
04 Oct 2020

God Creates A Home For Man [Genesis 1:2-25]


"The earth is 4. 6 billion years old!" Is that true? Just how old is the earth? What do you do when people who study science and people who study scripture do not agree? "Are the 7 days in Genesis 1 literal 24-hour days or are they representative of much longer periods or eras? "And what did God create exactly in each of the days of Creation? " If these are your questions, check out this sermon here. May we see the wisdom, power and love of our Creator God in Genesis 1, and may men repent and believe in His gospel to serve Him.


Sermon Transcript

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Hey, good morning to all of you. Welcome to Gospel Light and our online service this Sunday morning. Glad you can join us. Very soon I will be having the privilege to not only welcome you online, but also on site here at 39 Punggol Field Walk. As you know, the COVID-19 situation seems to be improving here in Singapore. And our government has eased some of the restrictions for our worship services. So we are soon able to house a maximum of hundred people, children and adults added together here in this building. So I'm really looking forward to that reopening of our physical gathering. We do not have all the details worked out yet, because as of now I'm speaking on Tuesday morning.

We don't have the official guidelines from the government as yet, they are sending them to us soon, but not as yet. We need to get that guideline, we need to get the information going on. We need to digest it and plan well, so that it could be a safe and smooth reopening for one and all. But I will assure you that once we have our plans worked out, we will send out the information as soon as we can. I miss seeing all of you face to face greeting you. It has been many months and I'm glad that we can take this step forward in the right direction. I'm sure you have many questions, we will try to answer them as soon as we can.

But in the meanwhile, I want to assure you that our online services will continue as per normal. We've actually had this live streaming even before COVID-19 broke out into this world. So there is no reason to suspend our online streaming, we will continue to do that, especially when you cannot come and join us on site. And we hope that with this addition of on site services, it will serve some of you in a particular way, in a better way going forward. Alright, so thank God for this easing and I really look forward to welcoming you and seeing you face to face once again.

Well, we are continuing our journey in the book of Genesis. Last week we looked at how God, before time is the Uncreated One who created the heavens and the earth and all that is herein. There is a story told of Isaac Newton, whether true or not, I cannot verify, it might just be an urban legend. But he had this miniature replica of the solar system, beautiful one, where it is made of balls and rods and wheels and corks so that it rotates at the precise manner as the way the solar system rotates and orbits. So one day, his friend came and saw this beautiful miniature replica of the solar system. And in amazement, he said, “Wow, this is so beautiful, who made this?” To which Isaac Newton said, "Nobody." “Impossible”, the friend exclaimed, “This amazing structure must have been made by someone.”

And that was exactly the point Isaac Newton wanted to convey to this atheistic friend. You see, this friend does not believe that there is God. He does not believe that this world we see is created by God. But with this simple model and demonstration, Isaac Newton is saying, something so complex, so beautiful, so amazing, must be made by a great Creator. And that's what Psalm 19 tells us isn't it, that the heavens declare the glory of God. Creation all around us, is a very eloquent preacher if we would only listen properly.

So that's what we learned in Genesis 1:1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And He created this world in six days, He rested on the seventh. And so as far as we know, from the time of the creation of Adam, on day six, up to now, this earth, if you trace the family line, the lineage, the genealogy of Adam, to Abraham, to David, to Jesus, add to that 2000 years since the time of Jesus, we arrive at this figure of 6000 plus years of creation. Now, what I just said, offended someone. Maybe some of you are already offended. How can you say that this earth is only thousands of years old? Everywhere I've studied, everywhere I've read, everywhere I've heard, tells me that this earth is way older than that. It's millions of years actually, to be precise, people say that this earth is billions of years old.

If you Google today, age of earth, the answer from National Geographic, BBC, scientific forums, so on would tell you that this earth is somewhere around 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old. How do you reconcile that with the Bible? And this is difficult even for church going people, people who grew up in church, there are people who are wondering, maybe you are asking, so actually how old is this earth?

I remember years ago in SCGS, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School, that's where we used to worship. There was this lady, she's a churchgoer and she brought along many of her students. She was a university lecturer and she brought along her students to join us in our worship services. Somehow she got to know us, wanted to listen to the preaching of God's Word, worship with us and wanted her students to come to faith. So she brought them, smart people, overseas scholars to come and join us. And one day as I was preaching I was talking about this world, this creation and how God created it in six days. And we are thousands of years old. She, to say the least, disagreed with what I had just preached.

So during lunch fellowship at the canteen, she walked up to me with her students and confronted me and said, "How could you say that this world is only thousands of years old when everyone, every scientist will tell you it's billions of years old? If you say that it's thousands of years old, people will laugh at the Bible. People will laugh at you. They will discredit Christianity.”
And you know what? That was the last I saw her. Sadly, that was the last I saw her students as well. So right up front, this Sunday morning, I know it's Sunday morning, you might be sleepy, but I want to maybe tackle this problem head on, just how old is Planet Earth? There are people who say it is billions of years old. And there are people who say that this earth is thousands of years old. And it's not a small difference. It's a difference of a magnitude of 1 million times because a billion is 1 million of 1000. So no matter how your math is, this is a huge difference.

There are many Christians who struggle with this. They read the Bible and they say it seems to be thousands of years old. But when you watch BBC, National Geographic, you look at your student's textbook or your children's textbook, they all tell you it's billions of years old. When I went to Australia, we went to caves to visit some tourist sites. And there'll be explanations or commentaries written by the sites that say this cave is billions of years old.

How do I as a father, tell my son, and explain to him this discrepancy? Maybe you have had that difficulty. Now I want to say, this is therefore a complicated issue. And I must say, in order to look scientific before the world, the church, Christians have even attempted to read “billions of years old” into the creation account. In other words, when they read the Bible, although I think it seems to be very clear, it's thousands of years old, there are Christians who say, maybe there is a way to read Genesis to accommodate the possibility of billions of years old. So how do they do that? Well, let me share with you two ways they do that. Alright.

The first way is looking at verses 1 and 2 in Genesis 1 and saying that maybe it is possible. It's billions of years old because something happened in between verse 1 and verse 2. There is this gap in between verse 1 and verse 2 that the Bible doesn't say, but maybe it happened. It is possible. It is a theory we propose and so they call this the gap theory. The gap theory is saying something happened in between that allows for the explanation of this old earth, even though the Bible seems to say creation took place over days.

So what's this gap theory? Well, very simple. It is saying that Genesis one and verse one "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" - this took place billions of years ago. It's old earth. It's old earth because when we go for fossil records, and so on, we see fossils that are dead, or that represent death billions of years ago, so yes, the earth was created billions of years ago, death took place because Satan rebelled against God.

So, after Satan rebelled against God, the Earth is now without form and void and was dark. So they say, Oh, billions of years ago creation, then Satan rebelled and God had now to restart and recreate in seven days. So this is a very, I think, creative way, clever way by which they say, “oh, let's keep to the seven-day creation but this is not the original one. The original one took place billions of years ago so we can have the best of both worlds. This earth is old, but the creation account is in seven days.”
That's one way called the gap theory to read billions of years into Genesis. But I'm sure when you see this, know, huh…it's a clever theory but you really need to read into the text huh? You have to read into it.

It's not anywhere found that God created billions of years ago, Satan ruined it and then got restarted, it's not found anywhere. It's a theory. It is therefore something that we should refute because number one, it is not the natural reading of the text at all. We call this eisegesis, you read INTO the text. It is not exegesis - you don't read OUT of the text. So this is not something we will accept because it's something we guess, and we push, and we force into the text, not something that naturally flows out from the text.

Number two, I think this is a powerful argument against the gap theory. And that is, there is no death mentioned in the Bible until Adam sinned against God. And it is very explicit in Romans chapter 5 and verse 12, that death came only after Adam sinned, and Adam was created on day six. So there is no death before the six days or seven days of creation, no way. But if you believe in a gap theory, you have to believe that death happened. Therefore there is fossil records of billions of years old. But of course, it cannot be the case if you cross reference to Romans 5:12, death happened after the six days, not before the six days, not in the so called gap theory. There is no gap.

And the third refutation is that God said, good. He said good throughout Genesis 1. If it was a world that is already tainted and polluted by sin, by Satan's rebellion, I think God cannot say that it is good, when He recreates from the existing tainted polluted materials. So for all those reasons, I would say most of us would not hear much about gap theory today. It is not very popular now. But it represents one way man can forcibly add into the Bible, forcibly read billions of years into the Bible so that they do not look so foolish before the scientific community.

But there is a second way, I think, is more popular now than the gap theory by which people can read billions of years old into the six days of creation. Say how? Well instead of talking about the gap, it is saying that each day that is represented or that is said in Genesis 1 is not a literal 24-hour day, but it represents a long period. So if you think about it, if this earth is said to be 4.6 billion years, then if you have seven days, perhaps you would say, it's about what? Six, or 0.6 billion years each. Let's call it 1 billion, just round things off. They would then argue that the first day represents roughly 0.6 billion years or 1 billion. So, every day of creation is about a billion years. They say that's what it is, so that we can allow for both the billions of years and the fact that God said it is in seven days, they're saying that the days here is not 24 hours but a long period. Now, I want to say that, that would not be the immediate thought that comes to mind, isn't it when you read Genesis for what it is?

Number two. I'd like you to consider the word "day". The word "day" in the Hebrew is the word "yom" and it is a very common word used two thousand over times in the Old Testament. And interestingly, when “yom” is combined with a number, it is used mostly to refer to an ordinary day or ordinary 24-hour period. Now, I want to grant the possibility that the word "yom" can represent a period. In other words, it does not always need to mean a 24-hour day. But when it is added on with a number, it mostly represents a 24-hour day.

Again, I want to concede that it does not mean it is universally a 24-hour day, it just is mostly. And if you add the words, evening and morning together with a number attached to “yom”, then again, it mostly indicates an ordinary day. But that's as far as I can go. It does not exclusively say that it must be a 24-hour day, but it's mostly a 24-hour day. So there are people who we say in Hokkien here, “tiki”, stubbornly even though the odds are low. And even though it's not the natural reading of this text, they will say “no, no, no, we must maintain that possibility that it is billions of years represented in the words day, or the word day.” I say, alright, if that's really what you want to take it to be, I can't twist your arm, force you, you can have that flexibility, you can have your own read of it.

But then again, I also read in Exodus, chapter 20, verse 11, how God referred to the six days of creation, resting on the seventh to be a pattern for us today, in working six days and resting on the seventh. We certainly don't work for 6 billion years and rest for 1 billion year, we work for six days and rest one day. So I think all evidences considered, it is very difficult to say that this world is made in seven or seven days representing 4.6 billion years, very hard.

I think it's natural, because that's the natural reading of the text. That's what “yom” together with a number together with evening and morning usually, mostly refer to a 24 hour day. And that's the pattern given to us regarding the Sabbath. I would think it very strange that God created vegetation for a billion years before, 2 billion years later, animals are created. And then another billion years later, before man is created. That's strange. Well, I won't be dogmatic here and say that you are not a Christian, if you disagree with me, but I hope you'll see that there are arguments that men have come up with to try to explain billions of years in a text, when actually when you read a text without these scientific, if I may say interventions or interruptions, none of us would be able to read billions of years in Genesis.

So why such a big deal about this old earth? I mean, why do people want to say that the earth is billions of years old? Very simple, because you need that length of time, in order to allow for evolution to take place. You see, if people do not believe in a Creator God, they believe in a Big Bang Theory, that everything came from this big bang, becomes organic matter you are amoeba, then you become a tadpole, then you become a fish, then you become a land creature, then you become a gorilla, a chimpanzee, then you become man. This process from organic mass to human being if they believe in evolution, must take a very, very, very long time. And that's why the earth is said to be very, very, very old, because if it's thousands of years, it could never explain for evolution from amoeba to human being.

So, people then use different ways to try to prove the old earth. There are several methods they use, like the cooling of earth crust, salinity of ocean, sedimentation of rocks, and all these scientific methods. But I would say, without going into the details, any objective person will realize that none of these methods are actually dead on accurate, they are very prone to misinterpretations or errors. They are not something you can rely upon. So at the end of the day, this is the better one.

If you read the Bible for what it is, you will read a young earth, created in six days, no gap in between, trace the genealogy from Adam to us. And you will say this earth is probably thousands of years old, and then you will see that, from what I read in the Bible, I can conclude that this world is wrong. This world is not having the same understanding as what the Bible is saying. Now, that's a very big statement to make, I understand that. But that is what a young earth approach would mean, that I will interpret the world through the Bible, the Bible is the supreme authority in my life. And even if everyone in this world does not agree with it, I still have a high view of Scripture, I believe what it says.

On the other hand, the old earth view for Christians, has a danger, that you're interpreting the Bible through the world. In other words, you're first going to the world, exploring and respecting what the world says, then you read it into the Bible. I think there is a danger there. So I hope the conclusion is clear for you. I have made my stand years ago and I believe that this world, as what the Bible says, is created by God in six days, six literal 24 hour days, with the evening and the morning with days that are reflective of the Sabbath principle. And there is no gap in between verse one and verse two, because death came only after Adam sinned. Therefore I say, I believe this world is a young earth, thousands of years old. Now you may stone me, you may disagree with me but that's, I think what the Bible teaches. Take a look at this video before we go on:

What happened on each day during creation? We are gonna answer that question. The creation account is found in Genesis chapters one through two. The language here makes it clear that all creation was formed from nothing, in six literal 24 hour periods with no time periods occurring between each day. The account specifically describes the event that a common sense reading understands as a literal day, and there was evening there was morning, the first day. Further, each sentence in the original language begins with the word, “and”. This indicates that the days were consecutive and not separated by any period of time. The Genesis account reveals that the Word of God is authoritative and powerful. Most of God's creative work is done by speaking.

So let's take a look at each day of God's creative work. God created the heavens and the earth. The heavens refers to anything beyond the earth, outer space. The earth is made but not formed in any specific way, although water is present. God then speaks the light into existence, separating the light from the dark. He names the light day, and the dark night. This creative work occurs from evening until morning, one day. God creates the sky, the sky forms a barrier between the water upon the surface and the moisture in the air. At this point, Earth would have an atmosphere, this creative work occurs in one day. God creates dry land, continents and islands are above the water. The large bodies of water are named seas, and the ground is named land. God declares that, hey, this is good.

God creates all plant life both large and small. He creates this life to be self sustaining, having the ability to reproduce. The plants weren't created in great diversity, the earth was green and teeming with life. God declares that this work also is good. This creative work takes one day. God creates all the stars and heavenly bodies. The movement of these will help man track time, two great heavenly bodies are made in relation to the earth. The first is the Sun which is the primary source of light and the moon which reflects the light of the Sun. The movement of these bodies will distinguish day from night. This work is also declared to be good by God and took one day. God creates all life that lives in the water. God also makes the birds. All these creatures were made with the ability to perpetuate their species by reproduction. The creatures made on day five are the first creatures blessed by God. Then God declares this work good and it occurs in one day.

God creates all the creatures that live on dry land. This includes every type of creation not included on previous days. And man. When God was creating man, He took counsel with Himself. God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness. This is not an explicit revelation of the Trinity, but it is part of the foundation because God reveals an “us” in the Godhead, and God makes man and man is made in the image of God and is special above all other creatures.

This emphasizes God places man and authority over the earth and over all other creatures. God blesses man and commands him to reproduce, fill the earth and subdue it. The entire universe, in all of its beauty and perfection was formed in six literal, consecutive 24 hour days. At the completion of His creation, God announces that it is very good. God rests. This in no way indicates that God is weary from His creative efforts, but denotes that the creation is complete. Further, God is establishing a pattern of one day in a week to rest. That answers the question, what happened on each day during creation? Research this question further on our website

All right. So, with all that said, now, I know this is unusual, I don't usually do this, with all these scientific things, and so on for a Sunday worship service sermon. But it's unique. I mean, when you deal with Genesis, you have to deal with creation and the age of the earth, and so on, it’s a FAQ. And so I spend those time, I hope, in a profitable way for you for some knowledge and information. But let me end this day by just looking at this six days of creation. So there are six days here, what did God actually create in these six days? It's like a Sunday school lesson, I know. But, hey, I learned something, even when I was preparing it, I hope you learn something for yourself here.

So day one, what did God create? He created the earth and He created light. They were not here at all until God created. There was no earth, there was no light until God created. So we see in verse 2, the earth was without form and void. And darkness was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the water. So I could only say that initially, the earth was without form, it was empty, it was vague, it was useless in a sense, there is no life that could be teeming out of it. At this beginning, it was without form, it was void, it was dark. And it was like a glob of water. It was like a water ball. Water was the major composition of this earth. Then God created light. And He created light by saying, Let there be light. He didn't have to snap His fingers. He didn't have to do anything else but He formed light with His Word.

We read of Hebrews 11:3 and, and it speaks of how God creates by the power of His word, and it's powerful. He said, let there be light and there was light. And you can imagine it was completely dark. And now there is light. And Apostle Paul, later on in 2 Corinthians 4, would use the same imagery to speak about the human heart. God who said, Let light shine out of darkness has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ [2 Cor 4:6].

What a verse this is! He’s saying that man in his sin is in darkness, he cannot know God, he cannot see God, he cannot know Christ. It is God who created light in our hearts. You and I today, if we believe in Jesus Christ, let me tell you why. Because God said, Let there be light in your heart. So we thank God, we praise God for His mercy in allowing us to see Him. And that is a throwback to Genesis 1, when God said, Let there be light and there was light.

I think it's interesting. If you sit down and think about it, that light came before the sun, or the moon. The sun and the moon and the stars are created only on day four. But day one there is already light, light is directly from God Himself. Now don't be surprised but I'm telling you in the future, in a new heaven and new earth, there will be light that comes directly from God. In Revelation 21:23, “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”

So it's going to be a beautiful thing - in the future we are going to see the glory, the brightness of God. In Revelation 22 verse 5, “for the Lord God will be their light.” So all that, kind of represents the echoes from Genesis 1 verse 3, “Let there be light, and there was light.” And then God saw that the light was good, not only pleasant but useful. And then He separates the light from the darkness. Again, Paul would use this imagery in 2 Corinthians 6 that says, “what fellowship has light with darkness,” speaking about those who know God and those who do not know God, there is going to be a separation and there ought to be a separation. And that is again a basis from the day one of creation.

And then finally, I want you to notice, and there was evening and there was morning. Now that represents one day. But what's also interesting is that, it seems that the reckoning of the day starts with evening. Today for us, we say that the day starts in the morning, but for the Jews, actually, their day starts in the evening. You read of how they begin to prepare for Sabbath, on the evening, and so on. So, very interesting, things that we don't realize. But Genesis 1 verse 5 does tell us, it seems that their calculation or the reckoning of the day begins in evening.

So, Day one is the creation of earth and light. Day two? Day two is the creation of heaven. We read this in verses 6 to 8. And very quickly, you see that this refers to an expanse that separates the waters from the waters. Now, without being complicated, I just want to say that this expanse is the heaven, the atmosphere we see. And you will separate the waters from the waters in that you see the waters on ground level, like the sea, the river, and then the waters above in the cloud. So this is actually a very scientific statement, that there is a water body above in the sky. And God called this expanse heaven. Later on in verses 14 and 20, will read that there will be the lights in the expanse of the heavens, that's where you see the moon, the stars, the sun. You will also see in Genesis 1:20, let the birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens. So this heaven is created in Day two.

Day one, earth and light. Day two, heaven. Day three, we now see life. Day three is where you see the formation of dry land and vegetation. So let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place and let that dry land appear. And it was so. Again, the creative power of God's Word, God called the dry land, Earth and the waters that were gathered together, He called seas. And God saw that it was good, He will say this “good” several times in the creation account. And then in Genesis 1 verse 11 to 13, we read about the dry or the vegetation that comes about. How thankful we are for this, if not for this, we will not have our durians and mangoes and vegetables and broccoli and so on. Thank God for this. Thank God for genetics, by the way, because we see that plants will yield seed according to their own kinds. This is genetic language, alright? So all that is created on Day three.

So a recap, Day 1. I myself have difficulty remembering what is created on which day so I want to help you. Day 1, God created earth and light, Day 2, heaven. Day 3, dry land and vegetation. And then Day 4, the sun, the moon and the stars. So let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens. So there will be these bright lights in the skies and atmosphere in the heavens. And what are they for? They are for signs and for seasons for days and years. So people can tell time. People can tell seasons, people can tell direction from the stars. And that's why God gave it to us or gave them to us. Now one of the FAQs we get is - are there aliens? You know, like Sigourney Weaver kind of aliens or ET extraterrestrial kind of aliens? Are there aliens on other planets there? Well, as far as I read in the Bible, no, because these glorious celestial bodies are given for signs, for seasons, for days and for years. Alright, that's as far as we read.

Now, are there other beings out there in the world? Yes, angels, but not quite aliens or monsters as we know them. Alright? And then verse 16, God made the two great lights. That refers, I'm sure to the sun and to the moon. And He also made the stars. So it's interesting. As I've mentioned, light was already created on Day one, then the secondary means of giving light is given on Day four. Some people read that God can use primary means by Himself or He can use secondary means, using agents like the sun, like the moon, like human beings to accomplish His purposes.

But let's go on to Day five. And Day five, we read of life in the water, and the creation of life in the skies, birds. So we read of the water swarming with swarms of living creatures and birds flying above the earth. So it's interesting that not all animals are created on day five, only creatures in the sea, and creatures who will fly or in the skies, and that is day five, because the land creatures are created on day six. And we see that the earth will bring forth living creatures, and so on, and so forth. And of course, in day six, we also read of the creation of man. But I will reserve the account of the creation of man till next week. Alright?

So today, what we see is that in these six days of creation, God manifested His power, His divinity, in creating the earth, creating light, creating heaven, creating land and vegetation, creating the celestial bodies, creating animals, and then finally creating man. It is like God has created a home for man, isn't it? I mean, if you have a child, you know that your baby is going to be born, it is not strange that you would start preparing for the birth of your baby, you will start to paint the room of the baby, you'll get a crib, you’ll buy soft toys, pillows, you will get everything ready first, then your precious baby would be brought into this room.

And it is as if God sees man as His supreme creation. And so He creates the earth, the skies, the animals, the plants, everything is made ready so that this will be a suitable, beautiful home for humanity. Well, let’s close by reminding ourselves about Genesis 1 account. It is meant to display the glory of God, it is to display the divinity of God, the power of God, so that we see Him as the supreme Creator of all so that deep in our hearts, we would resonate with that understanding that He is supreme over us, He is to be worshipped, He is to be served, He is glorious.

And as we have shown last week, from the telescope to the microscope, God's creation declares His glory. And that's precisely the point that God makes to Job when he was suffering. And when he was complaining, he was doubting God, that God simply asked him this question, “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?” And He went on asking Job, question after question about His creation. Whenever we have a doubt about God, whenever we have a doubt about whether He is wise enough, powerful enough, loving enough, one of the refutations of those doubts is when we look at creation around us. I pray today, you will bow at the understanding of the greatness of God in creation.

I’d like to end with this song, “How great Thou art”. The writer is very wise. He writes, oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the worlds Your hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Your power throughout the universe displayed. Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee, How great Thou art, how great Thou art. Well, I think a man who knows God will look at creation and say, “How great thou art.” But I also say to you, the greatness of God is not just seen in creation, because the writer goes on to say in stanza two, “And when I think of God, His Son not sparing sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in, that on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.” Oh creation preaches the wisdom, the power, the love of God for us. But even more so, the cross of Jesus Christ speaks of the wisdom and the power and the love of God for us, that He would save us from our sins in such an amazing way.

And then stanza 3, the writer says, and “When Christ shall come with short of acclamation and lead me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow with humble adoration and then proclaim, My God, how great Thou art.”

What am I saying? I am saying that this songwriter understands the three probably most important milestones of human history. That God is our Creator. That God is our Saviour, and that God will send His Son to bring us back to Himself again one day. These are the 3 great events of human history and they all tell the same story, “How great Thou art”.

I pray today you will consider the greatness of God. I hope today, you will repent of your sin and believe in Jesus Christ. Believe this Gospel, this Good News, this message that can save you from your sins. I pray, brothers and sisters in Christ, we will see the glory of God and lay down our lives and follow Jesus and serve Him. Oh Lord my God, then sings my soul, How great Thou art.

Let’s pray. Father, thank You today that we have the authoritative Word of God in our hands. It’s so easy for us to cower in fear and read the Bible subjecting it to the world’s judgement. But Lord, we do not want to do that. We want to be a people who honour You and have a high view of Scripture. Even if everybody laughs at us, we would still say what Your Word says, we will still believe what Your Word declares, because at the end of the day, Your Word is the supreme revelation from You and at the end of the day, science is merely the observation and the deductions of men.

So I pray that we will be a people who will be wise, who will hold high the Word of God. We will be a people who now look at creation in a different light. We will be a people who will rejoice in the greatness and in the goodness of our God. Thank You for preparing this home for us and even though we know this is a ruined home because of sin, we look forward to the day Your Son will come back and lead us to that everlasting home. In the meanwhile, keep us steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Bless Your people, we pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen. God bless!

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