
26 Oct 2014

Behold, What Love!


1 John 3:1 The Real Life: Behold, What Love! Pastor Jason Lim 26 Oct 2014 My song is love unknown, My Saviour’s love to me; Love to the loveless shown, That they might lovely be. God's amazing love is so out-of-this-world. Behold, what Love! Hear what it means for your life here It will bless your heart Slides Transcripts Audio **Right Click to Do

1 John 3:1 The Real Life: Behold, What Love! Pastor Jason Lim 26 Oct 2014

My song is love unknown, My Saviour’s love to me; Love to the loveless shown, That they might lovely be. God's amazing love is so out-of-this-world. Behold, what Love! Hear what it means for your life here It will bless your heart Slides Transcripts Audio

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Sermon Transcript

As a church, as we go through the Bible and we are in the book of 1John. That's one of the last few books in the Bible in the New Testament. So if you can turn with me to 1John and chapter 3, we continue this wonderful book about real life, about the life, God desires for His people. Let me start with a simple illustration.

There is this company set up during Christmas to answer questions about turkeys, alright. So, during Christmas if you bought a turkey or you want to buy a turkey, or you want to cook a turkey, anything you want to ask about a turkey, you can call this hotline. And so one day, a lady called up and she said well, I, I am not sure whether you can help me, but this is my question, I just discovered that at the bottom of my freezer is a turkey I've kept for the past 23 years, do you think, I can eat it ? The operator on the other end says, Well, ma'am, if your freezer have always been below 0, all these 23 years, it's probably safe to eat. But I would also like to caution you because it's been there for 23 years, it probably would have deteriorated and it wouldn't be worth eating anyway." The lady then says, "Ah that's what I thought too, well, it's okay, I can always give it to my church." (Laughter in the congregation)

Time stamp in audio 0:01:28.7.

Well, it is both funny and sad at the same time, because that's how we look at God. That's how we look at our relationship with God, we give Him our spares and our leftovers but this is in such a sharp contrast with the disciples of Jesus Christ, John the apostle is one of the disciples who left all, family and possessions to follow Jesus, and according to tradition, John followed Jesus and stood for Jesus, that he was even thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil. But then he never stopped living for his master, Jesus Christ.

Time stamp in audio 0:02:10.2.

What is the difference between a lady who wants to give the frozen turkey of 23 years and John the apostle, who gave his life for the cause of Christ. What makes the difference, what's the difference, for you, what would make a difference in your life? I struggle sometimes in that question and I thank God for His Word in 1John chapter 3 and verse one. We catch a glimpse of the heart of apostle John, he says, "See what kind of love the Father has given to us that we should be called children of God, and so we are."

John is now giving an exclamation, "Behold, see, what kind of love the Father has given to us, he is shocked, he's astonished, he is amazed in the depth of his being of God's love for us. He says , "See what kind of love." You say, what's so special about what kind? Well it's interesting because the original Greek, is one word, which is potapos, it's not platypus, but potapos and what is a potapos, well, literally in the Greek, it means what country. So, if you read it, it goes like this, see what country of love the Father has given to us. It's is a idiom, it's an idiom, idiomatic expression and it says, wow, this is so out of the world, this is so unearthly, this is something that is never seen, never heard, never known before. This is off the charts kind of love, see what indescribable, outrageous, amazing love, the Father has given to us.

Time stamp in audio 0:04:03.3.

I suggest to you, that the difference between a lady who will give a frozen turkey of 23 years and an apostle John will give his life is that he has beheld that out of the country, potapos, indescribable amazing love of God.

Behold, What Love !

This morning, I have a very simple message, it is just these 3 words, in particular, Behold, what love! That's it, and that is all we are going to look at this morning, but I believe that if we really get this in the depth of our beings, it will change our lives. You see all of us, must have tokens of God's love in our lives. If you have known Jesus, if you have been seeking God, you might be able to say well, I experienced God's love in my life because he answered my prayers, because he healed me, because he helped me out of a very difficult situation, because he gave these breakthroughs in life. Well, I for one have experienced God's tokens of love in many ways.

Time stamp in audio 0:05:14.7.

One of the most significant ways in my life is in my son's life, Shawn, he tells you his name is written, like this. There are four ways to spell Shwan, Shawn, Shaun, Sean, and Shone. Huh, huh, all right, but the right one is Shawn, all right, this is my son Shawn. Most of you know that when he was younger, he was diagnosed with autism and I regularly share that both my wife and I, we went through the, probably the most difficult points of our life, then. We felt that we were devastated, life is never to be the same because we were told that Shawn, would probably not be able to say anything. He would not be able to hug us, he might never be able to say, I love you and he might be dependent on us for the rest of his life. For me, I felt that the son, I knew died and in his place, is another one, which I best never expected.

Time stamp in audio 0:06:17.4.

But God is so good to us, by the way, if there are people in your life, that are going through struggles and not healed, it doesn't mean God doesn't love you. It's just that, His ways are above our ways. But in our case, we are grateful to the Lord, how He has allowed Shawn, to move, and progress and grow in a way we never expected. For the past, for the past four and a half years, he is now 6, he has shown tremendous improvement and growth and and you know when he was growing up, we were told he could maximally handle one language, so we only spoke to him in English. But when he was able to pick up English, we, we thought let's try Chinese and that's quite late. So we decided to send in for tuition, I I know your few this, tiger dad or tiger mum, very kiasu, send, send and send, a lot of things, okay, we sent him for Chinese, enrichment not tuition, all right, I sent him for Chinese, enrichment classes, and I think he went through it, for the past one or two years. Three weeks ago, we got a report from the school and this is what the report says. Hao'en which is my son's Chinese name, in English, it says, it says Shawn is a bright, cute or adorable and sensible boy. The words that struck my heart, deeply was the word told me, chong ming, (meaning, bright) because I never thought he would be, I never thought he would be able to learn and study and I was, I was really excited, so when I got home I told my wife, hey, have you seen his report card, have you seen his report book, I was so excited about it not because he's bright or what, but because God is so good in Shawn's life and as a answer to our prayers. I was moved, not because of his intelligence, or anything like that, but I was moved by God's love.

Time stamp in audio 0:08:19.7.

Maybe, in your life, you can think of God's provisions, answers, blessings to you and they are great tokens. They are great reminders of His love. But you know something, that's not what John is talking about. Yes, God has been very good to Shawn, to Winnie and myself, but that's not the kind of love, he's talking about. You say, why? Because of its something even greater than that. What we have, yes it is amazing, but it is nothing, compared to what He has done for us.

You see, John, he says "See what kind of love." John must have experienced, many kinds of love, many experiences and incidence of God's love, but he says this is not what I'm talking about, what I'm talking about is this, very, very, unique aspect, shown in my life and that is, "We should be called the children of God."

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

Time stamp in audio 0:09:20.2.

You see, so often we think God's love is seen when he gives me tio beh pio (sound like - and meaning colloquially meaning I hit the lottery. OK, I hope none of you buy Toto. God's love is seen to me when I have this sickness and He cured me out of it. Now these are great things. Let's not say that they are not important, but, I am saying if you put this side-by-side with what he is saying here, these things pale in comparison to the amazing love of God in calling us His child. We don't understand how rotten and sinful and filthy we are, so we failed to grasp how amazing this salvation is, that we were children of disobedience, children of wrath, we belong to our father the devil that he would now call us children. That He will cleanse us, wash us, justify us, forgive us and call us children. No more an enemy, not even a servant nor a friend. He says, my child, not a child of Bill Gates, not a child of a president or a king, but a child of God. He says this is amazing.

If you today were to adopt children, you go to the center and you, you want to adopt a kid, what do you look for? Almost invariably people look at the physical appearance of the child. They ask the parents, the natural parents, they ask the agency, does this child have any disease, can you tell me more about the parents? Why? because we want to adopt a child who is healthy and beautiful and wholesome. Nobody today would say, Oh, I know he has congenital heart disease, I want him as my child; very rare. Oh, I know he has genetic disease, he's deformed, he has HIV and I want to adopt him, very rare. But you know something about God, He adopted us as children, when we were ugly, deformed, diseased, in our sins and He says, "You are My child, you're My heir, you are co-heirs with Jesus Christ. Whatever is in Jesus bank account, is in your bank account, you're joint account holders, you are heirs and co-heirs with Christ. I do not just call you a servant, I do not call you a friend, you are my child, you're an heir and you have all things.

Time stamp in audio 0:12:02.2.

Most of all, you have Me. What, amazing potapos love and this is not just a legal transaction. This is an actual transformation, because he does not just say, you shall be called, but, so we are.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

So it's just, not just a name or title, it is your nature that will be changed, not just a position you have, but your person is elevated, that He will save you from the power and a filth and the contamination of sin, to have a heart that loves Him. That you will have a heart hates sin, that you will pursue Him, that you will be truly glorious and righteous and holy, He made you really His son. This is amazing! And that's why, throughout history people write Christian songs that center on God's love. For example, when this song was sung before in church,

My song is love unknown,
My Saviour?s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I, that for my sake
My Lord should take, frail flesh and die?

The writer says, my song is love unknown, he could have easily said, my love is love, my song is love, potapos, it's out of this country, it's out of this world, nobody has known this world, this love. What kind of love, my Savior's love to me, love to the loveless shown, to those who deserve nothing, to those who are ugly, to those who are deformed, to those who will never love God on his own, He loved us why, so that we might lovely be.

God's love is not given to the lovely, it is given to the ugly so that we might become lovely. That's the magnitude and the amazing thing about God's love and I say to you today, if you are truly a recipient of God's love, if you're truly a recipient of the good news of Jesus Christ, that He died, to save you from your sins, you will have a sense of wonder and awe in your life.

Do you really know you're Christian, let me ask you, do you awe in amazement? This is the litmus test, because if you are a recipient of this astounding grace, you walk in your life, knowing this is miraculous, how could God save me?

Time stamp in audio 0:14:57.4.

Suppose today, in the good old days, when you work and are at the end of the month you turn up at the boss' office and he will look at your work schedule and pay you, that you turn up like this one day, you say, boss, I work for 25 days this month and this is supposed to be my salary. And then he gives you your cheque, he gives you your cash, he gives you your money, when you take the money, do you say, boss, this is amazing, you gave me my salary, you are so good, would you do that?

If you are like that any boss would love to have you work for them. None of us do that, you say why? Because when you turn up at the end of the month, what you say, I worked for it. When you received that money, you say thank you, boss, this is what we've agreed upon, but you realized deep in your heart, you deserved it.
And if you are someone who things that Christianity, all the way to God is what you work for, you will never have the sense of wonder. So, you say, of course, I am a saved, of course, I am a Christian, I go to church, I helped the poor, I give to charity, I do so many things in church, of course, you are filled with a sense of wonder at yourself.

Time stamp in audio 0:16:16.3.

But, the true man or woman who has been touched by grace says, how can it be, that God, you will save me, this is astounding, amazing love. That's what Charles Wesley, he says,

And can it really be, I mean, this is really beyond my comprehension, Wesley says that I should gain an interest in the Savior's blood. Why, because I caused His pain, I brought nothing but pain, to my Savior, but He pursued death for me. He did not stumble into death, He pursued death for me. Amazing love, how can it be, that You, my God, should die for me.

And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior's blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

He says that he is amazed and shocked at the amazing love of God.

Time stamp in audio 0:17:16.3.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

See what kind of love, that amazing love, that filthy, disobedient ugly and deformed people like as we are, now the heirs of God, children of God, this kind of love. Is out of this world, because it is unconditional. The Bible tells us.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:8 ESV)

God loved us while we were still sinners, we were not seeking Him, we were His enemies, we hated Him, we would spit at Him, in our lives, but He loved us. The world has not known such unconditional love.

I was speaking to someone this week about adoption, she was adopted, I asked,why were you adopted? And she said, this is because my mother who adopted me, wanted to someone to take care of her when she gets old. That's one of the ways people provided for themselves and of course there is love shown during the years of upbringing, but there is still a reason behind it. But God loves us, because He loved us. He didn't need anything from us, He is not needy as if oh, you must love me otherwise I'm not satisfied, I'm not supremely joyful. No He didn't need us, but He saved us and loved us.

Time stamp in audio 0:18:37.7.

This morning as I was taking a cab to this place, the taxi uncle, is is just venting his frustrations, so interesting. He says, aiyah look at this stupid wedding invitation, it's in the afternoon, never say, I went in the night and it was all over. (Laughter in the congregation). And, he complained and complained and then he mentioned that his wife nagging at him, I say this, literally, his words, this old woman, this smelly woman, kept nagging at me, I cannot take it, I cannot take her nagging he says, "If only I could kill her" (Laughter in the congregation). Wow, I am in his car, he says, if, if, if I could, I would have killed her. Then, he says, is because of his karma, bad karma that he accumulated in his past life. He says, never mind, I would pay off this debt and when I pay off this debt of my bad karma, I would leave her.

Time stamp in audio 0:19:42.2.

He is married for 40 over years. (Laughter in the congregation). But, he is waiting for the day to divorce. I am sure, 40 over years ago, when they were patohing (colloquial for dating), they were going together and when they were married, she must be head over heels over her, oh, you are so pretty, oh, you are so beautiful. Oh, my life would be so happy and we would be happily ever after, he thought it would be true, but, 40 years later, if I could, I would kill you. (Laughter in the congregation).

Because she doesn't meet his needs anymore, because he doesn't find joy in her anymore, because he is irritated by her from now onwards and therefore he says, I don't love you anymore.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
(Romans 5:8 ESV)

This love is so out of the world, when we irritate not irritate, we grieve God, we rebel against Him, He gave His Son for you, it's an amazing love. This love is in a sense unfathomable, do you realize that, there is no way you and I could really understand God's love. Yes, we may talk about it, I'm even preach it, but there's no way I can really understand fully God's love, because Jesus tells me this love is, it's so, so infinite in its magnitude, he says, God, I pray to You that the world may know that You sent Me and You love that even as You love Me.

? that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.
(John 17:23 ESV)

Can you start to wrap your head around this simple phrase that You love them as You love Me. I say nobody here can really understand how much the Father loves the Son, no way, the infinite God, Who is love, would love the infinitely worthy Son of God. Wow, I can figure it out. And that same love is the love God has for you; it blows my mind. And if you still don't get it, he prays again that the love with which you have loved me, may be in them.

I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them.?
(John 17:26 ESV)

Why, shocking, matchless, infinite love, therefore, Paul prays :

?that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
(Ephesians 3:17-19 ESV)

I pray that you will understand more and more and more about the dimensions of God's love, but let me tell you something, it surpasses knowledge. He says, I pray that you know more and more and but like the galaxy is always expanding and expanding and it is endless. It is, it is boundaries. There is no boundary, it's the infinite matchless love and again, the songwriters help us so much, this song, the love of God, is apparently scribbled or scrawled on to the walls of an asylum.

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell.
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure?
The saints? and angels? song.

People feel this guy is a mad man, but he wrote these words in an asylum, he says,

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell.
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell.

God's love reaches to the most defiled, exceeds all sin and guilt.

The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made;
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

Time stamp in audio 0:23:47.5.

Everyone of us a scribe, every blade of grass, a pen, every stretch of this heavens, a parchment and every drop of water in the oceans, ink, we could never finish writing about the love of God. We could never, unfathomable, unsearchable, love of God.

He goes on to say,

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure?
The saints? and angels? song.

This is an unbeatable love. It is an everlasting love,

the LORD appeared to him from far away.
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.
(Jeremiah 31:3 ESV)

This is a word spoken to Israel, Jeremiah, spoken to Israel. I tell you, today, look around you in the world events, look at world history and God is saying, look at my people Israel, they are the evidence of my undying love for Israel. By the way, Israel messed up big time, many times, messed up. Really, really rebelled sin against God, but you know what God never gave up on Israel.

Time stamp in audio 0:25:02.0.

So, God is using, all these tokens and reminders of His amazing love for us and so, Paul with great confidence is saying,

For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 8:38-39 ESV)

I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels or rulers nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. It is an unbeatable love.

Nothing separates you from God's love, because it was unconditional to begin with. It is deep and wide in its magnitude and it lasts forever more. Even when we fail Him, even when we disappoint Him, even when we grieve Him with our sins, He doesn't stop loving you. He doesn't stop, He doesn't love you any less, even when you fail, that's why so out of this world.

Time stamp in audio 0:26:01.4.

Back to Shawn, I was teaching Shawn maths. Okay, this is the kiasu parent again, Chinese, English, mathematics, I was teaching Shawn maths. Three weeks ago, I hate to teach him maths, because it really gets me, how come you can't get it, so, I was teaching him addition. Addition, in a tens, So 57+23, you are supposed to add up, la, of course not mental sums, but writing it down, you have written is it? So, I was teaching him mathematics, I did it over and over again and every time, the question is set, he looks around and, you know, he gets distracted, he doesn't quite pay attention and I taught and I taught and I taught and I taught until I tor (colloquial for vomit) (Laughter in the congregation), until my blood began to boil. I know I wanted to help Shawn of course, that's why we started maths, I wanted to help him think, acquire some skills in logic and thinking and I realized I'm getting nowhere, I got frustrated, I got really impatient and began to shout at him.

Time stamp in audio 0:27:12.9.

When you're teaching, you shouldn't shout lah. (Laughter in the congregation) but I shouted at him, I even begin to hit him. I was really worked up. I was so very... One thing that really gets me with worked up today is teaching mathematics. (Laughter in the congregation. Seriously, I lost myself, I think. I just shouted at him and he became, he, he was terrified.

I know you look at me differently from now onwards, (Laughter in the congregation) but, he was really terrified. He started to cry. Well, we, we, well we got through the exercise. I think he learned something and for the next day and that was Saturday and the next day, on Sunday I was playing with Shawn, I said Shawn come, look at daddy, Shawn, daddy wants to say, I am sorry. He look at me and says, why? he is clean forgotten that day, yesterday because he is playing with his Lego and stuff like that. He says why? Because, daddy shouldn't have shouted at you and hit you yesterday. I was angry for the wrong reason. Honestly, I love you, Shawn, and I'm sorry. He didn't know how to react, (shook his head in a funny way) (Laughter in the congregation) Paiseh (colloquial for embarrassed) I don't know what, but I think he had a tear in his eye. Now I love Shawn. I love Matthias, I love my kids, but is not the same kind of love as God's that is unbeatable. Frustration got the better of me, impatience got the better of me and when I think about God's love for me and I think about what I did to my son, I said, "This is out of the world." So constant, so deep, so infinite, so matchless, so unconquerable, the amazing love of God, see what kind of love. John says

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

This is not of the world love, it's not just God's healing you of cancer, not, these are great things, don't tell wrong but when you put it beside how Jesus came to give you sonship, to give you heirship, it's amazing.

Time stamp in audio 0:29:47.9.

I want to and with one word here in this verse, it's the first word "see"

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

The word means to behold, to inspect, to examine, to study, to discover, to discern, to look very closely. It means, don't just glanced over it, don't just gloss over it, but to really work into your heart, to really, really get it. And by the way, when John wrote this in the Greek, this is in the imperative mood, the indicative mood and in imperative mood are that indicative is about a suggestion, something that is suggested to you, but the imperative mood is something that is commanded of you.

John wrote this in the imperative, he is commanding us, look,see, behold, examine, don't just gloss over it, because it's so short, don't just forget it, because you take God's love for granted, but really get it, see it, examine it, because this is what you need. You know when I prepared, I was preparing 1John and I did glance and gloss over over verse one, wow, this is so common, we've always been talking about love in this church, but I said, I can't do that, if he says this is a command. Behold, and this morning, as a church we need to behold, we need to behold because we really to, because we live in a very broken and hurting world and some of you are living with scars. What scars, past hurts and it is deep in your life today, and you know it. You may come from a broken family, your parents are divorced and you always had that sense of inferiority. You, you feel that you are ugly, not accepted because you have a broken home. Or, maybe some of you today are divorced, you are a divorcee, there is a scar in your life and maybe, as a child have been abused, you never had love from God, errr from your parents, or, maybe when you are young you were deprived of certain things then and you grew up with this struggle with identity, with acceptance, and, and you feel inadequate, you feel unloved and so, in life, you're craving, and grabbing love, but deep down down inside, you are struggling, you try to be someone you are not. And you are tired, and you are frustrated because you been looking at your scars.

Time stamp in audio 0:32:16.6.

John says to you, look at God and His love. We all have scars, but when we were ugly and deformed and diseased, He still chose to love you, He pursued death for you. He gave His Son for you, let this love be assimilated into your life, let this love fill your heart, don't just gloss over this. This is therapeutic, this is healing, this is God's Word speaking to you, He is calling you to finding joy, supreme joy in Him.

Time stamp in audio 0:32:56.1.

Some of you today, struggle with present struggles, not past, but right here, right now. You struggle, because you're going through some trials, your father is sick, your son is not well, your company is folding, your relationship is breaking up and you feel like nobody cares. Your family has forsaken you, your friends have forsaken you and you feel like nobody cares. See what kind of love, not just a sentimental feeling, but there is something very objective, something very clear, that 2000 years ago, Jesus came for you and God is saying, I love you, even as you go through the sufferings of life.

Some of you here are single people and you struggle with love, because, as singles, unless you are a 15-year-old and then, no problem, but if you are older, you are single and you say, I must have a partner, because otherwise I'm not loved, I cannot experience love. You know, someone wisely said, God never promises us a spouse, He doesn't say that in the Bible", so what if God has called you to single-hood, does it make it seem like God doesn't love you as much? No, he says, behold, my love.

Time stamp in audio 0:34:29.8.

Some of you today are in strife. You are disagreeing with someone, bad blood has come about and your mind today is transfixed on his picture, his face. If you could, you print it out and paste it on the wall and you can can play darts on it. I want to get back at him. You know, if are fixated on the man and you are not fixated on God's love, you will never be able to forgive. See what kind of love.

Maybe today you want to grow as a Christian and you are frustrated with your own spiritual journey, you say, where do I start, how can I be a better follower of Jesus Christ? Luther says one of the necessary things to discipleship to Jesus is to know the Gospel and to teach the Gospel. He uses very violent terms, he says, you must beat the Gospel into your head, wah, quite violent but it's true, you could be drive it into your head and into your heart. He says, you need that because the devil, the world and the flesh is a powerful triumvirate to lead you away from God, through lies and deception, he weakens you and the best counteroffensive to that is that we will be filled in the heart with the love of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Time stamp in audio 0:35:53.0.

You see, christian living is not about following a set of rules and regulations like why can't I do, but that you are motivated on the inside by God's love and you say, how can I even do that if God loves me. You see, it is not about outward legalism, it's the expulsive power of a new affection and the expulsive power of a new affection comes when you realize, see what kind of love the father has given to us.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

My friends, that's the key to giving of ourselves radically to discipleship to Jesus. This is the key to us living a self abandoned life that will serve Him, will not give the turkeys of life when it's convenient, when it's easy, when whatever I have left in my pocket or in my time I give to God. No, you'll be like a John. You are so amazed by love that even if God calls you to enter the cauldron of boiling, you say, I will go, because I've seen and my heart is absolutely stunned and shocked and amazed and blessed and enthralled and thrilled, with the supreme indescribable love of God.

Time stamp in audio 0:37:15.9.

How's your heart today? My friends, would you, would you have the Gospel saturate your life, would you read the Scriptures to see God's love, would you read good books today about God's love? Would you be with God saturated people and to share and to teach and to say to one another God, would you preach to yourself, God's love, would you sing about His Majesty would you meditate, would you ponder, would you soaked yourself in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, would you do what John commands, See what kind of love.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)

You want to be a lady that gives 23 year old frozen turkeys to God, or would you want to be like a John, who will give yourself to Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ gave Himself for you, behold what love, it begins right here.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how He could love me a sinner, condemned, unclean, how marvelous, how wonderful and my song shall ever be. Is that the song of your life, is that the language from your mouth, is that the direction of your discipleship, how marvelous, what kind, what country of love is this.

Maybe today you are having scars or struggles, or you sincerely desire closer discipleship to Jesus, you want to give your life for Him and though you theoretically say you want to but you never been able to. Maybe it's because you've been trying too hard in your own strength, would you begin this morning and say, God would you help me to really behold, your love, not just this morning, but every day of my life. Then my Christian journey will be a work of wonder, of amazement that your love for me, that calvary would not become an old, old story, but it will be my story every day of my life.

My song is love unknown my Savior's love for me, love to the loveless shown, that they might be lovely, what love to make You love me today, you lovely people would you love and would you live for you lovely Lord. Behold what love, there is healing, there's comfort for your soul today. There is strength, there's passion that can be ignited with God's love today, wherever you are, would you come to God that we, that He will make you a lovely person, made in the image of Jesus Christ, beyond your scars, beyond your wounds, beyond your hurts. What a joy, what power and what grace.

Maybe today, are here and you say, I do not know this love. What can I do to get this love. Do I have to earn it? No, you don't, you can't, you never could deserve it. But this love is poured out to those who would repent and believe in Jesus Christ. So my friends, if you're here today you do not know Jesus, I say to you, the Bible tells you to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. Because Jesus tells you, come unto me, all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest, because the Bible tells us, look unto me all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved. There is salvation, there is the offer, the genuine offer of God's love for you today if you would turn and believe. Jesus loves you, for God so loved the world He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. May this be the day for you to repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

Father, we thank You for Your Word, we failed to really grasp Your love, You know it. And so we pray this morning that Your Spirit will take whatever has been taught and heard and received and drive it deep into our hearts, anchor it there that we will always live and serve from that foundation of amazing love. May our lives be radically transformed and loyal and given for You because You 1st loved us. We asked this in Jesus Name, Amen.