
04 May 2014

Beast Nations


Sermon Transcript

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So we have been going through the Bible and we are right now going through a Old Testament book called the book of Daniel. Daniel is one of the books that maybe some are not very familiar with, uh, but we find it so helpful for us. In the past few weeks have been going through Daniel chapters 1 to 6 and today we are going to Daniel chapter 7. If you have your Bibles, please turn with me to the book of Daniel and chapter 7, I think its helpful, because I'm not going to read the chapter today, I trust you have read it or you will read it. I'm just going to share with you what this chapter is all about. And I pray that as you have your Bibles before you, you can cross reference much more easily.

Sometime ago I was at Bugis and in Bugis, it's very interesting, you have various stations, and places where people set up stalls to tell the fortune of the customers. So, I see that this is a very popular thing, fortune-telling; crowds of people gather around stations, and there'll be that man who would attempt to predict the future for the customer. I think there is great interest in knowing the future, that's why you've horoscopes and fortunetellers and so on and so forth. Now, I certainly can't vouch for the accuracy of such fortune tellers or horoscopes, but I want to say, I absolutely believe in the accuracy of the Bible, the Word of God. I would even dare say I vouch my life on the accuracy of prophecy in Scripture.

In Daniel chapter 7, we embark into a whole new series on prophecy and this is about Daniel looking into the future as he's enabled by God and to tell what is going to happen from his time to our time, and even beyond. So we are going to come into something that our church as a whole is not very familiar with. This is the 1st thing I want to recognize. GLCC, as far as I know, I've been in this church for 19 years, I don't think we embark into a whole series on prophecy, on our Sunday preaching ministry. So I know this will be rather strange. This will be rather difficult and unfamiliar for most of you and if you're here today for the 1st time, now please don't imagine church is always talking about these theme(not clear pronounciation: timestamp 0:02:16.4)  or difficult or profound or even seemingly bizarre thing. But, this is the Word of God and we want our people to know the Scripture.

I think when we come to prophecy, you can have two extreme views. One is that we are obsessed over it, so everything you study, everything you enquire is prophecy; 'What is going to happen next? What is going to happen next?', and you are indulgent in it, you're obsessed over it. But the other extreme is to be opposed to prophecy, saying that oh, prophecy is for the future, maybe we don't have to study it, it's irrelevant, it's academic, it stirs controversies. So maybe as a church avoid it altogether. So you have one extreme view of obsession, the other extreme view of opposition. I suggest to you, the balanced view is to be open to the teaching of Scriptures.

So let us with open hearts and open minds embark on Daniel chapter 7. It's a fascinating chapter on prophecy, one of the well-known authors or expositors of these prophetic Scriptures, John Walvoord, he says; "Daniel 7 provides the most comprehensive and detailed prophecy of future events to be found anywhere in the Old Testament." The Old Testament is a big part of the Bible, when you think of all the Old Testament, this chapter, we are studying today contains the most comprehensive and detailed prophetic revelation of future events. That's quite a statement. So are you ready for it? You're not very ready. Are you ready for it? Okay, I think you really need to be, maybe half way, I'll let you massage each other to keep you awake, to keep you on track, because this is going to be rather unusual for our church, but let's get right into Daniel chapter 7.

Time stamp in audio 0:04:17.7.

The chapter begins with a scene of a storm, begins with raging waves because it says here, "I saw in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great Sea", so there's a great stirring, there's a great storm. The winds are beating upon the waves of the Great Sea. Now, which sea is this? Is this East Coast Park, or causeway, what sea is this? Well in the Bible, four  seas are mentioned; there is the Dead Sea, there is the Galilean Sea, there is the Red Sea, which many of you are familiar with, and then there is the Great Sea. And this Great Sea is mentioned also in Numbers 34, where it says for the Western border you shall have a Great Sea and its coast.

God is saying to Israel, in the promised land, on your westside will be the Great Sea. So I'm sure most of us are not very well versed in Geography. Me neither, that's why I had to go to Google and find a map for you, and this is a picture of the Great Sea. What is the Great Sea? Well, the Great Sea is really the Mediterranean Sea. You know for men, when you get older, something happens to you, for a lot of men; What happens? Your hair starts to drop and this, there is this male pattern of baldness that the hair, strangely, everywhere don't drop, just the top, we call this (mentions Chinese phrase meaning) the ocean in the midst of a land.

So the Mediterranean Sea is (mentions Chinese phrase meaning) It's a Sea in the midst, by the way for those who are not Chinese (repeats Chinese phrase) is the sea within the land and that's describing the male pattern baldness, alright? but here we have the (repeats Chinese phrase); where the sea, the Mediterranean Sea is in the middle of a huge continent, Europe; and therefore you see Israel. This is the promised land, right and to the west is the Mediterranean Sea. You will realize this is the heart of human civilization. I'm sorry, but the heart of human civilization is not Singapore and Malaysia or Thailand or southeast Asia in the perspective of the Bible from God's point of view, this is where the action is all about. This is where the stage is set for the prophecy and the nations and empires and the events that will unfold in Daniel 7 would revolve really around this Sea.


And so Daniel says, "I saw four winds of heaven stirring up the Great Sea", probably deriving the vision from the Mediterranean Sea, he is familiar with. But there's something more. This is not just about the Mediterranean. There's something more to it, because when the Bible talks about the sea, it usually represents something. You say, what is it? Well, it really represents humanity. It represents the world we live in. In Revelation 17 , now all these verses, you probably take down- no time to really prove to you here, but Revelation 17 tells us the waters that you saw where the prostitute is seated are peoples and multitudes, and nations, and languages. So this Sea that Daniel saw probably was derived or related to the Mediterranean Sea, but it's a picture of something it's a picture of humanity. In Isaiah 57, the wicked are like the tossing sea for it cannot be quiet. So Daniel sees a storm in the Mediterranean. But, he is saying, in this storm, I recognize is not just about sea as in H2O and salt, but I'm seeing a chaotic humanity.
Time stamp in audio 0:08:15.6.

The vision begins with a scene of chaotic tumultous, tempestuous humanity. Humankind is in trouble and in the midst of this tempest there arises four great beasts out of the sea different from one another. Now, this is where it gets really bizarre. This is where, you say, wah, is this, is this for real? Yes, it is; go back check your Bible. It's four great beasts coming out of the sea; This is even better than CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings all right? This is really interesting, four beasts. You say, what do they look like? The reality is, nobody knows how they look like exactly but the Bible does give us descriptions and people looking, studying, the descriptions come up with drawings, let me say on start, the drawings are not inspired. They're just what people think that they will look like. I'll show you just to give you some handle on these creatures. The four beasts might look like this. I qualify it, might look like this; very interesting. What is this all about? Well the Bible does tell us great beasts come out of the sea, but what do they represent? What are they a symbol of? In Daniel 7, verse 17, God tells us these four great beasts are four kings, who shall arise out of the earth. So these are earthly human kingdoms that arise out of the chaotic world. So, this refers to nations, empires and kingdoms from the time of Daniel to the end of times.


So let's look at these beasts one by one. The 1st beast is an interesting one; looks like a lion with eagle's wings, and which nation does this depict? I'll tell you straight off so that you are on track with me. The first nation is that of Babylon. You see, the Bible says, the first was like a lion and it had eagle's wings. The picture of a lion and an eagle is often applied to the nation of Babylon. For example, in Jeremiah 4:7, you can again go back and qualify this or check this, Babylon is pictured as a lion that has gone out from his thicket and is a destroyer of nations set out. So Babylon is described as a conquering nation like a lion and in Ezekiel, Ezekiel and Jeremiah lived about the time with Daniel. Pretty much contemporaries. Ezekiel also describes Babylon as a great eagle with great wings. So this picture of Babylon as a light is not necessarily definitely a lion because the Bible says "like a lion with great eagles wings", but this might be what it looks like. Now in Singapore, we have a emblem for our Nation right? Singapore's emblem for- our emblem for Singapore is a? Is a what? A merlion! So we have a lion's head and a fishtail- a mermaid's tail. A merlion. But for the Babylonians, interestingly, if you look at archaeological records there are emblems or their guardians at the gates are lions with eagle's wings. So here, the first was like a lion and had eagles wings referring to Babylon.

Further details are included, when Daniel says as I looked, its wings were plucked off. Wah, this lion is embarrassed. This lion is hurt. This lion is humiliated. Wings are plucked off. So, what does this really mean? Well, if you have been with us, you'll remember Nebuchadnezzar. He was lifted up in pride and God humbled him- strucked him down with a kind of insanity that made him think that he is an animal, and that's a picture we had in Nebuchadnezzar's life, right? Daniel chapter 4, so his wings were plucked- this great beast , he is hindered and now instead of being- remaining as such, the Bible tells us after this, that the wings were plucked, it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man and the mind of a man was given to it. You remember in Daniel 4, after Nebuchadnezzar was humbled, God saved him. He looked up to God, his mind came back to him. He acknowledged God for who He is. He's the Sovereign One, and I believe, according to Scripture, Nebuchadnezzar became a child of God. And so Daniel 7, verse 4 is a very, very appropriate picture and description for King Nebuchadnezzar, representing the first kingdom of Babylon.

Time stamp in audio 0:13:27.1.

But after Babylon, there comes a second nation and the second nation is now described to be like a bear, now this is again an artist's impression and this will represent the Empire of the Medo Persians. The Medo Persians, we have read in chapter 6, came and conquered Babylon, isn't it? Daniel chapter 6 and we're told here, behold, another beast, a second one like a bear, not necessarily a bear, but like a bear; it was raised up on one side, it had three ribs (Tony Roma's) in its mouth between its teeth and it was told 'arise, devour much flesh'. So this beast is not like a lion, it's like a Bear. A bear is slower than a lion, but a bear is stronger than a lion. It conquers not so much with speed and agility, it conquers with brute force, and that accurately describes the Medo Persians. You know, Xerxes, you've probably watched the show 300 or hear about wah, fierce warriors, well Xerxes used to command 2.5 million soldiers. Now, that's a huge number of people, a big Army in those times. So the Medo Persians are not known for skills or bravery, they are known for their brute force, they are known by their sheer numbers. They devour much flesh.

There's a interesting detail where it says this animal is raised up on one side. Most people believe this refers to the inequality of the Medo Persians. The Persian Empire is disproportionately larger and stronger than the other side. And what about the three ribs? Well, he's hungry, and he devours countries. He devours the three kingdoms, Egypt, Babylon, and this kingdom called Lydia. So these are the little details, supplemented by history that tells us this empire is the empire of the Medo Persians.

Time stamp in audio 0:15:29.3.

Then came the third beast. Out of the raging waves came a this beast that might look like this. Bizarre looking creature. Two headed creatures are already very weird. This is a four headed leopard and this represents the nation of Greece. The Empire of the Greeks another like a lion- like a leopard, with four wings of a bird on its back. Now a leopard is known for its speed right? A bear is known for its strength. A lion is known for its majesty and the leopard is known for its speed, and this is a very, very fast animal because not only is it a leopard, it has four wings, so it's superfast. This is a turbo charged nation and there's one kingdom that actually fits that and that is the nation of Greece. Alexander the great, was a great conqueror. He conquered great lands at a very rapid pace. He was so fast that he sat down and wept that there was no more land to conquer. He conquered from the Mediterranean area all the way to India. He died at the tender age of 33. This was a an unusual kingdom with great break neck speed. And then, there is this detail. This beast not only is fast, this beast has four heads. What is this four heads about? Again, this can only really be known with history. What is historical records are telling us-well, history tells us, after Alexander the Great died, he passed over the kingdom to five generals. One of them didn't continue on, and therefore the kingdom of the Greeks were divided into four territories under four generals' rule and this is well known. You can find this easily. It is under the rule of  Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy. Therefore probably, this is what is meant when it is described as a beast with four heads- the Greeks.

So these are the three animals, three beasts known, but there's a fourth and this is what is said, "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, terrifying and dreadful and exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces and stamped what was left with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns." - (Daniel 7:7 ESV). Now this beast is hard to describe, because it's not like a lion, it's not like a bear, it's not like a leopard. You don't quite know how it looks like; and it is different from all the beasts. So, it is beast number four, but this is a very unique beast. And Daniel in verse 19,  says "? Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, (which was different from all the rest, exceedingly terrifying)" - (Daniel 7:19 ESV) I mean he didn't ask any question about beast number 1, 2 or 3, but when he came to beast number four, he wanted to ask -'What is this about? I'm very very curious.' I'm glad this man asked, but many men don't like to ask questions, many men don't like to ask directions- how to go somewhere,- like we drive our own way and get lost, but he didn't want to get lost, he wanted to ask, and we're grateful he asked a very good question "What is this fourth beast about?"

Time stamp in audio 0:18:56.5.

So, actually, the text doesn't give us a lot of descriptions about this- the fourth beast except that it's terrifying, it's horrendous, it crushes but how it looks like we don't know. So, please, now I'm going to show you some pictures of how people imagine the fourth beast to be. Please don't laugh at the pictures, don't laugh at me for selecting the pictures, because I really don't know, nobody really knows, but these are attempts people had about this terrifying beast.

First picture looks like this. These three- quite standard alright, they are like the animals described, but the fourth beast, I don't know what this is, like a rhino dinosaur crossbreed, I do not know; Another picture of it is like this- looks more like a monster, terrifying yup, dreadful yup, might be, but nobody really knows. What about this one, with a beak or something like that, or this one? Err, people are very creative, artists, I mean, you can't blame them, there's not a lot to base your drawings on. This is the one hiding at the back and, this one, and, this one, but all of them drew twn horns- horns shoot in different directions, different sizes, different arrangements- nobody knows. But, I think the most scary one- probably is this one. This one is like from don't know where la. Wah, this one the artist is really- this is scary, right? I mean, this is exceedingly terrifying. This is worse than Godzilla alright? All it might be like this one, I do not know, nobody knows alright? The reality is, none of us know, we didn't take a photo with Daniel his dreams, but the Bible tells us this fourth beast is terrifying, is dreadful, is exceedingly strong. It had great iron teeth and it devoured. I guess for Hokkien people, this is where you get the word Tee Keeh (colloquial for), iron teeth which means for those who are uninitiated, it means stubborn alright? In the Hokkien language. So it had great iron teeth and it devoured, and broke in pieces and stamped what was left.


There is a nation, there's an Empire that fits this description well. A nation that uses iron as its weapons, a nation that crushes its enemies. The previous kingdoms- they liked foreign talent. When you conquer a nation, you get the best and you use them, you train them. But this nation crushes their enemies. They're well known for their force, they're well known for their prowess they're well known for their gladiators. These- this is a picture of the nation of Rome. So, the summary of it, is that Daniel saw a vision of a chaotic humanity and from this chaotic humanity arises the nation of Babylon, majestic, powerful, conquering all but soon taken over by a kingdom represented by the bear that is brutal and humongous in its army size, but he was soon to be followed up by a very swift conquering nation, the Greeks and ultimately they would be taken over by the Romans who crushed their enemies at their feet and these are the beast nations.

The different empires of world history from Daniel's time right up to today, and even beyond and for those who have been with us some weeks ago, you will recognize the beast nations are very similar to the statue that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. Remember that? The kingdom of gold, of silver, of bronze and of iron. There is a direct correspondence, in what way? Gold, silver, bronze, iron represents or corresponds with the lion, the bear, the leopard and the terrible beast. Notice that the kingdom of gold, is the kingdom of Babylon just as the lion-like creature is like Babylon, silver, with the bear, it's the Medo Persians. Greece will be represented by the bronze and the leopard like creature and then you have this monstrous looking creature with iron, symbolizing Rome and these are the four kingdoms of human history all around the Mediterranean. All around the stage, the center of action how God has planned out, and allowed this world to go.

Time stamp in audio 0:23:35.3.

Now all of you would say, well, Pastor, appreciate this clarification, but it's not very prophetic, I know it's prophetic for Daniel, but it's already events that have been passed today in A.D., 2014. I mean we know this happened. This can be easily verified in history,  well known history, it's all over. Is there something else for us, for the future? Well, there is and this is where we look at the ten horns. By the way, there is never going to be another kingdom until Jesus comes, because there are only four kingdoms, and the last one will be the Lord coming to establish His kingdom. So after the Roman Empire sort of disintegrated within itself, there is never another world power. Even United States today, a great nation it's not the world superpower it- doesn't rule everything. So Genghis Khan, tried to do it, Napoleon tried to do it, Hitler tried to do it. Nobody ever succeeds because there's only four there's only going to be four.


But the future will hinge on the understanding of the ten horns. The ten horns, by the way are not floating around, these ten horns are on the fourth beast, the Roman Empire. This is where the future will be represented. The identity of the ten horns, the reality of the ten horns have not come to pass. So the Roman Empire has come, but the reality of the ten horns- not yet, we have not seen it yet. So you say, 'What is the horns?' In the Bible, horns are symbols of power and authority, they are. So you see horns in kings' materials and stuff like that, even in other cultures- horns, rams' horns are pictures of power. So the ten horns here represent power.

In verse 24, "As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise,"- (Daniel 7:24 ESV). So we're looking at something in the future. Rome, though subdued for now, will be revived one day, and there will be a leadership of ten rulers, ten kings. You say, 'Who are they?' Is it the United, err is it the EU? Some people were very excited about the EU coming to have ten members. Is it the G7? Is it NATO? Nobody knows. Those are all speculations. The Bible doesn't tell it's "EU", doesn't tell you it's "AD 2014", the Bible just tells you there will be come a time where there are ten kings. Now I'm not here to give you speculations. I'm not interested to guess. I'm just telling you what the Scripture says. And I think in prophecy, we are often having to humble ourselves and say we stand corrected. And therefore I think speculation or over-speculation is not a wise thing.

Daniel, however, is clear, he interprets for us: the ten horns refers to the ten kings and this reminds you of the ten toes in Daniel chapter 2. In the ten toes, the Bible says, as you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom. It said the revived Rome, it will not be a totally unified body, there will be a Confederacy of about ten kings. They are not very united and more than that, some of them will be stronger. And some of them will be brittle. So it's not an equal share, it's not an equal strength. So this is what we know about the future, we do not know exactly who will be there, we don't know who are the- what is the identity of the ten kings but we know the characteristics: ten loosely associated, some strong, some brittle. This is the ten kings.

Time stamp in audio 0:27:33.6.

But there's further development. I considered the horns, Daniel said, this is interesting, I want to find out more about that. I looked at it, and behold, there came up among them, another horn, a little horn, a little one, this is very interesting  there's a eleventh one that now shoots up and after this shoots up, before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots, so there's a kind of subduing of the three horns. So there were originally ten and one little one comes up and three drops off and this is even more bizarre "...And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things."- Daniel 7:8


Wah, his dream really quite something, it's like he at too much pizza or something like that, the night before. And so, this horn comes out, I know I got eyes like a man, and it speaks great things. That's why I warned you ahead of that, this might be a bit strange to us, but this is what, I don't think it literally happens like this, as if in the future. These are all pictures, representations, just like Babylon is represented like this animal, and so on and so forth. Now the horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake or spoke great things, it seemed greater than its companions. So it started as the little one, but it soon grew to be the significant one. So it grew, as he looked at his vision, "And as I looked, this horn (this king) made war with the saints and prevailed over them"- (Daniel 7:21 ESV).

Time stamp in audio 0:29:08.0.

So this king is good is going to attack the people of God and not just attack, he's going to be successful over them, he's going to rule over them, "and he shall speak words against the Most High", so this king- human king is going to be proud, and blasphemous and speak against God "and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High, he shall think to change the times and the law, and and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times and half a time."- Daniel 7:25.

So, the people of God will be in his hands. God allows it for a period of time. You say, what is time, times and half a time. Well, it is, I'm going to share with you next time that this is really about 3 1/2 years. Time is one year. Times is two years, half a time is half a year, so it is a period for 3 1/2 years where this little king, this little horn that emerges out of the Roman Empire will wear out the saints, will persecute the saints and be successful and ruling over them. So this is a picture of what it might look like. Don't laugh, okay, don't laugh. This the only picture I can find, I know it's cartoonish, but this is the only one I could find. And on the head of the beast, arises the little horn initially, but became a big horn and before which three horns would topple or fall.

Time stamp in audio 0:30:38.1.

So, in summary, this little horn that has eyes of a man shouldn't have nose huh? But, anyway, eyes of a man and mouth that speaks great things. If you look at the descriptions, say just a summary.
It arises out of the fourth beast
It is among the ten horns
It arose after the ten horns
It is different from the other horns
It uproots the three kingdoms or three horns
It spoke great words against the Most High.
It wears out the saints of the Most High
It sought to change times and law and this same horn made war against the saints.

So, let me put this in summary, I don't think you could see those words, but let me put it in summary, what will the future be like? Now, I do not know when this will take place, but when the sequence of events take place with the ten horns, then this will bring about the revival of the Roman Empire and it will be a Confederacy of ten kings, loosely associated, some brittle, some strong out of which there will be a little king who emerges, he seemed small in the beginning, but he will topple three kings and he will grow to be the most significant, he is intelligent and blasphemous. He attacks saints and wears them out and he will be powerful and successful for a season, to be precise 3 1/2 years, or elsewhere in the Bible, forty two  months, or elsewhere in the Bible 1260 days. It is that precise. So this would describe this little thing. You say, who is this man, the Bible has actually 33 names for this one man, at least. A lot of detail is described and the most commonly known name for this little horn is the name anti-Christ. This is a anti-Christ who sets himself up against God, energized satanically, empowered satanically and we'll look at that in the future. So people ask, who are the ten kings? The answer I will say to you is, we do not know who yet. Who is this anti-Christ? The answer: if you do not know the ten kings, you will not know the one little King because he comes after them. So nobody really knows anti-Christ. It's sad today when I go Google and I type the word 'anti-Christ', some pictures of famous politicians are put up and slammed and slimed to be anti-Christ. That is both wicked and un-biblical, because you don't know who the person is. So, I'm not going to speculate who, and I think it's dangerous to speculate anyway, but these are the things I think, Scripture clearly tells us in Daniel chapter 7.


So what will happen eventually with the little king? This is a bit of a spoiler, I'm not a good storyteller. I tell you a story end before I tell you what it means, but what will happen to him eventually? Actually all of us instinctively do know that he will be destroyed. I looked then because of the sound of the great words that the horn was speaking. And as I looked, the beast (the Roman empire) was killed, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire. - (Daniel 7:11 ESV) , and then, in verses 13 to 14: I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven (Interesting. Clouds of heaven. Very consistent theme with regards to the second coming of the Lord) with the clouds of heaven, there came one like a son of man (this is a very term of adress or reference to the Lord Jesus Christ, next week I'll share more because of time), the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, and he came to the Ancient of Days (that is a reference to God the Father) and was presented before him. And to Him (that is the Son of Man, Jesus Christ) was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him; His dominion is an everlasting one (the previous kingdoms are all short term ones. They don't last, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, they all end, but the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ is an everlasting one,) shall not pass away, and His kingdom one that shall not be destroyed. - (Daniel 7:13-14 ESV).

The antichrist will be dealt with decisively. Rebellion will be quelled decisively. Sin will be dealt with decisively and it comes, when Jesus returns and this actually, you know, because remember, in Daniel chapter 2: The image does not stop there. There was a interesting development in that God tells us there is a stone carved out without hands from the mountain that sort of like a missile shot towards the image and smashed it into smithereens. Everything is gone, no trace of previous human empires and this rock, this stone grows on this earth until it fills the whole earth. And that's why we said the last time that the stone is a picture of the reign and the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it will be established over the whole earth.

Time stamp in audio 0:36:03.1.

So, this is what it is in summary, my goal is really just to make this clear for you as a base because if you're not clear about this, we will be swimming when you go to Daniel chapter 8, chapter 9, you'll be saying "Wah lau, What is this ?" - You will be absolutely lost, so, please be clear, as best as you can. Go back and read it, I think it's clear, after you've heard this and you will read it. In Nebuchadnezzar's dream, you have the kingdom of gold, silver, brass, iron clay, and the stone, and they correspond very well to Daniel 7 where you have the lion- lion like creature, bear like creature, leopard like creature. The beast with iron teeth,Tee Kee (colloquial in Hokkien for iron teeth ) beast and the beast with ten horns, referring to the ten toes and they are representing human empires. Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece and Rome.

Now what is- the ten toes, ten horns is something in the future, so we are living in a kind of a gap, this gap is for a long time already. Thousand over years, but there will come a time where the ten kings will arise in the revived Rome. And soon after the ten kings, you know, there will be the antichrist and that will usher a period of 3 1/2 years of extreme tribulation before Jesus comes again, the trigger is therefore the ten kings arising. But that is not the end of the story because the very last chapter of human history is that of the Son of Man coming to rule and to reign. And, though it looks absolutely terrible, I mean it's terrifying when you think of the beasts yet, that is, I say, not the final chapter of life. The final chapter of life is Jesus coming to reign.

So, when you look at this, if you consider, let me just end by a simple consideration. When Nebuchadnezzar dreamt, he dreamt of glory. He dreamt of power. He dreamt of might. He dreamt of gold, silver, bronze, iron, that is the human perspective of human empires that arise out of the Earth. It is one of pride. It is one of glory, for men. But when God looks at the human empires He sees violence, He sees bloodshed, He sees turmoil, He sees tempers, He sees people convulsed and distressed.


He sees a world of sin and that's why He sent His Son to pay for our sins, so that He one day will come and to rule and to reign and reverse the effects of sin, and to bring ultimate peace. See, none of these kingdoms can ever bring about peace, there will never be lasting peace on this earth until Jesus returns. You know the United Nations? It's an organization set up to preserve and to maintain peace in this world- United Nations. And in one of its hallways, there is this banner, there's this verse of the Bible that is placed there, and that verse is Isaiah, chapter 2 and verse 4. The mission of United Nations is to bring peace because they say, "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." - (Isaiah 2:4 ESV). And they say, this is what we are about- to bring peace to this world, let me say, I appreciate UN, their efforts- God has a purpose and plan for such groups in this world but I don't think they will ever bring about lasting peace. You say why? Because they neglected the 1st part of Isaiah 2:4. Peace is only possible when "He shall judge between the nations,......." - (Isaiah 2:4 ESV). The possibility lies in He, not they. Lies in Jesus Christ, not me. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and the Father will hand the dominion and the rule and the kingship to His Son. And when He rules there is everlasting peace. You say, why is Jesus, the One who rules? Let me tell you why, because He's the One who paid the price for peace. He's the One who came in His first coming to shed His blood, to atone for the sins of the world. And so, when He returns again, He will now claim the reward of what He has done and He will be the King who rules and those who believe in Him will rule with Him, but those who do not believe in Him will be judged at His coming.

My friends, as you hear a passage like this, I know it can sound bizarre, I know it can sound very distant, I know it can sound strange, but the question is, when Jesus comes, are you ready? When Jesus comes, will you be judged, or will you be with Him? Have you had the Prince of Peace in your life? Our God is a Holy God. He will judge sin. The anti-Christ will be judged. Sin will be judged. Everything will be reversed. He is holy, but at the very same time He's full of mercy, to give His best, His Son to die for us. If you are longing for peace in this world, do not set your hopes here and now. It's only when He comes. And, that's why, Jesus when He taught His disciples to pray, He said this, "This how you pray, don't start by asking, 'God give me money, God give me health, God give me this'. This is how you pray, "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come," What do you mean? In a limited sense, it means more and more people today coming to the Lordship of Jesus, believing in Him as Savior and Lord, that is included. But when you say 'Thy Kingdom come', you're also saying "Lord, we're praying that Jesus will come and rule for evermore. This is a world that is tumultous, this is a world that is in turmoil, we long for that day!". And that is the cry of the child of God, "Father, come and rule". And it will happen, it will happen. We do not know exactly when, but it will come.

Time stamp in audio 0:42:51.4.

And my dear friends, prophecy is not given so that you and I today can go out and share with your friend, "Hey, know these animals? I'll show you the pictures aah, and you guess what they are." No, no, the idea is not for us to go out with a puffed up mind. The idea of prophecy is so that we may see the certainty of our hope, and there is a response that we need to make. And I think the Bible tells us so, Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church "For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night ....." - (1 Thessalonians 5:2,8 ESV). Let me clarify first a common mistake- we take when we look at this verse is that Jesus will come in the quiet, and nobody is going to know He's here. Nobody will know. So He'll come and He'll leave and we don't know. No, that's not the idea at all. Because when He comes, all eyes will behold Him. When He comes, there will be a melting of this world with fervent heat. It is going to be a public thing. So, the thief in the night motive is not to talk about the silence of His coming. It's going to talk about the suddenness of His coming, the surprise of His coming to those who are not watching, and to those who are not waiting, to those who are not taught in the Scriptures. They will not know. And so He comes like a thief in the night, catching the world by surprise.


Paul therefore says, don't be surprised, be sober, be alert, be aware, don't be drunk as he said in the intervening verses, and he says, this is the practical application: In the light of the return of the Lord put on the breastplate of faith and love. Put that on. Trust God, when things are in a mess, when things are unclear, don't despair, because there is a hope of glory that is to come. In a world that is like beasts- eating and fighting each other. where there is no love, let us be a community of love! I say to you, brothers and sisters in Christ, Would you love one another? You know why? because we will be with the Lord one day, forevermore. Would we live in such a way that the world looks at us and say, "Well, this is a is a different people," because the world we know are like beasts. But these people have righteousness and peace and love as their characteristic. And it begins by you looking at the person beside you, and saying, "If you are in Christ, we are brothers and let us love one another with fervent charity". Check your life. Are you living in the light of Christ's return or are you slack and lazy and unconcerned about spiritual things? The fact that Jesus will come, the fact that He will  rule and reign, the fact that He will deal with all sin gives us the impetus to live a life of faith, of love, and of hope. And in Second Peter, Peter tells us,"Since all these things are thus to be dissolved,....... " - (2 Peter 3:11-12 ESV). When Jesus comes again, there will be a whole change of this world, radical, dramatic change, when the planets and the world will melt with fervent heat, and he says in the light of that, why are you pursuing things of this life? Why are you living sinful lives? When He comes, why don't we come and pledge ourselves, and commit ourselves to live lives of holiness and godliness, whilst we wait for and hasten the coming of the day of the Lord. How's your life. If Jesus is coming, and you know Christ as your Savior, do you take your faith, your walk seriously? This has been a tough message. I know it's a bit different, a bit difficult, but I do pray in the course of going through the book of Daniel, in the prophetic parts, we will not be obsessed over it, neither will we be opposed to it, but we will be open to what God is teaching us. And my deep prayer is that this will not turn us into academicians, this will not turn us into just mere academics. But we would live lives of faith, of love, of sobriety, of holiness and godliness, and it is my prayer for those of you who do not know Jesus: These things are prophesied in Scripture. The Bible is God's truth. It stands the test of time, Jesus has come to pay for your sins and He will come to judge the world for those who do not believe in him. Question for you: Is Jesus your Lord and Savior today?


Let's bow for a word of prayer together. As you contemplate on this message, as you think about what God has to say, I think the whole message is just a unfolding of God's Word. I'm determined not to add anything else. I'm determined not to salt and pepper it, so that you know exactly what God has to say, but when God in His mercy reveals these truths to us, we have a responsibility. What will you do with God's truth? What will you do with this revelation? To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, it's so easy for us to be caught up in this world, right? So, we're living for a Babylon or for a Rome, or for a Medo Persia. But you know something? It will all be smashed up. What's really important is the kingdom of God. Live for Him. Seek Him. Look to Him. Are you stricken with sufferings and trials? I find in Scripture no promise that all your sufferings will be taken away whilst you're here. He can take it all away, but He might not. But I do know that's not the final chapter of life. Because of Jesus Christ, I have a hope of joy and glory. Live soberly, this is just a moment. So give yourself unreserveredly to your Savior, to your Lord who loved you and gave His Son for you. What a joy. Today, we know God's Word, can give ourselves entirely with abandonment for His glory and honor. Let's be a community of love, shall we? Loving one another sincerely, truly concerned with the brothers and sisters around us, making an effort to reach out to serve, to bless. May the Spirit of God put in us such a desire and passion and flame. But, if you are here today for the 1st time, or if you do not know Jesus as yet, this is not a joke. This is not a fairytale. History has proven the veracity of God's word. History has proven the accuracy of Scripture. Believe it or not, the ten horns will come. The little horn will emerge. Sin will be judged and Jesus will come. Will you be ready for that time? Every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. Why won't you bow yours today? Turn from your sin, repent of your sin and believe in the finished work of Jesus on the cross, when He came two thousand years ago, He paid it all. Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe, Come unto me, He says, and I will give you rest. So, dear God, do your work, please, in all our hearts. We need You. Otherwise, this is a message that just tickles our minds. But we do pray that Your Spirit will bring it to our hearts. Change us from the inside out. I pray for a church that will fiercely love You and serve You, all the days of our lives, and may the multitudes come to Jesus. Thy kingdom come, O Lord. We pray all this in Jesus' Name.

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