
11 Dec 2016

Is There Going To Be Christmas Still?


Sermon Transcript

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Well, this is the month of December and it's the time where we think about Christmas, so we are on this series in our sermons on what child is this? So let me start with a simple story. I was in United States, some six weeks ago, I had been there for three weeks and I was about to wake, make my make my way back. Now I was away for a long time and I missed my kids and I feel sorry that I couldn't be with my kids. So I decided to cheer them up by buying some gifts. I asked my two sons beforehand what they would like, my youngest son Matthias said he wanted a toy gun, my oldest son, my eldest son, Shawn, he wanted some tarantula insect, or tarantula toy, I do not know what it is.

So I went around hunting and I found this toy gun for Matthias, I took a photo, I showed it to Matthias on the phone- WhatsApp, he was excited about it, wow this pew, pew, pew and all this stuff alright, and I showed, I, I couldn't find a tarantula for Shawn, but I found this, bug vacuum this device that allows you to suck insects up. You know it's like a real cool device, I showed it to Shawn and he was also excited. So throughout the trip, I will remind them of these gifts, daddy is coming back soon and they will keep asking me, daddy, when are you back, when are you back.

I, I half suspect they're not interested in me but they are interested in the gifts. Well it was time to come back, I packed all my stuff with a lot of other things, my luggage was really full. I mean, really, really, full. So I had to hand carry some stuff, especially lighter ones, including the toys.

I flew I flew from the States to Korea for transit, Incheon airport, no problems. And as I was transiting towards the flight to Singapore, the security clearance was where I had a problem er, the man who was the staff who was in charge, scanned my hand carry bag and spotted these items, the toy gun and this bug vacuum. They, he took it out and says sir, you can't you can't bring this with you on board the plane. I say but but why? This is a gun these two are guns. I said no, no, no these are toys if you can open it up, you can open up the package and try it, it's fine. He says no I can't let you pass.

That's exactly how I felt, huh, are you serious, I mean my sons are waiting, I hate to disappoint my two kids. I said please, these are really toys and I feel like crying and begging him you know. You see I didn't want to disappoint my sons with the fact that they couldn't get their gifts but more than that, I didn't want them to think that their daddy didn't keep his word.

This morning, I want you consider this question, will God, keep His Word? The God of the Bible is He a God who is reliable, is He someone Who will keep His promises or not? You see, because we started this series last week saying, God gave a promise, back in the garden of Eden right there in the beginning of the creation of this world, God promised, God gave a prophecy that there will be a man, born of a woman who will now crush or bruise the head of the serpent.

So there will come a Savior who will defeat the devil who has deceived the world. So, God gave a promise right there, the question is does God keep His promise, because many years later, nothing happened. There was no sign of a Savior, there was no one who could reverse the effects of sin, there was nothing in sight. Has God forgotten His Word? Will God keep His promise, or is it that man has sinned so badly that there is no way God is now going to send that promised Savior.

So this is the question, is God going to send a Savior, will God keep His promise, is there still going to be Christmas, the birth of a Savior.

Fast-forward that story 2000 years later after the garden of Eden and we come to focus on one man who will later be called Abraham. The Bible tells us in Genesis that God brought Abraham outside, under the sky, before the stars and He said to Abraham, look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you're able to number them. Look at the stars, He says. It is said that in those days in the Middle East, you could see some 8000 stars every night in a clear sky. Some people tell us that there are 100 or more than 100 billion stars in the observable universe today, but how many did Abraham see that night we do not know, but under that starry starry night, he must have seen lots of stars and God says count them. Why? Because, so shall your offspring be.

It's an amazing promise to Abraham that you will have that many offspring, like the stars in the sky and like the sand on the seashore. So, God is saying, in Chinese alright, you have 子孙满堂 , you know that right, Chinese. For the Filipino brethren those who don't speak Chinese, it means you have so many descendants you will fill the hall. But in this case, 子孙满天 you have so many descendants it will fill the sky as it were.

Now this, I think is very easy to understand, you’ll have many descendants Abraham.  But there is more than meets the eye in this verse, because if you notice, this is very bad English, so shall your offspring be. Actually it should be so shall your offsprings be. It should be plural, why singular? Aah, but there is a good reason why it is singular and I didn't make this up because later on apostle Paul said in the book of Galatians these words.

Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring- singular. It does not say and to offsprings, referring to many, but referring to one and to your offspring. So, God has a sort of a subtle message in what He said to Abraham, so shall your offspring be, not offsprings. Sure there will be many descendants, but there's something special here about this one offspring.

You say, who is this one offspring? It probably and it definitely is, as you look at the scheme of what the whole Bible teaches, it refers to that offspring promised in Genesis chapter 3, that offspring who will crush the serpent's head, the offspring who will reverse the effects of sin, the offspring who will bless the whole world. And Paul was very bold and very certain when he said in verse 16, who is Christ.

So this is a prophecy of Christmas, that this child, given into this world would bruise the serpent's head and through him Abraham, you will have many, many children of faith.

Wah, so chim (hokkien: hard to comprehend) , huh, so difficult. Are you sure that's what Abraham understood, I mean did Abraham really get this, that it is about the prophecy of that one Savior? I think so. How do you know, in John 8:56, we read here, your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day.

This is Jesus speaking here, Jesus said, your father Abraham, lived thousands of years ago, but he understood this. He saw this by faith, he saw my day and he was glad.

So this is a tremendous prophecy if you think about it when God says, so shall your offspring be. Abraham, I'm going to give you a seed, an offspring, 2000 years ago, I promised, I made a prophecy that there will be someone who will crush the serpent's head, you will be the one through whom this offspring will be given, and through him you will be the father of faith to many, so many, like the stars in the sky.

In Singapore, we have this colloquial Hokkien language that says, Jun Bo. Are you sure- Jun Bo, well, in this case, it is absolutely Jun- absolutely clear. In fact, also Singapore we say double confirm, confirm plus chop, right. So you see the double confirmed here in Genesis 22, now this is decades later, maybe 20, 30, 40 years later and now God says to Abraham you remember what I said to you decades ago, still very true, Abraham, in fact, I want to make is so clear to you that I will say, I am swearing by myself I have sworn. It's an oath, it's a clear commitment. By myself I've sworn, sworn to do what, you say.

Well, I sworn that I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply your offspring, double confirm, triple confirm, quadruple confirm, I do not know what’s the 5 one already. But super, super confirm, I'm going to do this, you don’t have to worry, I'm faithful to deliver, I'll multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore, your offspring shall possess the gate of the enemies and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.

So this is a very clear commitment, Hebrews, the author tells us, why did God give an oath, the reason is because God wanted, desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise, the unchangeable character of His purpose, and therefore, He guaranteed it with an oath.

So why did God say what He said? Because He wants us to know, He will always keep His promises, that's the God we worship, not a fickle God who changes His mind all the time, but a God who always keep His promise. So this is a tremendous assurance to Abraham, by myself, I have sworn I will surely bless, I will surely do this.

Now, I think for the past 15 minutes, you must have heard this Abraham story, and you ask yourself why did I come to church this morning to hear about Abraham. I mean, I woke up early, I got lost, and I came here didn't to just hear about someone else, what it's got to do with me, what's the relevance to my life. Let me tell you what the relevance is to your life. It's in verse 18, it says and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.

This is where it hits home, this is not about Abraham who lived some 4000 years ago. This is about you and me, it's about the world in you, in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.

Some people think Christianity is a religion for the Westerners, the angmohs we say, the Caucasians we think this is a Western religion. Some people say this is a Middle Eastern religion, no this is of faith for all nations, because that's what God says, in your offspring shall all nations be blessed. This is a critical statement and as you have learned the word, offspring here does not refer to the many, many descendants only, but specially it refers to Jesus Christ, the Promised One.

So let me share with you what blessings you have alright. So the first question you have is what is this blessing? I want to be blessed, who doesn't want to be blessed, who doesn't want to have favor from God. Of course we all want that, but the question is what is this blessing. If I am a Christian, what do I get? I mean, you want to sign credit card, they will dangle some freebies and attractive stuff for you to sign up right?

Now, what does the Bible promise, what is the blessing in Jesus Christ, why would I believe in Him? The first thing people think about in blessing, especially in today's modern context is this, I want this, correct or not. Maybe you're here in church for the first time and this is what you think about, in Jesus Christ, shall all the nations be blessed, anyone who believes in Jesus will be blessed with what, money.

Is that what you're thinking? I want money, I want success, I want fame, I want a good life, I want to be healed of all my diseases and sicknesses, I want an easy, successful living here. Maybe that's how you think and maybe that's the way church appears to the world. Maybe that's what preachers today, in my opinion, wrongly preach, when we tell people coming to Jesus Christ is for health and wealth, for the here and now.

No, I don't think so at all. Let me get this right or let me make this clear. There is no doubt our God is more than able to make you extremely rich. There is no question that God is able to heal us from all our sicknesses, there's no question God can remove every obstacle in life, He can.  But let me say this, He does not say that that is the blessing He promises to everyone. He can, but that's not what He's looking at.

So if you came to church this morning, hoping that when you come here, you'll be successful in your career, you'll be healed of all your sicknesses, every problem in life will melt away, I say no, that's not the promise that is given in the Bible, in your offspring, in Jesus shall all nations be blessed.

How do you know pastor? Okay, let's go to Abraham, wasn't he a rich and successful man? But the Bible tells us Abraham by faith went to live in the land of promise and as in a foreign land, he became a foreigner, he became an alien, in a foreign land and the Bible says he lived in tents, in other words, he didn't have a property to his name.

You know, in Singapore there are people who live in the tents in East Coast Park, it was recently in the news. So you have no place to stay, you get a tent, you pitch it, you stay there, but you know that that place doesn't belong to you, you can be chased out any time. Abraham lived in tents, temporary dwelling places and Acts 7, verse 5 was even more clear, God, He God gave him no inheritance in it, not even a foot's length.

Abraham is a man of faith, he follows God but in Canaan, God did not give him any property at all. You say, believe in God, I'm going to be rich and successful, no, Abraham lived as a pilgrim, as an alien and it was even clearer in Hebrews where it says, he died, together with many others, not having received the things promised. He got nothing in this life, he was not rich, he did not have property to his name, that's not the promise of blessing he was looking forward to.

So what is this blessing you say, aah, Abraham was very clear, he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. You know a Christian is someone who follows Jesus not because Jesus is going to give me health and wealth in this life, I follow Jesus because I know He is preparing and He's going to give me a beautiful city in the life that is to come, like Abraham.

I mean, it doesn't matter if we really are not rich in this world, what matters is that you're rich in the world that is to come. Abraham saw that, he believed that, he desired a better country, a heavenly one. The Bible also says that he is now an heir and we all if we are Christ's, then we are Abraham's offspring by faith, we are part of the descendants of faith, he is our father of faith and we are heirs. Heirs are people who will inherit the riches, an heir is not someone who is rich yet. Maybe he has some riches, but that's not the real riches yet, an heir is someone who looks forward to what is to come.

The Bible describes Christians today as heirs, we will inherit one day the tremendous riches in God, we will be not just heirs, but we will be heirs and co-heirs with Jesus Christ. In other words all Christ has will be all I have, what He has, I have because we are co-heirs with Christ, phenomenal thought and that's what Abraham looked forward to.

I want to say this to all of us before we move to this point, and that is if you came to church today to look for some earthly things, I say, you have underestimated the beauty and the grace of God and His Gospel, because God is not just going to give you things that lasts only for a short while, you know whatever your house is bungalow, mansion, whatever your car is, Aston Martin, whatever, Rolls-Royce, it is only for very short time you know that? Very very short; you compare it with eternity there is no comparison, can you imagine forever. God is not going to just give you what you want in this short lifespan, but He's going to give you something forever.

So don't cheapen the Gospel, the blessings God intends for His people. It's it's tremendous the health and wealth false gospel actually cheapens the promises of God. It's not promising too much, it's promising too little, the real blessings are way more, to be an heir and co-heirs with Christ.

I've this question that you might think about, hey how can God just give someone something like that, freely, it's not fair I mean it's not fair because first of all, man has sinned against God and God just can't forget about these sins, sins alright, I mean it's it's quite unrighteous for God to pardon sin, just like that. How can He just let sinful people get all these things and you're absolutely right.

You know sometimes we as parents we chin chye (hokkien: to not worry about the details) , we anyhow with our kids, they do wrong things, we don't punish them, we let them off, but you know God is holy and just and righteous and He doesn't let anything off, no sin is let off.  He's not going to say, oh, I know you've sinned, but never mind lah, I close one eye let you come into my eternal kingdom, I give you, no, God is righteous.

So how can a righteous God let unrighteous people enjoy all the blessings of righteousness. This question is resolved in Christmas. You say why, Christmas is how Jesus, God's Son came to do what? Jesus came to be a curse for us, say what is Christmas about? Christmas is about Jesus coming to be a curse for us. He's cursed on our behalf, the Bible says, Christ redeemed us, save us from the curse of the law. The law reveals our sin. The law condemns us, the law proves that we cannot stand before the Holy God, we are cursed, but that's why Jesus came, He came so that He becomes a curse for us, when cursed is every man who is hanged on a tree.

He went to the cross and suffered and died to be our substitute, to be our sacrifice, to be cursed. I was supposed to be cursed but He says, no, let Me be cursed, and with His sacrifice we can be saved, because now it is paid, the Holy God must see that sin is paid for, and because God loves us, He doesn't allow us to be paying for our sins, if we believe in His Son. His Son took it all upon Himself, 2000 years ago, on the cross.

See this is exactly what God has said in Genesis 3:15, now Jesus will crush Satan, but you know Satan is going to make sure Jesus pays, sin is going to be heaped upon Jesus and He's going to suffer for that. And therefore you shall bruise his heel, Satan you will bruise the heel of the Savior.

So who will get this blessing, well this blessing is about eternal life, eternal riches that is to come, available to humanity today, because Jesus paid for it, Jesus died for our sins. Now, if Jesus died for our sins, what do I need to do in order to receive this blessing? Some of you may think coming to church, makes you receive this blessing, wah, I'm so glad I'm in this hall, somehow sitting in this hall, you say has some spiritual power and by some spiritual power from the preaching here, you will receive this blessing, no, no, no, no, no. Coming to church alone doesn't give you this blessing. Abraham never went to church, huh, he had no church to go to.

So how does one receive this blessing? The Bible tells us for Abraham very simple, this is about Abraham, he, he here refers Abraham, Genesis 15, what kind of a man is Abraham, he's an idolater, he worshiped other gods before God met him. He lived in an idolatrous family, worship, in family worshiping other false Gods. But this man who is a sinner, would receive this blessing, why, because he believed the Lord, he believes.

He saw his sins, he saw his helplessness and he believes that God will send a Savior. He believes in the coming Savior. He saw the day of Jesus and the Bible says this is a tremendous reality, God counted it to him as righteousness. The word counted is to be, it is an accounting term, credited to Abraham righteousness, computed to Abraham righteousness, it's given, deposited into his account, Abraham had no righteousness but because he believed, this righteousness is credited to his account.

I've been serving the Lord full-time in church for 10 years. When I first started serving here, I quit my secular job, I came full-time ministry, I think my father must have thought that I will be a poor church mouse, no money, cannot feed the family and so my dad decided to deposit money into my account every month. So every month he will put money into my account but for all these 10 years the bank has never called me up and say, Mr. Lim you have this money credited to your account, I realise that you never worked for it, you never earned it, can you explain how it is because if you didn't earn it, we are going to take away the money. You know the bank never calls me that or called me to tell me that. The bank every month would recognize that there is money deposited into my account and now the money belongs to? Is that so complicated and the money belongs to me. I didn't earn it, it was simply given, credited and so it is spiritually.

We are spiritual bankrupts, we have no righteousness before God. We can't even earn it, but if we believe in Jesus, God's Son, God says I'm going to give His credit into your account and when I see you, I see someone who is righteous, not because you are righteous, but because My Son's righteousness is given to you.

How was Abraham, a man who was able receive blessings, because he believed and God credited. See the Gospel message is so radical, every religion teaches you, you must deserve it, you must earn it, you must work for it, but the Bible says, it is simply credited, given, paid for in full by Jesus Christ, it is done, it's not what you need to do to earn salvation, it is done, it is not, not how you pay, but it is paid, past tense and now credited.

So when you look at the Bible, you will see that this faith, is the predominant teaching. The Bible never says work your way to heaven, because it can never be done. It is always by faith, it's given to you, it's given to Abraham by faith and that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham, the real children of Abraham are those who believe.

And then in Galatians 3, as well so then those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith, believe, this is the great news, the great news of the Bible, is that there will be many, many, many people who will believe, all across the world. You know, Christianity is one faith that spreads throughout the world, regardless of language, regardless of nationality, God is calling people of faith all around the world and they are all descendants of faith, they are the children of Abraham by faith.

And this is my hope, right here, that there will be many of you who will repent of your sins and believe in Jesus, that this amazing grace of God would let this righteousness be credited to your spiritual account. I pray this will come true here at Punggol.

So the question really is, is there going to be Christmas still, but the answer is absolutely yes, I mean, God affirmed it to Abraham and of course we are now looking at it on hindsight, there was Christmas, God's Son was born into this world, to save us from our sins.

Say why, why is there going to be Christmas, because it's rooted in God's character, it's rooted in the reality that forever our God is faithful.  That's who He is, He cannot deny Himself, He cannot lie, it is impossible for God to lie and He wants us to be so sure that we can now cling on to His promises.

What happened to my two sons' toys, one long look to tell you what's going to happen. Well, I was almost going to beg and do anything possible to save those two toys and I he was about to throw it into the bin when I said, is it possible to check it in. I mean, I mean the baggage was checked in back in the States right. I ask him, says can can it be checked in and he said yes. So we moved to a different counter and I'm so grateful that to those staff, wrapped up the stuff and say, here you go sir, you can find this package back in Singapore.

I was so happy, unbelievable over these two toys. But more than the toys what's at stake is whether I would be a man of my word to my two sons. You know, on that day, the staff could have said, sorry no check-in wah, bo bian (hokkien: no choice) , you know, you say that I have no other choice even if I wanted to keep my word sometimes I may not be able to,right. Tomorrow, I bring you to the zoo, hey was pouring how to bring to zoo, so there are times even when you want to keep your word, you can't. But let me say this God doesn't struggle with that problem.

There is no rainy day with God, every day is within His sovereign sovereign control, and if God says He will do it, you can trust Him to keep His promise, not only is He willing, He's able.

I came to the Lord some 22 years ago, I hated Christianity, I hated God, I hated the Bible. I think Christians are all weaklings, that's how I thought. Long story short I came to realise, I'm a sinner, I came to realise the Bible is true, I came to realise there is a Creator God and the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. I came to realise that I can never earn my way to heaven not by doing good, by obeying, I could never be good enough to be saved, I realise all that and so I came to this very critical point, last step as it were, that I would want to believe in Jesus to be saved.

And so I said to God in my heart quietly, God I want to be saved, I want to believe in Your Son, would You show me that You would accept me, would You show me that You would want me to believe, some sign please, some, some, some token of Your, Your acknowledgment. It maybe some clouds in the sky, shape it to be JC or whatever also can or or it may be some piece of paper on the floor, I chanced upon that says, you can be saved, give me some sign, would You?

I waited for several months, nothing happened. I kept looking at the clouds by the way, hoping to get some sign there, some divine thing, never came. So one night I decided, several months later, just to open the Bible, look to the most popular verse John 3:16 and it says for God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

I said God You, You, You said this, I have no sign from You, but maybe I don't need the sign, because probably You are a God of His Word. So I'm just going to say, I believe in Jesus and I'm going to trust You, that You will honour Your Word, I will not perish but I will have everlasting life. God I'm taking You at Your Word tonight.

22 years ago I still remember that day and my life is changed as a result of that, not because I made that decision, but because when you believe God gives you a new heart, I'm a new creation, not because I did it but God changed my life, simply because I believe God will be true to His promise, this is His promise.

So this morning, this is God's promise for you. I am not the one who promises this to you, if I mean if I'm the one who promise this to you, good luck. I may not be willing to fulfill it and I'm not able to fulfill. But God is willing and God is able, whosoever, today as you see your sins as you repent of your sins, you long for a Saviour, you long for salvation, I say to you, today, whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life, double confirm, confirm chop Jun, (colloquial for accurate) absolutely reliable. Would you trust that and let Christmas be real for you.

I could end here but I want to say a few words to my brothers and sisters in Christ, Christians here. Sometimes life looks absolutely terrible, right.  I mean, we all know that life is not going to be smooth, I mean God did not promise a smooth and easy life, that's a reality. In fact the Bible says through much tribulation, trials and pains, you will enter the kingdom of God. It's not easy, and sometimes when life is in a mess, you say, God you're not faithful, you did not provide for me you did not help me, you do not do this, you did not do that and it's so discouraging you say.

But let me tell you, God didn't forget you, He is always reliable. You say what did He say in the Bible, His, His Word to us is this, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God." Now first of all, this is a verse not to every person in this world, but only to believers, those who love God and if you are someone who knows the love of God and you love God, the Bible promises, all things, Donald Trump becoming president, all things work together for good to them that love God. You may not know how, you do not know when it's going to be clear to you but you can know, because God is forever faithful.

When my son was diagnosed with autism some eight years ago, it looked like the whole world is crashing down around us, but eight years later, we look back at Shawn's life and we say God, you are faithful, I have learned so much through my son and I think he has worked out something beautiful for our family.

When Gospel Light Christian Church failed in our first bid for the land that is beside the MRT station, we thought it's all gone. But today when we look back and we say are here at Punggol Field Walk we can say, God works all things together for good to them that love God. I mean over and over again, the Bible is full of great promises, my grace or my power is made, my grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.

As you go through difficult times, you can trust His grace is sufficient for you, not will be, is, as you go about serving Him, preaching the Gospel, you want to reach your dad, your mom, your neighbour, your colleague and you are very scared of telling them, Jesus, you are very scared of telling them about hearing and believing the Gospel. Well this is the promise, I am with you always and God is always true to His Word.

Maybe some of you are going through hard times, and you feel like God is leaving you, well the Bible says, I will never leave you, I'll never no, never no, never leave you. Hebrews 10 it says, let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Hang on, you're tempted to give up on your faith, you are tempted to say I'm just going to give up on Christianity, I'm just going to live my life, you say no, no, no, hang on, because if you hang on, God hangs on, not going to let your soul perish, keep believing.

Simple words, I have a plan, do you trust me, I'm faithful, I'm sovereign, I'm all for you, will you trust me.

I think the best demonstration of the faithfulness of God again, this morning is the cross, it's probably the hardest thing for God to do, is there's anything too hard, I don't think so. But this comes real difficult, to give His Only Son, but no matter how difficult, God who promised it, will do it. This is our God, would you trust Him, the God of immense faithfulness.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. The cross of Jesus Christ demonstrates God's holiness, demonstrates God's mercy and grace and love. But this morning, we learned that the cross of Jesus Christ demonstrates His amazing faithfulness. I don't have to judge God's faithfulness by what happens around my life because sometimes I may misread things, what is bad, actually is good, what is good, actually is bad. But when I see the cross, I see the unchanging faithfulness of my great God.

This morning, the Bible affirms the faithfulness of God. It's a message to hear, but it's also a message to respond to don't you think, that if God is faithful and what He says in the Bible is true, then the question is, will you believe.

Some of you this morning need to make that choice to believe in Jesus, you've heard this message in Gospel Light, you have heard this message from your friends who has been doing Bible studies with you, you have heard it over and over and over again, but it's time for you to say, I will trust because God is faithful.

I urge you this morning to make that choice, to repent of your sin and to believe what God has said that if you believe, you will not perish but have everlasting life. Whosoever, Abraham, Jason, Saddam Hussein, amazing reality, whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Maybe life has been hard for you, my dear brothers and sisters, let me say this, it looks like a mess to me, it looks like a mess to you, but you can trust that He is working all things together for good to them that love God. He's saying to you, My grace is sufficient for you. He says, I will never you, nor forsake you. He says cling on to Me, because I would never let you go, He says go and make disciples for I am with you always, even unto the end of the age, I am faithful, look to the cross, keep believing.

Take steps of faith, my friends, take steps of faith today, He is faithful. Father we thank You for this morning, bless Your Word to the hearts of each one here, may they richly come into this life changing relationship with Christ. May we all like Abraham be strangers and pilgrims of faith with our eyes fixed on the eternity that is to come, let us honour and glorify You here on earth. Thank You for Jesus, we pray all this now in His precious Name, Amen.

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