
29 Nov 2020

The Brothers Killer [Genesis 4:1-15]


Grace does not run in the blood. 2 children in the same family can have the same upbringing but have totally different spiritual conditions and thus eternal fates. The very 1st family of the Bible demonstrates how both the child of God and the instrument of Satan can be in the same household. Cain is the prototype of religious hypocrisy. He looks religious, but he is really arrogant and murderous. His deeds are evil. He does not know God. May this sobering message stir you to examine your faith, and to repent lest there is a hardening of your heart through sin. May this sermon encourage you to shepherd your children in the gospel. May this preaching help you to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.


Sermon Transcript

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So once again, a warm welcome to one and all. If you're new with us, if you're not a believer as yet, thank you for taking this step to join us here in this building and online as well.

Now as a church, we have been going through the book of Genesis, and we have actually just concluded three chapters of Genesis and we turn a page to Genesis, chapter 4. And as I've said, “Since Adam and Eve fell into sin, the whole narrative now takes on a darker complexion and we are going to see the ramifications of sin in Genesis chapter 4 onwards.”

Now my wife Winnie, she has always wanted to have a daughter. Her factory closed already, so we can't imagine that anymore. But she's always wanted to have a daughter, because a daughter is someone she can doll up and buy nice clothes, do the hair, and so on.

I, on the other hand prefer boys. I'm … I'm not sure what to do with girls. I'm a little awkward with girls. And I always feel that boys are more active and more fun, we can rough it out anyway. So I'm very thankful that God has given us sons.

The problem, the downside of having sons, however is that they're very naughty and they constantly fight. I have two sons, Shawn, Matthias and they constantly fight. In fact, last night, they just had a big fight. So Shawn, Mathias, I'm talking about you guys, alright. They … they … they fight all the time. And one, and that is a constant frustration to their parents, but we love them big time still.

But their fights are not anything new because the first pair of brothers born into this world, you know what, they also fight. In fact, one of them killed the other. So the story of the first pair of brothers is that one ended murdered, while the other became the murderer.

So today in Genesis 4, following the fall of Adam and Eve, we see the story of the brother's killer. So we're going to look at Genesis 4, and the story of these two brothers, and how one of them became a killer. So let's dive right into the text before us.

So let's go to Genesis, chapter 4 in verse 1, and we read, “Now, Adam knew his wife …” Now, that's a euphemistic, that's a nice way of saying, “She had sexual intimacy with his wife.” And now she's pregnant, “… She conceived and she bore Cain saying, I've gotten a man with the help of the Lord.”

Now the name, Cain means acquired or gotten or received. Now recently, it's 11/11, right? And I think two days ago, it's 12/12, Black Friday. So maybe some of you have gone online to do your shopping. Some of you queued up at Takashimaya for your shopping. I read there's a huge crowd there. So we have done our shopping, we've done online shopping. We … we bought some things online, we are eagerly waiting for our parcel to arrive.

Now imagine one day, two days later your parcel arrives, you say to your family, “Hey, I've gotten the package!” Why? Because you paid for it, and you're expecting something to be received. Now, I think that's probably the idea here, when Adam and Eve named their son, their firstborn son, Cain - gotten, acquired because God had told them that they will have a offspring.

I, I think this points as back to the Proto Evangelion in Genesis 3:15, when God said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring.” So Abel, or Adam and Eve knew and believed that God would bless them with a son, with a child. And this offspring will be defeating Satan, and reversing the effects of sin.

And so when Eve was pregnant, and when she gave birth to the child, she named the child, Cain and said, “I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” [Gen 4:1] So I think this is not an ordinary name, it's a special name. Is a name that says, “Hey, we believe God's promise! We think this might be the one! Cain might be the one! We have gotten! We've acquired! This is God's promised coming to fulfillment.” That's their assumption.

Later on, we read she got pregnant again. And now number two comes along, ‘di di’ [younger brother in dialect] comes along. And they called his name, Abel [Gen 4:2] Now Abel means vapor, or breath. It's interesting, because it signifies something prophetic about him. He's not going to live long. He's going to be short-lived his life. And indeed We are going to read, he will be murdered. He will be … he will die prematurely.

And both brothers they took on different interests and occupations. “Abel was a keeper of sheep and Cain, a worker of the ground.” [Gen 4:2] So one became someone who is a shepherd, the other one became a farmer who tilled the ground.

Now, the Bible now doesn't give us a lot of details about their growing up years. We don't know a lot about it. But I would suggest to you, they probably spent a lot of time hearing from daddy and mommy talked about life in the Garden of Eden.

Remember, they are now chased out, world is completely different from what it was in the Garden of Eden. I am very sure Adam and Eve, as soon as they can understand anything, they would be sharing and telling their two boys about life back there. How life was perfect. It was sweet. It was beautiful. There was no disease, no death, no frustration, and how God was with them.

I'm sure Adam and Eve would have told their children about that sad day, they fell for the ploy of Satan, and took off the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. How they sinned against God, and how they immediately was plunged into the darkness of soul, filled with guilt and shame and fear.

Adam and Eve must have told Cain and Abel how they tried to cover up their shame and their fear by and guilt by getting fig leaves and sewing them together. And then how God would pronounce a curse upon all humanity, and upon this world. How God however would still pursue them and promise, the Proto Evangelion, Genesis 3:15 - how God promise that there will be a offspring who would crush the serpent's head. And I suspect whenever they talk about this, they will cast an eye towards the older brother, Cain.

“Cain, you are the gotten one! You are the acquired one! Somehow God might use you to save us from our sins.” And then they will tell Abel and Cain how God would sacrifice that animal and provide them a proper covering. The covering of skin, which is a kind of foretelling of a sacrifice that would cover them of their nakedness and of their shame.

Now in those days there is no movie, no Netflix, right? There's not a lot of distraction. There's no YouTube, no Facebook, no WhatsApp. No one to WhatsApp lah! Everybody is in a family, they have nothing better to do. So I'm sure theology, the understanding of God, the story of the Garden of Eden will be so vivid and so vibrant in everyday conversations.

So I believe these two boys must have grown up knowing a lot more about Genesis 1-3 than we do today. That would be the focus of their lives. And then as they grew up, it became a time for them to worship God themselves.

So we read now in Genesis 4, verse 3, “In the course of time, Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground. And Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions.” So it is time for worship. For these two boys, maybe young men now, to worship God on their own.

So Cain brought what he brought and Abel brought what he brought. And the interesting thing is that the Bible tells us, “The Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering He had no regard.” [Gen 4:5] So God accepted Abel's offering but rejected Cain's offering.

You say, “Why? Why did God make such a distinction?” Is it because God randomly preferred Abel and did not like Cain? Or is it because God likes animals but don't like vegetables? Is God a fan of steak and not salads? Is that why this is different?

Well, Genesis doesn't quite tell you. However, Hebrews … God tells us the reason in Hebrews, and so we look at Hebrews, chapter 11:4. We wrote, we read there, “By faith, Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain.” So what marks Abel's acceptable sacrifice is that, he gave it out of faith. He believed God. What did he believe God about? Surely he believed God, and what he said regarding sin, regarding how God is going to provide a Savior for his sin. About God's hinting of that, with the sacrifice of an animal.

So Abel believed the teachings that his parents must have given to him regarding sin, regarding salvation, regarding the sacrifice.
So he provided an offering that needed to die. He provided a blood sacrifice. A kind of acknowledgment that he is sinful, and God would provide a sacrifice to save him.

On the other hand, you could assume therefore, because Cain did not offer a sacrifice out of faith, Cain did not believe what his parents told him. Cain did not believe maybe that he was a sinner who needed any saving. He probably thought that he's quite a good guy, or he thought that he could save himself. And therefore he did not bring any blood sacrifice. He brought ‘chai’, [vegetable in Hokkien dialect] He brought vegetables. He brought fruit.

And the Bible tells us, the reason why Cain did it, it's not because he suddenly turned bad, but he was never someone who believed God. He never believed God! He never belonged to God! Because John tells us in 1st John chapter 3:12, “We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one.” He belonged to Satan.

Wow! He was born in this home that is familiar with the Gospel message, with the promise of the Good News, but he did not believe God. He belonged to Satan. And the Bible tells us and why did he murder Abel his brother? “… Because his own deeds were evil.” [1 John 3:12]

Now let me emphasize this, the evil deeds here is not about murdering his brother. This evil deeds precede the murder. What is his evil deed? The only thing we read about is his offering of fruits and vegetables to God. This was evil! Because instead of really believing God in this offering, he's actually presenting this as an affront to God.

It was offensive to God. It is saying to God, “I don't believe you, in what you say about me as a sinner. I don't believe you that I can't save myself. I don't believe you that You will provide a sacrifice.” I think that's why his deeds were evil.

Wow! So Warren Wiersbe says, “Cain wasn't rejected because of his offering, but his offering was rejected because of Cain: his heart wasn't right with God.” So this is not some random selection by God. This is not because God likes steak and He doesn't like salad. No! The whole issue is that Abel has a heart of faith, but Cain does not have a heart of faith, but is a heart filled with evil, with pride, with arrogance.

Abel came to God with humility and brokenness, acknowledging his sin, but Cain came to God with pride, and haughtiness, and that's why he was rejected. So what happened? Well, God tells us, “Cain was very angry.” [Gen 4:5]

You know, when you lose, or when you are rejected, you immediately ‘bei song’ [unhappy in Hokkien dialect] And that's what happened to Mr. Cain. Cain was very bei song. He was very upset. Somehow God showed that He accepted Abel's offering and He rejected Cain's offering. We're not told how. Maybe there was a fire that came down at consumed the offerings, we are not told.

But basically, Cain knew that he was rejected. His offering was rejected, so he … he became bei song. His face fell and, “The Lord said to Cain, “Why are you, why are you angry ….” [Gen 4:6-7] “Why has your face fallen? Why are you bei song? What's your problem?” “… If you do well, if you are humble, if you come to Me in the right understanding and faith, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do well, this is pride, this is arrogance, sin, like an animal is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”

“You should have done better, but you didn't.” And now, Cain, filled with jealousy, anger, ‘bei songness’, “Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in a field, Cain rose up against his brother and killed him.” [Gen 4:8] Now, we often read this story and even teach this story in Sunday school and we often go through this quite quickly. But I just want you to pause and think about this for now.

The first man born into this world, Cain, the very first man born, I think was thought to be the Messiah. That's why they call him - the acquired one, the gotten one, the received one. I … I made a purchase on Shopee, on Lazada, I expect this to come. “And God promised me, God promised us an offspring. He is the one! He's Cain. He's acquired.” He's thought to be maybe the Savior, but he actually turns out to be a murderer.

Wow, that's a plot twist there, right in the beginning of the Bible! In other words, I'm saying to you that, “Cain is really a hypocrite, that's what the Bible is saying. He pretends to worship God. He brings an offering to God, but his heart is far from God.” Indeed I tell you, “Cain became the prototype, the very first model hypocrite.”

He's the 金马奖得主 [jīn mǎ jiǎng dé zhǔ]. The first … he's the first Academy Award winner for Best Actor, Mr. Cain. He won it! Because his heart was far from God. But he … he used religion as a disguise and he proved himself to be a hypocrite.

Joseph Parker said this, “Cain killed his brother when church was over …” That's a good statement, isn't it? He went to church service. He brought his offering. He looks so holy. He might have dressed differently that day. He might have talked differently that day. He prepared his fruit and vegetables. Maybe his parents looking at him say, “Wah my son, he loves God.” People would have assumed that about him, maybe, but actually, his heart was far from God.

And when church service was over, his true colors were revealed and he killed his brother. “ … If you want to find out Cain's condition of heart, you would find it after the service. You know, a man best out of church.” [Joseph Parker] Because during church service, for one, two hours, you can all look very good. We can all look holy. Now, of course, it's not so easy to look right now, you're all masked up. But it's easy to look holy, speak nice, be nice for these two hours. But the real condition of a man's heart is often seen after service.

I find this very interesting. In the past, there will be people in our church who might comment on the dressing of ladies. They say, “Why they were so short,” and so on and so forth. And so you know what some churches do? I'm told, the … the … the ladies come to church in one set of clothes. And after service over, they change into a different set of clothes.

They say, “At least they do that.” I say, “No, that's not a good thing. They only learn to be hypocrites.
“A real condition of the heart is seen not during the service, but actually after the service.” [Joseph Parker] So, “We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother …” [1 John 3:12]

And why did he murder him? “Because his own deeds were evil, and his brother's righteous.” [1 John 3:12] So again, Cain did not turn bad, he was already bad. That's the point John is trying to make right here.

So this is the twist again, remember the Proto Evangelion, remember the promise of the Savior, it's … it's right here. But at the very same time, God not only promised a Savior, God also said that, “There will be a perpetual fight. There will be a constant struggle. There will be this, “Enmity between Satan and Eve and between Satan's offspring and Eve's offspring.” [Gen 3:15]

So there will be this battle between God's people and Satan's instruments for a long, long time. And it's ironical that it happened in the very first family of the Bible. Same parents, same household, one would belong to God - Abel would be a believer of God, the other a child of hell; an instrument of Satan. Right there.

And so Cain and Abel story is going to be perpetuated throughout the rest of the Bible. I think it comes to a very clear climax, where we read about the Scribes and Pharisees in the times of Jesus. Now, these guys, they look godly, they look holy, but actually, they are the children of Satan himself. That's why John the Baptist calls these religious leaders what? A brood of vipers.

Jesus hints of them as being wolves in sheep's clothing. In fact, Jesus became very explicit in Matthew 23:15, when he calls them, “The child of hell.” Now mind you, these guys are very religious. These guys look very holy. They speak holy. They look holy. They are revered by everyone in Israel. But Jesus says, “You are a child of hell and your disciples are twice the child of hell as you are. You don't lead people to God, you lead them to hell.”

So this is shocking! We thought that enemies of God are people who attack God, scold God and use blasphemous words. But actually those who are God's enemies are those who look godly. Wow! This is Satan's genius plan. And this is exactly what God said, right in the garden of Eden. This is what happened.

So the strategy of Satan is actually elucidated by Jesus in the parable of the wheat and weeds. Remember that we went through that in Matthew, I do not know, maybe a year or two ago. And … and Jesus tells us that, “When God saves people in this world, Satan would try to corrupt that by planting fake ones amongst His people. He sows those weeds amongst the wheat.”

In those days, there is this kind of wheat that looks very similar to this kind of weeds. So they look so similar, that you can't quite tell them apart easily. And that's exactly what Satan does. In a church of Jesus Christ, in a gathered congregation of Jesus Christ, there are people who look like Christians when they are actually not. They belong to Satan.

I know that's very harsh, that sounds very strong, but that's what the Bible is saying. And the strategy of Satan is to discourage the church. Do you know that there's nothing more discouraging than to see someone who says he's a Christian do terrible things.

Now, sometimes it's because we Christians we fail, we sin, we slip. But it may also be that they were not saved in the first place. And … and their lives are used by Satan to discourage and to confuse the church and the ruin the testimony of the church. Well, that Satan's ploy.

So here we are the story of these two brothers. Both of them came to worship God, but actually one is a true worshiper, the other belongs to Satan. It is all a show for Cain. It was all hypocrisy for Cain. Their hearts were different. Their identities were different. And their eternal destiny will also be very different.

So my friends, just because someone comes to church, just because someone uses Christian lingo, just because someone has a Christian name, just because you wear a cross on your necklace, doesn't make you Christian. You could be a Cain! You could very well look like him. And you could be the most knowledgeable person here in this church. You read your Bible since young. You grew up reading the Bible, but your heart is far from God.

And that's why in our church, we … we put in effort. We try our very best, to ensure a meaningful membership. Now that's … is never going to be 100% foolproof. But we try to have a meaningful membership, in that all applicants for membership in this church needs to be interviewed. We need to talk with them. We need to hear from them. Do they actually understand and believe the Gospel? We don't just accept members because they sign up for something. It's got to be meaningful.

And I think over the times, the months and years we've been in this church, we are growing in our conviction and acceptance of an important teaching about church discipline. We want to be serious about church discipline. Not because we like to point people out and excommunicate them, but because we see that it is vital to have meaningful membership. So that we protect the testimony of the church, and we avoid confusion and discouragement of God's people.

Now we don't excommunicate everyone, but if someone is living in serious, open and unrepentant sin, the loving thing to do is to say, “Perhaps with this continued lifestyle, you are not born again, you need to repent and believe in Jesus.” It's the best thing to do to let the church know that we are serious about sin, because Abel and Cain can coexist in the same place.

I can't imagine what this must feel like for Adam and Eve. If you're the parents, if you were Adam and Eve, I think this will be absolutely devastating. I will! I think about my two sons. I hope they don't turn out to be like Abel and Cain. I pray for them regularly that God will have mercy upon their hearts.

This is the humbling thing about parenting. Really is! You try your best. You share the Gospel every day, every week. You try to lead them to the knowledge of Jesus, but at the end of the day, they can grow up in the same family, received the same teachings. One can turn out to be an Abel. One can turn out to be a Cain.

I hope this humbles you. I hope this … this shakes you out of maybe some assumptions. I, I think that worst thing a parent can do is to simply assume that our children are Christian, because they join you in church service. When they hit 21, you will know. They will tell you, “Mom, dad, I've never believed. And I'm not going to church with you anymore.”

Don't wait till that time. Ask your kids spiritual questions. Seek when young, whenever you can. Find out what they are thinking. Now I'm not saying that, “You should force the Gospel down their throat.” But if you understand where they are, pray for them, and do your best to lead them in the Gospel, shepherd their hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ.

We must do our best. At the end of the day, we humble ourselves and say, “Salvation is of the Lord.” I can't orchestrate these things, but I want to be gospelizing them as best as I can, as early as I can, as regularly as I can, whilst they are still with me. So don't assume.

Now I'm not saying that, “You should shake the assurance and confidence of your kids’ salvation.” No, please get me right. Certainly we want people to be assured of their salvation, but it's got to be on the right basis. Right basis of changed life, and not just mere church attendance or reading the Bible at night.

So how do you tell if your kids … if you are a Christian? How do you tell? Offerings? No! Both can bring offerings. You can donate money to church, you can give money to church, that doesn't mean that you're Christian. How can you tell?

Well, John tells us how you can tell. In 1st John 3:11-12, we read, “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that you should love one another. We should not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother.”

You see this? According to John, when he reads the story of Cain and Abel, he could tell that Cain was never a believer. How do you know that? He brought an offering? “Oh, I tell that he's not a believer, because he does not love his brother. I can tell because he was a murderer.” And so how can you tell if you're really born again? Do you love one another? John here is speaking in the context of church - do you love one another in Christ?

Now John said other things. In 1st John, he says, “These are the evidences or marks of a believer - someone who loves God, someone who obeys the Scriptures, someone who loves not the world, and he says, “Someone who loves the brothers.”

Don't deceive yourself! Don't keep saying, “I'm a Christian, if you are constantly disregarding God's Word, living in serious, open, unrepentant sin.” Say whatever you want, the Bible stands. And I do not want you, anyone of you today, to rest in your presumption and drift along in life till you meet God in judgment. I rather you hate me today and dislike me for what is said, then for you to lose your soul.

This is what the Bible says, “If you are born again, if you are truly saved, the Bible says, “The seed of God is in you.” There is a divine nature in you. Something changes dramatically in your life. And you will love God, you will obey His Word, you will not love the world and you will love the brethren.”’

“By this shall all men know you are My disciples, if you have love one for another.” [John 13:35] I'm not saying perfect love. I'm not saying perfect obedience. But certainly there must be a growth, there must be evidence. There must be an increase in these things, because that's what life is. There is that evidence of life and that life blossoms and develops and grows. And if there is nothing like this in your life, please don't keep assuming.

“Examine yourselves to see if whether you are in the faith.” [2 Cor 13:5] Cain looks good on worship day, but everything unravels thereafter. It will all be unraveled on the Day of Judgment.

So, church is not easy. People are irritating. You know that? I am very irritating. I'm sure, you ask my wife. She’ll say I'm irritating. “You …” , if I may say this “… are irritating.” You know why? Because we are all sinners. Yes, sinners saved by grace, but there is still the flesh in us. We are irritating. We are not that nice to be with. And that's why the Bible constantly says, “Forgive one another. Bear with one another. ‘Tahan’ [endure in Malay]] one another.’ It's not easy!

But if you are really born again, if you are saved, you, by the grace of God will be able to do so. So if you are living today in perpetual unforgiveness – “I can never forgive my husband.” “I can never forgive John, he said those things to me.” I really fear for your soul, because you murder in your heart. And if you are really born again, you will not murder. You will forgive because of God. You will forgive because the nature of God is in you.

So we read, “The Lord now said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?”’ [Gen 4:9] Not that God doesn't know, but God is calling Cain to account - where is Abel your brother? And you know this Cain, this sinner, this child of hell, he's very ‘tee kee’, he's very stubborn, he's very defiant. He says, “Huh! How would I know? You think I'm my brother's keeper?” That will be the Singaporean way to respond. But no! He's not the brother's keeper, he's the brother's killer.

“And the Lord said, What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me from the ground?” [Gen 4:10] You say, “What does it mean? What … what, why is Abel's blood crying?” You say, “Why is he crying out for?” Crying out for justice. Crying out for vengeance.

Do you know that Abel is the first martyr in the Bible? We … we talk about martyrs, martyrs are people who die for the faith. Who is the very first one? According to the Bible, it's Abel. Abel died for his faith. The seed of Satan has now killed the seed of God in a sense.

And so, “The voice of your brother's blood is crying to Me.” Just like the many that we read of in Revelation, 6:9-10 how, “How those who are slain for the Word of God and how they will cry out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood?”’

You know, God is not going to let this pass. There will be a judgment upon those who persecute the Church of Jesus Christ. The Scribes and Pharisees, they follow the path of Cain. They are hypocrites. and they killed Jesus and they persecute the church. Things have not changed since then. There are people today who hate God, who hate the church. But one day they will have to pay because God is a God of holiness, justice, righteousness and judgment.

So, that's what Jesus said to Israel, “So that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah …” [Matt 23:35] and so on. It's like the A to Z of the martyrs, they will be called into account.

So I end with this, we have been really looking at the Proto Evangelion, Genesis 3:15, one short verse, but deep ramifications. Right up to today, they are false teachers. And according to the Bible, false teachers really belong to Satan. They are satanic. They look good. They sound good. They use Christian vocabulary. They may graduate from Christian seminary, but actually they belong to Satan.

But don't you worry, one day they will be crushed. And that's the context in Romans, chapter 16:20, when Paul used this same imagery in Genesis 3, to say, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” This is a context about false teachers. You can read verse 17 onwards. And God is saying, “One day the church will crush the false teachers. God will crush Satan under your feet.” Justice will be done.

Well, this is a simple story in Genesis 3. But there are many, many thoughts, many, many threads of thoughts, and I hope it has been a blessing to you. Let's bow for word of prayer together.

I hope this day you learn about God. You learn about God's holiness, justice and wrath. There will be no sinner, no enemy of God, who will go scot free. Unless they repent and believe in Jesus, they will be called into account one day. Because the righteous blood of the slain for the Word of God cries out for justice, for vengeance.

But this morning, I'd like you to maybe think about your own soul. Do you belong to God? Do you really believe in God's promise of Jesus Christ to save you from your sins? Is that just mere intellectual knowledge or is this a life changing truth that you've embraced in your heart? How do you know if you're born again?

Let me ask you. Do you really love God and therefore, strive and do your very best to obey Him - to keep His Word, to fight sin, to fight pornography, to fight lust, to fight worldliness, to fight unforgiveness?
Do you love the brethren? I'm not saying that, “It's easy, but you recognize this is what God wants and you strive by His Spirit's enabling to forgive and to love your brethren.” That's how you tell if you really know God. It's not what you do on Sunday morning only, it's what you do after Sunday morning. You see a man's heart when church is over.

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I pray today it will be the day for you to repent. The whole Bible is about this Gospel. The whole Bible is about God's promise of His Son to be the Savior from sin. I pray today you will repent and believe in Him. That's the Gospel!

Father, we thank You for this morning, for Your Word. We pray You'll bless it to the hearts of each one. Some of us need to be saved. Some of us need to examine our lives. Some of us need to pray more for our kids, for our family and not assume about their salvation.

But Lord, at the end of the day, we are humbled because unless you work in our hearts. Unless Your grace is poured out into our lives, we will end up hypocrites, we will end up sinners, we will end up facing the wrathful judgment of God. So may You grant to many today by Your Spirit's help, humbling and illumination, that we might see and we might repent and we might believe. Bless Your Church. We thank You in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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