arrive at Rome and give the Gospel to the entire city. But no, he didn't. He went as a prisoner and on the way he was shipwrecked at Malta, before he eventually went there, but it was a grand, great brilliant plan by God, because when he went there as prisoner, he went there, having a free ticket to Rome, didn't have to pay a single cent, now that is a good way to travel.

Time stamp in audio 0:34:11.3.

And secondly, he went there absolutely protected. I mean, I think he's a man who's wanted, wanted by, why, by people in cities. They hated him for preaching the Gospel for ruining their idols business and so on, but in his travels to Rome, he is escorted all the way, he was shipwrecked at Malta, giving him an opportunity, the opportunity to share the Gospel at Malta.

But God's brilliance, most of all is captured for us in what Paul himself reflected on, in Philippians. You see in Philippians 1,

I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.

(Philippians 1:12-13 ESV)

I want you to know, brothers, this is the great thing, now, I would have wished to come to Rome earlier but this is what has happened and I want you to know, brothers, that is waiting, this whole process, this journey, this twist in the plot, this becoming a prisoner, what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel. Wow, he says, so that it has become known throughout the whole Imperial guard and to all the rest, that my imprisonment is for Christ. Now if I've walked right into Rome, the palace may not know, the guards would not know, Caesar's household would not know. But now, the way I came, in God's timing, in God's ways, it has worked out wonderfully for the advancement of the Gospel.

He was so successful that he says all the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.

All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.

(Philippians 4:22 ESV)

I mean, he was there as a prisoner, but he was a preacher in disguise. It is the ultimate Trojan horse, that God has sent, whoa, you thought he's done for. But no, he is there for that purpose, and the guards, soldiers who look at Paul, every day, would hear him share, would hear him worship would hear him have joy and ask him, why Paul, why did you come this way, what has happened and shares with them the Gospel and God using His messenger, must have brought many in Caesar's household, in the heart of Rome itself, to come to Jesus Christ and he says this is brilliant.

Time stamp in audio 0:36:17.1.

God's ways always brilliant, I cannot understand it sometimes, but when I look back, it's always brilliant. Therefore, as he was writing from Corinth to Rome. I know that when I come, all these has not happened yet, aah, but he was able to believe that, I know that when I come, I will come with the full blessings of Christ.

You may not understand why God has not given you a spouse, a child, ministry, career, but we need to wait with expectancy, like Paul, that when it comes, it comes with full blessings. By the way Paul, not only was a tremendous preacher, that he was a tremendous writer in prison. He gave us the epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon and from these letters, he blessed countless people right up to us today. God's plans are truly amazing.

Chuck Smith says:

"Paul didn't realize that he'd soon enter Rome as a prisoner, but he did know that he'd come in the fullness of the Gospel of Christ. That's the only way Paul ever traveled!"

Paul didn't realize that he was soon enter Rome as a prisoner but he did know that he would come in the fullness of the Gospel of the fullness of the blessings of Christ. And that's the only way Paul ever traveled. I pray for all of us that this will be the only way we ever travel on this earth, we will be traveling in the fullness of the blessings of Christ, when we are waiting patiently, proactively, positively and he will direct your path.

I know that when I come to you I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.

(Romans 15:29 ESV)

Do you know this, would you be able to say, today in my life I know that when my dream girl comes, when my child comes, when a career comes, it will come in the fullness of the blessings of Christ.

In waiting it's always so tempting to doubt God, it is, but let us remember God's Word, Romans 8:28, that God always works all things together for good to them that love God and remember this, this famous saying, by this famous man, (Laughter in the congregation) sermon long time ago, God's good is gooder than our good. You would think that your good today, the plan you have today is the best plan, but let me say this, God's good is going to be gooder than your good. It may be longer, but it is going to be gooder, pardon my bad English whereby God's good is going to be gooder than your good.

You know, sometimes, it's because you are not ready for it. Sometimes, that the dream is just too big for us. I think of Joseph, he had a big dream that all will bow to him, but, but Joseph maybe, he was not ready. He shot his mouth off so quickly and so insensitively that his brothers would have sold him to or thrown into the pit, he was not ready, and only after the pit, after the Potiphar's house, after being a Prime Minister of Egypt, God says you are the man, you're ready for a big dream.

Moses had a big dream, but he was not ready for it. He was impulsive, he was a self-centered, he was thinking that his flesh could achieve it and God says you need forty years, Moses. But after the forty years, you will realize that my good is gooder than your good. Maybe God today has a plan for you, He wants to grow you, that's why you're waiting. He wants to ready you, so that when the blessings come, it is in its full measure.

Time stamp in audio 0:39:58.6.

What do you do? Well, remember this

If the ships of prayer do not come home speedily it, it is because they're more heavily freighted with blessing.

Wilbur Chapman

Trusting, trusting He is God, He knows, He is in control, He is sovereign and so today when my dreams are delayed. I remind you, number one, search your heart, has that dream crept up to be above God. Then this time of waiting is intended for God, for you to reflect upon yourself, to test your affections, your loyalties, your worship waiting reveals our worship. In this time of waiting when dreams are delayed, wait proactively, be planning, be praying, be pressing on, in your current responsibilities and in this times of waiting, be positive, believing that God's plans are greater, higher than our plans. After all, He says, My will is good, acceptable, perfect, it is always pleasing, always satisfying, always good. My friends we are so easily hung up about dreams. But our God is concerned, not so much about your dream, but you, He is concerned for you. He wants to grow, whilst, you may be very focused on the destination, the dream, God also wants your focus also on your journey and whilst you are very focused on the future tomorrow, He wants you to savor every single moment today. It is a joy to believe in this God, it's a joy to know Him and to place our hands in His hands.

So if your dreams are delayed today. Remember the heart of apostle Paul, waiting, waiting patiently, proactively, positively, and may you find that joy in life. Not just because the dreams come, but because God is your God. Let's bow for a word of prayer.

The Scripture says, be still and know that I am God, because it's so hard to be still. It's so hard to wait, it is so easy for us to rush to our own strengths, to rush to our own ideas, to produce Ishmael with the Hagar's of life. But you know what, it's going to bring you pain, but it's so important to be still and to wait, to check our own hearts, to believe in Him, and to be doing what He wants us to do, right here, right now and trusting our tomorrows into His hands. The best guarantee for His guidance for your life is obedience today. Trust God today, obey Him today, let Him lead you into tomorrow, don't fret, don't murmur because He is God, He knows the path you are to take, trust Him, believe Him.

Are there idols in your life this morning that you need to confess of and repent of, and turn from to Jesus Christ, then this is a time for you. Are wavering in your faith, are you crumbling under the pressure of waiting, be still and know that I am God. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. My friends, how do you know God loves you, how do you know He is going to work all things for your good, look at the cross, He has done it, He has just secured your salvation, He will secure your glorification, He is for you.

If He has given you His life for you, while you were yet sinners, don't you think He would be for you all the days of your life right now, that you are His child, He is for you, look at the cross, that's your assurance, that's your guarantee. Maybe today you are here for the first time, your dreams are shattered in your life. You know what, it may be the kindness of God to shatter all those dreams, so that you would see that it's only Jesus who satisfies, I want to pray for you that you would come to Jesus Christ for salvation and for life. I want to pray for you that you will realize that the ultimate dream is in Jesus alone, I want to pray for you that you find that eternal and abundant life in Him. Right here, right now in your own heart, the Scriptures remind us we are sinners who can't save ourselves, God is holy and our sins will separate us from Him. But this is the amazing good news of the Bible, God loves us so much He gave His Son, He knew we can't do anything, so He did everything, He gave you Jesus to die on the cross and His offer, His invitation to you, His command to you today, is turn from your sin and believe in My Son and you will be saved. Maybe your dreams are shattered, so that you may be saved, so that you may rediscover what you're made of, and what life is all about and who God is, so that you may return to your Creator. If your dreams are shattered, come to Jesus Christ, Who alone is the way, the truth and the life, make that choice today, turn from your sins, believe in Him, cry out to Him.

So Father, this morning, we are grateful for Jesus, Your Son and how He has secure all that is good, by His sacrifice, oh, that sacred head, all bloody glory, yet, we love it, we love Him, because this is the evidence of Your love. I pray today that the heart of the children will be warmed by Your Word, by Your Spirit, the hearts of all who are gathered who have yet to know Christ, will be illumined, enlightened, and drawn to Jesus. God do that work which we will all feel today, to give life, bring life, bring salvation to each and every heart. We thank You pray all this now in Jesus Name, Amen.