
Run to Refuge


Run to Refuge

No natural disaster is as common as the flood. In the wake of climate change and rising sea levels, this danger has only increased. Flood threats globally have sent experts planning flood defenses and shortlisting safe havens. The common consensus is run for refuge. 

When faced with the threat of sexual immorality, Apostle Paul commands flee! (1 Cor. 6:18) When hunted by adulterous love from his master’s wife, Joseph fled. In his sorrow, David’s song was to “Flee like a bird…”. (Psalm 11) In the pages of holiness, fleeing is not always compelled by weakness, but by a seeking for God’s provision. 

Martin Luther’s hymn, “A Mighty Fortress” has often been called the “Battle Hymn of the Reformation”. Isn’t it ironic that a song calling for militant advance against false doctrine, should have at its core a message about finding refuge? But it is exactly to this intention that, Luther calls Christians to find their right way forward. Advance by fleeing for refuge and resources in God. 

Fleeing is not weakness but the flight of the righteous. God allows enemies and experiences to undo us. But only so we admit we are powerless and empty, and flee to Him who is powerful and Almighty. When drawn to face the lure of lust on our own, we need to admit we cannot win the battle against the flesh in our strength. Instead, flee to the ready grace and superior joy of God’s good pleasures. When threatened to be consumed by unforgiving pride with a spouse or colleague- we can choose to humbly flee to the foot of the cross and be overwhelmed by what our forgiveness cost God. 

Run to refuge in your desire for holiness. Fleeing from the will of God is not the same as fleeing to refuge in God. God’s refuge is not an escape from biblical responsibility, but rather from the consequences of our own sin. Flee to Him who is Almighty and eternally able to keep us from falling.