sonshine CLUB

sonshine CLUB

sonshine CLUB aims to lead children into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. As a ministry, we have four guiding principles. Firstly, it is to share the gospel with children. Secondly, we must build relationship with children. Thirdly, this is a ministry is all about children. Last but not least, is discipleship which is the spiritual formation of our children towards Christ-likeness in partnership with the parents.

Ministry Leader:  Simon Lim ([email protected])
Co-Leaders: Ong Ken Lip, Mei Wee, Angeline Chow

Volunteer Roles: 
sonshine PLAYGROUP (1-2 years old)
- Play Supervisors
sonshine TOTS (3-4 years old)
- Activity/Craft Coordinators
- Bible Story Tellers
- Worship Leaders
sonshine KINDERS (5-6 years old)
- Activity/Craft Coordinators
- Bible Story Tellers
- Children Shepherds
- Memory Verse Teachers
- Worship Leaders
sonshine JUNIORS (7-9 years old)
- Bible Teachers
- Games Coordinators
- Small Group Discussion Facilitators
- Worship Instrumentalists
- Worship Leaders
sonshine KIDS (10-12 years old)
- Bible Teachers
- Games Coordinators
- Small Group Discussion Facilitators
- Worship Instrumentalists
- Worship Leaders
- AV Support
- Front Desk

No. of Volunteers Required: 50

Time Required of Volunteer: Depending on their role but at least once a month

Experience / Skills Preferred:
- Good communication with children
- Can play at one musical instrument
- Creative with games
- Worship leading

Type of Training to be provided:
- Lectures
- Workshops
- On-the-job training with mentor


club tots kinders