
Letter to My Prodigal


Letter to My Prodigal

My Dear Son, 

I recall the day you came into this world, screaming and crying. Your eyes shut tightly, your skin wrinkled and red, after months of floating in mummy’s womb. I remember your protesting stopped only when you were swaddled in a blanket and placed in your exhausted mother’s arms. That day seems like a lifetime ago. We’ve watched, with gratitude to God, for the young man of stature you’ve become. It has been our privilege to honor God by being your parents and mentors. 

We cannot help but wonder how much we must be blamed, for your change of heart away from God. Your memories of us may range from joy to frustration. Did we always show you the love and grace of Jesus? Were we more concerned with external behaviour? Were we hypocrites in your eyes? Whatever memories are etched in your mind, I hope you’ll understand we are just two sinners in need of a Savior as much as you.

We never took your salvation for granted. We never assumed raising you in our ‘Christian home’ meant Christ was resident in your heart. Yet it still fills us with heartache to see your current life course. We know you’re searching and shaping your identity in everything other than God’s way. We know the fear of missing out on what your peers are experiencing has drowned the fear of God in your heart. We know you have burning questions inside you, but you’re not seeking God to find those answers. 

With this letter, we hope not to impress you with new insight, but to revisit again the old precious story we have repeated countless times. That a good and gracious God spared not His Son, so sinners like us could be reconciled to Him. By paying an unpayable debt of sin and pardoning us from judgement. For all the stories we’ve told you at your bedside, car rides and meal times, we hope you will cherish this the most.

Though it may sound harsh and not what you expect us to pray. We ask with all our hearts that God would use whatever He must to draw you back. We pray He will graciously walk you into despair so that with brokenness you will see your need for Jesus. Even if the path ahead is painful, it will never compare to the pain of an eternity apart from Him. 

We await your return to Jesus. That day cannot come soon enough. 

Your Loving Dad & Mum