
09 May 2015

LifeMax [Sermon Snippet 2]

Sermon Transcript

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When I think about savoring life, I think about my friend in church, this church years ago, maybe 19 years ago, and we were in the Army then, and in the Army, in those days we would eat in the Army cookhouse and in those days, it is prepared by NSFs- Army conscripts like myself who have no clue about cooking but we have to cook, so, in those days we would, uh- queue up for the food. You’ll use metallic trays, and the guy there is a cook, who is very unhappy about serving anyway. He takes this huge, giant, metallic ladle, scoops up the rice and “KONGGG”- you can feel the vibration- “KONGGG” and, and, and the rice is just one heap. So we were not very happy with Army food generally, we complain about it.

And there was one day when my friend was sharing he, he was so happy eating the rice, he thought about what God did to bring the rice to him, he thought about that distant picture of someone laboring, sowing and reaping and doing all the hard work, separating the husk from the grain, polishing it, washing it, packing it, transporting it and so he thought about all that and he said when he ate that rice, it became very flavorful. He said it was so tasty, because through it, he tasted the goodness of God. He enjoyed his bread.

That is, I think what it means to live life to the max.