At the time I had taken up a part-time job in a bakery while waiting for university to begin. The boss (Uncle Shawn) was a Christian and helpfully answered my questions about Christianity. I actually looked forward to each workday as I was filled with questions about Christianity. Then I received an invitation to go to an Easter service from my boss. I was terrified but also wanted to go. My mother had always threatened that if I ever stepped into a church, she would ‘break my legs!” But curiosity got the better of me and I went.
The night before the Sunday service, Uncle Shawn told me to seek God in prayer. I prayed a prayer that seems ridiculous to me now: “God if you are truly real, show yourself. The timeline I give You will be from the moment I step into church till the moment I leave. Show me through your people and my family members. Then I will believe in you.”
I went to Church the next day anticipating that God would reveal Himself. The service ended and nothing eventful took place. Just then my phone rang and my cousin whom I only see once a year screamed excitedly into the phone, “Xiaoqing are you in church?” My aunt who has been a long-time Christian worshipped in the exact same church. Amongst all the churches in Singapore, why was it the very one I attended that day? I believe it was God’s answered prayer and He revealed Himself through this encounter. But that event didn’t lead me to a transformed life. I claimed to want to believe in Him, but I did not pray, read the bible or even attend church. I continued in a life of sin and worldliness. I was not born again.
Some years later my sister who was attending Gospel Light invited me to join her for services. She was attending the New Believer’s class conducted by the church and I had witnessed how much her life had changed. I made a decision to sign up also.
One night while at a friend’s wedding I hit a really low point. I had picked up the habit of drinking when I was sad, and that night I was drinking away my sorrows in tears. Just then, a text message arrived from a classmate from the New Believer’s class. He asked if he could pray for me. I replied by asking for a word of encouragement and the next message was the verse, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise.” Psalm 51:17.
I burst into tears, as this verse came at the perfect timing in my lowest of lows. I was ashamed of my sins and thought God would never accept or love me anymore. Especially after all I’ve done in my life and all I’ve sinned against Him. The verse showed me that when I felt like there was nowhere to go, the very place I should run to is God.
God blessed me abundantly from that point. My alcoholic habit dropped instantly. I grew in my faith. And He sent a mentor to root me in the word. My knowledge and love for Him blossomed and my desire to go for Him surged. This is my story of knowing Jesus Christ my Savior. The very love story I will cherish for a lifetime and for eternity.