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  • Effective In Soul-Winning [Acts 1:1-8]

    Effective In Soul-Winning [Acts 1:1-8]

    February 09, 2020

  • Jesus Is Our Hope [Matthew 17:1-13]

    Jesus Is Our Hope [Matthew 17:1-13]

    July 07, 2019

  • This Is Discipleship [Matthew 16:24-28]

    This Is Discipleship [Matthew 16:24-28]

    June 30, 2019

  • The Parable Of the Net [Matthew 13:47-52]

    The Parable Of the Net [Matthew 13:47-52]

    April 28, 2019

  • I Will Build My Church

    I Will Build My Church

    November 18, 2018

  • The 5L2F Lesson In Ministry

    The 5L2F Lesson In Ministry

    November 04, 2018

  • Ordinary Men For Extraordinary Things

    Ordinary Men For Extraordinary Things

    July 15, 2018

  • Not A Fan Of Jesus

    Not A Fan Of Jesus

    April 29, 2018

  • Revelation Of The King – Appointment

    Revelation Of The King – Appointment

    April 30, 2017