
4 Questions with Pastor Jason


1) What does it really mean to be a gospel-centred church? 

The gospel is the central message of the Bible. It is the good news of Jesus Christ dying and rising to save man from his sins, to reconcile sinful man to the Holy God. To be centred in the gospel means we are to:

  1. Believe the gospel - one must repent and believe that Jesus is the Christ / Messiah / Promised Saviour who saves us from our sins (Rom 1:16).
  1. Live the gospel - this is what many people miss. We think the gospel is only for the unsaved. But the gospel is imperative for the believer too. To live the gospel means God’s love in the gospel is the motivation or fuel of our worship and service to His name.
  1. Give the gospel - we must be witnesses for Jesus and His saving work. My prayer is that I will be a gospel-centred man and that Gospel Light will be a gospel-centred church indeed!

2) What are the challenges and blessings you regularly experience in ministry?

I have never regretted being in the pastoral ministry after 13 years! People often say that it is such a waste that I have to give up a medical career, but the reality is that I believe it will be such a waste if I live for medicine and not the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Nothing wrong with holding jobs in the secular workplace, but I do not want to refuse God’s clear calling for my life in the pastoral ministry. Sure, there are challenges and feelings of discouragement stemming from people's expectations and misunderstandings. But these are nothing compared to the peace and joy of doing God's will, and the exciting adventure of following Jesus! I feel so privileged also to see lives changed by the gospel. The stream of testimonies of gospel transformation in Gospel Light thrills my heart.

3) What would be the 3 big lessons God taught you in 13 years of pastoring? 

  1. God can be trusted

Over and over again, I've seen how God provides and leads. I think of the monthly financial figures - how we came close to being in the red so many times - and how God always provides in a timely way. I think of the massive $44 million Punggol Church Building project. I think of how God has raised many of you as laborers for the necessary ministries of the church. I think of our progress in the discipleship ministry - a small mustard seed that is beginning to blossom and bear fruit. There are too many stories to tell. But they all remind me that God can be trusted!

  1. The Gospel must be central

Gospel-centred theology is so important (see Question 1 above). But it was not easy for it to get through my thick skull! It was a convergence of 3 things that “enlightened” me: (a) We were going through the Book of Romans in our preaching series, (b) we had to understand why some of our people were buying into false antinomianism teachings, (c) I came across helpful resources on the Gospel Coalition (TGC) website. I've dived deeper and deeper into the gospel since, relishing it and urging one and all to keep the gospel central in their lives.

  1. Servant heartedness is key.

It is hard to serve man. I find it much easier when I realise that I serve Jesus first and foremost. I am a bondslave to Him. When my identity is clear here, it is so much easier to serve people. Servant heartedness flows from knowing Jesus gave His life for me. And I want to give my life for Him.

4) You celebrated your 60th birthday (sorry 43rd!) birthday this year, what advice would you give to your 21-year-old self? 

I will say what I said in Question 3!

And I will add, "Marry Winnie!" :)

(Pastor Jason Lim is married to Winnie and they have 2 children. He has served as Gospel Light's Senior Pastor since 2006.)