
11 Feb 2018

Lay Up Treasures In Heaven


AM Tozer said, "Any temporal possession can be turned into everlasting wealth. Whatever is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality. " That is exactly what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount. Treasures on earth never last. They certainly can't be brought into our next life in Heaven! In contrast, treasures in Heaven are unfading and always satisfying. They can never be removed from us. So, learn how to convert your earthly treasures into heavenly ones. May this sermon teach you to wisely lay up treasures in Heaven!


Sermon Transcript

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Today we start a brand-new look again in the book of Matthew and this is a new section, a new segment in Matthew chapter 6 and verse 19 onwards. So I hope this will be a encouragement also to all your hearts. Allow me to start with a little story.

A young man brought his girlfriend to an American football game for the very first time. You know American football is not the same as soccer, it's a kind of a combination of rugby, soccer kind of thing, with quarterbacks line backs, different kinds of positions. So he brought his girlfriend to an American football game for the first time, and after the game he asked her so how do you find the game, the girlfriend says, well, I, I, I liked it actually it's quite enjoyable but there's just something I don't understand about American football, what is it you don't understand about American football, I don't understand why they are so upset over twenty-five cents upset over twenty-five cents I don't get what do you mean. Well, I, I hear one team keep shouting the whole match, get the quarterback, get the quarterback. Well, if you don't understand it's fine, this is more American I suppose. But today I'm not talking about American football I'm talking about money, alright.

So today in Matthew chapter 6 continuing in the King's speech in the sermon on the Mount we are looking at possessions, money and possessions in particular. Now the Bible has a lot to say about money and possessions. Someone his name is Randy Alcorn, he's a well-known pastor, teacher, he said that 15% of everything Jesus said relates to this topic of money and possessions and this is more than His teachings on heaven and hell combined. Now, that's a lot, you might think oh Christianity the Bible is just about heaven or hell but no the Bible has a lot to say about heaven and hell but a lot more also about money and possessions because it does hold a very important place in the hearts of men and women and even for the follower of Christ.

Someone else said 16 of 38 parables, what are parables, they are stories told by Jesus to teach spiritual lessons and so 16 out of 38 parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions, stunning. Someone else said one of 10 verses in the Gospels, that is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they deal directly with the subject of money and in the Bible there are 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2000 on money and possessions.

Now, I did not go through all these stats and verify them myself but I suppose the point is clear. The Bible has a lot to say about money and possessions and you can be sure Jesus has wonderful teachings about money and possessions.

So today I think we are coming to one of the best passages in the whole Bible that would teach us about the right attitude and perspective towards money and possessions. It's found in Matthew six verses 19 to 21 and I'm just to read the verses 19 and 21st, and so it says do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. Very simple two verses and I'm going to share with you very simple observations from this text. The first thing I learned is that treasures on earth do not last, simple alright, moth and rust destroy your treasures on earth.

Now in those days, treasures for people then may consist of clothings, precious metals and grains of food. So Jesus says you can be sure if these are your treasures they do not last, because number one, moth destroys your treasures, moth destroys clothings. This morning I heard someone come in and said if I don't wear this, it will get mouldy soon. Well mold may destroy your clothes but moths also destroys clothes. Hey does moths destroy clothes, yes, how, how does it destroy your clothes. I've always found this strange, how can moths destroy my clothes and they, they don't fly in my cabinet, how do they do it. Actually the adult moths do not destroy your clothes, it's the baby moths that do.

So the larva, so they have these worm like babies and when they are young the moths, when they are young like these worm like stuff, they actually eat clothings because there are fibers with keratin it's a kind of protein it is nutritious for the moth larva. So in those days you have all kinds of moths, that's why, by the way you have moth balls and so on alright. So I suppose moth larvae, they feast on clothes and they leave holes like this or they may actually even attack wool rugs so you can go on the online and see all the destruction, moth larva will bring. So Jesus is not wrong to say that moth does destroy your treasures. Clothes in those days are expensive stuff, can be destroyed by moths, you can't quite prevent it. He also goes on to say that rust destroys so this may refer to how precious metals deteriorate er rust, corrode, but the word rust in the Greek is actually gnaw, or to chew, or to eat. So it may also refer to rats and vermins who would eat up your grains. So you thought you have a huge barn of foodstuff, but the rats come, the vermins come and they eat it all away. So Jesus is saying earthly treasures do not last, somehow, someway, your precious clothes will be destroyed, your precious metals will rust, your precious grains will be eaten.

Today our treasures are quite different right. Maybe your treasures are not grains and stuff like that anymore. We have better technology, we have moth balls we have refrigeration, but I think the principle Jesus gave is still true, all earthly treasures get eaten up, they get corrupted. I suppose some of you are thinking, I think my life will be very happy, my life will be very satisfied if I get myself a brand new sports car, because if I have this car, I'm going to be very satisfied I will look like the coolest dude in, in town, everybody would envy me, I'll be happy just driving that car and you finally got your car, you work hard you got your car. You thought this car is going to make you really happy and it does.

The first day you step into the car it's beautiful, the leather smell, the posh design, the, the roar of the engine it thrills your heart, but it doesn't take very long before a silly bird, just flies by and poop! The poo poo just lands on your beautiful metallic shiny paint work and you got to rub, it doesn't take very long before a very inconsiderate person would open his door very carelessly and cause a dent in your car door and you say what, somehow that beautiful car is moth-eaten. I thought I would have great joy, but somehow the joy, minus a bit lah, with the dent it's not so perfect anymore and what's worse is next day you see your friend drive an even nicer car in and then your satisfaction from your car is not as great anymore and you understand what this is, you bought a nice model and after two years it's the, it's the outdated model. You don't like it very much anymore and you hate the fact that you had still to pay your motorcar mortgage or instalments and you thought this thing brings you lasting joy, you paid a lot for it, somehow is not the same anymore.

It may be a diamond ring it may be your Prada bag in may be your, be your Ferragamo shoes, whatever treasures you have Jesus says they don't really last. Slowly it gets away from you the value just drops and after a while you may even frankly be sick of it. But He did not just say that things will get away from you slowly. He says, sometimes things get away from you suddenly where thieves break in and steal. In those days, they have houses made of mud walls. Of course it's hardened and it's not so easy to break through, but still it is very easily broken through. A thief with the right instruments can dig a hole, go through it and forcefully and unexpectedly take away everything from you, suddenly and so whatever you treasure on earth, your car, your house, your bank account it may just go away from you, suddenly.

You thought you could protect yourself, some mud walls, some brick walls, some insurances whatever but it could easily go. Your car that you value could easily go, one road traffic accident, done, gone, compounded. One stock crash and all your earthly treasures can just go. I'm told this week stocks have been doing really badly right something like 10 over, yes oh, wah, you all so familiar. 10 over percent just wiped off like that. I mean some thief came and robbed you, you couldn't stop it, it may be some kind of a illness that happens to you and it robs you of your capability to enjoy and to accumulate your treasures it's never secure.

When my wife and I, we, we got married, we stayed at my parents place for quite some years. Then we decided to move out. We got a new place to nice quaint little shop house it’s a beautiful place, but I still like it a lot, er fond memories of the place. I live above a laundry shop and my wife and I we thought to ourselves, at least I thought to myself, this is where I'm going to stay forever. I love the place! Simple, no-frills and then one night of course that was just the two of us we were there it was large enough then we had Shawn came along into our life and so one night I was bathing and my wife shouted, “Jason, Jason,” I said, “What's up?” “There's fire!” and the next thing I knew I knew she carried Shawn and got out of the house. She left me at home. She told me, she showed me that day her real treasure was right there, that guy in the bathroom, let him just burn and die, don't, don't care. Anyway, she just told me there's fire that's all she did her due diligence, informed me and she went. So I was still there with soapsuds all over I quickly washed out and, and I had enough time just to put on a pair of shorts and I saw out of my window that the it, it the zinc roof just flapping away, and there's actually quite a loud knocking noise with tongues of flame just licking from under the roof.

So I knew we were in trouble, I had no time to grab a T-shirt but just with my shorts, I went to my room, I grabbed two things my wallet and my thumb drive. My wallet because my documents are there I suppose it was important. My thumb drive because all my sermons are there. I mean I can lose some books that's all but sermons I can't lose, in those days don't have Dropbox and stuff, so I grab those two things went, ran out of the house, saw my wife with my son looking at me and, and both of us were just standing there looking at the fire. We can't do very much it was just a spontaneous combustion of the clothings and stuff in the laundry shop and of course the fire brigade was called in, but I remember looking at the fire and I thought to myself that, that's it that's it, and the verse I remember that day that night is Matthew chapter 6. I say tonight maybe the thief has come in and stolen earthly treasures because earthly treasures do not last, they may go slowly or they may go suddenly, but they go surely. None of you, let me tell you something about your car. Let me tell you something about your condo, let me tell you something about your bank account, they do not last, they do not satisfy you in this life and you can certainly not bring them into your next life.

So whatever you hope to accumulate to bring you everlasting joy, Jesus says they will not, not in this 80 years of life here and not for the next life that is to come, whether you believe that is up to you, that's what Jesus is saying.

But He gives us a second principle in this text and that is, treasures in heaven are forever. He says lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal- they are forever. I know De Beers, Goldheart Jewelry will want to tell you diamonds are forever please lah, they are not lah. They don't last forever, but treasures in heaven are forever.

In fact, the New Testament, Peter also says you have an inheritance now this is for those who are followers of Jesus Christ, you repent of your sin, you believe in Jesus, you follow Jesus and maybe in this life you suffer, maybe in this life, you may be persecuted maybe in this life you are going to you're going to go through a lot of hardship, but the encouragement of the Bible is that those who believe the Gospel those who follow Jesus, you have an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, unfading, kept in heaven for you. That's exactly what Jesus says, treasures in heaven will never fade away.

Now, what are the treasures in heaven? the Bible is not explicit about it. It does not describe to you a Maserati, it doesn't describe to you a nice condo I do not know what the treasures are, but I know they will be absolutely fantastic. Beyond our imagination and the thing about treasures in heaven is that it always and forever brings you lasting joy. It's not like your car here, it’s not like your money here where inflation can just take it away. It is an everlasting joy, unmolested, secure, always deeply satisfied. So Jesus said treasures on earth do not last, treasures in heaven are forever. What's the logical conclusion? Very simple, He says, number one, do not lay up treasures on earth. This is simple logic, don't be stupid, don't do things just for the short term. Don't build your life around things that will be taken away from you anyway, don't waste your life away, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, not that you can't have things on earth, but don't make it your aim; don't make it your life; don't make it our goal; don't do that. The Bible has a very interesting way to describe how your wealth goes away do not toil to acquire wealth be discerning enough to desist, when your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven. You know those cartoons about a dollar bill with wings it's inspired from Proverbs 33 alright, but money flies, money runs away from you.

Don't let your life be wrapped around, acquiring wealth that will go. It's not that they that may go, it will go, it must go, so don't do that. Some months ago I can't remember when already some months ago my wife my kids we went on a family vacation to Maldives. It's a beautiful place today you better don't go if you have not read the news, there is political unrest. It's a state of emergency so don't go Maldives now, but a few months back we went there it's a beautiful place just amazing to live next to the ocean and blues blue waters and so on, but it was not an easy place to be because it's extremely expensive is one that's right er, besides that it's extremely hot. So after the first day we were all chow ta (colloquial for sun burnt), and we learned our lesson not to get in the sun in the middle of the day.

But my kids, they would love to be in the in the sea, outdoor so we found a little spot it is the jetty, just a small little jetty and they found this spot underneath the built-up platforms and we stayed there for like two hours three hours, the whole day. I mean he just wanted to be in the sea and this is the only place that has some kind of a shelter. So we went under that place for some time there were fishes swimming around and, and they actually caught some sea creatures like this crab or this sea louse that looks like predator, I mean an alien or something like that so they had all these creatures around and they built this little enclave for their, for their catch for their sea louse, crabs and stuff like that and they enjoyed it, but they have a problem. Every time they build this, not long later, just maybe a couple of minutes or so, what happens? Waves well yeah the waves coming but the waves come in fierce because of boats that come in. So every now and then the boats will come and the waves would come and my boys will quickly try to protect their little fortress, their castle, their home, their paradise as it were, but they never get to succeed and so their face always look like this.

I thought I had my paradise, this is my favourite place and I thought to myself, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, the waves of life inevitably will come and take it all away, we, we laugh at Shawn we laugh at Matthias, we look at them, so silly, but isn't it the same for us ? I mean we build our little fortress, castle, in this condo, this house, this bank account, this portfolio, we thought this is forever and so we are so upset when the wave of adversity comes, takes it all away, but hey that's expected right, you're living in the jetty, boats will definitely come. We are living on earth, moth and rust and thieves would definitely come the ultimate thief is death, he will come and everything you have will be stolen from you. So why bother to lay up treasures on earth? So what do you do? Jesus then went on to say, do not lay up treasures on earth but lay up treasures in heaven. I mean, this is so simple, you are a rich man today or you want to be a rich man today. I say you're actually a poor man if you don't have treasures in heaven. Wah, people admire you now, people say wah, you work very hard you got a lot, a lot of money, a lot of chneh (colloquial for money) ah, wah, rich man, very good. Actually, no, now you look good, but on the day of judgment, you will be shown up. Jesus says those who are really wise are those who lay up treasures in heaven, because this is where you have a undefiled, unfading, permanent forever treasure.

I think many of you would be familiar with the quote by Jim Elliot, he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Most of us we think about this wise exchange but we- I thought today I want to emphasise on the part that says, you gain what you cannot lose. When you give your life to Christ and you lay up treasures in heaven, you gain something you can never lose- think about that! You like to buy blue chips, wah, blue chips very good never fade away, they will fade away. This is the real blue-chip blue mah, sky, heaven. Okay anyway, bad joke, so heavenly treasures are where it is definitely going to pay great dividends forever. If you are wise you'll lay up treasures in heaven. So you say pastor, how do I lay up treasures in heaven okay I get it I think my car my house and all these things, they must not be treasures in my life, they must not be what I live for, because ultimately it's stupid to do so; they fade away.

Treasures in heaven are forever, so how can I lay up treasures in heaven? you want to hear this investment advice? The Bible says go, wah, this is terrible, the first word there, second word there go what, sell, sell what how much? whoa. Well, let me lay that context, this is about, Jesus speaking to the rich young ruler who thought to himself, I’ve obeyed everything in my life, I should go to heaven, right. But Jesus gave him a test, you really think so? Then do this. So I am not saying that all of you today are to go and sell all that you have and give it somewhere else but this is the this is still a true principle that if you give to the poor, you will have treasure in heaven. So the implication there is that when you give to the poor, you lay up treasure in heaven, alright.

I think this is the principle, it's not just taught here of course. Luke 12:33, sell your possessions and give to the needy. Sell your possessions and give to the needy this is how you invest. How do you start and open an account in heaven? Be a believer of Jesus; follow Jesus. How do you deposit into this heavenly account? You sell your possessions and give to the needy this is where you deposit. You give it to the needy. Provide yourselves with money bags that do not grow old with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.

That's clear right? You lay up treasures in heaven when you give to the needy. But when you give a feast, we like to invite the VIPs, Jesus says, “real good meal is to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind.” Today, people like to hold dinners, luncheons, whatever for important people because at the end of the day you want something out of them, maybe. But this feast is where you don't want anything out of anybody. You just want to bless. you just want to give and Jesus says, “you will be blessed because they cannot repay you for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”

Now the heavenly bank payout is a bit longer, okay, it doesn't pay immediate dividends but when it pays, it really, really pays, pays you with something that can never be taken from you and I tell you, Jesus says, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth. Money in and of itself is not a godly thing not an evil thing but it's not a godly thing, in a sense, so use this very neutral tool called money, wealth, make for yourselves friends, eternal friends, heavenly friends, so that when it fails they may receive you into eternal dwellings. In simple words, use your money for the reaching out of lost souls. That's the best way you can invest in heaven, convert your money into means by which people can come to know Jesus that they may be saved, that they may be part of your family up there in heaven, that's how you convert your money.

In the early church I read, they love the poor, they help the widow, they serve the orphans, they gave to the needy that was the culture in the early church, but at the very same time, the early church was a church that faced lots of persecution. So there's a particular story that spoke of how the Roman soldiers stormed into a church and demanded the church leader and says, “give me all your treasures show me where they are.” You know what the pastor did? The pastor showed the soldiers all the widows, the orphans, the needy they are serving and said to the soldier, “these are our treasures.” The real treasures are seen in the people you serve, you give, you reach, even with your substance. So apostle Paul puts it very clearly here, as for the rich of this present age, I think I'm speaking to rich people as I've we’ve often realised Singaporeans, most of us, if not all of you gathered here, you would be considered rich in the world. So this is for you, as for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, don't be hau lian (colloquial for proud), not to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches.

Your riches, you think, very certain. They are uncertain. moth, rust, thieves, illness strikes you and you know what? All your billions of dollars are gone. Death comes into your life: gone. They're not certain, but our God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. Instead of living your life chasing these things, trust in your God who provide these things. So what do you do with the riches God has given to you? Keep it? So that one day it's taken away from you? No, invest it well that they are to do good, to be rich in good works to be generous and ready to share thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may truly, they may take hold of that which is truly life.

Now if you don't believe in Jesus, you don't believe in God, you don't believe in eternal life, then you say, then I say to you use all your money for yourself today, please go because you don’t believe in anything after that, what's the point.

But if you believe in Jesus, you believe in eternal life, then I say let your life be more in line with what you believe. I believe in the heavenly future that is to come, then let your money do the talking as well. This is, this is just wise thinking. What we keep, we truly lose. What we give, we truly have. Simple logic. Let me ask you, how much do you really have today? I have a lot, look at my bank account, you lose all that. How much do you really have? That which is given to the needy and for the Gospel’s sake. Okay, well, this is a low class statements not so, so nice lah, a high-class statement is this from Tozer: any temporal possession can be turned into everlasting wealth. Whatever is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality. High class ah, good stuff. Everything that is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality, that's what I want. So let me ask you today, you have possessions locked up in the bank. Will you want them to be your treasures or will you want them to be your tools to gain the ultimate treasure above? I think God has given you a lot and you have a choice to decide how you want to use all that is given to you.

Now, I'm going to end but I did say we are going to go to verse 21, so let me go there. So far we have read that treasures on earth do not last, treasures in heaven are forever, therefore, be wise, convert your earthly treasures into heavenly treasures. Some of you say, maybe I can still have some earthly treasures and still love God and serve God, can't I do both? Well Jesus said in verse 21 something very absolute. He says, “for where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” Note the tempo, note the temporal sequence of this statement, for where your treasure is, that's where it is first, then there your heart will be also.

Now I know we would like to think where your heart is then there your treasure will be, that's true, if my heart is on earthly things, I would accumulate earthly treasures that is true but that's not the point Jesus is making. He's saying where your treasure is, then your heart will follow. In other words, your treasures where they are they are like a kind of a magnet and your heart is kind of like a compass needle, where you place your treasure will determine where your heart will be. It will determine how you will spend your life, it will determine how you will spend your energies, where your passions, your thinking will be, your treasure will dominate your thought and your life. If my treasures are on earth, I will live my life for things on earth. If my treasures are in heaven, I will live my life on heavenly things and for God.

So again, Randy Alcorn says as surely as the compass needle follows North, your heart will follow your treasure. Money leads. hearts follow, for where your treasure is there your heart will be also. So what does it mean? It means this, if your treasure is on earth, your heart will be on earth, if your treasures is in heaven, your heart will be in heaven. The implication is, if you want to live for God, move the magnet. Have you ever wondered why you say I want to live for God but somehow it is so difficult. You know why? Because your treasure is on earth. So, there's this is tug of war in your soul, I know I love Jesus, I want to live for Jesus, but every time I want to focus on God, I am so distracted I don't seem to have the same passion, maybe this is the problem, your magnet is here on earth. You have not determined to live for things above so you thought you can live for God and have some earthly treasures.

But here you have: a tug-of-war that never really frees you to live for God. It may be again let me go to the car for guys is probably cars. I do not know of any other treasures. Maybe it's a car, you bought a car, you love the car. You say you want to love Jesus, serve Jesus, but every day you're cleaning and waxing your car, because a bird just pooed on it, got to wax, got to wax, got to wax, every day it's about your car, how to live for Jesus? The house it's a leaking roof, whatever, it's always about the house, how do you live for Jesus if that is so important to you.

I've seen so many times in this church: young men and women, youths, young adults, you grew up in this church you've come to know Christ in the early age and early in your life you say, I want to live for God, I want to serve God, I want to be a pastor, I want to be a missionary, whatever and then you start to work and when you start to work you start to earn your 2,000, 3,000, 4000 dollars, and you say this is good money, I have never had so much money, my mommy only give me $10 a day, but I got thousands of dollars.

This is good man and isn't it good that I should have a decent career and so you live your life in such a way that you chase a promotion, you want to have more money and more money and more money and you think more money is good, now that I have more money, I will serve God next time when I have a retirement fund, but you didn't know that when you have more money that is where your treasure is, that's where your heart will follow.

So when I look at this church after this 10, 20 years I've been here I see many people start off very promising, full of passion but somehow when they enter 20+ years old, they disappear, they get married, they have kids, then they say, I need more treasures, I need more possessions. How to support my family? And they totally get off the scene as it were of the church, they are happy just to come to attend service and go back home and you ask, what's wrong. You ask them what's wrong, they say I don't know, I just, just it's just life. So many bills to pay, because you've treasures on earth, and it has pulled you down from heavenly things.

I think it's very sad you know, don't you think? so conditioned by Singapore and by the world to think life is about just earning enough so that you can then go serve God. Where is ‘seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you’? Thrown out the window and some over and over again I see casualties of the Christian faith because the magnet is on earth and it pulls you down, our money has kept our heart lashed to the earth with cords of silver and gold, you’d never be able to get your heart focused on heaven as long as all your money is focused on the earth. How do you spend your money? It will determine the direction of your heart.

It's very practical, what Jesus is saying here is very, very practical. I know it's very difficult, it's very counter-cultural. But if you take it seriously it will make a difference in your life and if you don't, you'll always experience this tug-of-war and I think you’ll end up regretting it on the day of judgment. So Spurgeon says where we place our treasures our thoughts will naturally fly. Where your treasure is there your heart will be also.

So it will be wise to let all that we have act as magnets to draw us in the right direction. Do yourself a favour and do your soul a favour. Use your treasures on earth, wisely. For the poor, for the needy, for the Gospel's sake, help yourself pursue God in practical choices you make. My time is up, but here it is: treasures on earth do not last. Treasures in heaven are forever. Our, our hearts follow our treasures so, do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth but lay up treasures in heaven, simple? Absolutely.

Let me close with this story. A businessman came to his church pastor and said, “Pastor, I see the needs and here's a cheque of $100,000 for the ministry to the poor and for the Gospel and as he handed the cheque over to the pastor, he received a SMS and he looked at the SMS, paused for a while and showed it to his pastor and that SMS wrote, boss, we are sorry to tell you, but our ship has just sunk, all our cargo is lost. The businessman then said, “Pastor, sorry, can I have my cheque back?” The pastor says, well, I totally understand here's your cheque. The businessman took the cheque, tore it into pieces threw it away and then he whipped out his cheque book and wrote again and said pastor here's a cheque for $200,000. Pastor said, wow, what happened, I thought you just lost your goods and your ship and your cargo. Yah, I did, but this is a SMS from heaven that says do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.

I hope you will be wise, I'm not asking for funds in this church, I'm preaching the text, this is for your soul, this is your Master calling you to set your affections on things above and not on things below. It begins with the choices you make with the finances and the wealth and the possessions He has given to you, because it is so powerful. No wonder Jesus spoke much about money and possessions. May this be an encouragement to your soul. Let's bow for a word of prayer together.

God in His mercy has chosen to give all of us here, many of us here, the privilege of stewardship given us much, given you money, given you possessions and it is so easy for us to think that they are mine to enjoy and to build up my little kingdoms, careers, castles, banks here on this earth. You’re free to do that, but then, be warned, because where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Be warned that you can never bring these things into the everlasting life, but I hope today we will be wise, I will be wise to heed the words of Jesus and by faith, saying Lord let me sell and give to the poor, to the needy, to the Gospel, to those who need to hear of Jesus, I want my heart to be in heaven, and let me begin with my wealth and possessions.

You know your Saviour? He gave up heaven. Lived this life, if I may say, as a pauper, foxes have holes, the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. You say, if I give my stuff to the kingdom of God, I'm, I'm going to lose millions, what did Jesus lose? He came to give His life and now is risen at the right hand of the Father. Maybe we can't see that day yet, but I know that day will come and those who use their money and possessions for the glory of God for the kingdom of heaven they will be rejoicing from that day onwards forever more. I want to be one of them, I hope we all will be joining them, the many heroes of faith who have given up their lives their wealth, for the kingdom of heaven do you believe Jesus? Do you really believe him? It will show in your cheque books, it will show in the way you steward resources.

My friends, Jesus is Lord, He gave His life to save you from your sins and I hope you'll follow him today. To all our friends and guests who are here I want to tell you the reason why we will want to give our lives and our finances to Jesus is because He first gave His life for us, and today I want to say to you, Christianity is not about us giving to God. It's more about God giving His Son for you and Christ came to die on the cross to save you from your sins and I hope today you will repent and believe in Him. I hope you will be saved from your sins. I hope you will be able to be one of those who can receive the inheritance reserved in heaven for you. Turn from your sin, follow Jesus. So Father this morning we thank You for this hour that we may hear the wisdom of Scripture oh Lord we pray this will not just be a sermon you hear again but it will result in real change in our lives. I can only say I can only speak but Lord, the hearts of kings are in Your hands. I pray You will not only work in this church in the people listening but You'll work in mine too help me to be wise, help me to labour for things eternal we thank You and pray all this in Jesus Name.

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