08 Jan 2017
God has called His church out of the world, to remain in the world, so that they may be channels to save the world. The church has a clear mission- to be leading generations into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Only Jesus saves. And only the church can bring people to Jesus. So let us live missional lives- everyone, everyday, everywhere!
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Well, in this church since last week, we began a new series, a new sermon series called Ekklesia and it simply means that people called out of this world, to belong to Jesus Christ.
Ekklesia is the Greek word for the word church, church is not about buildings, it's about the people, called out to belong to Jesus and so, last week we began by looking at the vision of the church. What church should aspire to be like. We don't aspire to look something architecturally, but we aspire to be a people spiritually.
So today, here is the test. What is the vision of Gospel Light Christian Church? 1,2,3. Okay, there's some comfort to my soul today. You remember what it was an Acts church for today. Now this is a very simple phrase that reminds us, we want to be like the people that are described to us in the book of Acts, and there are many things that can be spoken about the people in the book of Acts, but there are seven core values, sounds like SAF (Singapore Armed Forces), no, 7 core values in the book of Acts that should describe the church today.
I hope you still remember them, seven values, they have a keyword they all start with S. Number one, they were a church, wah very good, they were a church centered on the Savior. They were preaching Jesus and Him crucified and risen again, they were a people who went about doing great things not because of anyone else but because of Jesus, they were a church centered on Jesus Christ.
Number two, aiyoh, a bit soft already, confidence levels not so high, alright, centered on the Savior, number two, they were filled with the Spirit, excellent they were a people who were moving forward in the power of the Holy Spirit, the courage, the boldness to share all were derived from the Spirit Himself.
Number three, very good, they were rooted in Scriptures, they were people who did not follow just man's words or traditions. They went back to the Bible and say, what does the Bible say, rooted in Scriptures.
Number four faith, eh, don't check your notes aah, don't play cheat aah, alright number four, they were faithful in supplication. The word supplication is a big word for prayer alright, they were faithful in prayer. What does it mean to be controlled by the Spirit? Well, you must be rooted in the Scriptures, obeying the Scriptures and you must depend on God in the place of prayer, very clear.
Number five, they were genuine in sacrifice, they demonstrated real love for one another, not with just words, but with practical action and sacrifice.
Number six, they were effective in soul winning, they were a missional church, they were going everywhere. Everyday, everyone telling people that Jesus is the Christ. It's not just the pastor, not just the apostles, but everyone, that's the kind of church we long to be and number seven, they were joyful in suffering.
Today, many churches tell you, believe in Jesus and you have freedom from suffering. No, the Bible doesn't promise that, one day it will be, when Jesus returns, but not yet, the Bible teaches us, right now, before Jesus comes, you will go through sufferings, but this is what God promises, that as you anchor yourself in Him, you have joy through suffering, that is the supernaturalness, if I may say about the Christian faith.
So, these seven values, these seven marks, I hope will be distinction or distinguishing marks for the church today, more and more in our lives.
But today I want to move on to part two and that is the mission of the church. For some of you who have been in Gospel Light long enough, you would know the mission of the church. So one, two, three lerler........ I'm glad you know it's an Acts church for today for vision, but mission will be leading generations into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. So it's a mouthful I know, nine words, longer than that, the vision, but let's, okay, let's say this together, alright, I know it's mouthful, but let's say it together one two, three, Leading generations into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Now this is our mission, maybe right at the top of the head right now is, hey, what's the difference between vision and mission, sounds so confusing. I don't quite understand why you need two things, at one time.
Let me try to illustrate this by means of a mountain, I know it doesn't look like a mountain, but imagine it's a mountain. alright. Imagine it's Mount Fuji, you go to Tokyo, you stand at the foot of Mount Fuji and you say hah, how I wish I could be at the top of Mount Fuji. So you envision yourself, you wish, you desire to be at the summit, at the peak. So this is the where and this where, is where you, what you call vision, where you want to be, the desired end state, the dream, reality for you.
So vision answers the question, where, but then you can't get to the summit by just dreaming, there must be something you do, so you have to climb the mountain, you have to ascend the mountain and this is what you have to do. You have to do what you have to do to arrive at where you want to be. So the what is the mission and the arrival destination is your vision.
So if I may put it this way, if you want to arrive at the vision, you've got to be about the mission and if you are about the mission you'll arrived at the vision, clear, I think that's quite easy right.
So if Gospel Light says, if we say, hey we endeavor, we dream, we long to be like the people in the book of Acts, we want to be an Acts church for today, then you can't just sit here and wait, you've got to be doing the mission and the mission is leading generations into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
If we are ourselves in this life changing relationship with Jesus and we are helping others into this life-changing relationship with Jesus, then together as a people, we will be more and more like the people in the book of Acts, we will be centered on the Savior, we will be filled with the Spirit, rooted in Scriptures, faithful in prayer, genuine in sacrifice, effective in soul winning and joyful in suffering. It is all possible when you're in a life changing relationship with Jesus.
So this is our mission statement and I know it's a mouthful, but let me break it down into three essential elements and I think it will help you remember it much better.
There are three Ls in this mission statement. Typical Gospel Light style, S, S, S, S, S and then L, L, L alright, so let me ask you, what would be the first L in this mission statement. Life change alright. So let me start with life change, I think it's the easiest one to look at. So number one, this mission statement reminds us that we must be about life change.
In other words, it is not enough, and we are not honoring God, we are not glorifying Him, if all we are saying is we want to have a good attendance on Sunday morning. I don't think we've done any effective ministry, if all we aim for is fill this auditorium, have many people come so that they may hear the Bible preached, because I believe the Bible tells us, we are not to aim just for information but transformation.
It's great that you're coming to church today. It's great you hearing the Bible preached, it's great that you're learning, but it's far more important to live out than to just puff your head up. So as a church we say it is clear, we must help people experience life change, transformation and not just information and a life change, what does it look like then? Well, I believe it will look like the people in the book of Acts, the seven values, or if you may summarize it, it means that you are a better follower of Jesus Christ, you will be more like Him, you'll be more and more holy, you will be less and less sinful, you'll be godly, Christlike that's what we long to see and that's what we labor towards, life change that you will be a better husband, better wife, a better worker in the office, a better citizen of this nation, a better witness for Jesus and His Gospel, that's what we long for, life change.
And here in this church we have three simple words that sort of a give you a snapshot of the process, number one, is to know Christ. So if you come to church and you hear the message preached, that's not what it should stop at, because of hearing the Word of God is for you to number one, know Christ. It means you know him as your Lord and Savior, you know Him personally to be your Savior, not just someone else's Savior, not just a Savior or the Savior, but He is my Savior.
So we pray that people will come into this life-changing relationship by knowing Christ, that's salvation. Not only that, to grow in Christ, that's sanctification, big word for saying, be made more and more holy, to be made more and more like Jesus.
I think for long while many Christians have sort of truncated the Christian ministry, we think of making disciples, is only about evangelizing, the great commission go and make disciples, we think it stops at evangelism.
No, Jesus says to teach them all things that are commanded you. So it's not just to help in spiritual obstetrics, you know, O&G delivery, it's not to stop at spiritual obstetrics, but to move on the spiritual pediatrics, care of little children, general medicine and geriatrics. So the whole scope of the Christian life must be the concern of the church. So not just know, but to grow and we pray people will grow in their faith, their maturity in Christ.
And then lastly is to go for Christ it means to serve, to give of yourselves for the work of God. I think this is a very easy, but objective assessment of your own life right now. Would you say you have a life changing relationship with Jesus? Do you really know Him as your Savior? Are you growing to be more like Him and are you going forward for Him? Are you fruitful and serving Him?
I think the Christian life is that continuous cycle of knowing, growing and going for Jesus. I think this is easy to understand and I don't think I need to labor to long.
But let me move on to the second L which all of you picked up and that is leading, leadership. Now one thing about this mission statement is that it's rather long. I understand, it's very hard for people to remember and it crossed my mind, hey why don't we just have a shorter simpler mission statement that says change lives?
Vision of the church, Acts church for today, mission of the church, changed lives. Hey, that's easier, right, why extend it in such a long statement, leading generations into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ? Why so long? Well, the reason is this, one fundamental reason. The reason is we believe according to the Bible, we can't change lives. I can't change your life. To be honest, I can't even change my own life, I can't, but I know Someone who can, and that is Jesus Christ.
You see, I can't save myself, I can't save you, Jesus is the only One who can save. But this is what I can do, I can bring you to Jesus Christ, so that you may know Him, I can bring you to Jesus Christ, so that you may grow in Him. So we have to be clear what we are to do. We can't save lives but we can, we can bring others to Jesus who can change lives.
I think one of the great stories that exemplify this, is a story of this man described in Matthew chapter 9 and Mark chapter 2. He's a man with paralysis, now we don't know about this man. We don't know his name. We do not know his training, his occupation, we do not know much about his family, we do not know how he got paralyzed and when he got paralyzed, but we only know he was paralyzed.
He's probably someone who can't get himself from one place to another, can't get up at all. He's probably someone who has lost his job, if he had a job in the first place. He's probably someone was begging by the streets, dependent on the mercies of people for survival, he's probably someone despised, because in those days if you have such illnesses, they project and they assume it's because of your sins and God has cursed you.
I think he is probably someone who has a difficulty getting to the toilet, he might just had to do whatever he has to do, right there and then and so he might be a smelly, filthy man by the street, begging for money and the sad part about it, is no one could save him, no one could turn this situation around.
But this man had four friends, these four friends together with him probably heard about someone who came to Capernaum, this town, heard about this special person who could heal all kind of sicknesses, heard about this man called Jesus, who healed the leper, cast out demons, calmed the storm, did amazing things. Together with his friends, they figured Jesus could save him and so these four friends gathered together, they had compassion for their friend, they were courageous and they were determined to bring their friend to Jesus.
Now, they knew they couldn't change this man's life, but they knew Jesus could, so that what they did, they brought the paralyzed man to Jesus. Now, they had obstacles when he came to the house Jesus was preaching in, it was jam packed, no way to go in. So they were very creative, they didn't give up. They went up to the roof of the house and they sort of tore a hole in the roof. Can you imagine someone do that right here? We will all be shocked. But that was what the friends did, they were determined to bring this friend to Jesus. They lowered him, down right in the midst of the crowd and you could imagine the hush that comes over the place and instead of reprimanding what the friends did, Jesus said to this man, “son your sins are forgiven.”
Remarkable statement, because everybody knows only God can forgive sins and then Jesus went on to say, “I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home. So I'm going to heal you spiritually, and I'm going to heal you physically” and the reality is this man got up, picked up his bed. Now if you have I, I, I was in medical practice for some time and if you're someone paralyzed for any amount of time, you will know that your muscles would shrink or what we will call atrophy or waste away, you will be like stick like, legs right. I,I,I imagine this paralyzed man lying there with teko legs, teko you know, like just bamboo legs, real thin and when Jesus says, get up, picked up your bed and walk.
I can imagine poof, the muscles like Incredible Hulk puffed up, I think all those who are body building will wish Jesus will say like that to you, but I think it will bulk up, it will be strong enough and he could carry that bed, just a mattress I think, but you carry the bed and spring out, leaping with joy, heading towards home.
Who could do this, not the four friends, only Jesus, but if not for the four friends, this man wouldn't be healed by Jesus. The church today is seen in this picture, you say where is the church? I think the church is pictured here, you say where? Right here, the four friends, this is what we should be. This is what church should be, church should be gathered around messy lives, church should be gathered around needy people. Church should be gathered around those who need Jesus, and we bring them to Jesus, church can't change people's lives.
I hope if you were to meet me and say pastor, I have a problem you, you won't look to me to solve your problems, I can't and all I will do is, hey, let me point you to Jesus in the Scriptures, who will change your lives.
People always say being a pastor very stressful. I've never really felt so, it's quite easy, bring people to Jesus, how hard can it be, every Sunday morning, that's what I endeavor to do, I bring you to Jesus my Lord, I trust that life change is the work of God in your lives.
So, what an amazing transformation for this man with paralysis, hopeless until he meets with the hope of this world, Jesus and unable to get there until the church, the four friends will come. So when I think about this story, I think about a certain man who we know Mr. Lam.
Mr. Lam lives in York Hill, you recall that our church, we were worshiping at Grand Copthorne Waterfront, near Chinatown area, some three years, four years ago and subsequent to the move there, we thought it would be good for us to get to know the neighborhood and connect with them, some kind of engagement with them and through that simple outreach and subsequent connection with a family service center, Yong-en, there's some wonderful brethren in the, in our church who began to visit the poor and the needy in Chin Swee, York Hill area where Mr. Lam lived.
Mr. Lam today worships here in Gospel Light, together with us, Punggol. But, it all began some three years ago, we got to know him. Mr. Lam is a very ordinary man like you and I, er, years ago and he will be described as a normal man until he was diagnosed with a certain disease, three years back.
He used to be a very active man or at least that's what I'm told he, he is active, he is fit, he is agile. He says he has bags of stamina and he enjoys a rich social life, he enjoys being in a lion dance troupe. But three years ago Mr. Lam was strickened with a disease called ALS. So what ALS, well it stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Say, what kind of a disease is that?
Well some 2, 3 years ago you recall the ice bucket challenge, some people take a bucket of ice and pour over them and then they challenge another person. That whole thing was a way to raise awareness for this disease called ALS. Actually this disease is quite, I think, reasonably well known in the States because of the famous baseball player strickened with it, Lou Gehrig and so it has also been called the Lou Gehrig's disease.
In the UK, I think the most famous person who has this, would be Stephen Hawking. So this is quite a rare disease but well-known. It's a disease of the nerves essentially, the brain connects to the muscles of the body via nerves, but somehow the nerves are not working anymore, it's switch off. So the electrical activities can't pass to the muscles and the muscles don't get activated and when it is not activated, it starts to shrink, atrophy, waste away.
Mr. Lam says it's shocking how his muscles would waste away in a span of three years. Not that he didn't eat, not that he didn't want to exercise, but there is no way the nerves would work.
So he begins to experience great difficulty in daily living. He becomes very thin, he will sit on his chair, his arms will be on the armrest, but it will not stay long because he has no strength to even hold that arm in position and it will slip or his elbow would slip off the armrest of that chair.
He will have a difficulty cooking and he will be afraid of walking outdoors to buy food, because he might be knocked down by someone and he would have a great difficulty getting up. Even daily chores become a task, a huge task for him, for most of us, we don't even think about brushing teeth too much, two, three minutes and we will be done. But for Mr. Lam it is a 15 minute ordeal everyday. He had to bend, bend his back 90°, he has to hold his toothbrush in position and instead of brushing like this, he brushes like this. He can't move his arms, he moves his head, his neck. He brushes for 15 minutes, something simple like that.
He has I think, progressive breathing difficulties, he can't stay out for too long, I’m told not more than four hours because he will be extremely tired after that. His legs are dangerously skinny, looks like he might fall anytime, difficult walking posture and style because of the weakness of his muscles. He lost his job, he lost his friends, he used to be very sociable but he can get out, he lost his friends, his bills begin to mount and he sank into such a state where he was depressed, looking out of the window he thought about ending it all, of taking his own life.
But three years ago through Yong-en, some of our brethren here got in touch with Mr. Lam, amongst many others in that community. They got to know him and not only know him, they visited him on a weekly basis and they went beyond that extra, they, they went beyond what was expected, they helped him in various needs.
Mr. Lam got to know people like James, Jared and a host of other wonderful brethren in our church and he would say these volunteers, he doesn't name them, he said, ”these volunteers, they would hand me money, in envelopes without telling me who it came from. They only said that if I have any problems, they will help me. I finally felt my burdens being lifted off my shoulders, I saw a glimmer of hope. At that point I did not have a religion and I was not a Christian, but I saw the volunteers’ genuine love and care for me and even though I can never repay their kindness, they did not mind and they continued to help.
Every week, they bring me to church, to listen to the pastor's sermons, I learned about the Bible, God and His grace. I've been attending church for about a year or so and I feel so much more at peace than before.”
James, who I believe is one of the first if not the first to meet with Mr. Lam, experienced the change in Mr. Lam's life over the three years and he said, “you can see that he is a certain joy and a certain peace. It's pretty amazing that he wakes up daily, knowing that life is not long, but we rarely hear him complaining to us. There's always an effort to be happy.”
I asked my wife, my wife has the privilege of ministering to Mr. Lam, helping him in various things, I asked her, “hey Mr. Lam is held by many of you, physically, emotionally. How is he spiritually? Is he someone who knows Jesus? She says this about Mr. Lam, “he worries less and is more at peace. He really appreciates the Bible and Christian literature. He enjoys hearing the preaching of God's Word, he regularly quotes Scripture to remind himself of God's Word, he believes God has his purpose for his sufferings and though God may not take it away, God will grant strength to cope.”
Mr. Lam himself, he said, “when I feel really helpless and when I don't know what to do, I remember the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 9. He said that it is not the healthy who needs a doctor but the sick. He has come not to call the righteous, but the sinners. I know that Jesus will sit at the same table with me, he will never look down on me and he will use his divine power to strengthen me.”
I think Mr. Lam's life is changed, because there are four friends who are willing to bring Mr. Lam to Jesus Christ. I show this picture because I want to share that bringing someone to Jesus need not be by super evangelists and super preachers, it can be by something very simple like eating and accompanying and being with Mr. Lam.
I'm sure Wei Jun here must be enjoying the fish, the people there must be having a wonderful meal because they know this is not just a meal, this is loving someone and pointing them to Jesus.
I look at the community that comes into play, the, the fellowship of the mat, you know Tolkien talks about the fellowship of the ring, they bring a ring to be destroyed. This is better, you bring a soul to be saved, there's a fellowship of the mat, the church gathers around the needy and brings them to Jesus Christ and is not rocket science, it's befriending someone, it takes a lot of love. It takes effort, it takes grace, but it is well worth it, don't you think?
Mr. Lam's life changes are all because of Jesus and because there are people willing to bring him to Jesus. Without Jesus, there is no hope for Mr. Lam but without the four friends, he wouldn't come to Jesus.
I believe this is what the church should be about, each one of us, that we would be helping people lives change, we will be leading them to Jesus Christ. Hey, I want to say, you can do that, not in York Hill only, but everywhere God calls you. It maybe at home, your father, your mother, your sibling, your uncle, your auntie, it may be in the workplace, it may be in your classroom, it may be an acquaintance on a GrabShare ride, it may be right here in this church when you gather. There maybe someone that you can just greet, befriend and invite, that's it.
Sometimes you are so hung up, who is new and who are not new in this church, you don't have to, just be friendly to everyone, because everyone may, will need someone to point them to Jesus.
So I want to pray that this church will be that fellowship of the mat, either individually or in your care group or as church as a whole. Hey let us be about this mission, leading generations into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
The last L is the most difficult, but I think you've really had a sneak peek and it is about us, it's about generations, it's about legacy. Well, the word generations remind us that we don't want to be a church limited to one generation, meaning we don't want to be a church, that's so uniformed, it's all only the better half-ers or all only the young adults or all about the youth group. No, no, I believe the Gospel reaches all groups of people. I believe the Gospel is made even more glorious, when diversity comes in. People of all backgrounds, races, language, demography, it's great that the Gospel is seen to unite us all in Jesus Christ.
So this church seeks to be a multigenerational church, because that's what the Gospel is capable of doing. But the word generations remind us that we must not live only for this generation.
Do you know how long this building has in the terms of lease for Gospel Light, when we got this land and this building, how long will it be? 30 years, you got, you get a HDB flat it's 99 years alright, but this one is 30 years and by the way, three years have already been used up, since construction began. So we are left with 27 years. Now in 27 years’ time, I might have died and you might have died, I don't know, but we must not have a ministry that says, let's have a ministry that last till jun, jun 27 years and we are done.
No, I think, the vision of ministry that God gives to his church is for generations to come. I say that because in the great commission Jesus says I am with you always, to the end of the age. He never told the apostles just concentrate on your generation, no, there is a long term vision to their ministry. In other words, for Gospel Light, we must not serve only this generation well, but we must be making disciples of the next generation who will be equipped to make disciples of their next generation, who will then be equipped, to make, reach the next generation of their time and it goes on and it goes on and it goes on. I think that's what church should be and that's what this mission is all about, leading generations into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
We aim for number one, life change, number two, we are relaxed in that the burden of life change is not on us but we are active and fervent in leading people to Jesus and if we do this effectively, we would have a church that leaves a legacy of disciples and disciple makers and if we are doing what we are supposed to do, we will arrive at where we are supposed to be, an Acts church for today, a people centered on the Savior, a people who are filled with the Spirit, a people who are rooted in Scriptures, faithful in prayer, genuine in sacrifice, effective in soul winning and joyful in suffering.
You say, there's so much to focus on pastor, how can I remember? Let me just say, if you can't remember everything, remember this, it's all about Jesus. If you're in the right relationship with Christ, God will change your life and you will be like the people in the book of Acts.
I pray the vision and mission of Gospel Light will also be a personal vision and mission for yourself.
Let's bow for a word of prayer together. This church is all about, leading you and many others, we pray into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. This morning, if you're here we are grateful that you are here, but I think there's so much more, because we pray you will not just be here, but you will be with Jesus. Coming to church is fantastic, but coming to a life-changing relationship with Jesus, that is the goal and I pray today if you have never known Jesus, today will be the day you know Jesus, because He is the One who can say, “son, your sins are forgiven you.”
The reason why he could say that is because He went to the cross and died and paid for all your sins. You see, you are helpless in your sins, you're hopeless in your sins, but Jesus paid it all, He rose again the third day, He said, it is finished, I am risen and there is hope now in Jesus Christ and I pray today, you will come to Jesus.
You say pastor, how do I come to Jesus? the Bible says, repent and believe for salvation, repent means you turn from your sins, you recognize how ugly sin is before God, you see how it separates you from God, how terrible it is and you say, I want to be cleansed from my sins, I want to be reconciled with God and I believe Jesus paid it all. He is the Son of God who came to die, my friends that's what it means to know Jesus.
Maybe some of you have been people who have grown up in church, you have come from other churches and you have always been told, because you have been going to church you are a Christian, I say no, you are only a Christian, if you repent and believe in Jesus Christ. So this morning, would you, maybe for the very first time in your life, come to God in humility and say, Lord, I repent of my sins and I believe in Your Son.
Life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, it's not that you deserve it, not that you work for it but God freely gives you salvation out of His grace, would you humble yourself and say, Lord, I need You, I repent and I believe in Your Son, save me from my sins.
I want to speak to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, you have believed in Jesus, you're clear about that, but maybe you have stagnated, you have taken your faith for granted and you have been the same for a long while now, no change, no passion, no desire, very little growth in your life over these years, I say to you, you have been born, but there's so much growth that you need to do, you need to go through spiritual pediatrics.
Maybe this day is a day for you to say, Lord, help me not just to know Christ, but to grow in Christ. I want to actively pursue that spiritual growth, that spiritual formation, help me endeavor to go deep into the Scriptures, to study, to be connected to a Bible study, to to learn from a mentor, a discipler, help me to grow.
I pray that would be a cry of your heart today. It begins right here, a cry within your soul and I pray today, many of you, my brothers and sisters, you will say, help me to be like the four friends, help me to go, give me the courage to say to my neighbor, to say to my friends, to say to my colleagues, to say to my classmates, hey, can I show you, Jesus, give me wisdom, to befriend them, to greet, to befriend, to invite, let me be a witness for You. Let us live missionally, church is not fun and games, church is not holiday, we are on a mission. Jesus calls us out of this world and keeps us here in this world because we have a mission - leading generations into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Let us pray for Gospel Light, that we will be that light, let us not be distracted by the thousand and one things we may do, but let us be clear in all that we do, we are leading people to Jesus. May your care groups be about Jesus, may your Bible studies be about Jesus, may our pulpits be about Jesus, may your families be about Jesus.
Father, we thank You this morning for Your Word and I pray that each one of us, as we have begun this session will endeavor not just to be hearers but to be doers. Lord, we remember Mr. Lam today, thank You for your mercy upon his life. Thank You for giving our brethren here, the privilege to be used by You, I believe, maybe the greater beneficiary might be the people in church and we praise You for Your wisdom in giving us the privilege and opportunity to serve.
I pray for many more Mr. Lams that we can reach. I pray for many more of us who could be in this beautiful ministry of leading people to Your Son, use each one of us, dear God, work in this church, may the Gospel Light shine through each life. May we be a city set on a hill that brings glory to Your Name. Lord, would You be pleased today to help this church endeavor spiritual growth and would you enable men and women in this room to repent and believe for salvation and life. We pray all this now in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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