
20 Nov 2016

Fully Follow


Joshua 14 Fully Follow Pastor Jason Lim 20 November 2016 Someone said, "Most Christians are being crucified on a cross between two thieves:  Yesterday's regret and tomorrow's worries. ”  Many do not live life to the fullest. Many stop short of following God wholly.   Caleb stands out among the crowd, for he has a different spirit within him.   He is a true hero of faith who wholly followed his God.   Hear this message and be inspired by this man's life. Do yourself a favour and find out what it looks like to fully follow the Lord.   May you then experience the fullness of blessings God intends for you.  

Joshua 14
Fully Follow
Pastor Jason Lim
20 November 2016


Sermon Transcript

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I'm really glad to be back. I was away for the past two, three weeks in Atlanta, Georgia, I was visiting Perimeter Church, the church that our camp speaker, Pastor Randy Pope leads and founded some 40 years ago.

We are there, because we have been on this journey of partnership, of starting life on life missional discipleship movement here in Singapore and in this region, it has been three years and it has been a wonderful trip for us just to see their church and how the ministry revolves around The Great Commission.

It's very interesting when I was there, perimeter is a sprawling campus of about 6 to 7 thousand people worship in this place every weekend and this church really began some 40 years ago with this challenge, to

"Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to failure lest or unless He be in it."

So Randy, Pastor Randy had this challenge and he said this must be a venture of faith, it is doomed to failure, unless God is with us.

And so I thought this challenge is a very familiar challenge, because I think not just about Perimeter Church, but I think about ourselves as we move towards Punggol. God has led this church, we are now 29 years old, next Sunday will be our anniversary service. God has led this church for 29 years and we ourselves could say that these 29 years has been a journey of faith, in particular the last three years. The call to Punggol, the obedience toward it, I believe is an attempt of something so great that it is doomed to failure, unless God is with us.

I'm thankful for the land that He has given, I'm thankful for the construction, for the funds that have been raised, but there is still so much more to be done because we're not in a building project. The church of Jesus Christ is not called to build buildings, the church of Jesus Christ is called to build lives, to make mature and equipped followers of Jesus Christ. The building is necessary; it's wonderful, integral to what we are going to do in Punggol. But my friends, we all should not rest on our laurels because there's so much more to be done in Punggol.


And so I challenge you today likewise, let's all attempt something so great for God, let's shine the Gospel, let's serve and be a blessing in this community and let's believe that it is doomed to failure, unless God is with us. So for this past three years I thought I've drawn encouragement from Scripture, I've drawn encouragement from the fact that this journey of faith, is in a sense, a journey that the Israelites also undertook as they wanted to enter the promised land.

You remembered the story of crossing river Jordan, how they defeated Jericho and the stories of victory thereafter, it's a journey of faith. So we began that journey some two, three years ago, today in our last two sermons, before we go to Punggol, I thought, we will wrap it up, by finishing a look in the book of Joshua.

And so this morning, in this final countdown, just this two sermons in this final countdown, today, I like us to have a microscope on one man's faith, just from the whole nation of Israel we just going to narrow it down to one man, who followed God in faith, his name is Caleb.

Caleb is someone I believe, who believed and took up this challenge of attempting something so great for God that it is doomed to failure lest He be in it. You see, Caleb at this time is 85 years old, anyone here 85, anyone 80, anyone 75? Okay, this is a time when you don't want to raise your hand, even if you're 75, but anyone at all? Well, probably not, we are quite a young church I think in a sense.

Caleb is 85 years old and he is going to war and he is going to attempt something so great, it's not an easy war by any means, but he is going to attempt something so great, doomed to failure, unless God be with him.

You see, in Joshua 14, it said, therefore Hebron, this wonderful city, this wonderful place, became the inheritance of Caleb, the son Jephunneh the Kenizzite to this day, because he wholly followed the Lord, the God of Israel. So we are going to look at this man's faith, how he wholly followed the Lord, entirely, devoted, trusting, following the Lord's direction. So let's today find out what it means to fully follow.


Just this week I received, I was having a text conversation with a young person in our church and this is what he wrote. I, I thought it was really encouraging. He said I want to follow God wholeheartedly, he didn't know I'm going to preach this, alright. This is what he wrote, not any instigation or him, he just wrote this, he says I want to follow God wholeheartedly, like how God describes Caleb. I want to know God wholeheartedly and never look back, I don't want to be called a Christian but lead a life like a non-believer. I want to study the Bible, memorize it and live my life out as an example. Most importantly, I want to love the Lord with all my heart and mean it.


Here's a man, a young man who wants to fully follow God. I pray it will be your desire, this morning that you would say, I want to fully follow. You know this, wholly followed the Lord is such a unique phrase for Caleb, it is mentioned that Caleb wholly followed the Lord six times in the Bible, that's a lot, more than David, more than Moses, more than even Joshua.

So what does fully follow look like, three things.

1]  Consistent Following
Number one, to fully follow the Lord requires consistent following; it requires a consistent way of life. To fully follow is like what Caleb exemplified. You see, 45 years ago, before we read of Joshua 14:12, 45 years ago, the Bible says, my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt, yet I wholly followed the Lord, my God.

You know, 45 years ago, Israel wanted to go in to the promised land, they sent some spies, but out of the 12 spies, 10 of them says aiyoh, this is so scary, the enemies are too strong, they are too huge, you will never get it. But Caleb had a different spirit. Caleb says, God promised us the Promised Land, so we will follow the Lord, we will wholly follow the Lord.

Well, the whole nation of Israel did not listen to Caleb. Therefore, they were not allowed in, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and yet we are reminded, God remembers Caleb's faith, God remembers he wholly followed the Lord and this is not just himself blowing his own trumpet, Moses swore on that day, saying, surely the land on which your foot has trodden, shall be an inheritance for you and your children forever, because Caleb, you have wholly followed the Lord.


So Caleb at that point of time was 40 years old, my age, I wish I have that same kind of heart as Caleb, wholly following Him, 45 years later, 45 years, 45 long years, wandering wilderness, suffering through all the battles, getting into the promised land, still fight some more for another five years, what will Caleb be like, consistent, 45 years later, he still says or the Bible's still tells us, Hebron became the inheritance of Caleb, why, because he wholly followed the Lord.

Consistent guy, 45 years before, 45 years later, you see, he was not someone was blowing hot and cold, he was not someone who was always fluctuating, he's consistent. There's no flash in the pan, there's no heat of the moment decision, there's no fading of his faith, he kept believing God.

Some of you are young ones, or you are now still young, whatever it may be, but you remember the days when you were younger, you had a fire and passion for God. You had a zeal and fervor, you have spiritual ambitions. Maybe some of you have already in your youth dedicated your life, you said, I want to serve God with my life, I want to live for him. But then, you met a girl, your girlfriend, then you got married, you got a job, you got kids, you got household bills to pay and now you begin to let up on that dream. You begin to settle and you begin to say, maybe I'm just going to be an average Singaporean, who is going to work from dusk to dawn, dawn to dusk, maybe those desires you had, were a memory of distant time pasts.


Hey, the Caleb spirit here says I'm still going to fully follow the Lord, I'm not going to let these things distract me or derail me, so I think so many of us today, have let go of our dreams, those dreams, those desires that maybe God has given to us, and you're now satisfied just to live like an average Singaporean. Now please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Singaporeans are bad, but I, I'm saying that if God has called you and you know you're called to live for the kingdom, why would you live for the world here and now, why would you? Such, it is such a common thing I see, I see your passion and desires when you were younger and and now you are married, you have kids and you've family and somehow you say, you know I'm just going to dedicate my whole life to my family.

Now great, if you're good family man, great if you want to be a good husband, a good wife, a good mother, a good father, please do that. But is that all you aim for, give them a good education, good food, good holidays, is that all you aim for? Now, there's a danger for us to treat ministry as an idol and neglect the family, I, I think there are people like that. I have been like that before, but there is also a danger for us to treat our family as an idol and neglect the work of God, the calling of God.

Caleb had a different spirit, he wouldn't settle to be an average Israelite, he wants to follow fully, he wants to live out the full calling of God for his life. Some of you are in the better half age group, well in our church what do you mean, better half, 50 and above and well because you were the, sort of the pioneer generation in Gospel Light, years ago this church started and you were one of those and today are in the pioneer, not, not pioneer generation, you're in the better half age group and you're thinking, hey, it's time for us to relax, look at, look around you, so many young people, let the young people serve, let the young people do all the things, we can now just hand over the church to the younger ones. So you're thinking about going to your wheel not wheel chair, rocking chair alright. Relax there, retire. Now none of you have even reached 75. Caleb is 85, he kept serving God. He didn't let up, he didn't say, I'm 85 God; let me get out of this war. No he says give me Hebron.


I read about this man, his name is Paul Brand, he's a doctor, he's an author and Doctor Paul Brand is the child of missionary parents in India. So he wrote about his mom, his mom kept preaching the Gospel, walking village to village till she was 75 and at age 75 she had a fall and she broke her hip. They carried her on the roads, drove her to the hospital, but because the ride was so bumpy the bones were badly damaged and it never quite healed properly.

So, Paul went to his mom and said, mom, I think it's time for you to retire, you, your your body is breaking down and the mom said, Of what use is it, if I preserve my body and I do not serve God. She refused to give up, after sometime, she got better and she continued to preach the Gospel, place to place. Now she can't walk but she sits on a donkey, and she sat on a donkey, travelled from place to place, preach for the next 18 years of her life, till she was 93 and at 93 she could not preach on the donkey anymore, because she kept falling off the donkey, but she still wouldn't give up. Paul Brand wrote that the Indians will carry her on the hammock and bring her place to place where she preached to the day she died at age 95.


She reminds me of the verse in Psalm where it says the righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon, they are planted in the house of the Lord they flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age. See real faith does not retire on this earth, you keep believing, you keep following, you keep pressing on, there's no letting up. I think about Pastor Paul in our church now in crutches, right, he is 70+, I think. But if you speak with him, he doesn't say, it's time for me to retire, he is still full of energy and ideas and desire to make the best use of his life. I think it's, it's the right thing to think. I mean, if you are running a race, you don't run the race so well, so that at the end you relax and walked to the finishing, no, I think right at the end, you really give it your best sprint.

So if you're a better halfer today and we are going to Punggol, please don't look at Punggol as a place for you to kick your legs up and relax. I think you should go out of this life, not with a whimper but with a bang. We are so conditioned to think, oh, we work until 65, retire, enjoy life, I don't find that in the Bible, not when it comes to serving God. When it's time to retire, God will make you retire, don't worry, He will call you home, you can even stay long. But before that, give it your best shot, your, you guys have so much to give. I pray that when I'm old, if I can live till 85 like Caleb, I would still say, I am wholly following the Lord.

So I think, this is what it means, to fully follow, its consistency, not just follow today and forget tomorrow, consistency.

2] Confidence in God
But number two, when I look at Caleb's life; I see fully following the Lord requires confidence in God.

If you really want to follow God, you can't follow the crowds, you got to listen to God and be confident in God. Now, Caleb has a very bold ask, he asked for this hill country of Hebron. Hebron is prime land, is like Orchard Road of Singapore. I want this best piece of land, this is a place where Sarah was buried and this will be one of the royal cities of David in the future. This is a prime location and so he says, give me this hill country. Of course it's not easy to have this prime location because it is heavily fortified and there were Anakims there, Anakims are giants in those days, so big that the Israelites say when we stand before them we are like grasshoppers, huh, huh, huh, the Anakims sent terror down our spine, but Caleb said, I want this city. I want to not just take it; I want to fight in that city.

Like I've mentioned Caleb, himself is no spring chicken, he is 85 years old, pioneer generation type, but so you say why is Caleb so confident, what gives him the courage, the boldness to go after Hebron. Well, the secret is not so much that he is strong, although he says he's strong, but the secret is this, it may be that the Lord will be with me. He says, this is what I trust in, this is my confidence, not in me but in God, who will be with me.

And Caleb how do you know that God is going to be with you and I shall drive them out just as the Lord said. You know Caleb has a good memory, 45 years ago, this is what he knew, what he knows, God has said, but my servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit and has followed me fully, I will bring into the land.

Caleb for all these 45 years, cling on to God's Word, God's promise and so now when it is time, he says, I believe God, I know there are giants there but I trust in my God and He will be with me to claim His victory in Hebron. So he reckons on the invisible God, but he knows that this invisible God is an invincible God, that's his trust.

And so it is said that the giant in front of you is never bigger than the giant or, but bigger than the God that is with you.

That's Caleb, that's his confidence.

There's this little poem I want to share with you that summarizes what I've shared, it summarizes Caleb's life and it goes like this,

He stood before Joshua with flashing eyes,
Give me this mountain before I die!
But Caleb, you're old and the mountain is high;
Choose a peaceful spot on this plain to die;
The people who live on the mountain are strong;
The battle you fight will be bloody and long;
His eyes never wavered as he spoke without fear;
I've been promised this mountain for 45 years and as for the people being mighty and tall.
The bigger they are the harder, they fall;
For it's not my strength on which I'm counting;
For the Lord is going to give me that mountain;
So let's quit talking while it still light;
For the Lord and I have a battle to fight!


Great poem, he's not counting upon his own strength, but he's believing in his invisible but invincible God.

My friends, all of us have giants to overcome, you have. God's call for you may be something deeper, richer, fuller and you can't quite get to your Hebron because you are sort of a, stuck as you look at the giants in your life. Well, remember this, the giant in front of you, is never bigger than the God who is with you.

I've been in this church for some time and I know some of you struggle with giants of life, giants, oppositions, obstacles that, that hem you in, giants like anxiety. Some of you are stressed, fearful, worried and it's not just pangs of it, but you're seriously afflicted by it, you're depressed, you struggle.

But let me say this, this is the promise of God, He says in Philippians 4, if you are anxious, I'll read this later on, but if you are anxious, there is this promise of God, that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, not just the peace of God, but the Bible tells us the God of peace will be with you, just two verses after.

Hey, I'm facing anxiety as a giant; I'm facing worry, stress and depression. But the Bible reminds us that the God of peace will be with us, and you can rejoice in your God.

Some of you face giants of temptation, sin, maybe pornography, maybe covetousness, maybe worldliness, maybe unforgiveness, you are facing this temptation in your life, you have, you have a bad temper, you are always lashing out at people and you hate that and you say God, how can I defeat these giants of sin and temptation in my life.

I cried for long time to fight these giants but I always failed, I keep falling back into porn, I keep falling back into anger, I keep falling back in the bitterness, how do I fight these giants. But the first thing you need to do is to realize you can't fight these giants, your confidence must not be in yourself.

There's a restaurant in Singapore close down already, but it has this statement,

I can resist anything except temptation.

Quote from Oscar Wilde, great statement listen to that again, I can resist anything except temptation. The reality is none of us can resist temptation in our own strength, you can't.

See the Bible tells us the way to fight temptation; to live holy lives is not because you are strong, but because Christ in you is strong. That's why the Scripture says walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. The only way you can negate the desires of the flesh, the only way to live holy lives, if it is, if you're walking by the Spirit, God's Spirit in you, Christ in you.


I want to resist temptations from the devil, can I do it, you can't, unless you are strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might, that's the key. We want to stand against the schemes of the devil, but you can do it apart from the Lord.

So like Caleb our confidence, in order to follow the Lord, must be in our God Himself.

Let me apply this to Punggol, Punggol is an exciting journey, I think it's amazing it's two weeks away, it's exciting, but at the same time for me, scary, not because the building is going to collapse, but scary because if the Lord does bring multitudes to us and give us the privilege to minister, will we be overwhelmed.

Now, first of all I think we may have a smaller congregation when we get there, probably. Some of you may not even go to Punggol, too far, too difficult, you may not go and we might shrink and then with the prospect of many people coming in, so many ministries going on, you may say, ooh, we are going to be so stretched, we are going to be so stressed, there's so many needs, we can't meet them, we will be overwhelmed and we will fail, that's the thinking.

But you see, if we look to ourselves, we must fail, we have to fail, because there's no power within us. But the hope today is not in ourselves, per se, but in the God who is with us.

I always remember this verse, it's been years since I, since I've come into full-time ministry, it's one of the critical verses for me, because the burden of church building is not on me, it's on Jesus. I'm not going to take over His job, none of us will take over His job, because He said, I will build my church.


I believe God has called us to Punggol and I believe He will build His church, there in Punggol. I know we have to make, we have to make the Gospel known and it's a tall task to live out the Gospel to give up the Gospel there, but this again is our hope, that He said, look at this, behold pay attention, I am with you always, to the end of the age. There are giants, a lot of things to do, many tasks, many ministries but my confidence is in the invisible but invincible God, He will build His church.

Warren Wiersbe says,

Most Christians are being crucified on a cross between two thieves,
Yesterday's regret and tomorrow's worries,

Stuck, I say to you avoid this by living a consistent life following God and then avoid this by looking at God in confidence for the days ahead. Don't be crucified fully live out, follow God's will.

3} Commitment to God
So number one to fully follow is to be consistent, number two is to be confident and may I say, lastly, you need a commitment, following God requires a commitment to Him.


A story is told of a father, who met his daughter's boyfriend fiancé for the very first time. They had a chat and he asked this young man, so, son, what are you doing right now? Well, I'm a Bible scholar and I study the Bible. Alright, so you are going to marry my daughter, how do you plan to provide for her? Sir, I do not know, but I'm a Bible scholar, I read the Bible and I believe God will provide. Well, how are you going to buy an engagement ring for a start? I don't know but I'm a Bible scholar, I'll study the Bible and God will provide. Son, you think about this properly, you are going to stay in a new place, you're going to, you have to set up a new home, you have kids, how are you going to provide for all that. Sir, I don't know, but I'm a Bible scholar I will study the Bible and God will provide.

So that went on for some time and at night, the wife asked her husband, so how was your conversation with the young man? He says, it's a disaster, we have a problem, the young man has no work, he has no plan and he thinks I am God, that's not responsible right?

If we say we fully follow God, we don't say I'm just going to wait here in passivity till God does everything for me. Some of you may be a little bit uneasy when I said; you know Christ will build His church. Pastor you are saying we do nothing? No, to fully follow God is to have confidence in Him, that He will work through me and I am personally, committed to the cause that He has called me to.

Caleb exemplified that, Caleb didn't sit there and expect God to drop Hebron onto his lap, he didn't expect it on a silver platter because Caleb himself said I shall drive them out. I am going to do it, but I know success is not because I did it, but because God is with me, my confidence is in Him but my commitment is all in.

The Bible tells us, Caleb drove out. So I love the poem, how it is so nicely poise when it says for the Lord and I have a battle to fight. See real following God is never passive, never. Active, it's diligent, it's all in.

So if you today face giants, you say pastor, I'm struggling with depression, anxiety, fear, how come, God has not delivered me from it, is He impotent is He unable, no I say no. Yes, He did say that there will be a peace, that will guard your hearts and minds, that is what the Bible promises, but look at this, this is what we need to do, this is what we need to be personally committed to, that in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God.

Now we struggle many times, because we choose to solve the problem ourselves, we choose to struggle with our thoughts ourselves and we forget to bring it all to God in prayer.

Just like the hymn writer would say, what peace we often forfeit, just because we do not bring to Him in prayer. God is going to help you through your struggles, your giants, but this is what you need to do, in dependence on Him, pray, supplicate, give thanks for everything. Not only this, he subsequently tells us in verse eight, not only must you pray right, you should think right. Don't let your thoughts wander, bring your thoughts to the obedience of Christ, whatever is true, honorable, just and so on, think rightly. So, pray right, think right and in verse nine, do right, whatever you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice, practice these things, do right and you know, the marvelous promise is here and the God of peace will be with you.


Now this, by the way doesn't promise all your problems are solved, you may still face financial issues, you may still face relational issues, you may still face health issues, it doesn't promise that when you pray all these problems are removed, but this does promise, that when you pray right, think right, do right you have a peace and you have the presence of God with you, that is far surpassing understanding.

This is so unimaginable that you can have this peace and joy through these trials. But my friends, this is where you need to be committed to. Some of you today face temptations, struggles with sin and you say oh, I need to ask God to help me to fight against these, yah sure, by all means when temptation comes, you have to say, Lord, Your power, Your grace, Your holiness to meet this temptation, sure you have to do that, but does it mean before that temptation you have nothing to do.

So, Scripture tells you, this is what you need; you need to be committed to. Psalm 119 says in King James, Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. I need to be constantly hiding, storing, growing in the understanding and knowledge of Scripture, I need to be fortifying my soul with the Word of God and I need to be praying, I need to be praying that God will not allow me to fall into temptation. The Bible tells me that in order to fight against sin I need to be in community, exhorting one another daily, I need that accountability I, I need that discipleship. See, it's not passive, full blooded all in, and then you can have confidence God will deliver.

Going to Punggol, it's not just saying eh Elder Leong great job, building is done, we can go, go in and enjoy, God will build His church, hah, hah, hah. Doesn't work that way, God will build His church, but He is going to build it through you. He will be with us, there's no question but this is the question, will you be going and making disciples, will you be there to share the Gospel with someone in a hawker center, someone who has walked into our church building, would you be doing what God calls you to do, to greet, to befriend, to invite him to Bible study, to look into the Scriptures, to a church service, would you be the one doing that, would you be helping people grow in their Christian life, would you teach them to observe all that God has commanded you. This is what we need to do.


You say, pastor I don't know how to do this, I want to, I have a desire to, but I do not know how to. Great, great that you have that desire and when training comes, make sure you you apply for it, make sure you sign up for it, make sure you take it is your responsibility to be equipped so that you can do God's work, because when you go and make disciples, Jesus build His church through you.

You know, people you meet may terrify you. Aiyoh, it's so scary, it's, he looks so fierce, don't be worried about the giant in front, if you can remember the God who is with you and let's pray.

Too many people in Punggol, we say. Well, this is the age-old problem. Jesus has already said, the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. The solution, pray, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest that He will send out laborers into His harvest.

I pray you have a Caleb spirit today. You know by the way, what's the meaning of the name Caleb. Some people, who study Hebrew, say the meaning of the word Caleb really means dog, you know, cat and dog, dog. Wow, Caleb, we are learning about a dog, well, another meaning of the word Caleb is whole heart; Caleb is loyal and wholehearted towards His Master, like a dog. I want to be a dog like that for God; I want to follow My Master.

Hebron, you say what is Hebron, the word Hebron means communion or fellowship, I think there's a unique communion and fellowship available to those who will wholly follow God, would you be someone like that. Let's bow for a word of prayer together.

Caleb is a tremendous example of faith. He was not like the rest, he had a unique spirit, there our many people around him who chose to settle, they chose to settle outside the promised land, they chose to say, God is not reliable, let's just settle, let's just be a typical guy, not Caleb, he wholly followed the Lord.

He never let go, but for the next 25 years, he kept hanging on to God Word, he saw something no one else saw, he saw the invincible God, Caleb was all in, serving God.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I know this sermon can just be an academic study of a man called Caleb, but won't you pray that this will be a spiritual reality that you will be a man like Caleb or you will be a lady with this Caleb spirit, who is wholehearted towards God.

Maybe this morning, you're reminded of your past fervor and passion and spiritual ambition and after all these years, after family, after house, after car, after loans, it seemed to have diluted, it's so thin.

But maybe this is God saying to you, I have not forgotten you, this morning, I'm calling you back to giving your life to Me. Don't settle to be an average Singaporean, don't live for the things of this world, they look so good, they look so real, but they don't last, only what is done for Christ will last, so my friends wholly follow the Lord, press close to God, trust Him, you don't say to yourself it can't be done, if God says it can be done and I am with you. Then will you take up those responsibilities that He has laid out in Scripture and live as fully as you can, the Caleb's spirit.

We want to have a church full of Calebs when we go Punggol. We are not looking to go to Punggol to enjoy ourselves, you're not going there to just beef up the numbers, what a waste of money and time, but we are there on a mission for God, nothing less than the Caleb spirit will do.


But just one more thing before you pray, you know the Caleb spirit is simply, a little foretaste of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, because Jesus our Lord wholly followed the Father. He followed God consistently for all His 33 years, right up to His death; He was living purely for the will of the Father. Our Lord Jesus, He laid aside His divinity, He veiled His divinity, divinity and He chose to rely on the power of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, but He had full confidence in God's power. Jesus like Caleb is committed even to the point of death.

We are not just following Caleb today, we are following Jesus, Jesus, who gave His life for you, will you do that today? Whatever the Lord is saying to you this morning, there may be decisions you need to make, there may be prayers you need to make, feel free to do that, right here, right now. And may God, draw us nearer, still nearer to Him, draw us to Hebron to the place of intimacy, fellowship and rest. Father we thank You for this time. Bless Your Word to each and every heart, once again, we pray for those who have yet to know Jesus as You draw them to You. Thank You, Jesus Name, Amen.

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