
14 Oct 2018

Me & My Mouth [Matthew 12:33-37]


The Bible says, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue. " Our mouths are capable of saying good things or evil things. But our speech does not originate in our mouth. It begins in the heart. Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " One day, all useless and unprofitable words will be judged by God on the Day of Judgment. Herein is the marvel of the gospel- Jesus died for and to save sinners. When the prophet Isaiah saw the glory of God, he immediately lamented, "woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips. " But God sent an angel to touch his lips with the coal from the altar- a picture of the cleansing by the blood of Jesus. May this sermon encourage you to find forgiveness and grace in Jesus Christ. For all my brethren in Christ, may this message cause you to repent and be renewed before God as you humble yourselves before God.


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This morning we are continuing our journey through the book of Matthew and we have come to Matthew chapter 12 and we are going to look at verses 33 to 37. This is a segment in what we call the rejection of the King. If you recall, Jesus has been presented to the people, but now they are rejecting Him as King over their lives and that's where we come to verse 33.

It says, either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. You brood of vipers, how can you speak good, when you are evil, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will make or will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.

So what is verses 33 to 37 all about? Very simple, it's about an amazing organ you have in your body and it is your, your mouth alright. Today we are going to look at your mouth and the, the subject is me and my mouth. It can't be as clear as that alright. So Jesus speaks quite a bit about our tongue, our speech, our mouth. As you know, the mouth is an amazing organ, you use it to eat, you use it to drink, you use it to speak, some of us use it to kiss and Jesus here in verses 33 to 37 talks about the language, the words, the speech that come forth out of our mouths.

It's a very simple passage and I am going to give you some three very simple principles. He has taught us in the verses you have read and then bring you to an applicatory time to think how this can be true for your life alright.

So, number one, what does Jesus teach about me and my mouth. Number one, He says, my mouth releases good or evil, my mouth releases good or evil. I'm not talking about good breath and bad breath. This is about your speech, this is about your words, this is about your language and we all say a lot of things every single day and it can be good or it can be bad. I read some statistics, they say that, on an average every one has 30 conversations in a day. So from the time you wake up, to the time you sleep, on an average, we engage in some 30 conversations. They say that if you add up the words of what you say every day on an average you can write a book of 50 to 60 pages every single day or somebody calculated this way, hmm, you would speak for 13 years of your life or you speak for 20 or you speak 25,000 words a day if you are a guy and you speak 30,000 words a day, if you are a girl, you are a lady.

So that's the problem right, you, a guy who works in office, he's speaks 25,000 words already when he gets home, he has nothing else to say, but the wife has not even started. We all say a lot of things every day and Jesus is saying sometimes what we say is good, sometimes what we say is evil or bad and the mouth releases good or evil. So He brings you to this imagery, He says this is like good tree, that brings forth good fruit, you can bring forth good speech, or you can bring forth bad fruit, you can bring forth evil speech.

He gives another illustration and that is about someone who brings treasures out of his treasure house. Sometimes He brings out, a evil person will bring out evil treasures, a good person brings out good treasures. So your mouth is capable of bringing forth good or evil. Maybe more directly, James tells us, from the same mouth come blessing and cursing.

So there are times you speak good things, you are helpful to people, you encourage people, you praise God, you give thanks, you speak things that will build up lives. Sometimes we bring forth cursing, we curse God, we complain against God, we denigrate people we slander and we are full of foul speaking, from the same mouth, you release good or evil. Elsewhere, Proverbs tells us death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Wow this little tongue, this mouth we have, have tremendous power. Actually, James tells us this tongue is like a little fire, but this little fire can burn down an entire forest. So your speech today, with what you say, it can be very helpful, it can be very edifying or it can be very destructive. So use your words wisely, your words have power, use them wisely.

Sometimes we tear down those around us with the things we say. Just think about your speech for your past week, think about the conversations you have engaged in, have you used your words wisely, have you built up or have you really torn down. Have you given thanks to God or have you really indirectly, but surely cursed God when you murmur and you complain against the things that He has given in your life. Think about who we have spoken to, your wife, your husband, your kids think about your brethren, you have spoken to, think about people outside the faith you've spoken to, well your words have power. It really brings a tremendous influence to people all around you, you've got to use them wisely.

So Jesus in this very simple passage tells us about our mouth, number one it in releases good or evil. We will speak more about that later on. But let me rush on to point number two. I think the second principle Jesus taught us in this passage is that my mouth reveals my heart. I think this probably is the main thing He is driving across but you got to get this, my mouth reveals my heart. My mouth and what it says, what it emits tells me a lot about what I am really on the inside, what my thoughts, my desires, my convictions are, my mouth reveals my heart.

When I think about this statement, I, I think about something I learned when I was younger, let me show you a picture alright, what do you see?  So, this is a baby with darkened lips. I was working on my sermon, I put this picture on the slide, my son Shawn saw it and say hey what's wrong with this boy, what's wrong with this baby? Before I could answer him, he immediately said, I know he must've eaten Oreo. Well this is not the lips of someone who has eatened Oreo, this is someone who has this bluing of the lips in medical terms, we described this as cyanosis, cyanosis is a bluing of anywhere. So this is a oral or circumoral cyanosis.

When you see this in a baby you are a little bit concerned, to say the least, why ? Well, the reason why it's blue it's because the blood in his body is not well oxygenated. When blood is well oxygenated it looks red, when it's not it's dark, it's bluish. So this is a sign of poor oxygenation and the reason why it's poorly oxygenated is because his heart is not pumping right. So this circumoral cyanosis is a symptom of a possible congenital or inborn heart disease. His mouth reveals his heart, it's not looking right, it doesn't look right because it's not right here.

Now of course that's not what Jesus meant. He's not talking about medical things, but I thought this is a illustration of how our words when it comes out wrong tells us, it's because there's something wrong in the heart. So He makes it very clear when He says, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Why do we say things, why do we speak, because out of the abundance of the heart because it is brimming and overflowing it's bubbling, it's got to come out somewhere, it comes out in your mouth. So if you're excited about something in your life, if you're very bothered about something in your life, if you're very concerned about something in your life, inevitably it comes out from your mouth, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Talk to my son today and you will know what is in his heart, not his parents, not his exams, but his hobbies, it will be all about his hobbies, it's natural he will speak of it all the time because that's what his heart is all about, out of the abundance.

Matthew Henry, he's a commentator of time past, he, he said this statement, a man's language, discovers the country he is from, a man's language, discovers the country he is from. If you go overseas and you see an Asian, the moment that guy opens his mouth, you can tell he's from Singapore, right? If, if, if you are in China, in Japan and America and you and, and you see someone say aiyah, why you like that one ah, you know he's from Singapore, a man's language, discovers the country he is from. Very easy to tell, but that's not what Matthew Henry is saying. He's not talking about Singapore or China or Japan or Indonesia, he's talking about whether you are from the country above or country here. A man's language discovers whether we belong to God or we belong to earth, out of the abundance of heart a man speaks.

Is your heart changed, do you really belong to God ? Well, one of the easiest signs is watch what and how he says, what he says. So Jesus here is using this passage actually to bring indictment towards the Pharisees. The Pharisees are described by Jesus as a brood of vipers, they are a deceptive and dangerous people they have been leading their people astray, actually, apart from God and now the Pharisees, being jealous of the ministry of Jesus Christ attacks Jesus Christ. We saw that in the example of the Sabbath, so now Jesus says you attacked Me and you say that I am demonic, you blasphemed the Holy Spirit, not because you have a careless slip in your mouth, but because your heart is bad, you attacked me with your words, not because you were careless about it, but because your heart is so evil and wicked, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The problem with the Pharisees was not the mouth. The problem with the Pharisees was the heart, the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.

Now, this week I received an email, it is generally after preaching. Sometimes I get responses, feedback, questions from people here and even online and so I got one online feedback, the person says dear pastor Jason, I've been generally appreciative, of your teaching of Scripture where you have taken the extra effort to enlighten on passages of Scripture that may have been especially difficult to hear. However, I had difficulty in how you interpreted the passage from Matthew 12, 1 to 13. If you recall, it's about Jesus answering the Pharisees about the question on Sabbath, remember that and how we said that the Pharisees rejected Jesus, attacked Jesus because they were spiritually blind right. So this was about spiritual blindness. My difficulty is with the omission with the most likely reason for the blindness of the Pharisees.

So he's saying that I didn't address the real reason why they were really blind. He went on to say, I take my text from Matthew 15:7-9, these people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me, there is a tendency for us often to focus on the problem of the Pharisees as an intellectual one. But I don't think their problem is that when I read Jesus' teaching about the nature of their hearts.

Now, first of all, I think he's absolutely spot on. I totally agree that the reason the Pharisees were blinded is not because they don't have a high enough IQ, is not that they were not educated enough, it's not an intellectual problem, but it is a heart problem, it is a spiritual problem. So I totally agree and I appreciate this question or this feedback he has given, but I also recall that I clearly referred you to verse 34 and told you that is was an issue of the heart and so forth.

Nevertheless this was my response, Hi, so and so, thanks for your email. I agree with you that the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. Clearly, the Pharisees and our problem is not intellectual but spiritual. The blasphemy against the spirit is because of a calloused or a hardened what, heart and I alluded to verse 34 which is about the heart and I told him we'll be looking exactly at the sinful heart this coming Sunday, which is today.

But I brought this email up to you because I think it is absolutely right that the problem here is a problem of the heart. The reason why they were blasphemed the Holy Spirit is because of the problem of the heart, alright. So out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Have you, when growing up, been told by your parents when you said something bad and ugly and evil and dirty to go and wash your mouth, have or not, anyone of you. Yes ah, don't need to raise hands, but you must have right. Wah, why you say that, go and wash your mouth, wash your mouth with soap. That's, that's what I've been told you wash your mouth with Dettol, you should not say such bad things. Well, I guess the idea is to remind you that don't say bad things. But the problem is when you wash your mouth, it doesn't solve the real root of the issue because the real root of the issue is in the heart, the language is the fruit, but the heart is the root. And so you may wash your mouth on the outside, it doesn't quite help on the inside.

Jesus is saying, the problem is in the heart is like a, let me give you another illustration, it's like a dashboard, a car dashboard. You know, in front of your car, not in front of the car OK, on dashboard alright, just behind the steering wheel. You have all the signals and meters right and when there is something that is blinking or something that is lit up, what you do, what you do? Do you say you, aiyoh, this signal light is wrong, piang, piang, piang and you, and you smash, like you don't do that because you know the problem is not with the signal light, the problem is with what the signal light is telling you is the problem, it may be the engine. It may be the gearbox, it may be whatever, the clutch. So when our mouth is like that signal light that blinks, the problem is not at the mouth. The problem is the engine, the problem is in the heart.

Jesus also repeats this and we will look at this again few months down the road when we hit Matthew 15, but what comes out of the mouth, proceeds from the heart, for out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander, why do we do all these things, is it a problem with the hands, is it a problem with the eyes, is it a problem with your mouth, it's a problem with your soul, it's a problem of your heart, it's a problem with your inner man.

So Jesus is explaining that and if you still don't get this point, He gives you two illustrations as I've mentioned, number one is an illustration that is agricultural. He talks about the tree either make the tree good and its fruit good, this make is better understood or translated as consider, either consider the tree good and its fruit good, or consider the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. You tell a tree by its fruit, you tell a heart by your words. How do you know a man's heart? Words.

So can anyone tell me what this tree is? Nobody would tell what tree this is, because you don't see the fruit, but if I show you this, you will know this is an apple tree and if I show you this, it will be a, an orange tree, you know a tree by its fruit. You know a man's heart from his language, his words, his fruit, his speech. What he talks about, how he talks about things, you really can tell a lot. Now of course some people can, can deceive you, that's why we have this statement “hua yan qiao yu”.  Ahh, girls have to be particularly careful a guys’ heart may not really be for you, but he knows how to use the right words to trick you and to fool you. Nevertheless, as a general rule, this is absolutely spot on, you know a man's heart from his speech.

Jesus also gives another illustration right, about the treasure house, a man brings out what he already has in his treasure house. This is not so familiar to us, we don't really have treasure houses, we, we probably put it in the bank and we may not used to this. But maybe a similar illustration you might be more familiar with is that of a well and a bucket. A well is something very deep, and you want to know what's inside you got to use a bucket. So a well is a picture of the heart, it's deep, it's hard to tell what's inside. But the mouth is like the bucket that draws out what is inside. So I hope I've said so much about this, you really get the point, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Jesus is saying in this passage, your mouth releases good or evil. Jesus is saying, your mouth reveals and reflects your heart and then finally He says your mouth is going to relate to judgment you will receive, it will have an impact on the judgment, you will receive. That's clear when He says, I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak, this is scary. Man will have to give account for every careless word they speak. Now the word careless here, I don't think is really mindlessly speak, because the Greek word could be translated and I think most would agree, this refers to unprofitable or useless.

So we will give account for every unprofitable or useless word we speak and notice it is not some words but every, God takes account of every word. So your words will be the basis of judgment, it will be very objective, it will be very clear, at the end of your life, you would have spoken, how many words? I don't even dare to count, 25,000 for men, we are, we probably less judgment than the ladies 30,000 anyway, let's go 25,000 per day, times 365, times the number of years you live, now not all words may be useless, some may be good, I do not know, but we will have to give account for every word.

The judgment of God will be absolutely objective and then Jesus says, for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. Now I hope you understand, Jesus is not teaching about salvation by works or salvation by words, we are not saved, we are not justified because we said good things let's get that clear. We are not saved because we do good works, let’s get that clear, the Bible is very clear.

Nobody earns his way to heaven nobody is good enough by his words or works to deserve heaven, no, but what Jesus is saying is whether you are a man saved by God by His grace or not, will be seen in your words and on the day of judgment, God will look at perhaps a Christian and say, well before you were saved, all your words were unprofitable but now that you are saved, they are the words of profit, words that bring glory to God, and by that you will be justified, that shows you do have a new heart that is given by God.

So this is not about salvation by works, this is about the evidence of a man who is saved by God's grace, by your words you will be. So these are very easy, simple principles, isn't it? My mouth can release good and evil, my mouth reflects my heart and my mouth and the words that come from it will be the basis of judgment on that final day.

So let me just bring it to a close. I want to encourage you in a few things. Number one I hope from today onwards, at least you will listen to yourself speak. There used to be a show in I think shown in Singapore, it's called mind your language. Now of course, that is about your grammar and so on, I'm not talking about being mindful about grammar, although I think we all can, I, I should. But this is more about the things I say and how I say what I say, be mindful of your speech. Why, because your words have power. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

You can be a blessing at home to your wife, to your husband, to your kids in what you say and how you say, you can be a blessing in church by what you say and how you say or you can destroy your children with your words. I don't think you will destroy your children as much with your caning, I mean is gonna hurt, but it's not as I think devastating as terrible words that can come from our mouths. There's nothing like terrible words that destroy a husband and wife’s relationship, there's nothing like a terrible word that destroys the unity in the body of Christ. There's nothing like a terrible word that puts an unbeliever off from wanting to hear the Gospel, because you have just been mean with your words towards him or her.

So listen to yourself speak, your words, your mouth releases good or evil. But the reason why I ask you to be mindful is not so, let me put this, this way, the reason why I ask you to be mindful is not that you can now begin to change your words, especially if you're not a Christian. This is not the advice I'm trying to say to you, because let me say this, I don't think if you do not know God, if you do not know Jesus, if God's Spirit is not living in your life, I don't think you have the power to control your tongue, I really don't think you can.

James chapter 3 tells us the tongue no man can tame it's a small little organ, this small little thing with lots of muscle fibers but no man can tame his own tongue. If he can, he'll be a perfect man. That's what God says in James, the reality, none of us can control that. So the reason why I want to ask you to listen to yourself speak is so that you will not try to control your tongue, first of all, but that you will first understand your heart, you will diagnose your heart.

Why? Because the language is only the fruit, the heart is the root. Watch your language, so that you may know your heart. In other words, I think there is nothing like your speech that will reveal to you and me how sinful we really are. There are many people today who say, I've never murdered anyone, I've never raped anyone, I should be a good person.

Well, if you really record your speech every day and you are to broadcast it on national radio, you will be terribly ashamed, don't you think, don't you think, how you curse and swear, how you say something insulting to someone beside you or around you. Wow if I were to if you would, well, if you were to hear your pastor speak every day, you will run away from this church, the reality is we all whether you're Christian or not, well as a if you're not a Christian, you struggle with this, you will not be able tame the tongue. But even if you're Christian the flesh still remains and we are struggling towards God.

Praise God we are struggling towards Him, but we still struggle, the reality is our tongue reveals just how much we need God, reveals just how sinful and flawed we really are. So what's the point? The point is this, I hope as you consider your speech, you are humbled before God and say, Lord, I am a sinful man.

You see, many years ago, hundreds of years ago, there was a man who lived in Israel and he was granted an encounter with God like nothing, like nothing ever we have ever experienced. He was in the very presence of God in the temple of God. God revealed His glory to this man. His name is, anybody knows, the temple of God, God reveal Himself to him, his name is Isaiah and when Isaiah, in Isaiah chapter 6 saw the glory of God, the first words that came out of his mouth were wow is me, I always like to laugh at that, no, he didn't say wow is me, he didn't say wah, look at this, God, ain't I a fine specimen of a man. He didn't say that, he said woe is me and do you know what's next statement he made, woe is me, why, I'll wait,until you know, so that it really gets sealed into your mind, what is the next statement, Isaiah said woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips.

Isn't it amazing the first thing Isaiah was struck with was how unclean his speech has always been, wow. Can imagine that one day we will all stand before God and we will be struck with the holiness and awe of God and we will see how sinful we are and the first thing maybe that comes out in the mind is woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips. See the tongue is a very humbling organ that reveals to us just how sinful our heart really is. But the story in Isaiah is fascinating because after Isaiah said woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips. God did not say it's okay lah, yours is not that bad lah, the others are worse than yours. So, come lah, come, come, come, did God say that? No, God is absolutely holy, there's no bell curve, there's no, what okay, there's no preference for those who are less sinful versus those who are more sinful, because before the Holy God, we are all terribly sinful.

So what did God do? God dispatched one of His angels who went to the to the coal, to the altar, you know the, in the temple there is an altar and there are coals there and that's where sacrifices are made, that's where the animals are slain. That's where the blood drips onto the coals, coal, COAL and there the angel picked up the coal and brought it and touched Isaiah's lips. Why does he do that? Certainly not lipstick, why does he do that? It’s a symbol of cleansing and what is God showing in this story.

God is showing we are clearly like Isaiah, a man of unclean lips. But here, there is forgiveness, there is cleansing, why, because there is a lamb that will be sacrificed for your sins, a lamb whose blood will be shed, so that your sins may be washed away and so this is the terrific news of the Bible, we call this the Gospel, we call this the good news that God has sent His Son Jesus Christ to be the lamb of God who die on the cross and pay for your sins and for those who believe, those who repent and believe in Jesus, they are like Isaiah, the coal of blood will touch our lips, touch our lives and cleanse us from sin.

God does not accept people who are less sinful versus those who are more sinful, God only accepts those were cleansed with the blood of the lamb. And so this morning what's the goal of this message for some of you, it's simply this, watch what you speak, realize that your heart is absolutely sinful, out of the abundance of the heart a mouth speaks, your heart is the problem, but here is the amazing good news of the Bible, Jesus Christ died to save you from your sin. So I hope today, your mouth will lead you to your heart and your heart will lead you to Jesus Christ that you may be saved.

But like I started, when my mom asked me to wash my mouth with soap, it doesn't really work because the reason why I would shout at someone, the reason why I will say nasty things at people is because my heart is full of garbage, my heart is full of self pride, anger, irritability, it's whole garbage there and when God saves a man, He does not just clean his lips, God wonderfully gives him a new heart and that's what the Bible tells us, that's what Christianity is all about, that when we come to Jesus Christ, when we repent and believe in Him, not only does God cleanse our lips, He really changes our heart.

Ezekiel tells us, I will give you a new heart, it's an amazing heart transplant, that's what the Bible says to be born again. My wrinkles are still there, my, my tummy is still here, but what does it mean to be born again? I have a new heart. So, God deals with our sin problem, not just in the positional or judicial way but in a practical and actual way too that He takes away the old heart that is filled with evil and malice and foul thoughts and gives us a new heart that beats for Him.

Now, as Christians, we understand elsewhere in the Bible, though we are given a new heart, the flesh, the old sinful ways are still part of our system, that's why we have this tug-of-war, this struggle, but praise be to God, He's given you a new heart and now with a new heart, I speak to you Christians and now with a new heart, now that you know you belong to Jesus, you have changed your life, you have a new desire, new passion, the Bible now commands you, God tells you to have a change of speech.

In other words, work out your salvation now, evidence your new heart now, in being mindful of the way you speak. So we should zip our lips sometimes. Again my son looks at this picture, how to do this ah, I say, please don't try. This is just computer graphics alright. How do you zip your lips? Well, the Bible does talk a lot about zipping your lips. Actually, it says, for example, Colossians 3:8, now, you must put them all away, anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene talk put this all away, zip up your mouth if you have nothing better to say and if you're just having these things to say, put these all away and the reason why you put these all away you got to see the key, but now, what, what now.

Well, the earlier verses in Colossians 3, the writer Paul is saying to the people, because you are now Christ's because now you are united with Him, because now you are saved by Him, because now you belong to Him, but now because you are Christ's, set your hearts on things above, not on things below and live and walk in a way that is worthy of your calling in Jesus. So because of Jesus, put these things away. As Christians, this is our joy and privilege that we can live out our Christian lives by being mindful of our language.

But it's not just in the negative, in other words, not just don't do something, but the Bible tells us a lot about what we need to speak of we all need to speak right, 25,000 words a day for you guys, 30,000 words a day for you ladies, don't say these things, then say what. Well say these things, let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Let your speech always be gracious, amazing, the key word always. Wow, seasoned with salt something that is palatable, helpful.

Now, this is the question, does it mean, that when I scold my kids, I need to aiyah, Shawn, Matthias, you all don't do this lah, aah, why we are very sad, we will cane you aah, does it mean that this is how I speak to my kids, always be gracious, I don't think so, you know why, look at how Jesus spoke to the vipers or to the Pharisees, you brood of vipers! I don't think He said, you brood of vipers, no way. Now I think gracious here is not about just the mannerisms, it's about being helpful, being, doing what is necessary and good and sometimes you need hard speech to bring across what is necessary but the intention is always love.

I think Jesus warned the religious leaders all the time, He exposed their deeds, also to warn people from following these blind guides. So nevertheless this is the guiding principle in how a Christian should speak at all times, tough call, high calling, we probably blow it, I blow it so often in my life, but this is where I need to struggle towards battling the flesh, depending on the spirit, struggle towards.

Elsewhere the Bible says, let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths let none of that, put that away, but not only that, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion that it may give grace to those who hear. So let your words be building up, let your words be edifying and then finally, in Ephesians 5:4, let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk, nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

You know, one of the favorite pastimes of Singaporeans is to complain. I really think that is not in order for a Christian. Now we find ourselves slip into complaint sometimes but mind your language, listen to yourself speak, repent of that sin, ask God for renewal, that's what it should be all the time. It's failing forwards, but we, we strive towards what it should be.

There so many things I hear people complain about. But how, how refreshing, how thrilling when we hear men and women who belong to Jesus filled their mouths and lips with thanksgiving.

I hope this message will help you if you're not a Christian today to understand your heart diagnose your heart that it really is rotten so that you will come to Jesus that He may save you from your sins and if you're a Christian today, I hope this will encourage you to be mindful of your speech, depending on the spirit and let this mouth of yours be like a like or this tongue of yours, like a beautiful paintbrush that dips into the heart of God's love and paints out, draws out the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ in your life.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. I think a simple message like this is one that should be considered personally in our own lives, it's simple but yet it's so humbling because the tongue no man can tame and the tongue reveals what we really are on the inside. So this morning, maybe an appropriate prayer that you should make right here, right now where you are, is to say search me oh God and know my heart today. Try me and cleanse me, wash me, forgive me because I may hide from man, I can hide from others but I can't hide from You. One day it will all be known and indeed, even right now it is all known before your sight.

So if you are here today and you do not know Jesus as your Savior, let me say this, you will never ever get your tongue right by yourself and the reason why the Bible is preached today is not so to condemn you or to say you got to do better, but the Bible is taught today, so that you may know you need Jesus in your life, so that you know you need forgiveness and cleansing and Jesus has died to save you from your sins.

So my dear friends, listen to your tongue, to your mouth and diagnose your heart and now flee to Jesus, repent and believe in Jesus Christ the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

For my brothers and sisters in Christ perhaps this morning, God has brought up an episode in your week, in your life and you know that was not worthy that was not right, would you ask Him for cleansing, for forgiveness and would you ask God to help you live out the commands found in Ephesians, Colossians, throughout Scripture that we may speak gracious words to one and all and ask God to fill your heart today with His love, because the mouth is only the fruit, the heart is where there is the root. Humbling but this is what God has placed in your life that we may regularly day by day be forced, in a sense to abide in Him, to confess, and to pray for His grace. And may this draw you today to the love of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Father thank You so much for this morning, simple message, but let this Lord, be life changing, let this be helpful, let this draw men and women to salvation and let this draw us all as Christians nearer still nearer to You. Search us, O God, and cleanse us today. We thank You and we pray all this in Jesus Name, amen.

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