Joy Is Coming
The sun was rising, but it was only noticeable if you paid attention. A tall grey column of cloud floated moodily, hugging the remains of the passing night. Then suddenly its upper plumes caught the rays of the rising sun. Once a fountain flowing grey, it now flowed white. Those highest clouds grasped something that nothing else could see. The rising sun of a new day.
King David faced foes that rivaled for his throne at every stage of his life. In Psalm 30:5, he writes, “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” For all the abundance that came with wearing Israel’s crown, David faced the sorrow of a troubled reign. Yet David’s heart was full of worship. He faced his depression with a celebration of God’s enduring promises. He rejoiced in the knowledge that the night was swiftly passing. He would stand tall, like a column of cloud that could catch the rays of sunlit hope, and sing in thanksgiving at the dawning of God’s mercy.
“By your favor, O Lord, you made my mountain stand strong; you hid your face: I was dismayed.” (Ps. 30:7) David’s faith was a mountain that rose above the faith of others. He was a man after God’s own heart. Tragic were his failings and faults, but David steadfastly sought a rich and restored relationship with God. Living things need the presence of the sun for life. David needed the presence of His God for hope and holiness.
Our present sorrows in a broken world may make the night of our earthly passage seem long. But joy is coming, in the breaking dawn of God’s promises. As we choose to worship God steadfastly in our troubles, our faith matures like a mountain. Rising above our momentary pain and allowing us to see from new heights, that joy is coming.