
23 Feb 2025

God’s Promise of Blessings [Numbers 32-36]


Our last message in Numbers will focus on God's Promise of Blessings regarding Canaan. It is a picture of how God blesses His people with spiritual blessings (Eph 1:3) today. We see. 1. The Compromise. The 2½ tribes want to stay close to, but not in, the Promised Land.  People today can come close to God's blessings in Christ, but still remain outside due to unbelief. 2. The Course. The 40 years of journey across more than 40 places tells of God's faithfulness despite Israel's unfaithfulness. Thank God if He has led you from "Egypt" to "Moab". But don't stay there! Cross into Canaan! 3. The Conquest. Canaanites and their idolatrous practices will be a thorn and snare for Israel. Sins and sinful influences not dealt with will shipwreck our faith as well. 4. The Carving. The land divided includes provisions of Levitical Cities of RefugeThere is pardon for the believer in Christ because of His priestly advocacy. 5. The Confidence. Israel had faith in God's promise to bless. It is faith in God that motivates us to obedience.

