
A Newcomer’s Event

Are you new to Gospel Light? Did you discover us online, through a friend, or on social media? We'd love for you to get to know us better! Chit Chat is an informal social session where you get to mingle with our Pastors, members, and leaders. Save the date and we look forward to meeting you!

Is it possible to remain in the Christian faith isolated from spiritual community? Perhaps past hurts and disappointments have made you disillusioned about lasting church bonds? Or maybe you’re still seeking the perfect community of believers somewhere out there? Watch how two friends negotiate these challenges in this short video.


Topic: Chit Chat!
Date: 20 Apr 2025
Venue: Gospel Auditorium (L2)
Time: 11.45 am to 12.15 pm (Welcome and intro leaders)
Lunch: 12.15pm to 1.15 pm (Lunch fellowship)
Register here.
*Registration closes on Sun, 13 Apr 2025

If you want to find out more, please write to [email protected].