
06 May 2012

Understanding Unbelief [Rom 10:16-21]


Romans 10:16-21 The Book of Romans: Understanding Unbelief Pastor Jason Lim 06 May 2012

How is it that they have heard and understood yet do not believe? Watch this sermon to understand Unbelief.

Sermon Transcript

Turn our Bibles to the book of Romans 10. We have been journeying, through this masterpiece of apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he has given to us, one of the most, if not the most important doctrinal books of all of Scriptures. And I pray, it will continue to bless your hearts, to build up your lives. So, turn with me to Romans 10 and this morning, we are going to continue six verses in verses 16-21. When you read these verses, it may seem like, what is this about. But I pray, as the Spirit leads us, you will be able to understand, the flow, the intention and then be able to apply the lessons to our lives. Romans 10:16

16 But they have not all obeyed the Gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report?

17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

18 But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

19 But I say, Did not Israel know? First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.

21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

Time stamp in audio 0:02:00.9.

That ends the Scripture for the day.

In this passage, we see something amazing and I am going to tell you what this passage is about. As I begun, the first time I read this passage, I was wondering, what is this about and I have got to study a little bit more and by the help of the Spirit and by a great man in the past, the meaning is unfolded and it is clear and I would then apply these lessons to our lives.

But you know, the book of Romans has been telling us about the salvation that God gives. God, is the God of salvation. He is the Author of salvation, He is the One who sought man in his sin, and gave His Son to the lost humanity, He gave us His Son, He gave Jesus to us. But not only did He gave His Son to die on the cross for our sins, He also sent, the message of the Gospel to us and that was what we considered last week, in Romans 10:14-15. God is the one who sovereignly sent, preachers, that they may preach and when they preached, people would hear, and when people here, they would believe and when people believe, they will call and when they call, they will be saved.

Time stamp in audio 0:03:22.7.

So, God has done it all. He gave us His Son and He sent the message of the Gospel to the world, that through Jesus they may be saved. But what is the result, of all that God has done? God gave His Son, He sends the message, have all, who has heard believed? Alas, the answer is given to us in verse 16, But they have not all (believed or) obeyed the Gospel. That is a sad reality, that even though God has given us His Son and given us the message of the Gospel, not all have obeyed the Gospel. And, this is no surprise, by the way, because, Paul tells us, this is already prophesied in the book of Isaiah, some, 800 years before this.

For what saith the Scriptures? Isaiah says, Lord, who has believed our report, where is this taken from? Isaiah 53, if there is a chapter that you need to know about in the book of Isaiah, it would be Isaiah 53, the chapter of the suffering Servant, or how by His stripes we are healed and Isaiah 53, opens with this question, Lord, who has believed our report. For, Isaiah says, there would be many today, or many in his time and many thereafter who will not obey the Gospel. And it is so sad, that God has done it all, but the people of Israel, has rejected by and large, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Time stamp in audio 0:05:20.0.

The question today, is why? I mean, this is a tremendous message, it is not by works, but by faith, it is not what you do, but what God has already done. He who first, freely come and drink and yet there many, who will not believe. Why? Why is it they have not all obeyed the Gospel? Today, the subject of thinking of is unbelief.

I want to share with you, about understanding unbelief. Why will Israel not believe and in a sense, it would be applied to the world today, why is it that we will not believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That're some possibilities, for example. The reason why, Israel had not obey the Gospel is because maybe they have not had the opportunity to hear the Gospel. So, if they do not hear, they cannot believe, that's possibility number one. Possibility number two is, though they have heard, they cannot understand, it is too complex for them, possibility number 2. Now, let's look at Paul's reply to these possibilities. Why is it that they would not believe, verse 17, one of the most famous verses in all of Scriptures, For faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. So, this is the premise. To have faith, you need to hear the Word of God, so, Paul is saying, are you thinking, these people do not believe, because they have never heard, because faith comes by hearing the Word of God. So, that's the question he asked in verse 18, but I said, have they not heard? The reason why they do not believe, is it really because of the ears, is it because they have not heard? Look at the answer from apostle Paul.

He says, certainly, they have heard. They have heard, yes, verily, truly, they have heard. Why?, Because he quotes from the Old Testament, Psalms 19:4

But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.

You know, there is something we have seen in the methodology of apostle Paul, whenever, there is a question, he doesn't try to rationalize it or give human reasoning to answer it. He simply quotes Scripture, thus saith the Lord. So, this is the question people ask, why is it that Israel do not believe, is it because they have not heard? Paul says "No, they have heard because, God said so, in Psalms 19:4". That settles the matter. Some point of note here, Psalms 19:1-4, you will realize, it opens with this statement "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork." That's very interesting, because, Psalms 19, is telling of how the whole of all creation today, shouts out the reality of God.

I am told, they are many doctors in training, who are believers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am not sure how true it is, I have never personally verified it, but one possible reason people give is doctors or medical students are forced to face the beauty of creation, the human body. And in the face of such evidence, we can't say there is no God. You see, the whole of creation today is screaming out, God is glorious. That's the message of Psalms 19:1-4, their sounds, their strings, their music, went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world.

Romans 1, tells us, God can be known from the creation of the world and man, is without excuse. So, Psalms 19, actually speaks about the natural revelation of God. Without the Bible, from the world, you can know, the existence of God. You can know His power, and His Godhead, His divinity.

Now, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, apostle Paul, takes the natural revelation referred to in Psalms 19 and applies it to the special revelation, in Romans 10. The special revelation, of course, we know is the word of the Gospel, the Word of Christ, the saving message of Jesus and he is saying this, "Is it that the Jews did not hear the Gospel? No." They hear it, they have heard it, it is readily available to them. That is not the reason why they will not believe. You see, we have already sort of established that earlier. In Romans 10:8, which is taken from Deuteronomy if you remember, Paul already says,

The word is nigh thee, it's near you, even in thy mouth you are talking about it, you know it, you are familiar with it, it means, you have heard it, it is in your mouth, and it is in your heart that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

Rom 10:8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

Time stamp in audio 0:11:06.5.

So, let me put it simply, alright, it can be very complicated, when I explained so much. The theme we are looking at, is unbelief, why is it that Israel do not believe? Question 1, is it, because they have not heard? No, they have heard. The Old Testament, in the book of Psalms, then we, already said they had heard and I applied it spiritually into special revelation. Now, they have heard, it's not a problem of the ear. The second hypothesis, the second possibility, why they will not believe in the Gospel, is that, maybe, it is a problem of the brain. The Gospel is too chim, it is too difficult, it's too complex. This morning, as I went to the first service, one of the first things, a lady spoke with me about, "Wah, primary school mathematics is very chim, and I think, I can agree to that. As I've said, we have tutored some kids in the BASC and we personally, firsthand, experienced the intense difficulty of primary school mathematics in Singapore. But, you know something, we can't say the same, for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not complicated, it is not beyond the ability of human understanding. But this is the question, the Jews or people may come up with. The reason why Israel will not believe, is because they cannot understand.

So, Paul says, in verse 19, "Did not Israel know?"

Is this what you are asking? Is this the reason why they will not believe ? Again, what you think is Paul's answer? Where, do you think, he would draw his answer from? From? Scriptures, it is as simple as that and this is what he says "First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you.

Deu 32:21

Time stamp in audio 0:13:07.6.

So, how does this answer the question? Is it because, Israel does not understand? The answer is no, they can understand. Why? Because, even the Gentiles can understand and believe. By the way, we are Gentiles, unless you are a Jew, but the rest of us are Gentiles and in the eyes of God, we are a foolish nation, in a sense, we are uninformed, we do not know the ways of God, we have not the word, that's why we are foolish.

But the reasoning, of apostle Paul is, the reason, why you do not believe is not because, you cannot understand, it is too chim, it is too difficult, it is too complex, because, even the Gentiles can understand. You have no excuse there. It is not a problem of the ear, neither is it a problem of the head. This is an interesting verse, Deuteronomy 32, I will provoke you to jealousy.

I have a son, who has an individualistic streak, I think, he is a guy who is quite Tau, in Hokkien, vernacular, Tau, you know, stuck up. He has a kind of play hard to get spirit. You want to play with him, he wants to act cool, he doesn't want to play with you. So, one of the things I realized, is to get his attention, I have to play with other kids. And when I stopped playing with other kids, his eyes turn. "I thought, you are supposed to chase me, daddy?" No, Shawn, you have got to come to me! And when he sees me playing with other kids, his eyes turned, and he starts to come in, and he muscles his way in and he looks at the other kids, "This is my daddy, don't touch him."

Time stamp in audio 0:15:00.3.

You know, in a sense, I used the kids to provoke him to jealousy. But, I love Shawn, I want him to be with me. At the same time, I also love the kids and there's nothing wrong, in a sense, for God to provoke Israel to jealousy, by turning His salvation to the nations of the Gentiles. That's what He is doing.

That's why, He says ", I will provoke you to jealousy, by them that are no people and by a foolish nation will I anger you."

In Deuteronomy, God in a sense, has prophesied, something really amazing. Israel, will reject their Messiah; by the way, this is the proof of a divine inspiration of the Bible. I mean, the Jewish people have always been longing for their Messiah, pining for the coming Savior and it is amazing, that the Bible will say, when the Messiah comes, the Savior who you pine for, you will reject Him. Thousands of years ago, God already did it. So, why did God do this, to provoke them to jealousy and why does Paul quote this, to show them, the problem is not in the intellect, the problem is not in the head, it's somewhere else.

Time stamp in audio 0:16:22.2.

And as if, this is not enough, not only does he quote the law, Paul also quotes, the prophets and in verse 20, it is said

20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.

Time stamp in audio 0:16:40.4.

Proving again, that God has saved the Gentiles and if the Gentiles can understand and be saved, so can you.

So, in summary, this is what happens. The Jews are in the state of reality, they have not all obeyed the Gospel. You say, why? Well, is it a problem of the ear? They have not heard? Paul says no, they have heard; Psalms 19:4. Now, is it a problem of the brain, they are not bright enough? Paul again says, no, it is not a problem of the intellect. The Gentiles, can be saved. So you say, where is the problem. It is not the problem of the ear, it is not problem of the head, it is a problem of the heart.

Time stamp in audio 0:17:34.4.

It is not that they cannot, but they will not and this is a picture of a stony heart. It is that problem and it is absolutely right for, all day long, I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people, the problem, is in the heart. Why is it that people today will not come to Jesus, is it that the Gospel is not declared? Most of the time, no. Is it because they cannot understand the Gospel? No. The problem is in our hearts. And the two problems mentioned here is that they are disobedient and they are gainsaying.

Time stamp in audio 0:18:17.0.

What is disobedient? The word means, not willing to be persuaded. That's what it is, not willing to be persuaded. They will not believe, because they're not willing to be persuaded, they are stubborn, they are obstinate. They are stiffnecked people who will not turn.

You have heard of Galileo Galilei, this man, who gave the hypothesis and proof that this is not that it, that it is revolving and it is not that the sun revolves around us, but that the world, or that the earth revolves around the sun. But during his time, he was branded a heretic, because, in the early church then, they believed that the earth is built on solid foundation and that they cannot be moved. So, Galileo Galilei was tried as a heretic and during the trial, Galileo Galilei said, "I have evidence, to prove to you that what you believe has been wrong, that we are rotating and that we are going around the sun and I can prove it to you, I have brought my telescope, just look through the telescope, see the moons of Jupiter and you will be convinced. But the judges said "We will not look." In the face of obvious evidence and reality, they will not be persuaded, that's the point.

Time stamp in audio 0:19:58.5.

Some weeks ago, I share with you about flat earth society; remember that. Right up till today, they are people who strongly refuse to believe that the world is round. They believe, the world is flat and if you sail far enough, you will drop off. Flat earth society members, well, they will not be persuaded, you see. And that is the problem of Israel. In the face of obvious Gospel realities, they will not believe because they are disobedient in their hearts, will not be persuaded.

Time stamp in audio 0:20:29.9.

The next what you see here, is the word gainsaying, it is the Greek word, antilego, anti-, means will not, lego means, "To say", Or go against what is said.

Time stamp in audio 0:20:39.8.

So, they are a contrary, contradictory people. What ever you say God, we will contradict you. So, you see, the reason they have not believed is because they are disobedient and contradictory in their hearts.

God, throughout the Scriptures, has been calling Israel to salvation, throughout. He says, in Isaiah, come, come and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as crimson, they shall be as white as snow, but you know what Israel said? We will not.

When Jesus, was on earth, He says, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have gathered you, but will not.

Charles Stephen, one of the early deacons, one of the seven, you, stiffnecked and uncircumcised in hearts, you do, always resist the Holy Ghost. You see, they will not. It is not that they cannot, but they will not. It is not because they have not heard, they could not understand but it is because they will not be persuaded. You have loved darkness, and have rejected light and that is the reason why they will not.

That ends the message as far as explanation goes. I know, some of you are already cheering, is it over? It's not. Because, I am going to share with you some pastoral lessons learned. And I want to apply, something quite straightforward in these verses. After you have realized, what it means, it is actually a very simple message. But they are applications, there are thoughts that I think we need to chew on this morning.

Time stamp in audio 0:22:45.6.

Now, first of all, what I've learned is that again, Romans 10:17 Faith, comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

For any man to be saved today, they need to hear, they need to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You see, that's what Romans 10:14-15 says.

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If God doesn't send, then there will be no preacher and if they are no preachers, then there will be no preaching and if people are not preached to, they would not hear and if they do not hear, then they would not believe, and if they do not believe, they would not call, and if they do not call, they would not be saved.

People need to hear, in order to believe because, faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. Without the hearing of the Gospel, you will not be saved because, you cannot believe, you do not know what to believe. That's why, the Gospel needs to be preached throughout the world. One of the FAQs of Christianity, one of the frequently asked questions of Christianity is this. Our unbelieving friends would say, how can Christians say, that God can only save, when they hear and believe the Gospel, that would be so unfair, what about those people out there in the world, who have never heard the Gospel, what about those innocent people in Africa, in the deep dark dungeons, forests and jungles of Africa, they had never heard the Gospel, how can they be damned?

Time stamp in audio 0:24:25.7.

Let me ask you, what happens to those innocent people in the deep dark jungles of Africa, what happens to them? Let me tell you what happens to them, if you hear me correctly, listen to this, they all go to heaven, they all go to heaven, they all will be saved, they all will have a relationship with God, they all are righteous, why? Because, I said, "All innocent people, in Africa." The problem is, there is no innocent person in this world. For all have sinned and and come short of the glory of God, we are sinners in Adam and we are also sinners by choice and therefore, there is no innocent man, anywhere. If there is, yes, he would not be damned, but the problem is, Scriptures tells us, we are all sinners.

Time stamp in audio 0:25:30.1.

You see, that is where people go wrong, they think that God is so unfair, God is so cruel to them, or in a sense, not to save those and let them go to heaven, because they all feel that man is innocent, is not a sinner. You see, that is where it is so difficult for them to understand. My friends, the default position of man is that we are sinners and without the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we will suffer for our sins. Men need to believe in order to be saved and in order to believe, they need to hear. It is the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus that saves.

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Paul tells us in Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.

Man without the Gospel cannot be saved. Peter again tells us, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God.

Oh, I think that is the message we need to tell to the nations, because, it we don't tell the message to the nations, the nations are sitting under the wrath of God, because they are already sinners. We have a message to tell, we have a message to declare. There are some Christians today who believe that all I need to do as a Christian, is to live a very godly life. I think that is absolutely vital and important, but my friends, living a godly life without preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is wrong. Look at the book of Acts, Jesus said, you will be my witnesses, how, sure, they have great lives, they worship from house to house in gladness and singleness of heart, those are godly things, beautiful things, but one thing in the book of Acts is that people went everywhere, preaching the Gospel.

Time stamp in audio 0:27:48.1.

You don't just give the Gospel with your life, you also give with your lips. And there are some of us who say, as long as I am a godly Christian in my office, in my home, that's good enough. Friends, you have got to open your mouth and preach, because, this is what Jesus said Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world and preach.

And the word preach is not to sermonize but to declare, kerusso, proclaim, tell people that God is holy, man is sinful, but Jesus paid it all. Declare, isn't this what Paul himself said, Christ, sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel. In fact, he says, this is such a debt upon me, this is such a compulsion within me, in chapter 9, verse 16, though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of, for necessity is laid upon me, yea, woe is me or unto me, if I preach not the Gospel!

1 Corinthians 9:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 For though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the Gospel!

Time stamp in audio 0:28:57.4.

Last week, the message was on beautiful feet and I believe, I shared with you some of the wonderful opportunities, God is opening up to the church here, whether to the foreign workers or to our own children, God is opening the doors and the beautiful feet need to go there and carry and proclaim the message of the Gospel.

The Lord is also opening to us, wonderful preaching opportunities in the regions beyond the shores of Singapore and the people need to go and preach and you can be missional know in your life, in your office as you declare and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

My friends, faith comes by hearing, they have got to hear the Gospel.

I'm really thankful for the way God is working, nothing orchestrated by us, but thankful for the way, the Lord is stirring within the church, a desire to evangelize. I see that in the platform He has given, I see that also in the desire to be trained, to be somewhat equipped to share the Gospel. The Chinese ministry is doing it, the teens are doing it, I am told the young adults might be doing it and there are different groups and the 2:7 groups, we're going to study and learn of it, I think that is so vital, so precious, because people need to hear the Gospel and who are the preachers? Each and every one of us.

Time stamp in audio 0:30:37.5.

If statistics are right, as I have shared with you, 7% of people come to know Jesus Christ from the pastor or from the preacher, 93%, you, us, together. Faith comes by hearing; are we going and are we preaching.

A second pastoral application I am going to share with you this morning, is depicted here in this diagram. This is a picture on hearing. The Jews have heard the Gospel, but they have not all obeyed the Gospel. Not all hearing result in salvation. In other words, the scriptural commanded is this, you have got to be careful how you listen. This morning, you may be here, looking at me, but you may not be listening and you laugh, because you know it is so true. (Laughter in the congregation) don't care what your talking about, I just pretend to nod my head. You know, that's what happened sometimes in meetings, I realize, when we sit in a circle, you sit together in a meeting and people start to be very furious, as if you're typing notes. But when you say, Jason is an idiot, Jason still nods his head. Why, because he is not listening.

Time stamp in audio 0:32:06.1.

This is what Jesus said in Luke 8:18, he says, take heed therefore how you hear.

It is important, not only to know what you hear, but how you hear, because, there is a kind of hearing that leads to salvation and then, there is another kind of hearing that leads you nowhere. Take heed how you hear.

Oh, my brothers and sisters in Christ, it is so important for you, to have the right heart as you come to worship God on Sundays as you hear the preaching of the Word, how do hear God's Word in your life? Whosoever have, to him it shall be given, and whosoever have not, from him it shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
Luke 8:18

Time stamp in audio 0:32:59.7.

It is something scary, that you can come to church, year after year and you will go away with less and less, because, it is not what you hear, only, but how you hear that is important. There is a great story given in the Bible by the Lord Jesus and it is again pictured here in this diagram, it is the parable of the sower. I like this picture, because it describes the nails pierced hands and how the Lord today is scattering the seeds of the Gospel, unto the ground. There are four kinds of grounds, described in Matthew 13 and all these grounds receive the seed of the Gospel.

But you know what happened, out of the four grounds, which all have received seeds, only one out of the four, became truly fruitful. Let me say this, while all of us this morning may hear the Word of God, only those whose hearts are like that of good soil, that the Word of God today will lock in, find good ground in and eventually, blossom with fruits. Take heed how you hear.

I was just talking with my wife last night and we were talking about our son's salvation. One of the greatest concerns, as a parent, I think, naturally is will my son come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and I thought about this passage and I said, it is important not only to ensure Shawn hears the right things, but also to pray, that Shawn would have the right heart to hear the right things, because it is not just what you hear, but how you hear and we pray to the Lord, Lord, let our hearts be good soil, you see.

Time stamp in audio 0:35:10.9.

The Bible tells us of a lady who came to know the Lord Jesus, her name is Lydia. In Acts 16 the Bible says

And a certain woman named Lydia, and look at how Scriptures unfolds it for us, ... whose heart the Lord opened, wow,, the Lord opens her heart, the Spirit obviously is working , giving her conviction, convincement, glorifying Jesus, and the Bible tells us, as the Lord opens her heart, Lydia, listened in a different way, she attended unto the things that were spoken, the word attended, means to pay attention, is the word that implies, effort in hearing, she devoted herself to hearing what Paul had to say, she was gripped by the truth that comes forth from the mouth of the preacher. She saw herself, she saw her sins, she saw Jesus who died and rose again for sin. She attended unto the things that were spoken unto her.

Time stamp in audio 0:36:20.9.

This morning, will you attend unto the things, hearing not just with your ears but hearing also with your heart, because, Jesus said, take heed therefore, how you hear.

A third application, I want to share with you, it's from this verse in, verse 16, but they have not all obeyed the Gospel. Fascinating word, because, in our churches today, we tend to think of the Gospel as an indication, as a promise, and I think that is true. He that thirst, let him come, it's an invitation and drink, freely, it's a promise. But at the very same time, let us not lose the force of the command of the Gospel. The Gospel is to be obeyed. Believe in Jesus, repent of your sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, this is God's edict, this is God's order, this is God's command.

Time stamp in audio 0:37:24.0.

Now, it is not that when you do so, you are saved by your works, no. This is responding to the order, the command that is given by our King of Kings. You see, in Acts 17, it is likewise said

And the times of this ignorance God winked at. Now, the Gentiles, who did not know God, sort of, winked at it, but now, commandeth all men every where to repent.

Acts 17:30

And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

It is a command, the Gospel is to be obeyed.

Again, in 2The 1:7,8 the Bible says, the Lord Jesus, one day will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire, doing what? Taking vengeance.

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

That is not assume that Jesus is the sugary, sweet, indulgent, old grandpa who will forgive every one of their sins, regardless whether they believe or not.

Our God, is a God of immense love, dying for us on the cross, but for those who will not believe and obey the Gospel, He will come one day in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not, and why is it that they do not obey, because they have a disobedient and gainsaying attitude.

2The 1:7,8
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

And they need to understand, all we need to understand, we need to obey the Gospel. I can't explain this well, Spurgeon can and I will let the good old preacher, preach to you, he said this:


"It strikes me that the Gospel is put in the form of a command, first of all, to encourage poor seekers when they are coming to Christ.”

You see, sinners come and say, is it really that I can come to Jesus, do I have the right to do so and Spurgeon says yes, because this is spoken of as a command, not merely as an invitation. If I, as a sinner am commanded to put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, need not stay to look at who I am, or what I am, but I may be assured that I may believe in Jesus because I am commanded to do so.

My friends, you don't have to wonder, am I worthy to come, we are commanded to come, you are commanded to come, you must come, because, if you don't come to Jesus, according to the Gospel, Jesus will come with flaming fire, one day. You must come.

“The Gospel is not an offer from an equal to an equal…… It is not the voice of a man speaking to another man. I charge every sinner, who is trifling with the Gospel, to beware what he is doing, …... If you refuse them, you are not refusing the invitations of a man, but the invitations of God, your Creator, and your Judge.”

Finally, this observation:

“To disobey the Gospel is far worse than to break the law. For disobedience to the law, there is a remedy in the Gospel, but for disobedience to the Gospel there is no remedy.”

Obey the Gospel, it is such a reasonable Gospel, come just as you are, turn from your sins, believe in Jesus, the Son of God, who came to die and rise for your sins. It is such a living Gospel, it is a command yes, it is a command to receive, His love.

Time stamp in audio 0:41:19.6.

Why would you not?

If you are here today, this morning, God says to you, He commands you to repent and believe in His Son. Believe Him and all will be well, reject Him, and you will face the fierce wrath of God upon sins that we deserve. Obey, the Gospel.

The next application, I am going to share, is going to swerve, or swing by some of you and if you are confused, just sleep, I give you permission to hear and not hear. But for those who would like to know the balance of sovereignty and the responsibility of man, the divine sovereignty and the human responsibility, for those who have been thinking through this, this might help you, in verse 20.

20 But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me.

You know what this verse tells me, it tells me about grace. It tells me about God's sovereignty. God chose, to show mercy on the Gentiles, even though they don't deserve it, even though they never sought God for it. This clearly is sovereign grace. Do you see that? They did not seek me, they were not looking for me, but I chose them, and I saved them to provoke Israel to jealousy. Sovereign grace. And look at verse 21, verse 21, tells me

21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

Verse 21, tells me about the responsibility of men, they refused to believe. Putting these two verses side-by-side, really, it's amazing. Because, here we learn, for any man to be saved, he is saved by the pure grace of God, he didn't look for it, he didn't deserve it and for any man to be lost, it's because they will not believe.

Time stamp in audio 0:43:52.2.

How do you reconcile that Pastor? I don't know, I can't. The Scripture, nowhere reconciles this, nowhere. If any man is saved, he saved by the grace of God. If any man is lost, it's because, he has not believed. Truth, side-by-side.

Let me, go a little bit more. In verse 21, we are given a portrait of God, what is the picture of God here? He's pictured as a loving Father, a gentle, loving Father, who stretches forth His hands, to His children, and He says, come. He is pictured as beckoning them, as calling them, inviting them to come. But, just turn your memory back to Romans 9 and you will see an all sovereign God, who has absolute sovereignty over man's will and salvation. You say, how does this balance? Romans 9, is about a sovereign God, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. Whom I will, I hardened. He is sovereign, and here in Romans 10, a chapter later, He is seen as beckoning, calling, inviting sinners to believe.

Again, I say to you, I do not know how to reconcile, but they are both truth, clearly, declared in Scriptures. Nowhere, again, in the Bible is this reconciled.

Time stamp in audio 0:45:39.3.

I think, it's because, our minds cannot handle it, you see. It's this two parallel lines that seems unmixed for us, cannot merge, but somewhere near a the throne of God, it does. And just because we cannot figure it out, it doesn't mean it is not true. Just because, we cannot figure out how Jesus is 100% God, and 100% man, doesn't mean he is not hundred percent God and man. Just because, we cannot understand how three is one, one is three, it doesn't mean that we deny the Trinity. God is sovereign, 100% true, sinners, are accountable and responsible for the unbelief, 100% true.

You see, there are some today, who have, just denied Romans 9 or Romans 10. They say, God cannot be absolutely sovereign, because, there is this pleading aspect of God, in Romans 10. So, it means that God has to wait for man to decide and the fate of salvation of mankind, rests ultimately on mankind. And they sort of blank out Romans chapter 9. My friends, you're doing injustice to Scriptures, and you're doing injustice, to your own soul. Romans 9, is so foundational to understanding the sovereignty of God and the sovereignty of God is so foundational to each one of us as we go through the storms of life. If God is not sovereign, I am scared and terrified in life. But, if He is sovereign, Romans 8:28, absolutely holds true at all times. And because He is sovereign, I know I am loved with an everlasting love and so, if we deny Romans 9, we do injustice to Scripture, and we ruin our souls.

Time stamp in audio 0:47:41.6.

On the other hand, if you say God is absolutely sovereign, and you deny the portrait of God here when He stretches forth His hands, to invite those to believe in Him, you cannot plead, with the compassion that God desires to have, you cannot genuinely say, come, because, God bids you come, you can't. Ah, my friends, this is the paradox and I think, probably the greatest paradox that has befuddled Christians for a long time and I am no genius, no one here is a real genius and it is throughout the centuries and actually, in the Scriptures, this is what is declared.

Time stamp in audio 0:48:29.4.

God is absolutely hundred percent sovereign, and man is absolutely accountable for his sins; we embrace it, we must not erase it. The problem with us, is that we tend to erase one aspect of it. No, it is to be embraced, because, it is Romans 9, it is Romans 10, it is the declaration of Scriptures.

John 3, tells us, for any man to be born again, he is born by the Holy Spirit and the wind bloweth where it wishes, where it wills. It is the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, skip 10 versus down, whosoever believes, side-by-side. If I have lost you, it is okay, I have already warned you. (Laughter in the congregation)

In Romans 9, it says, this is the sovereignty of God that the purpose of God, according to election might stand. He is working things, irresistibly. No man, can resist His will, by the way. I have news for you, God always succeeds. His will is always done, He is absolutely sovereign, not held ransom by men, He is sovereign, that what makes God, God. I will have mercy, on whom I will have mercy. At the same time, Romans 10, all day long, I have stretched forth My hands. You are chosen, before the foundation of the world, absolutely true, God is not willing that any should perish, absolutely true. It's a paradox of divine sovereignty and human responsibility.

Time stamp in audio 0:50:17.0.

But my friends, your concern today, is not whether I am chosen, but whether I believe.

And I and, with the last statement here in verse 21,

21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.

You know something about Scriptures? God has done it all already, you know that? Do you know that, are you still waiting for something to happen before you want to be saved? Let me tell you, Jesus has already been sent to die on the cross for your sins, He already said, it is finished. He arose, He is now at the right hand of God, it is done. And not only, is the price paid, He has sent His message do you.

This morning, if you are here, you have heard the Gospel and the Gospel is this, God is holy, man is sinful, but Jesus paid it all and whosoever believes in His son, will not perish, but have everlasting life, that's the Gospel and God has done it all. And today, He is calling out to you, He is beckoning you, He is inviting you, come and believe in My Son. That's it.

The portrait here, is of a Father, a gentle, brokenhearted, grieving Father of His heart, there is weeping for His wayward children, it's a picture of a God, stretching forth His hands, looking out of the window, when will My son turn. You could see the tears, rolling down His cheeks, pleading, beckoning, why will you not come.

Time stamp in audio 0:52:17.6.

Friends, this is amazing patience and pity of God, all day long. Maybe you were a young child, and someone brought you to church, to Sunday school and for the very first time, in your life, you heard about Jesus, you heard about this man who went to the cross, about this man who was mocked, and abused and as a child, you heard the Gospel, but you say, I will not believe. Maybe, your parents, are Christians and they have been praying for your soul, but you say, I will not believe. Maybe your friends have brought you to church, maybe your friends have been sharing with you but even as a teenager, I will not believe. Maybe, you have met with a life-threatening incident in your life, and God has preserved you right till today, but you still say, I will not believe. And you have been coming to church, you have heard this preacher preach so many times, you can even memorize the message, you can even recite after me, but you will still not believe.

Time stamp in audio 0:53:31.3.

My friends, don't wait and spurn the loving approach of the Heavenly Father, don't. The fact that you're sitting here, listening to the preaching of God's Word, is that God is stretching forth His hands to you, today. It is not your ear, it is not your head, it's your heart. Come, you who are thirsty, and I will give you drink. Come now, and let us reason together, though your sins be as crimson, I shall wash them white as snow. I sent My Son, He has died for all your sins. You, who are in sin, will be made righteousness because of Him, come. Obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let's pray.

Time stamp in audio 0:54:42.4.

The amazing love, patience and compassion of God. Our God, is incomparably holy, He is perfectly righteous, His eyes are purer than to behold iniquity and we are hopelessly lost in our sins. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, there is no salvation in any other, but in His Son. And God in His infinite mercy, sent, His Son, to die on the cross, and God in His infinite mercy, has sent preachers and messengers into your life and He beckons to you today to come, My son, come My child, believe in Me and you will be saved. I will wash your sins, I will give you joy and peace, I will give you Myself, if you will only come. Would you hear the words of Jesus today, calling out to you, sinners come, softly and tenderly, Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me. Look at My hands, look at My side, for you, I have died.

Softly and tenderly, God is speaking to your hearts this morning, don't spurn the loving invitation of your Father which is in heaven. His heart weeps for you, would you come. In your heart today, right here, right now, it's a choice you can make, my dear brothers, this is my friend, it's a choice you can make, it's a choice for you today to recognize, and to submit to Jesus as Lord, who came to die for your sins.

There is no magical words; but it's a decision of your heart. God, I see that You are absolutely holy and I am absolutely sinful, I thank You that Your Son, has paid it all. I am willing to believe, to submit, to obey the Gospel to repent and believe in Your Son. Would you do that in your heart this morning, as your pastor, I dread the day, that we all appear before the presence of God and many may say, Lord, Lord and Jesus says, I never knew you.

You may have the form of coming to church, but the issue is, have you believed in your heart, Jesus is the Gospel, believe in Him. Father, I plead with you this morning, for the soul of people, of friends, of loved ones, gathered in this room, each one, is so precious in Your sight. When You stretch forth Your hands today, and I pray, You will continue to stretch it out, and to lure, and to call, and to bring them to Yourself. Oh, God, as You have done in the days of Acts, open our hearts, cause us to attend unto the Word, and cause us to yield and to believe.

Lord I know, heaven rejoices over every sinner that repents, so, would You do that this morning, save us all for Your glory, thank You, for Your Son, Jesus paid it all, all to Him, I owe, love, Your people here, I ask this, in Jesus name, amen.