
15 Apr 2018

The Healing Of The Leper
  • Topic: FAITH, MIRACLES, SIN, The Gospel


John Piper said, "Sin is like spiritual leprosy. It deadens your senses so you rip your soul to shreds and don't even feel it. " In fact, sin and leprosy are also alike in that both disfigure, both defile and both debilitate. Jesus, in healing the leper, demonstrated His power and authority as the Messiah. The Messiah will not only save man from diseases, but most of all, save man from his sins. Find out from this sermon how Jesus can cleanse you from your sins, and turn a spiritual leper like you and me around to beautiful reconciliation with God!


Sermon Transcript

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Well, we come to this fresh section as I've mentioned, and we are going to see the miracles of Jesus. In Matthew chapters eight and nine you are going to see a total of nine recorded miracles and they display the authority of the King over diseases, over disasters and over death. It is to proof that Jesus indeed is the Messiah, He is the Savior sent of God, and out of the nine miracles Matthew chooses the first miracle to be that of a healing of a leper. Now we are going to look at the healing of this leper and first up, I want to say that there are controversies as to whether leprosy during biblical times is the same as leprosy during modern times.

I used to be a medical doctor so I know somewhat a little about leprosy as a disease but commentators and scholars are not that absolute that leprosy in biblical times recorded for us in the Bible is exactly the same but most do and if in any case it is not it is quite similar. So in the sermon today, I'm going to assume that it is the same leprosy and draw some implications there although I must concede again, it is not a done deal, it is not absolutely certain. With that caveat, let's look at Matthew eight and verses one to four, it reads, "When He came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him. And behold, a leper came to Him and knelt before Him, saying, 'Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.' And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, 'I will; be clean.' And immediately his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus said to him, see that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof to them.

The man stricken with leprosy, what is leprosy? Well leprosy, in essence, is an infectious disease. It is caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium Leprae. You say what in the world is that? Have you heard of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, heard of that? TB in short, Tuberculosis is not lung cancer, it's actually a kind of infection that affects the lungs. So Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is cause, it causes Tuberculosis; and Mycobacterium Leprae causes leprosy, they are of the same family of germs, of bacteria. So Mycobacterium Leprae, it looks somewhat like this on electron microscopy and this germ, this bacteria, invades the body. Where does it go? Well primarily it invades the skin and when it goes to the skin, it causes very scaly rashes to appear on the skin. Now I'm going to show you some pictures and you can close your eyes, parental guidance is advised because it can be quite scary; because we're not used to it, we don't see it in modern-day Singapore, it's, it's a very prevalent disease when the hygiene is poor, sanitation is poor, but today things have improved, so we are not so familiar but Mycobacterium Leprae invades the skin, it causes the body to react and cause scaly plagues to appear on the face such as like this; so it is very disfiguring. It is very scary but this is still not as bad, there are even worse cases in recent times, you see of pictures like this and it's all over the thickening of the face, this scaly parts and it's all because the body reacts to this bacteria in the skin level. Now the next picture also very scary, so you want to close your eyes you can; so it does not only affect the skin it also affects the cartilage.

So the bacteria invades the cartilage so you know your nose right? Some of you go Korea to do nose job, your nose, it's, it's cartilaginous and if your cartilage collapses, you look very different, everything looks very different and the bacteria can affect the cartilage and causes nasal bridge collapse, can affect the eyes, can lose your eyebrow hair and so on and so forth, it just affects all over the skin, red patches and so on. But besides that, Mycobacterium Leprae can also invade nerves. So when I was a medical student, sometimes we would be presented with cases of nerve problems and we would have to feel for thickened nerves, nerves that you can feel, maybe at the elbow, we call this the ulnar nerve and there's this part you touch and you can feel somewhat thickening of it in leprosy patients, but the point is leprosy the bacteria goes to nerves and it, it damages the nerves.

What are nerves for? One of the, one of the uses of nerves is that it allows you to feel, to sense and so if it damages your nerves you can't feel, you can't sense and that's why when you see patients with leprosy, sometimes they don't have fingers or parts of the fingers drop off or are ulcerated or are deformed. You say why, because they can't feel and when they sprain or twist their fingers, they don't know, when they cut their fingers and it's bleeding and it's rotting they don't know because they can't feel it. The bacteria has invaded and absolutely damaged the nerves. So when you read of people with leprosy I read in the commentaries and they tell us of how this doctor in the past would see patients and they will have stories such as this: there was a man was trying to unlock the door but try as he might, he can't because the key is stuck but another gentleman comes and he just gives a strong twist to it and unlocks the door. So the first guy is like, "How did you do it? How come you could do that?" He was puzzled until he see, he sees that there are drops of blood dripping from the other man's hand. What has happened is that the leprosy patient has lost so much feeling that even if he has cut himself, used excessive force, he wouldn't know that he had cut himself. People in the olden times would be blind, why? Because they would use hot water to wash their face with the towel and they didn't know that was so hot until the temperature blinded their eyes.

So it is a horrific thing to have leprosy, you are desensitized. By the way you should thank God for the way He created us, He created us with lots of nerve endings so that we can feel pain, why? It's for your good, to protect yourself. So leprotic patients they have all kinds of deformities: their knees are twisted, deformed, their feet look like this sometimes, you look at this and you say, "Wah, must be very painful." But do you know that they feel absolutely nothing? It's like this because they don't feel it, twisted, hit, damage, cut, doesn't bother them at all. Sometimes leprosy the bacteria goes to the vocal cords you lose your voice becomes hoarse, goes to your eyes, it blinds you, it can go virtually anywhere.


So we read of this leper who comes to Jesus and you must be probably thinking, "Jason, you really like to exaggerate. I mean, just leprosy can lah, skin problem okay but why must you show such florid pictures, these are like extreme cases and you probably will never hear of it in life, it's not real." However, I read in Luke 5 that it is said this leper was "full of leprosy." [Luke 5:12] Full means florid, extreme. Now you say, "When I see a leper for the first time, I might think it's full, extreme, florid."

But you must notice that the person who wrote this sentence is Luke, and Luke is a, is a doctor. It is not easy to shock a doctor especially when he has been practicing for some time he has seen a lot of cases, and for Dr. Luke to say that this man is not just an ordinary leper, but a man full of leprosy must mean he is a serious case, he is a desperate case, he's a miserable case, probably extremely disfigured, smelly from all the wounds, cuts, ulcers, probably voice hoarse, probably blind partially, I don't know your imagination can take you far but I think that's what the Bible tells me - it's a serious, desperate case of leprosy in this man.

In those days when someone is diagnosed with leprosy, not only does he suffer the physical consequences of disfigurement and loss of sensation and so on, the Bible tells us leprotic people are considered unclean, they are defiled, they are not to be in community, they cannot go to the temple to worship God. In Leviticus we read, "The leprous person who has the disease shall wear torn clothes and let the hair of his head hang loose," it's a sign of grief, it's a sign of misery isn't it, torn clothes, long hair loosened, you can't do anything about it, "and he shall cover his upper lip and cry out, 'Unclean, unclean.' He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp." [Lev 13:45,46]

So Jewish law tells us that a leper cannot get anywhere close to two metres of any other person. So two metres is probably from here to the front, and if there is a wind blowing along this direction, he cannot be near forty-five metres of another person, so maybe from here to the end. So he has to keep his distance, whenever he approaches anyone has to [cry out], "Unclean, unclean." He's almost like a plague, he has to tell everyone, keep clear, I am unclean, he's ashamed, he's an embarrassment, he is a miserable man. He will not get to the temple to worship God, he is cut off from those religious ceremonies, so physically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, he is as good as dead. There's nothing according to Jewish tradition more defiling, more severe than leprosy, apart from death. So we read of the plight of this leper, but not only that, a leper in those days are condemned because there is no known cure for leprosy.

Now today, is there a cure for leprosy? Are you sure, is there a cure for leprosy today? How many will say, wah, you all, you all know your medical health or not, is there a cure for leprosy? How many say yes? How many of you say no? The rest of you as usual, don't know. Well there is, today, cure for leprosy. Is there cure for tuberculosis? You know when I was growing up I watch, I watch those SBC or Mediacorp shows and you will have someone urgh, urgh, urgh [sound of coughing] and then you see the handkerchief white color one, always white color handkerchief with blood. "Aiyah, ni you fei lao, ni yao si le." [in Mandarin meaning you have contracted Tuberculosis, you are going to die] "Fei lao" is Tuberculosis, you're going to die. It was pictured as an incurable disease in the past but today it is curable it takes a long while to cure it because you need to take the medications for months to cure it because Mycobacterium that family is able to hide themselves very well. But it's curable.

Leprosy like myco, like Tuberculosis is also curable, it takes many months, you take a certain medicine you can be cured. Now anybody here knows what's the medicine to take, I know there are quite a few doctors here, anyone knows? Die lah you all graduate from NUS like that one, never see leprosy never get to...Paucibacillary? I think it's a description of the bacteria family probably, I might have graduated like what 18, 17 years ago I still remember something alright. So anyway, there is a cure for it, but in those days, the medicine is Dapsone, but in those days there is no Dapsone, nobody knows of any medication like that. So it's like a death sentence. You're, actually you think about it, you're better of dead than alive, you're like a zombie. Leprosy renders you to be someone like a zombie; you live but you can't have life; you're not with community, you're, you're defiling, people run away from you, you suffer, it's terrible.

So this man you can imagine must be very, very sad, distressed, desperate. No priest could help him, no doctor could save him, but I think one day there was a glimmer of hope in his heart because he heard about someone who went to the river Jordan to be baptized by John the Baptist and the unique thing about His baptism was that He went in and came up straightaway and then the Holy Spirit like a dove descended upon this man and there was a voice in heaven that said, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." He heard about the pronouncement from heaven that there is this man called Jesus, that says, "He is my Son." This leper must have heard from Facebook and social media, Twitter, that this Jesus went all around healing and preaching and casting out demons. He probably heard that Jesus is now in the sermon on the, not in the sermon of the mount, but went up to the mountain to preach the sermon on the Mount. And he thought, "I must go to this Jesus." And so just as Jesus had finished the sermon, He came down from the mountain and obviously many people, together with the leper heard of Jesus and wanted to find out who this Jesus is, first-hand.

I think it took great courage for the leper to come. As I've mentioned, the leper is unclean. He cannot approach people just like that but I think he, he thought to himself, 'This must be my only shot at life, this is my only chance to be healed, I need to come to this man who is called the beloved by heaven." And so he risked it all, people might be scolding him, abusing him, saying, "You dirty fellow, don't come near us!" But he didn't care. He only cared enough to come to Jesus and when he came to Jesus, believing that He is more than just a carpenter's son, believing that He's more than just a prophet who speaks great things, he came to Jesus and knelt before Jesus. [Mat 8:2]

Now, I want to highlight the word kneel, or "knelt" here, because in the Greek it's a stronger word than just kneeling. The word "knelt" here is the word "proskuneo", you say what in the world is that? Well simply, the word "proskuneo" is a word that means to kiss the feet of. How do you kiss the feet of someone? Ask the person to raise his leg, no you don't, you kiss the feet of someone when you bow down before someone and lie prostrate before someone. That's the posture of worship in Old Testament times. By the way, this same word "proskuneo" in Matthew 8 is the same word you use in Matthew 2:11 describing the wise men who came to Jesus and "fell down and worshipped," the word fell down is "pepto", literally fall down, they fell down and "proskuneo" Jesus, they worshipped Jesus. I am not wrong, I don't think it is wrong for us to then understand that this leper understood deep things about Jesus Christ, understood that He's not an ordinary prophet but He is someone divine; "This is my son in whom I am well pleased." And therefore came with a understanding and a desire to worship before Him. And then he said, "Lord, if you will." The word "Lord" again I emphasize can simply mean Sir or it can mean "kureos" which is the Greek equivalent of a Hebrew name "Jehovah". So he's saying, "This is my last shot in life, I recognized Jesus is more than an ordinary man, I think He is divine, and I'm going to come worship and call Him, kureos, Lord, God." And he says, "If you will, you can."


He has no question, he has no doubt about the authority or the power or the ability of Jesus to make him clean, he knows He can. You say, how does he know?” Now, I, I think for Singaporeans like you and me we find it very hard to understand how people in those days seem to know so much. Hey, how, how can he know that Jesus is able to heal and to cure?  I, and I mean for us in Singapore we, we don't have that context. But people in those days, they grow up hearing the Old Testament. And in the Old Testament, God through the prophets have regularly fed them information about the salvation God is going to bring through a promised Savior; we call Him the Messiah.

The Jews are very familiar with this concept of the Messiah, the word Messiah means the anointed one, the chosen one, the one who will save us from our sins and from our misery, so they are familiar with that. And so, for example, in Isaiah, they look at this verse and say this is the day that the Messiah will come, In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see. [Isa 29:18] When the Messiah comes He brings healing, He helps those are deaf to hear, those who are blind to see. Isaiah 35 tells us, Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy.” [Isa 35:5,6] When the Messiah comes, He heals of all kinds of sicknesses; when the Messiah comes, you don't need SGH, NUH, Tan Tock Seng; all the departments can close shop because the Messiah heals.

Now, this is exactly why later on alright, this is later on, John when he was imprisoned, when he heard about all that Jesus did, the amazing things Jesus did, he then sent his disciples because John is in prison he can't ask Jesus, so by proxy he got his disciples to go and ask Jesus, Are you the one who is to come? What do you mean by one, the Messiah, the Prophet, the one that is foretold of in Scripture for centuries.  Are you the one who is to come or shall we look for another?  [Mat 11:3] And Jesus replied, go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them.  [Mat 11:4,5] In other words, Jesus says, here are my credentials;  you asked me am I the one, look at what I have done; it's incontrovertible proofs and I indeed am the Messiah without saying it, His Words, His deeds, His works have clearly proven it.

So in other words, I'm saying to you that the Jewish people during biblical times all understand that when there is a man who can come performing all these miracles, allowing the deaf to hear, mute to speak and so on and so forth, the blind to see, they know this is the Messiah and that's why the leper comes to Jesus kneels before Him, worships Him, says, Lord if you will you can because I believe you are the one.  I'm saying to you that this leper is not just someone who randomly spots Jesus on the street,  Eh! Jesus aah.

No, I think he deliberately came in faith, in full awareness of who Christ is. So now he comes to Jesus, people are probably trying to shoo him away, what would Jesus do? Maybe for me I would say, siam [meaning to avoid in Hokkien dialect] lah, not so near lah, you want to talk to me can, but 2 metres.  Maybe I might say that because you're unclean, but that's not what Christ did. The Bible tells us,  Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him. [Mat 8:3]

I think it's very significant because elsewhere in the Bible, you read of Jesus healing people without touching, all he needs to do is to speak the word and it is done. But here we see a record of Him touching the leper. Do you know I think the leper probably has not been touched by anyone for many years; no one will ever shake his hand; no one would ever give him a hug; no one would ever give him a pat on the back; no one, not even from his family, but Jesus was moved with pity,  Mark 1[:41] tells us, compassion and love expressed with an outreach hand to touch. And I think it must be a very moving scene, don't you think? Full of sores and bandages, just on the streets, and Jesus came and touched that man and He said to him, of course,  I will; be clean.  [Mat 8:3] I'm willing to; of course I've the power to do so and I'm willing to, be clean and the Bible says immediately his leprosy was cleansed, immediately, don't have to take Dapsone for months.

Singapore you still have to take Dapsone for months, go to check and the doctor don't know, take urine test, whatever, blood tests; this one, immediate total cure! What does it mean? Not only is the bacteria gone, I think whatever the effects are probably, totally, completely, immediately reversed.

I could imagine all the scales on his face suddenly vanished as if he put SKII and smooth like a baby's butt. Wah, you are so handsome, I didn't know, yah, leprosy made me ugly, but actually I'm like Lau Tak Wah (a famous Hong Kong actor called Andy Lau) I, I'm very handsome. It all immediately gone, I could imagine maybe his deformed hands and feet, all the smelly wounds, it's all gone, right in front of you, perfect specimen of a man.

Now we hear of people who claim that they are faith healers today, I'm not saying that there cannot be supernatural healing in this world, in our time, no I'm not saying that, but so often the claims of healing are so far from the quality of healing you read in Scriptures. Oh, I got headache, I got back pain, I got diarrhea, it's all healed now, God healed me and you are the faith healer. Now the miracles recorded for us are clear, obvious, dramatic healings. Show me a man who can heal a leper like this and I say he has the gift of healing. Well, Jesus touched that man, Jesus did not become unclean but the man became clean thoroughly, totally, spiritually. And then Jesus said to him, See that you say nothing to anyone.  [Mat 8:4] Don't tell anyone; you will see this quite often in Matthew; every, not every time but a lot of times after Jesus heals He will be sure to tell them don't go spread this around. The most common reason given is that He doesn't want excessive crowds to hinder the work that God has called Him to do; it's very hard to do what you need to do when people always following you around; and He doesn't want to attract crowds, that's not His ministry, that's not His purpose; it is to equip the twelve, it is to finish the work God has given Him, and so He says don't go tell anyone but this is what you need to do,  Go, show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof to them.  [Mat 8:4] Now in those days you need to certify your fitness to be in society by showing to the priest; he will then perform a ceremony, maybe a little bit like Singapore if you have Tuberculosis, you are mandated by law to have your check ups and to be certified by a doctor. Only after that then when they give you the all clear then you do not have to go to the registry otherwise you've to report there.

So in a similar way, religiously speaking, spiritually speaking, the leper has to be certified clean, healed by the priest. I think if this leper had gone to the priest, it will be quite a funny scene. Why do you say that, because first of all, not first of all, but because when the leper were to go to the priest, the priest would have no clue what to do. In, in Hokkien in our vernacular, here it, he will be “chi cho lok kio, gabra, kanchiong (meaning flustered in various dialect and slangs),  Huh, what, leprosy healed? My sifu [meaning teacher in dialect] never taught me about leprosy, never had, I mean for a long time no one has been here for leprosy! So he probably has the go back to his library and look for the manual, to how to perform cleansing for leprosy; he probably won't know what to do, so rare.

So why did Jesus want him to go to the, to the priest? Well because it is to certify that there is a man who is able to do something no one else could do. It is to cause the entire religious system and the nation to sit up and notice, a leper is cleansed, the Messiah is here. Now, this is very important and I think it is wise that Matthew would choose the first miracle recorded as displaying the authority of Jesus to be that of the leper because I think leprosy is a very good parallel, leprosy is a very good picture of sin. Leprosy disfigures man, right? Do you know that sin disfigures us, spiritually makes us ugly, we are repulsive? Read about Romans chapter 3 and how God describes man in sin, it is an ugly picture; someone in church before asked me before,  Pastor, why do you such strong words about sinners? Why you use strong words about us that we are wretched, we are corrupt, we are ugly?  Because the Bible says we are, God says we are. Sin disfigures us like leprosy disfigures us.

Well, leprosy debilitates us, it handicaps us, and sin handicaps us from the ability to love God and to serve God. Leprosy desensitizes man, sin desensitizes us to God, we do not want His Word, we do not respond to Him. Leprosy is incurable, sin is incurable by ourselves.

So there is great parallelism between leprosy and sin, you got to see that this story is not just about leper who lived 2000 years ago, this story is a story of you and me. We are all spiritual lepers, ugly, helpless, cut off from God, unable to come back to Him by ourselves. And that's why when you read the Bible when someone sins, often times God then punishes him with leprosy. It's a sign of sin, it's a picture of sin.

Now do you remember who is cursed with leprosy when they sinned? I can remember three. Let's try, first one, sorry? Pharaoh? Pharaoh no leprosy leh, he should aah, but he was not. King, king Uriah? Not king Uriah, there's no King Uriah. That's right, king Uzziah, that's right. Wah, you almost got me, king Uriah, sounds right ah but no, wrong man, king Uzziah. Who else? Gehazi, very good. The ulu one not so well-known, but yes he was the servant of Elisha. And then? Moses' sister, her name is Miriam. So Miriam was the first I read of when she defied God, she rebelled against God by rebelling against God's servant Moses, challenged his authority and she was strickened with leprosy, her skin became white as snow. And then we have Gehazi, who was covetous, wanted money, wanted riches and God also struck him with leprosy. And then the last one was King Uzziah who, being king is not supposed to go to the temple to perform the religious rites, but he was so full of himself, thought of himself as, as everything and so he took the liberty to perform the rites in the temple and was struck with leprosy. John Piper said,  Sin is like a spiritual leprosy. It deadens your spiritual senses so that you rip your soul to shreds and don't even feel it.  Maybe akin like how you would turn that key, cut yourself, blood dripping all over and you don't even feel it.


So when a man goes to the priest, what would the priest do? Like I said, I think he has to check his manual, probably go to Leviticus 14, read of it and realize in essence, he needs to get two birds; one bird will be slain and the blood drained to be applied to the leper; the other bird, set free. You say what is this for? I suppose similar to how the sin offerings and burnt offerings of animals like bulls and cows and so on, would to be offered; it is a symbol of how blood has to be shed, to cleanse us of sin and how that setting free is a picture of how we are liberated from sin and its dominion.

These sacrifices, these rites are meant to be picture lessons to tell you what the coming Messiah would do. The coming Messiah will shed His blood on the cross so that you may be cleansed of your spiritual leprosy; the coming Messiah will rise again and thereby earning the right to set you free from sin and death and hell. All that is intended by God. And you know we all sing a song,  Jesus paid it all; there is a beautiful little stanza that goes,  Lord, now indeed I find Thy power and Thine alone can change the leper's spots and melt the heart of stone.

The story of this leper is a story of you and me. We are ugly, we are dirty, we are desperate, we are cut off from God and there's no way we can save ourselves, but there is a sacrifice for your sin. There is someone who shed His blood on the cross, the blood of the Son of God, the sinless, perfect Son of God, born into this world to be that perfect sacrifice to save you and because of what He has done, you and me today can be like that leper, totally cleansed, washed, forgiven, set free. And this is the message of the Bible for you and for me, especially if you're here with us for the very first time. This is not just a medical message, this is not a storytelling time, this is about your soul, this is God speaking to you.

I believe that man's life is changed from that day forward, don't you think? He will be living with such a spring in his steps, he has such a joy, he returns to his former life and now he's able to hug his family like he never could. And I think even right up till today, the leper is rejoicing because of the grace of God in Jesus Christ. I say to you, your life can change, you can have this everlasting joy, if you are willing to come like a leper to bow at the feet of Jesus and say,  Lord, if you will, you can cleanse me. I'm a spiritual leper, I repent of my sins, would you save me.  There's no one, no one too sinful for God to save, absolutely no one. This man was full of leprosy and he is healed instantly.

You may be full of sin, doesn't matter how bad your life is, Jesus paid it all. So I say to you this morning, behold this story, look at this story, don't just come here, listen, forget about the whole thing, think about this, think about it for yourself, it is God's message for you. Would you repent and come to Jesus?

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. God is a God of amazing holiness and purity. Sin is absolutely defiling, dirty, and He will not tolerate any of it. Just as you wouldn't tolerate a single Mycobacterium in your body, God will not tolerate any sin. But here is the amazing thing about the Bible, even though God hates sin so much, He also loves you much, how much? He so loves the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross, to be like that bird that would shed his blood, so that you might be washed from your sin. Here is the generous, gracious heart of God bared before us. I'm telling you today God loves you with a fierce love, real love, He gave His Son for you. My friends don't you see you might not notice your own leprosy but He does, He sees you and your leprosy and He says,  I want to cure you, heal you, will you come? You might be in church for a long time or this might be the first time you come to church, it doesn't matter. You are a leper if you do not know Jesus as your Savior.  But, he is willing to save you today, will you humble yourself, proskuneo before Jesus, bow and worship Him. Let this day be a day your life completely changes, let this be a day where you're cleansed and wash and forgiven, let this be a day where together with many here, one day we will see the leper we read of and we will see God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Perhaps this morning, I'm also speaking to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Let me ask you, if you say you have been cleansed of your leprosy, spiritual leprosy of sin, is there a proof in your life that you have? Will people look at your life and say, look at how holy he is, look at how righteous he is, look at how different he is, he surely is not the man he used to be, he seems to be cleansed, he seems to be healed, he seems to be washed, he's a different man, look the priest, everyone could say that he is different, who did it, Jesus did it, Jesus changed his life.

My friends, we are a leper colony. What is church you say, I tell you church is a leper's colony; a colony of healed lepers. I tell you who can heal you, it's my Jesus, Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Fellow lepers, come, come along with me, let me show you my Savior. Let me show you my Master, would you come? Father, this morning we thank You for Your blessed Word. Help every single one here today to think deeply about their soul's leprosy, grant to them that deep humility that can only come from You, grant to them repentance, grant to them faith, that they might turn and believe in Your son. Oh please dear God, let Your Spirit take Your Words today and bless it deep into their hearts, may people truly come to be saved. Dear God, we pray that this church, this leper's colony could have a different way of life that the world will see us, see the way we love one another, see the way we serve You, see the way we hold on to truth in difficult times, and say, surely they follow Jesus. With the light of the Gospel, shine from our hearts here at Punggol unto the utter most parts of the world. We thank You, we pray all this now in Jesus Name, amen.

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