
23 May 2015

No More Mr Kiasi [Sermon Snippet 3]

Sermon Transcript

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You know, one of the things I always hear from this church, from our members, “Pastor, why so many people come but always the same people serving?” You all snigger because it's true, right? Amongst yourselves, you talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, “Why always the same people ah? Why the rest never do ah?”

Now, maybe some of us just want to play it safe. It's very safe to worship in Gospel Light, in our services, very safe, in fact, super shiok, carpark free, food is provided, air-con place, hotel setting and I can come and go. So good! Better than cinema, cinema still $10… How much is it now? $12 or… weekend $12. Wah, today weekend, you know? You don’t even have to pay $12 to come! So safe! Is that church? No, totally miss the point.

So many of us, so many Christians today totally miss the point. We always say we go to church. No such thing in the Bible.

You don’t go to church – we are the church! It’s right, we are the church and the church serves one another.