
24 Nov 2024

Meekness: Miriam, Moses & Our Messiah [Numbers 12]


Meek is not weak. Meekness is strength under control. It's easy to hit back when provoked, but meekness is that strength to hold back. When Miriam undermined Moses, Moses opened not his mouth (silence) at first,  but later open his mouth (supplication) later. Instead of retaliating, he requested mercy for his "enemy. " But a greater Moses is here. Jesus is that greater prophet and that greater servant  who will display unfailing meekness in spite of insults, slander and assaults, for He entrusted Himself to the Father. He gave His life willingly, to fulfill the Father's will and to save us from our sins. Christians are told to follow in the path of meekness. May Christ's Spirit in you enable you to indeed do so.



Sermon Transcript

Pastor Jason discusses the concept of meekness, using the story of Moses and his siblings Miriam and Aaron from Numbers 12. He emphasizes that meekness is not weakness but strength under control, exemplified by Moses' silence and prayer in response to their criticism. Miriam's envy and challenge to Moses' authority are highlighted, leading to her punishment with leprosy. Pastor Jason contrasts meekness with revenge, citing biblical passages like Psalm 37 and Romans 12, urging self-control and trust in God's justice. He also connects Moses' meekness to Jesus, who similarly demonstrated meekness despite suffering.
* Cultivate meekness and self-control, following the example of Moses and Jesus.
* Pray for grace to correct others with gentleness and meekness, rather than harshness.
* Encourage wives to have a gentle and quiet spirit, not being overbearing or naggy.
* Remind the congregation to trust in God's justice and not try to vindicate themselves when faced with opposition or persecution.
Meekness and the Human Heart
* Pastor Jason discusses the problem of the human heart, emphasizing that it is biased against God and corrupted by sin.
* He shares a report about three Warren officers involved in a brawl at a KTV outlet, highlighting the common human reaction of getting easily upset and seeking revenge.
* Pastor Jason explains that revenge is sweet because it feels like paying off an emotional debt, but the scriptures call for forgiveness and self-control.
* He introduces the story from Numbers 12, focusing on the theme of meekness and how Moses exemplifies it.
Miriam's Confrontation with Moses
* Pastor Jason introduces Miriam and Aaron, who undermine Moses' authority by questioning his wife, a Kushite woman.
* Miriam is described as the instigator and leader of opposition, with a history of helping Moses as a baby.
* The sibling rivalry and envy between Miriam and Moses are highlighted, with Miriam questioning Moses' exclusive prophetic role.
* Pastor Jason explains that Miriam's criticism of Moses' wife is a smoke screen for her true envy and desire for power.
Moses' Meekness and God's Response
* Pastor Jason emphasizes that Moses did not open his mouth in response to Miriam and Aaron's accusations, showing self-control and meekness.
* God's response to the situation is described, with God calling Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the Tent of Meeting.
* God rebukes Miriam and Aaron for challenging His authority and speaks to Moses about His unique relationship with him.
* Miriam is punished with leprosy for her impudence, and Moses prays for her healing, demonstrating his meekness and supplication.
Understanding Meekness
* Pastor Jason explains that meekness is not weakness but strength under control, using the example of a waiter serving an enemy.
* He references Martyn Lloyd Jones, who said that meekness is not weakness but power under control, and quotes Proverbs to illustrate the strength of self-control.
* The importance of trusting God's control and goodness is emphasized, with Pastor Jason explaining that meekness stems from faith in God's sovereignty.
* He references Psalm 37, highlighting the principles of trusting God, doing good, and not taking revenge, which lead to inheriting the land.
Jesus as the Ultimate Example of Meekness
* Pastor Jason connects the story of Moses to Jesus, emphasizing that Jesus is the ultimate prophet and example of meekness.
* He describes Jesus' meekness during His crucifixion, where He did not retaliate but prayed for His enemies' forgiveness.
* The significance of Jesus' meekness is highlighted, with Pastor Jason explaining that it was His obedience and faith that led to His exaltation.
* He concludes by encouraging the congregation to follow Jesus' example of meekness and to trust God for their vindication.