


We are a vibrant family of young adults going through University and National Service. Varsity exists for anyone who wants to belong to a community that loves the Word and seeks to live in obedience to it. We’re excited to grow in our relationship with God and overflow in our service to those around us.


The Bible is the basis of Varsity’s unity and outlook, we invest our time heavily reading and learning from it. At Varsity, you can expect many opportunities to serve, many relevant conversations about life and a family that will bear your burdens with you.


Contact Luzerne Cheng for a detailed monthly schedule!

Week 1:           Sermon followed by Discussion
Week 2/3:      Expository Bible Study
Week 4:          Social Events or Topical Studies
Week 5:          No Meetings


Get connected and receive weekly updates by subscribing to our telegram channel (Scan QR code). Or drop us an email at: [email protected]