
04 Nov 2018

The 5L2F Lesson In Ministry [Matthew 14:13-21]


God loves to call us to impossible ministries. Oftentimes though, we tend to look at our lack and do not look to our Lord. As such, we tend to say to God, "send them away. " But when God calls us, it is not an accident. He calls us to intentional ministries so that we may learn to trust Him. And when we do, we discover that He calls us really to incredible ministries. As 2018 draws to a close, will you consider taking a step of faith to serve Him in 2019? May you look at this sermon and be encouraged by the 5L2F Lesson in Ministry!


Sermon Transcript

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Today we are going to take a leap forward into chapter 14 in the book of Matthew and we join that story. We join Matthew 14 at the time when Jesus was withdrawing from the crowds. He was facing persecution, He was facing opposition from religious leaders, and so we have seen the revelation of the King, the rejection of the King and now we see the retreat of the King. He's going to spend more time with His disciples building into their lives even as He prepares to go to the cross.

And so the story we join them in, is in the story of the five loaves and two fishes. I think if you have been a Christian, you have been in church long enough, you must have heard something about five loaves and two fishes. In fact, you must have heard maybe even sermons, whole sermons on five loaves and two fishes. But I hope today it will not be something you will still take for granted, it will not be something that you said, “Ah, I've heard that all before, I've heard it since I was a kid,” but that you will say, “Lord, help me not just to hear, but to do Your will.”

Well, we talk about five loaves and two fishes, we are really not talking about your Gardenia loaves, that's quite a bit, but they're like 5 chapati, 5 roti prata kind of stuff and two small fish. So what is this all about? Well, I think Jesus is going to use His disciples to perform this miracle of multiplying the limited resource here to feed the multitudes and He's really teaching His disciples. He is teaching His disciples the principles that they need to learn about serving people and serving God.

So today's title is a very simple one, I, I really can't think of another title for it, I'll just call it “The 5L2F Lesson On Ministry”. And I think it is a opportune time to look at principles of ministry because we are now nearing the end of the year and in about two months time, we will be at 2019 and some of you maybe, you're thinking of how you can serve God more in your life. Because after a year, maybe like this you've been with us, you've been hearing the Gospel, you've been hearing about the love of God for you in the Gospel, how Christ died for you and you say I love my Lord and I want to serve Him. So maybe this message would be helpful to you as you consider taking a new step of faith in serving God or maybe taking fresh steps of faith in stepping up to serve Him even more. So I hope this will be an encouraging sermon at the end of the day.

So what can we learn about this 5L2F lesson in ministry? Well, notice number one together with me that what Jesus calls them to do is an impossible ministry. It was mission impossible. Why do I say that? Well the Bible tells us that the number of people gathered that day was not a small one. It was huge, we read just now that there were about 5,000 men, besides women and children. So if you add all of that up, you easily could have 10,000. In fact some scholars tell us, it might be 15 or 20,000 people. Now, our kitchen ministry, cooks for a thousand people every Sunday and you can see the amount of activity that is needed, the amount of food that is needed to feed a thousand people and I don't think we eat as much as the people in those days and they have 10,000-15,000-20,000 people, it was astonishing.

And it was late, that's why there was no way they could get food, they were in the desert place, a desolate place and so this was really an overwhelming task. And all they had, after going around, amazingly was just five flat breads and two small fishes. And so the disciples when they are told to feed the multitudes, to give the multitudes, immediately did some mental sums. They had some calculation in their minds and they figured what is five loaves and two fishes in the scheme of feeding 15-20,000 people?

So they came to this conclusion, they said to Jesus, “Please just send the crowds away, send them away.” And I think we can understand why they would say this. Because they look at what they have, and they look at the crowd and they said, no way we are going to feed the multitudes. Moreover, I want to suggest to you, the disciples must be very tired and stressed already.

Mark tells us that Jesus told the disciples, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31) The reason why they are in a desolate place I think is because they have been really busy, many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat, they can't even eat. Jesus is constantly surrounded by lots of people asking for healing and for help.

So they are busy, and I also think they are quite stressed. In Matthew chapter 14, just the verses before this passage, we read of John the Baptist being beheaded. He was killed by Herod and John the Baptist is (Pastor meant the disciples are) thinking, Jesus might be next, and the disciples must be thinking our master will be next. And you add to that the religious opposition from the leaders of those days and I think the disciples are stressed and busy and tired and they are disappointed. It was supposed to be break time, it was supposed be holiday and now they are, they are like 15-20,000 people in front of us. So please Lord, send them away.

Now isn't that so typical of us as well? Maybe God wants you, God has been prompting in your heart that you should serve Him and take a step in ministry, but you look at your life and you said, I don't think I can do that. I'm busy, I'm a housewife or I'm a working mom, I've two kids to take care of, I have three kids to take care of, my boss is heaping lots of work onto my plate and I've so many things to take care of, my mom is not doing well, my father is sick and there's no way I can serve. I've done my mental calculations. I can't do it, I'm stressed, I'm tired, I'm busy, so don't ask me to do anything. And then you say to yourself, even if I want to do something, what can I do? I only have this limited amount of time, I have these limited resources, I have this limited expertise and I don't, I don't think what I do is going to make any difference anyway. So I'm tired, busy, I’m stressed, I can't do much. So Lord I know it's 2019 coming up but please send them away.

More than 15 years ago, I was in the Chinese ministry here in Gospel Light. So I was serving there, I was preaching there and when I started the Chinese ministry then, I mean I started this new role I have in the Chinese ministry, the one thing I asked the Lord for, there was only one thing I asked the Lord for and that was “Lord would You show us as a Chinese ministry, how we can reach out to more people?” Because at that time of, that point of time, our Chinese ministry was, was small, we were like 20, 30, 40 people when I started there and the, I figured it's not very exciting to every week meet just 20, 30, 40 of us and I preached to them, we have some coffee, tea, lunch together and that's all there is to Christian life, I, I think that would be too inward looking. And so I felt, we really needed to find a harvest field, a mission field as it were for us to serve and to give and to preach the Gospel. I prayed for that, our brethren join me in praying for that and for months nothing happened.

And then one evening, one Sunday evening, I got a call from one of our Filipino sisters in church. At that point of time, our regular Sunday worship service was at Singapore Chinese Girls School (SCGS) and our Filipino brethren would meet at our other building at 360 Dunearn Road. So at 360 Dunearn Road, in the evening, sister Elda gave me a call. She called me and said, “Hey Jason, there was this man, he's from China, he's a construction worker working nearby. He cycled by our church, came in and asked us for something. I'm not sure what he's saying, I can't understand what he's saying. Could you give him a call please?” So I said, “Sure, I'll do that.” I called this man up, I got the number I called him up and I said, “Hello, 弟兄你好, 我是福音之光基督教会打来的, 有什么事情我可以帮忙吗?”

Basically, I said, “Hi, I'm from Gospel Light Christian Church, is there anything I can help you with?”

And so he said... (some unintelligible words to Pastor)

“对不起, 我听不清楚, 我是福音之光。。。” (person replied again in unintelligible phrases to Pastor)

Seriously, that was what I thought I heard, I mean, he came from a certain region of China where the accent is different from our accent. I'm not familiar with the accent and so we were like chicken and duck talked for a while (some unintelligible words to Pastor) and somehow from there, I figured he was asking, “Do you have a Chinese worship service in the evening?” I said to him, “No, we worship on Sunday mornings, could you join us on Sunday mornings?” He says, “We can't. I've a group of friends together with me. We would like to be part of the worship service, but we can't on Sunday mornings because we are still working on Sunday mornings.” They work seven days and they are let off only on Sunday evenings. So he asked, “Do you have a Sunday evening service?” I, I quickly did my math. I did my mental sums. I thought to myself, we have 20, 30 people, 40 people, I do not know how many. A lot of them are working and so I thought after Sunday morning worship and being Monday the next day I think they will be tired and I don't think they can come back and serve again and worship again on Sunday evening.

Moreover, we have some young families and they have kids that who have to go to school and they will have to do all the preparations, so I did my quick sums. We are tired, we are busy, our people are probably a stressed out people living in Singapore and I said to that brother, “很难啊Hen Nan Ah”, very difficult. And we (his response were some unintelligible phrases to Pastor) some more and I thought he said, “Never mind then”, because I thought “Never mind lah” and so somehow we ended the call, the conversation. So I said, “Phew... no need to do anything.”

Well, the next Sunday evening, sister Elda gave me a call again. She said, “Jason, this man he cycled by our church today. He brought some friends, could you give him a call?” I give him a call (some unintelligible response to Pastor) or something like that and we talked and I said, “I didn't know you're coming, I thought we didn't, we didn't agree, we thought we are not going to have any service and,” and so we conversed and again I thought he said, “Never mind, then I'll go somewhere else, I'll find a church somewhere.” And I said, “Okay never mind, phew.”

The third Sunday Elda gave me a call again. Again, this man, Zhang Yong, he brought friends along and he... And I gave him a call and I felt as if God was giving me a tight slap, in love of course. I, I felt, what am I doing? Didn't I just start the year praying that God will give us ministry opportunities? Of course, my mind was fixed on Sunday morning. But God answered the prayer and he's bringing someone in I think response to prayer and here am I making that calculation, we are supposed to rest on Sunday evening, our people tired, are stressed, are busy, so send them away. So it's so common that we look at our own selves, we are concerned about our own leisure, our own stresses and we, we look at a mission like this and say, “No, go, send them away.”

So this was an impossible ministry, at least to the disciples. But I suggest to you, Jesus was intending this to be an intentional ministry. It was intentional for Jesus to engage His disciples in feeding the multitudes. You see, if you think about it, Christ could have said to the disciples, “Alright, I know you're tired, you are stressed, you are busy. I know that we have limited resources. So you guys just sit there, let Me just do the stuff, just watch Me.”

Well, Jesus could have done that, but He didn't do that because He was intentionally bringing His disciples to a classroom. He was intentionally teaching them lessons on serving people, ministry. So Jesus said to them, “They don't go away, they need not go away, you give them something to eat.” Now, of course, He knew He will ultimately be the provider, but He wanted them to be involved in ministry.

Friends, let me say this, God can do anything without you, God can do anything without me, He doesn't need us. He doesn't need us and the, in the sense that He's helpless without us. But it is His mercy, it is His grace, it is His kindness, it is His wisdom, to involve us that we may learn in our lives and have this wonderful experience of ministering together with our Lord. And that's what He wanted His disciples to do, to have this wonderful experience, joy of serving together with Him.

So He said to them, “You give them something to eat.” And in fact, in John chapter 6, we are told, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?” He didn't ask this because He didn't know the answer, He asked this to test Philip, to reveal the heart of Philip for He himself knew what He would do. Jesus was bringing His disciples to a lesson. The impossible ministry was an intentional ministry. And so what did Philip say, what did the disciples say, they could only say, “Lord, we have only five loaves and two fish.” And here is the principle of ministry, here is the lesson Jesus wanted to teach them, “Bring them here to me”. You say what's, what's ministry all about? Ministry is learning to bring our five loaves and two fishes first to Jesus.

So often we think we serve people because of our time, our efforts, our talents, our gifts, our abilities and we say that is not enough. Well, have you first given what you have to Jesus? Because ministry is learning to bring our all first to Jesus Christ and then you watch Him use your little five loaves and two fishes to meet the multitudes. That's what ministries is all about. Ministry is not me in a sense directly serving you guys. It's me, it's you, bringing what you have, first to the Lord and say “Lord, you take these five loaves and two fishes and meet the need of the multitudes.”

Every Sunday I prepare God's Word, I don't think that I'm the one to teach you because who am I? Or where is the power in the words of a man? But it is in this confidence that I served that “Lord, this is my five loaves and two fishes this week.” I'm giving my time, my focus, my energies to studying and accurately explaining the Word of God and say, “Lord, this is Your Word, and would you meet the needs of Your people once again?”

Ministry is learning to bring our all. It might look very small and it is very small, but we bring our all to Jesus Christ and see Him work. You know God loves to use small things, it's amazing. You think about it, God used the rod of Moses, God use the jawbone in the hands of Samson, God used the stone in David's sling, God uses small things, why? So that the glory is His and when we learn to take our all and say, “That's all we have.” And then we see God bless, we say “All glory must be God's.” So, I want to say to you, in ministry do not focus on your lack but focus on your Lord.

We, we like to think, oh, if I only have enough resources, if only I've more time, if only I've more money, if only I'm trained more, if only I know the Bible more, then, only then I can serve God. Well, perhaps we have been focusing on the wrong things. Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't be trained in the Bible, you shouldn't study the Bible more, I think all of us should. We should study to show ourselves a workman approved of God, we should always equip ourselves in the Scriptures. But on the other hand, we must not feel like I must be a professor in the Bible before I can do anything in teaching the Bible to others. We, we must have our eyes, we are aware of our lack, we are aware of our own inadequacies, but that's not where we stop, that's not what we focus, we focus on our Lord. We just bring our all that we have today to Jesus and ask Him to multiply.

I've been in the full-time ministry now for I think 12 years and I remember that the sometime before that, Pastor Paul asked me if I would consider not going overseas for missions but to stay here in Singapore and so the immediate thought I had was “Probably not, hehe..” Why would I want to stay here, I mean I'm a, who am I? I'm a young punk, our church is used to having Pastor Paul as their pastor, as your pastor. And he is a fatherly figure, he's an older man, wiser, experienced and I thought to myself, when I stand beside him, I'm this, I'm this guy who looks like a 18-year-old kid and I don't think the church is going to take this very well, and so I was half inclined to say, “Nah, I, I think someone else will do a better job.”

But as I thought about it and I prayed through that, I said if I said no because I lack the experience, I lack the knowledge, I lack the wisdom, I lack, I lack, I lack, I lack and I said no, then wouldn't this be my problem? I thought to myself, okay, I will be maybe one day serving in Gospel Light here in Singapore when I'm 50 years old, 60 years old, so I was thinking when I've enough experience, enough track record, enough wisdom, then I will serve Him. But that would exactly be the problem the disciples had. We focus on our lack and we don't focus on our Lord.

Maybe today God is speaking to you in your life, you are burdened for a particular ministry, you are burdened to serve somewhere but you’ve always been saying “Nah, I, I can't do it, I don't have enough, send them away.” Hey, it's worth taking a step of faith, it's worth believing that if we give our five loafs and two fishes to Jesus, He will teach you amazing lessons. So this was an intentional ministry.

And lastly, I say to you, this was an incredible ministry, it was incredible. The Bible tells us, Jesus sat the people down and He received the five loaves and two fishes that the disciples passed to Him, He looked up to heaven, He gave a blessing and then He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the crowds.

So you can imagine Jesus sitting somewhere high up there and the disciples would come, receive the broken pieces of bread and fish and then they will go back and gave the crowds. And then when they think that there's nothing left from Jesus, because He had to give to 12, 11 other apostles, they came back and Jesus still gave and they went back and the third round and still gave and it was like a constant stream of food that came from the hands of Jesus and I think Peter, Andrew, James, John they must be looking at each other and say, “What's happening?” This is amazing, and the Bible tells us in verse 20 (Matt 14:20), they all ate and were satisfied. It's not like those are typical meals where you are very pai seh (hokkien meaning embarrassed) to eat, ah eat a bit can already ah, they all ate and were, wah, satisfied. And not only were they satisfied, you say maybe very hot, they don't have appetite to eat. No, because after that, they took up 12 baskets full of the broken pieces left over.

12 baskets! You can't have 12 baskets from five loaves two fishes if not for a miracle. And so why 12 baskets? It's almost like 12 souvenirs for the 12 apostles. Now you take home these 12 baskets, each one, one basket to remind you of this miracle of bringing your five loaves two fishes to Me. Ministry is believing that God has the divine resources to meet the needs of the multitudes.

Well, so when Zhang Yong and I conversed the third time, I was really apologetic, I was convicted, I was guilty before God and I said to him “弟兄,很对不起,你下个星期再来,下个星期一定有聚会.” “Brother please come back next Sunday. We will be sure to have a worship service for you and your friends next Sunday.” And indeed they came, we started small 20-30 people, but it grew. These folks came from one condo site, it's at Garden Vista, do you know where Garden Vista is? Condo. It's near Beauty World, it's opposite King Albert Park, directly opposite. I think it's behind Jardine I think, Jardine, whatever, so it's it's the condo behind and they were at that time, lots of Chinese construction workers working on that site. And so we, we sent the bus, we went to Garden Vista, it's just a straight road down to our church building, that's why he cycled by us.

So from 20, 30, 40, 50, week after week, we have more and more Chinese construction workers and they join us in our services they were the stay back for further Bible studies, who is this guy? Samuel, David and Wee Hong's son. Samuel now is a giant lah, he is like super tall, but this is Samuel at that time, he was very young. And these Chinese construction workers would come, we would prepare meals and we didn't have much, I mean all we knew, all we knew is that we got to provide them food, we got to feed them, we want to love them, we want to provide for them, they don't have good meals from Monday to Sundays, actually this is the opportunity for us to really show some love of the Lord.

We have special events like mid autumn festival, you see, Pastor Vic looks the same, Pastor Mak looks the same though and this will be the lanterns that we hang up in our building there at 360 Dunearn Road. We are privileged over some time, they understand the Gospel, they get saved and these are some of our first baptismal candidates, are those who were baptised.

Of course, the ministry continued to progress. And on special day, special events, we could have more of them join us and we would have them join us at Singapore Chinese Girls School in the evening, we would get the auditorium there and host there, and it holds fond memories for us. The ministry went on it, it developed further, in that not only do we teach them the Gospel in our Sunday services every Sunday, but for those who are believers, we have Bible studies for those part two, we train them, we hope so that they are able to go back to China and bring the Gospel to their villages, to their homes. More and more Gospeliters came, you guys cooked the food, served the food, some of you provided medical services gave, gave medication.

Some of you came to cut their hair. It was really cool to see discipleship taking place in hair cutting. I think most of us, most of you who have done the hair cutting, you do not know how to cut hair, tio boh (meaning: right or not?), don't know one lah, but you guinea pig on them, I know, I can tell. And if, but the cool thing is, if you don't do so well, ji tat, ji tat, ji tat (meaning: patches here and there, not properly done). Di xiong, ti tow (meaning: Brother, let’s shave off all your hair instead) bang ni ti (meaning: help you cut). Wah, shave all away then I know someone else was has, has just bungled the job but I don't know. But, but they like it because it's hot, right? They, they don't want long-hair, most of them. But it was real incredible.

Every Sunday not only do we bus people now from Garden Vista, what happens is that sometimes the workers get transferred to other worksites so when they get to other worksites, then we have our leads to other worksites and we send buses. We remember sending quite a few buses all over Singapore just to bus them in and it was an incredible ministry. The ministry lasted for a good 10 years, I think the season was a memorable one, at least for myself.

It wouldn't have happened if God did not wake me up from my unbelief. If God did not wake me up from that reticence, that reluctance to give a little bit more in five loaves and two fishes. And I want to encourage you that in your life, God will hear your prayers and He wants to use you in those times. Would you say, “Lord, I've very limited time and energy and resources, but I'm going to bring them to you. I'm going to focus not on my lack but I'm going to focus on You, Lord.”

Some of you say this is so long ago I am not there, I don't know what it means. Well, for those of you who have been with us five years ago, you would know that this journey to Punggol was a little like mission impossible. I remember that, maybe 12, 11, 10, 11 years ago in one of our deacons meeting, one of our deacons, he asked me. During those times, we were nomadic, we were in schools and so on, he asked me “Why don't we pray about having a place of our own?” Rather than moving all around and so on. I immediately said to him, “Do you know how much it costs?” Do you know much it costs? In those days 10, 11 years ago, I said, “To get a piece of land is 5 million and to build is about 10 million, it will be 15 million.” And of course you know our building now is way more than that, but I said to him in those days, no way are we going to do that. After all, our philosophy in church, in ministry, is that we don't want to have bricks and mortar, we don't want to invest in real estate, we wanted to have the funds directly given to, to souls, to ministry to needs and so I said, “Nope, no way.”

Well of course as you know it, we are now in Punggol, a piece of property that God has given to us and it started off like mission impossible we said 45 million my, my, my, my, my jaw dropped 45,000 can lah, 45 million leh, 4.5 million also can lah, but 45 it's impossible!

Well anyway I got a text when we moved in here and had our opening worship service. It was a text from Jacob. Jacob is the leader in our, in the Telugu Christian Gospel church that worships together with us, an affiliated ministry with us. So Jacob sent me a text, he was, he, he remembered what we spoke about sometime before. He says, “Dear Pastor Jason, our hearty congratulations on the opening Sunday Worship at Gospel Light Christian Church at Punggol. Do you remember when you visited TCGC once, for preaching, I suggested to you saying, ‘Pastor Jason, why are you wasting a lot of money on hotel rents, if you build a big church, we can save a lot of money and we can earn money by renting for weddings.” By the way, we don't rent our building for weddings alright, we are not here to make money. “And then use that money for missions.”

“Your reply was ‘Jacob, do you think I can raise 5 mil for land and 10 mil for building? Total 15 mil? It is impossible!’ Now you are standing on the pulpit of a 47 mil church. Now this church building cost is 3 times more which you have mentioned. What a mighty God we serve!

I think that's a lesson again on five loaves two fishes. I think many of you in this church, you gave sacrificially, you gave your all and maybe when you look at your giving, you say, that's not a lot.

I mean, it's not a lot in the scheme of 45 million but you gave your best, you gave your all, you gave sacrificially. And you know in a sense, we saw a multiplication of our five loaves two fishes. I mean, not in the wildest dreams did I think we would be able to do this. But can I remind you, the goal of Christian ministry is not having a building. Let's be clear. Yes, it was amazing that this building is erected, and we can enjoy the facilities here, but let me say this, that's not even close to what the real mission is all about. The mission is not building a church building, the mission is the great commission. It's a leading generations into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. The real work remains to be done.

There are still lots of people here in Punggol, Sengkang, Hougang, Pasir Ris, Northeast part of Singapore and if we spread it further, to the whole little island of Singapore and to the uttermost parts of the world, it is mission impossible, if we only look at ourselves. But here is the joy, would you today take your five loaves and two fishes and give it to Jesus and see Him multiply? Give Him your time, give Him your experience, give Him the Bible knowledge that He has given you, give, give God the spiritual maturity He has, has blessed you with, take that and together as a church, let us meet the needs of those we can reach out to.

Now as a church, we are constantly short of mature and equipped men and women to lead care groups, to do Bible studies, to help new believers grow, to help unbelievers get to know the Gospel, but I'm not discouraged, I'm not despairing. I know we, we can bring our five loaves and two fishes to Jesus. Let's do our part, let's be faithfully discipling men, let's be faithfully teaching the Bible, let's be faithfully pointing people to Jesus.

But, let's be encouraged, we don't serve by ourselves, we serve together with Jesus and I hope today you'll take this just small little bits you have. Hey, would you serve here in this church? Children's ministry, Bible studies, care groups, discipleship groups. I know you are stressed, I know you're busy, I know you're tired, I know you have done your mental sums, but maybe your math has neglected one big factor, that is God. Where is faith? Where is faith? Well it, without faith, it is impossible to please Him. The ministries that please God the most are ministries of faith when we can only bring this little.

I just want to say something for my friends who are here today and you do not know Jesus. While this sermon was really a lesson for the disciples, but I think even for those who are not Christians, who are not followers of Jesus, they were amazed because the Bible says (John 6:14), “When the people saw the sign that He had done, they said, ‘This is indeed the prophet who is to come into the world!’” They recognized immediately this was supernatural, they recognized immediately that Jesus is the promised prophet, promised Saviour of old. I hope today as you read the Bible, as you hear the Bible being preached, you would know Jesus is the Saviour who can save you from your sins. He's the bread of life, He's the one who can truly satisfy your soul.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. People today go to Universal Studios for thrill rides, they go overseas for holidays to seek enjoyment and fun and satisfaction. In my life and in many people's lives here, we can say the thrill of our lives is not found in amusement parks and in some beautiful mountains, the thrill of our lives is serving God with Jesus Christ. It is and you know serving God takes faith, that's the way He designed it to be.

If serving God is within your means, if it's easy, if it's always comfortable, you will never know the communion and the power and the blessedness of laboring with Jesus. What does it mean to be yoked together with Jesus? That means follow Him and to recognize that He is the senior partner in all of life's ministries. What a joy! What a privilege! Come 2019 what will you do with Jesus? Would you still hide in your comfort zone and say, “I've no time, I've no energy, I've no passion now, I, I don't have enough, let me no, not do anything”? Then, I'm afraid that 2019 is just going to be a very mundane earthbound comfortable but ultimately Christless 2019.

I challenge you today to take a fresh step of faith. Maybe you do not know what you're going to do yet, that's fine. I hope you may be encouraged that like myself, you can begin even right now, praying “Lord, where can I be used?” May the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His love for you, fill your heart with joy and passion and love and may you be encouraged then because of this story to take a fresh step of faith. I'm excited to see what God can do with Gospel Light Christian Church as we say “Lord we give You our five loaves two fishes, would You bring more in, would you allow us to reach out even more? And may we see a harvest of souls to glorify You”. So my brother and sister in Christ, right here, right now, would you pray. Begin right here, begin right on your knees, in your hearts.

If you're here today for the first time I say to you, Jesus is the promised Saviour. Look nowhere else, the Bible tells us there is no name given under heaven whereby man may be saved, only Jesus saves. “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me” And you know what, besides this amazing miracle, Jesus proved His credentials over and over again, ultimately culminating in His death, His burial and resurrection on the cross. He is a risen Saviour, He's conquered and paid for all the sins of those who will believe upon Him. Today, will you repent and believe? Will you be saved? It's a choice you can make in your heart today.

So Father we thank You this morning that we can be channels and channels only. We really have nothing in and of ourselves that You really need but we are so thankful You are willing to use us as Your channels of blessing. I pray there'll be many channels opening up right here today and together we would be a conduit, a channel of Your heavenly blessings to even more souls here in North East Singapore unto the uttermost parts of the world and even this morning I pray You will be pleased to use Your servant here in a simple sharing of the Gospel. O Lord multiply that in hearts of people today that they may come to know You. So thank You for this time, we pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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