
27 Nov 2016

It’s Time to Make Up Your Mind!


Joshua 24 It's Time to Make Up Your Mind! Pastor Jason Lim 27 November 2016 Bob Dylan sings "You've gotta serve somebody. ” Everyone serves someone.   The Bible says that we are slaves to sin. But Jesus came to set us free from sin.   Because of Jesus, we can now serve God. Herein is the most important decision in life- who will you serve- the God of the Bible, or the other gods of this world.   Maybe, it's time for you to make up your mind. Choose you this day who you will serve.   But like Joshua, may we all say, "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"

Joshua 24
It's Time to Make Up Your Mind!
Pastor Jason Lim
27 November 2016


Sermon Transcript

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So today is a special Sunday, we remember God's blessings as we celebrate 29 years together as a church on this anniversary day, we also look forward with anticipation to the calling and stewardship of the Gospel there and I thought there's no better way than for us to recap this journey towards Punggol by means of a video. I think it's a lovely video take a look and be encouraged thereby.

The Bible says it is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord. There's a lot to give thanks to God for. This is such an amazing journey because this is a God journey. God is the One who has led us all the way from the provision of the land, to the smooth construction of the building, to the raising of funds, I can only stand back and say, God deserves all the glory, honour and praise.

As a team we have worked well together and to add to that we also have a project manager, the architect whom we appointed, who see the job as a job for God's kingdom, so that helps a lot. There are also other people as well who contribute by form of prayer, I can see on the prayer items every week and I think it is a response to this prayer, that God has blessed this project financially.


We thank Him for saving us from the more expensive piece of land at Punggol Central and give us this one at Punggol Field Walk.

While we must be thankful for all these things, we must not forget that the church is not a building but people. So I pray that our church we're really step it up in faith and take bold steps to reach the lost, to shine the gospel to serve the community.

Colin Noel: I think it is nice to go around the community and these blocks and just telling them that there is a church around the corner and they can come around any time.

Micmic: I get to see the people living here and I got excited to invite people so that they would know that there is this church around the corner.

Jeff Pang: As I was going through the rounds, I saw that many of them are not Christians. I think we need to reach out to them and share the gospel with them and we need to pray for them, that many residents in Punggol will come to hear the gospel and come to know our Lord Jesus Christ.

Pastor Jason: So we asked that the Lord will continue to humble us and use us for wonderful things that bring Him glory.


Video ends.

Well this morning, I just thought besides reviewing the work of God amongst us, let us also continue to look at the Word of God that encourages us and I thought we will finish this journey on the book of Joshua. We began three years ago I remember, it was the time we just got the land and I thought this is going to be a journey of faith and we spoke about crossing the River Jordan.

Today we are about to enter Punggol soon and I thought we will wrap it up with a look at Joshua 24. So if you have your Bibles, you can turn with me to Joshua chapter 24 and in this book in this chapter Joshua is now 110 years old, he's going to go soon and so as the leader of Israel he now gives them his final speech or address and I think a man's last words are usually very important, significant, don't you think. And so as the leader of his people, he knew what they needed and he shared with them his very heart, just before he will leave them.

So in this passage, I'm not going to read that, because we have already read, read that during our Scripture reading time, I want to highlight just three simple observations from Joshua 24.


Number one, I think that Joshua in this passage, warns the people of Israel of a particular danger. There's a danger that they face and what is the danger you say? Well, the danger is that they may say to themselves, we did it. We fought our enemies; we were the ones who conquered them. We were the ones who occupied the land, we were a great nation. I think that is a danger, Joshua warns them against.

You see the whole stress and emphasis of Joshua 24, the first 13 verses or so, is about how God is the One who did it, not how Israel did it. I'm going to run through the verses, you're going to see how God is the One, who took Abraham, who led him, who made his offspring many, it is God who gave Abraham, Isaac, it's, it's God. The primary active mover here, in this whole story of entering the Promised Land is not Israel, but God.

Similarly, in verse four, it is God who gave Isaac, Jacob, it is God who gave Esau this and that, is God who sent Moses, it is God who plagued Egypt, it is God who did great things amongst them, it is God who brought them out of Egypt. It is God who brought the fathers out of Egypt. It is God who brought them into the land of the Amorites, who gave the enemies into Israel's hands; it is God who destroyed their enemies.

In verse 11, it is God who gave all these enemies into the hands of Israel. It is God who sent the hornets, it is God who said, it is not by your sword nor by your bow. It is God who gave them a land, which they had not built; it is God who gave them orchards and vineyards, which they did not plant. You see the danger facing Israel today, is forgetfulness. After having all these victories and success, they may forget it is the Lord who bless.

A story is told of three elderly sisters. They live in the same house, and the, they are struggling a little bit with their memory to say the least. One of the ladies was walking up the stairs towards her bedroom when she suddenly stopped and asked the other two sisters, am I going up or going down, she forgot. The other lady was in the kitchen and she also asked, hey why am I in the kitchen, I can't remember. The third sister, then said, aiyoh, you two are always so blur, so forgetful, I really hope that you can not get all these things into your thick skull as she knocked on the table a few times. And after that, 10 seconds later, she walked to the front door, look through the eyepiece and say, who is knocking there?


Sometimes, we underestimate how forgetful we really are. I think spiritually speaking; there is a great danger for us to be amnesic. We forget God and how he has led us to where we are, we forget about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know the book of Galatians for example, speaks about how the Galatians were first familiar with the Gospel, but very soon they were removed from it, they sort of forgot about the Gospel in a real way.

Well, we may say I always remember the Gospel but do you remember the Gospel not just in your head, but also in your heart. Why is it that people today struggle with spiritual lethargy, left lethargy, why do people struggle today, with, with thinking that their hearts are cold towards God. I think a lot of times it's because they forgot the Gospel; they forgot God's grace is lavish love in giving us His Son and redeeming us from our sin.


So people become spiritually indifferent, some slip into legalism, they feel like they have to earn God's favor, they have to perform before God, before He would even love them. You say why do people slip into legalism, because again they forget the Gospel. Why do people become proud and think that we are the ones who got ourselves here, because they forget the Gospel. Why do people struggle with false guilt in their lives, they forget the Gospel, forgetfulness is a real danger for the church today and that's why in Gospel Light, we seek always to preach the Gospel of Jesus.

I'm not here to teach moralism or rules and regulations, no prime, primary above all, is to realize the grace of God in the Gospel that will motivate true obedience to Him.  I pray our services, I pray our Lord's Supper, and I pray you will always be preaching to yourself the Gospel that we will be a Gospel centered people, because there's a danger to forget.

I want to say also, in particular, our journey this 29 years and our move to Punggol, it is very easy for us to look at a video like this, to review our journey past and say, we did it. Wah, Gospel Light good ah, three years, we did it and we pat ourselves on the back and we congratulate ourselves. Now, I think we must be thankful to God for people he has raised to do God's work, we, we thank God for building comm, we thank God for every one of you who have given, who has given sacrificially and generously, thank God, but let us not think that glory belongs to us. Even the ability to serve and the ability to give is from God Himself.

So I pray our whole Punggol move will be where we decrease and where Christ would increase. You know, throughout the building construction project there's always this thought about how to raise funds, I think I've shared this with you several times, I want to say this again, how to raise, I mean, it's a $45 million project, how are we going to raise that funds and when I speak a different church leaders, they give different kinds of suggestions, they have done it in the past, golf charity tournament, dinners where you sell those tickets out or the naming of the rooms in the hall or even the naming of bricks in the building, those who give a particular amount your name can be sort of scratched there.

I thought to myself, we would never, ever do that, let's not have a Paul Choo Hall, or Jason Lim Hall, no, we don't want our names to be there, when this is, when we realise scripturally, it is all God's grace. May Gospel Light Christian Church, be a thankful people, always remembering, always praising, this is God who led us here.


Just this week, America celebrated Thanksgiving, but I think for the Christian, thanksgiving should be every day, not just once a year. I think thanklessness is a sign of godlessness, do you know that. I don't know God, nothing to thank God for.

So let's realize this clear and present danger. Joshua knew Israel well; he's a good leader. He has journeyed with them, he understands them, he knows the temptation to think, we did it and so he reminds them, God did it, let's give all glory to Him.

But in response to this realization, it is God who led us all the way, Joshua then moved to the second aspect of his sermon or his farewell speech, and that is, he tells them a demand. This demand is a call to action, in the light of what God has done for us as a people, there is a demand upon us and you say, what is this? Very clearly, in verses 14 to 15, the demand is to serve the living God.

I mean I, I don't think you need to be an even a Bible scholar to figure this out. Just look at the number of times the word "serve" occurs in these two verses, seven times in two verses, 14 times in the whole chapter. It's clear that Joshua in his final farewell speech is saying, guys, I'm going to go, it's okay, but the most importantly for you is to remember God's goodness in our lives and let us all serve Him.

Why should any man serve God, very simple, God has been good to us. Why should Israel serve God, because it is God who rescued Israel out of bondage in Egypt and it is God who gave us this Promised Land. This building, this vineyard, this orchard, it is God who delivered us from all our enemies, we must serve God Joshua said.

Why should you serve God? I was never in Egypt, I'm born and raised in Singapore you say. But let me tell you, you have been delivered from something even more powerful than Egypt; you've been delivered from the power and the penalty of sin. Sin that alienates our souls from God, sin that damns us to condemnation and judgment in hell for evermore.

You know what, Jesus paid it all and He gave you salvation. He gave you a relationship with God that none of us could ever earn. He gave that to you, now serve Him. It's very important to get the sequence right, you don't serve God to get His love, you understand His love, therefore, you serve God, you get the difference. You don't serve to get love, but because you are loved, you serve; this is what the Gospel is all about.

You know His great love, you know His great mercies, Paul therefore says in the light of how good and how great God's salvation is upon your life, by the mercies of God, then now present your bodies a living sacrifice.

Apostle Paul also says it is the love of Christ that controls us, I'm giving my life for the Gospel, I'm willing to die every day for the Gospel. Why, because of the love of Christ, He loves me so much, how can I not live for Him. Paul is not saying I got to; I've got to do these things so that maybe God will love me a little bit more, no.

God loves me already, so much in His Son, I want to give my life for Him. Why would people today go to serve God, let say in traffic marshal. I, I heard this week that traffic marshaling is not an easy ministry. I hear from other accounts from other churches that say some people, some Christians have a life-changing relationship with the car, they look one thing in church service, they look nice, decent, kind, but once they get into the car, life-changing relationship, they become mean and unreasonable and they will even shout at our church members, the traffic marshals, I don't know that may happen to you, but the traffic marshals by the grace of God should still smile and be gracious to you, we say why? I mean, nobody is going to pay any traffic marshals here in our church, why should he still love you and serve you. Why, because in his heart, he understands how much Jesus loves him, so you can throw at him all kinds of rotten eggs and tomatoes, he brings it all to the cross, he remembers how Jesus, forgive him of all his sins, and he says, I serve God, the love of Christ constrains me, I must be a traffic marshal because of the love of Christ.

We have ladies who are going to cook for us, hundreds of meals or thousands of meals, I'm not sure what is going to become. But they are all going to cook they are going to sweat it out, all of you makeup, nice, nice, don't want to be sweaty, wah, there will be these ladies who will sweat like don't know what. You say why, the love of Christ constrains us.

Some of you serve in Sunday school, children ministry every week, facing all these screaming kids, especially my son, the youngest son, aaaah, you go crazy, but why should you serve, because the love of Christ constrains me.

Care group leaders, one of the hardest things to do, one of the hardest ministries to be in, but you keep laboring amongst your people, just 10, 15, 20 but you pour your life into them, you why, because the love of Christ constrains me. That's what Joshua is saying; now serve God, not only because of the love of God. He tells us secondly, also because of the fear of God, now the word fear is almost like a dirty word in church today you know.

People don't like to talk about fear, they say oh perfect love casts out fear 1 John chapter 4, very good, it's true, when we know how much Jesus loves us, we do not fear damnation, judgment, punishment, hell and the wrath of God, because we have the love of God in Christ for us. Perfect love casts out the fear of judgment and punishment and wrath, but the Bible tells us of another fear, the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom, serve God with reverence and awe because He is a consuming fire. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man, the Scriptures teach us about the beautiful thing, not a dirty word, a beautiful thing called the fear of God.


He's all together worthy of our fear, He is holy and majestic, wise and sovereign, He is gracious and faithful and merciful. We fear God, not because He's going to send us to hell, we fear God because of His personhood, the totality of who He is and it is this fear of God that makes me say, I want to serve Him.

So my dear friends, this is like two wings on an airplane, you need the love of God and the fear of God to be able to serve Him well. If you only have the love of God, no fear of God, you don't fly very well no, no aeroplane flies well that way, right or if you have the fear of God but you do not understand the love of God you don't fly well as well, You need them both.

Servanthood, such a missing reality when we don't realize the Gospel of grace and we don't realize the majesty of the God we serve.

Some of you may say, pastor, I, I get what you're saying, but you know deep in my heart, I don't really want to serve God. Now you will not say that with your lips, you probably won't say that. You would at least on surface say yah, yah, yah, we know we should serve God, but deep in your heart and in the practical choices of your life, you are not serving God because deep in your heart, you say I want to serve myself.

I want to be happy in this life, I want to serve myself, that's the choice you've made, that's why you do what you do, that's why you are working hard in of the office, purely to get more money, more status, more position, you know it. So deep in your heart, you are really saying, I don't want to serve God, I want to serve myself.


Let me tell you something alright, if you think that you are not serving God because are serving yourself, you are deceived because no man really can serve himself alone, no man, at least not in the theology of Joshua. Joshua said, now if you don't want to serve Jehovah, Yahweh, the true and living God, he says to you if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, Yahweh, then choose this day, decide for yourself today, whom you will serve, you've got to serve someone, so if you do not want to serve Jehovah, then you've got to serve someone, who, you decide, whether the God of your fathers they served in the region beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites, maybe the gods you have, your fathers' worshiped in Egypt, maybe the gods your fathers have come into contact with in the wilderness, but you've got to make a choice, everybody got to serve somebody, not yourself, notice, some other gods.

Bob Dylan had a song called Gotta Serve Somebody.  Now, not have heard it before, it's too old. But I'm told, there's a song like that, those who are familiar, you're older than me. So it's this song, Gotta Serve Somebody and he says you may serve the devil or you may serve the Lord, but you got to serve somebody. Do you know what, he is theologically spot on, everybody today is a slave, a servant to something, someone, we are never truly free. When we say, I serve only myself, no, everybody's got to serve somebody.

Maybe you say today, I'm serving myself, let me tell you, you are actually serving the dollar, you may be serving beauty, you may be serving some health, you may be serving some fame, you may be serving some position, but your serving some god.

So Joshua is saying, the, the fact the  theology is this, we got to serve somebody. So this is what you have to decide, choose this day whom you will serve. It's not like I don't want to serve God, I don't have to serve anyone, therefore, no. You don't want to serve Jehovah, you serve something else.

So today, it is time for you to make up your mind.


Story is told of Ronald Reagan; he was looking to make for himself a pair of shoes. So he went to the cobbler and the cobbler asked him, Sir, what would you like, a round toe shoe or a square toe shoe. Ronald Reagan couldn't quite decide. He says aah, I really don't know. A day later he came back and he asked the cobbler what should I choose. Sir, it's your choice. I still can't decide, he left. Two days later the cobbler met him on the street and asked, Sir have you decided on the kind of shoe you want. He says, no I've not selected. Well, a week later, Ronald Reagan received a pair of shoes, a box. He opened up and he saw his shoes, one was round rounded, the other one was a square toe shoe and so when he looked at his shoes, ever since, he realized for himself, he learned the lesson, if I will not make a choice, someone will make a choice for me.

If you today do not choose, the world, the devil would choose for you, if you do not choose Jehovah, if you do not choose Jehovah, let me say this, you will serve some other gods, there's no sitting on the fence, we got to serve some one, choose this day whom you will serve.


But Joshua then gave us this famous statement, all of us are familiar, you may even hang this on your house, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He's made his choice. In fact, not only did he make his choice for himself, he made a choice for his family. He says, I'm the father and I lead my family, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

I want to speak today to fathers, I know your wives probably decide a lot of things at home, what to cook, what to buy, what to wear, that's fine. But you've got to lead your family to serve the Lord, because if you don't, your children are going to worship something else. If your children do not see in you the example, if your children do not see in you a hero of faith, if you do not set the right spiritual temperature for your family, your children will serve somebody, because you remember, Bob Dylan, you've got to serve someone and your children may worship Cristiano Renaldo, Taylor Swift, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, I don't know, good luck to you, Donald Trump but they are going serve someone, the mighty dollar, the fame, the position, you will serve someone and so, fathers, learn from Joshua, he led his family right, he understood the importance of leading a family, he understood the importance of making choices.


Aesop had a fable and it was about this man who is married to two wives, a younger wife and an older wife. The younger wife didn't like this man looking too old. So every night before they will sleep, she will comb his hair and when she finds out that there's any white hair she will pluck the white hair from his head. In the morning, the older wife will comb the man's hair and she didn't like that the hair or didn't like the fact that the man may look younger than she is. So whenever she sees black hair she plucks the black hair and soon he is left with no hair.

If you do not choose, you will be left with nothing. You can't really serve God and you can't really succeed in this life. Now, at least those who choose the gods of this world may have some success in this world. Of course it's ultimately empty, it's fruit futile, it's worthless, gives you a momentary pleasure in this life, but you have nothing for eternity to come, just like the false gods of the wilderness and Egypt, but at least they have made a choice.


Too many Christians today are not decided. And so the Scriptures tell us to make that choice, this is a demand to serve God, who would you serve. I mean there's probably not a more important decision than that.

But finally I want to say that the people of Israel made a dedication to God. They said, "Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods",

I mean this is preposterous, they say impossible, of course, we will serve Jehovah. You say why, because it is the Lord our God who brought us and our fathers up from the land of Egypt and therefore, we also will serve the Lord for He is our God, Joshua, you set the right example, you serve God and because we also see God has led us, we will serve Him.

Joshua hears that and I'm sure he's thankful and excited that the people of Israel would at least make this commitment and decision right here, but Joshua knew that to commit to God is far more than lip service.

So Joshua said in verse 23, then if you really want to serve Yahweh, if you really want to serve God, you know He is a jealous God, you cannot serve Him together with false gods, then put away the foreign gods that are among you and incline your heart to the Lord, the God of Israel.


Let me give you a fictitious story, supposed 16, 17 years ago, I propose to my girlfriend, then Winnie, fictitious, not real and I say to Winnie, Winnie, I love you and I think we should be married, would you marry me. She says, well, what do you really mean by that? Well, I love you, I, I want to marry you, but Winnie, I just want to let you know there are few things we got to be clear about if we are to be married.

Number one, I've had many girlfriends before and I, I remember those memories with those many girlfriends with fondness. They have given me many of their tokens, their gifts and their photos and I love you, but after we are married, can I still keep these tokens and pictures, because once in a while I just love to look at them and be reminded of my times with these girls.

I love you Winnie, can I still do that? And before you say anything, I have a second condition and that is this, if we are to be married, I want the permission to be able to meet with other girls, after we are married. You see, I love you very much, Winnie, but I also like to be with other girls. I mean we are very open, this is a  great society, I want to be more sociable, I like to be with other girls, is that alright?

So can I keep mementos of past girlfriends and can I also continue to maybe try to have new girlfriends, but I assure you, I love you Winnie. What you think she would do? Wah, all the girls already piak, the guys.., but the girls very, very, very visible demonstration, piak, right across the face. I mean that is ridiculous, you don't love me, you don't want to marry me, that's what God is saying, if you want to serve me, put away the foreign gods.


Too many Christians today, too many are saying, God I love You, but we are committing adultery everywhere else, we are still longing for the life of the past, oh I used to be rich, oh I used to be famous, oh I used to be this, I want to go back to those days or we may say oh, I love God but can I also be successful and famous and rich in this life and we seek to strike a bargain with God. God, I give you my Sunday, but give me my Monday and Saturday please to love this world.
You know God will give you a tight slap, piak, not because He hates you, but because He wants to wake you up. I mean, He already told us; no man can serve two masters. So my friends, there's no way you can serve God, Monday to Saturday ugh serve God on Sunday and then serve the world on Monday to Saturday, you can't.


I'm giving you a tough call this day; I'm giving a tough decision to make. I hope you will not make a decision based on lip service or a spur of the moment, but I, I pray you make a considered choice. Remember the Gospel, remember how He gave His Son for you, remember how you were steeped in sin, you were blinded and you are heading nowhere, you were ruined in life, you are heading for destruction and now the Gospel enters your heart, changes your life, He is a good God.
My friends you got to serve someone, so choose today whom you will serve. It's time for you to make up your mind.

I know we are going to Punggol, I pray you will be going to Punggol, but going to Punggol is not for comfort or convenience. It's there, because we believe we serve the living God. Pray this morning, you will come to the love of God and God will give you the fear of God, seek Him first, would you?

I'll like to invite all of you to please stand with me as we come to God in prayer. I have asked the elders to come forward to pray for us to come on stage and together as a church, I pray we will make up our mind, together as a church, we will be reminded of the beautiful Gospel, together as a church we would say as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Our gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us today together, not just for the Lord's day, but also to celebrate our 29th anniversary. Father, we thank You for guiding and leading this church, all these years. Almost 30 years ago, we began with fewer than 50 persons and you've brought us to what we are today. Lord, this is our last day worshiping here, which brings us to our three years journey in preparing for Punggol.

Lord, we thank You for Your guidance, for Your leading, how You've put together, how You have given us a piece of land and how You have put together the team, the team comprising the planning committee, the technical people like the architects, engineers and even the contractors that we have all work towards this because of You and You've given us unity, for which we thank You. Father, we have not seen much complaints or even hardly at all have murmurings. Lord, we just thank You for the support that the church has given for this project.

Lord, going forth we pray for Your continued guidance, especially for Pastor Jason and his leadership team, Father, we thank You for raising up the people and we pray that more leaders will be raised up for the ministries and the outreach work. Father, we commend Gospel Light to Your loving hands even as we navigate these last days where there's so many temptations and traps along the way.

Father this is Your church, we want to be a Gospel Light to all, for indeed Lord make all of us messengers for You, let us all be Your servants who will serve You for the Gospel’s sake, we ask and pray all this in Jesus Name.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father Lord we thank You again for who You are, Lord, as we look back truly our journey to go to Punggol has been guided by You, each step of the way. When we first looked at this place, Lord we look at the giant before us, a huge amount of money and yet we looked and remember what Moses did Lord.

You told Moses, how to build the tabernacle, those whose hearts are stirred up, who are willing to give and those whom the Spirit has touched. Well, we look back we saw all this happening that, in the short time, we have the pledges coming in and the pledges that turned into cash, we have people who gave sacrificially every Sunday, we have people who gave through GIRO, the people who gave through interest-free loans.

Lord, as we look back again, Lord we marveled that how little faith we had in the beginning, that we lined up this loan facility of 19.4 million, and yet over the years, You have shown us that You don't, we don't need this, You don't need this loan at all. You have whittled down the amount as our people give more and more, that today Lord, we are only short by less than two million dollars and if come this Christmas Lord, if we can raise that one million, we don't even need to draw down.

Lord, I give You glory and thanks for this because what the people here have given, is not towards a project but is giving to You, for it is such as David says, returning a portion of what You first bless us. Lord we are just grateful for this and as Nehemiah has reminded us, surely Lord, the God of heaven will guide us and make us success.

Lord, we just thank You Lord and as we look back again, we want to ask that You will continue to lead and direct each step of the way, going forward Lord, truly as we marvel again that Your faithfulness to us, Your love to us, Your mercy, to us, morning by morning, Lord, new mercies we see. We thank You for this and now as a church family, we ask, as we move to Punggol, that You, Lord, as the Lord has prayed lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, that we may glorify You and continue to glorify You, with the Gospel Light shining in Punggol and beyond, we give You glory and thanks in Jesus’ most precious Name, amen.

Father, as we stand here in awe at what You've done for 29 years, Lord there are just too many things to thank You for. As we stand on the brink of moving to Punggol, a gorgeous building, beautifully constructed, beautifully situated, in the strategic part of Singapore and the strategic city like Singapore, a vibrant place like Asia, Lord, we come and say thank You for this, all that You have done.

And Lord, in the midst of all these things, Lord help us to remember the Giver. Lord, it's not the things that we want to focus on today, we want to thank You for who You are, we want to thank You, Lord for what You done, amazing things for us. Lord, as we look at the cross today and think that all our sins, past, present, future, all taken on Jesus Christ our Savior, Lord, we cannot imagine, we cannot comprehend this amazing work You did at the cross, we cannot comprehend the words when You said, it is finished. Sins settled, sins paid for, Lord we come today just rejoicing that huge burden of sin taken by Jesus Christ. Thank You Holy Spirit of God or for filling our hearts, for coming to our hearts, for being our partner. Lord, how can we imagine that the God of the heavens would partner us, would dwell in us. Lord, these are things that should boggle our mind, these are things that should thrill us today and so as we come being thankful for many many things around us, may these great awesome thoughts fill our hearts today. Lord, thank You for the privilege to be messengers of the best news ever, the only hope for the world - the Gospel.  Thank You for privilege to serve, the only worthy Master our God, thank You that we can do all these things, knowing that You will be with us, even unto the end of the age. Lord as we come as a church, help us never to lose our focus on our God and the amazing Gospel and on the amazing message that we can give to the whole world.

Our prayer is this new building, as we look back at 29 years, we pray that we'll look forward Lord, that this building will be a launching place that we will bring the gospel to Punggol, Singapore, Asia and the world, Lord. Lord this is our prayer; we asked for a building, you gave it to us. We ask now that you will use each of us in an amazing way. Thank You for using weak things of the world to do God's work, what a privilege, amazing God, You are. We love You, help everyone in Gospel Light to always remember You, love You, walk with You and serve You, this is our pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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