
01 May 2011

The Judgement Of God II [Romans 2:11-16]


Romans 2:11-16 The Book of Romans: The Judgement Of God II Pastor Jason Lim 01 May 2011

At the end of time, when God judges men, there is no hiding, no excuses, no escape. God is going to judge us exactly according to all that we have done during our lifetime. We will be laid bare and naked before the Almighty God. But Paul shows us another option – facing Jesus as your saviour instead of your Judge. Which would you prefer? Transcript

Sermon Transcript

Well, this morning, I like us to come to the Bible again and please turn, if you have the Word of God with you to Romans chapter 2, Romans chapter 2. And before I start, I like to warn you that this is a rather difficult message in a sense. I am not going to package it for you in three points where it is easily remembered and copied and also, these are hard truths because this are not pleasant to the human ears. It is not something to cater or to pander to your taste. I am here to faithfully declare what God has written in the Scriptures. So, it does take some attention from you this morning and I know it is going to be a bit hard, but please, hear what God has to say to you. I think these important truths would matter for all eternity.

Romans chapter 2, and we would look at verses 11 to 16 but before we do that, I would again remind us of what we have learnt some two weeks ago in verses 1 to 10, so it is a long stretch, verses 1 to 16, because, it's really about the judgment of God.

Well, in about a week’s time, many of us here in this room, will make a very important decision or judgment and I think you know by now what we are talking about. We would have to make a judgment for ourselves, which political party we would have to vote for unless you are from Tanjong Pagar GRC, the majority of Singaporeans in this room will have to make a very important decision. I think this year, it is shaping up to be the most keenly contested elections since the founding of Singapore. I think this is a very important time for our nation and it is our responsibility not just to vote wisely but also to pray for our nation that we would as Scripture says, that we would be able to have a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, that the freedom to worship will be preserved and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would continue to be preached in this land.

So, it is our responsibility to pray. But there will come a time when we would all make a judgment. Many people go for rallies, this is an amazing sight. I thought many people go for soccer games but for elections rally speech, this is an amazing sight. Tens of thousands of people are going to listen to what the political parties have to say and on May 7, they will make a decision, a judgment. You talk to anyone on the streets today and the number one hot topic on the net and on the streets is election. May 7, a very important day in the history of Singapore.

But can I say to you, that there is a more important and more significant day than May 7. It is the day, when it is not us who will make the judgment, but it is a day when God will pronounce His judgment and sentence upon all men, the judgment day when all men will stand before God. We are all so engrossed about the election day but sometimes we forget the most important day in our lives when we stand before God in His judgment. This morning, let's continue to examine and consider how God is going to judge men, the judgment of God as revealed in the Scriptures.

I like us to turn back to Romans 2:2 and this is where we begin, a recap of what we preach two weeks ago, I think we need the recap, because otherwise, verses 11 to 16 would be a little bit dislocated to you. Remember about the judgment of God that it is according to truth. God judges men not based on hearsay not based on surface, but it is based on reality.

Scripture declares, the judgment of God is according to truth, in other words, according to reality.

2 But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.

When God judges men, there is no hiding, there is no denying. There would be no excuses and there will be no escape. God is going to judge us exactly according to all that we have done. It is according to truth, everything you have done in your life. Everything you have said in your life, everything you have thought in your life, would be laid bare and naked before Almighty God. There is no hiding, there is no excuse. However, sometimes we feel that because God is not judging me today, there would be no judgment at all. But that is not the truth, because Paul reminds us in verse 4 that the reason why there is no judgment right now is because God is delaying His judgment intending to lead you on to the path of repentance.

4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

You see, man today is not struck down the very moment he sins, because, God is patient, God is tolerant, God is good so that you may have an opportunity to repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation and for life. But do note, the delay of God's judgment doesn't mean the default of God's judgment. He will judge and on that day, maybe it is May 7, I do not know, but on that day, when God judges, the Bible tells us, the judgment of God will be according to truth, it will be righteous and He will render to every man, according to his deeds; all that you have done will be laid bare before God.

So, what is God going to base His judgment on? Is He going to base His judgment on my Christian family background, is God going to base His judgment on the number of times I have been to church, is God going to base His judgment on what I know about the Bible? No, He is going to judge us based on our deeds; a very objective way of judgment. By the way, this is not a new teaching. In Jeremiah 17: 10, the Bible declares

Jer 17:10

I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

He is going to judge us according to our deeds. Again, you can see that in Matthew 16:27, God is going, the Son of man is going to come in the glory of His Father, with His angels and then He shall reward every man according to his works, deeds, doings.

Mat 16:27

For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

John 5:28,29

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And on the day of the resurrection, they that have done good, will be going forth into the resurrection of life and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

John 5:28,29

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, (Added by Pastor: And on the day of the resurrection) And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

On what basis is God going to judge us to that life of goodness or to that life of damnation? Jesus says, it is based on what they have done, is it good, or is it evil?

2 Cor 5:10

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

You see, the Bible is clear, when Paul repeats it in Romans 2, He will render to every man according to his deeds. As I have said before, as we talk about these things, some of our Gospeliters may get very nervous, because, pastor, are you saying, that salvation is in accordance to our deeds, is salvation by works, is salvation based on what I have done? No, that's not what we are saying, that's not what Paul is saying, that's not what the Bible is saying. The words of Paul here are very helpful to us. He wrote to the church at Ephesus, these words that could help unlock some of our misunderstandings here. It says in Ephesians 2.

Eph 2:8-10

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.

Salvation has never been by works, it is always by faith. It is always through the grace, the free unmerited grace or favor of Almighty God. It's never been of works. In fact he says in verse 9

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

But you see, a man who is truly saved by faith, through grace would be a man, according to verse 10, who would abound unto good works. And that's how God is going to judge our lives.

Eph 2:8-10

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Time stamp in audio 0:09:47.7.

The good works are not the good works that we produce, but the good works are what God produces through a redeemed life and that is what God is going to judge us on. You see, salvation is not by works, but salvation results in works. Works are not the condition for salvation, but it is the natural consequence of our salvation. Work is not the requisite or the requirements for salvation, but it is the necessary reflection of our salvation. And so, a man who is truly saved would abound in good works and that is how God will judge us on the Day of Judgment.

You see, what he's talking about is that sometimes that very dangerous presumption that I am saved, simply because I have been to church, simply because I said the sinner’s prayer, simply because I raised my hand. That presumption is dangerous. And so, Paul says, God is going to judge us according to our deeds and they are the natural outflow of a redeemed life. Look at this verse, Matthew 7:21 - 23

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Mat 7:21-23

Jesus said every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;

I am waiting for some reaction (Laughter in the congregation) because if there is no reaction, it means that the entire church is asleep. (Laughter in the congregation) Hey, pastor, that is wrong! Yes, you are right, this is absolutely wrong because that's not what the Bible says.

"every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; " isn't this what people today believe? Hey, as long as I say, I believe in Jesus Christ, I say Ah, the key word is "as long as I say, but I never quite believe it in my heart." As long as someone says "Lord, Lord, they shall enter into the kingdom of heaven."

But that's not what Jesus said. If you have your Bibles, you would know that the key word there that I purposely missed out, is the word "Not."

Mat 7:21-23

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Notice, the emphasis, not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth.

True salvation real evidence itself within obedience to the will of God. And so, on the Day of Judgment, there would be no hiding, there would be no hypocrisy, there's no way we can deny it. God is going to look at our lives and judge us on a very objective basis, the deeds, the works, the obedience to His will, to His Word. And what comes up next is to me, probably one of the most scary verses for a church, or for a pastor and it is this, "Many, who will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then, will I, that is Jesus, profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Mat 7:21-23

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

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Jesus is saying, there will be many, many, many people, who on the Day of Judgment, would claim, that God, I knew you. I did many great things because of you. But Jesus, seeing their hearts and their lives, all laid bare before him said "I never knew you."

Do you know what's the most scary word in the three versus? I think to me, the most scary word, is the word "many". I am not sure how many are here today, maybe 400, 450? And if what this is to be true, how scary it would be, that many that may be seated here, maybe one of those that Jesus would say "I never knew you."

Hear about the statistics of how many Christians are there in the nation, how many worshipers are there in such and such a church and we think, that everyone, because they say, I believe in Jesus, or I go to church, is automatically a believer, is a scary thought to me, because many on the last day, would be pronounced, "I never knew you."

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Let us be reminded, this is how God is going to judge asked. It's righteous, it's fair, it's just and it will be in accordance to our deeds. You say, what kind of deeds, what kind of fruit and evidence would there be in my life that I may stand in the Day of Judgment? Paul continues to help us. He says,

7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, (Added by Pastor: And to these people God gives) eternal life:

What characterizes a man, who has a life-changing relationship with Jesus? Well, it is this, that he would have that patient continuance in well doing, doing what? seeking, glory, honor, immortality. He seeks the glory of God, he seeks God Himself. He looked forward to the honor from God, he is looking to the day when there would be immortality and incorruptibility, he's looking to heavenly things, you see and what marks out a true child of God, is the direction of his life, he is looking upwards towards God, there is that patient continuance. The word there means to have that steadfastness. We all believe in the perseverance of saints, isn't it, that if you have truly believed in Jesus as your Savior, you are saved and once saved, you will always be saved. That's true! The perseverance of saints.

Yet, on the other hand, from man's point of view, if God has truly saved my life, it would also be evidence by my patient continuance in well doing. You see, those who have walked that Christian walk and fell off, and never to recover, hey, there is a big question mark that should come out in our minds, "Is he or was he even saved in the first place?, because this is an evidence of a man who has been redeemed, there would be a patient continuance in well doing.

On the other hand, a man who is not saved will be marked by verses 8 and 9.

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8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness

The first category of people seek God and His glory. The second category of people are contentious. This is the word that means self-seeking, self-serving and these people, the Bible says, they do not obey the truth, but they obey unrighteousness. In fact, the Bible tells us, that the man who has not come to Jesus for salvation and life, he is altogether in sin. There is nothing from his life that is considered righteous in the eyes of God, because all have sinned and come short of the glory, there is none righteous, no, not one and all our righteousnesses, our so-called righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

Man in sin cannot produce a single act of righteousness that pleases God. You say, but pastor, but I know of some men who were not Christians, they gave a lot to charity, they give to the poor, they helped a lot of people. Aren't these righteous works? Well, in the eyes of men, these are charitable works, but in the eyes of God, that was not true righteousness that pleases God. Why? Because, the motive, the motive is what God looks at. The motive was not for God's glory, the motive was for anything else but God. It may be to soothe his conscience, it may be to make him look good in front of others, it might be because of peer pressure. But works of a man who has not been redeemed by Jesus Christ is only producing works of unrighteousness.

And so this is a very, very clear description of the judgment of God by Paul, up to this point of time. As I said, this is the mercy of God. You know, God could have not revealed this to us and man would die in their sins and stand condemned. But, it is God's mercy that He inspired Paul to write these words, that perhaps you today might be saved.

The judgment of God, my friends, I think there is so much more that we need to plunge into and I want to continue in verses 11-16. With that as a background, let's look at verses 11-16 and Paul continues to emphasize the point that there is no respect of persons with God

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This is an interesting word, respect of persons. This is a word that is taken from one Greek word. This Greek word however is a combination of two small words. So, respect of persons, in the Greek is the word that is made up of the word received, and the word face. Put it together, God does not receive face. You say, what is this pastor? It might help you, if you are Chinese. The Chinese have a way of saying, hey why you never give me face. You know that colloquial, "You never give me face". You know what give face means? You know you are wrong, but you hope that someone else would give you a chance because of your relationship or your status in life, give me some face.

The Bible tells us that there is no respect of persons with God. God is not someone who plays the favoritism card, God is not someone who is biased or partial, He is righteous and just and there is no respect of persons with God.

Rom 2:11

For there is no respect of persons with God.

Now, the Jews deeply believe in the favoritism of God. The Jews believed that they were a special people. They believed that they had a special relationship with God, because they are the descendants of Abraham, because they were circumcised, because they were Jews, God would treat them differently. So it is fine, they say, even if they sin, because God would have respect of persons with us. But Paul slaps them across the face as it were and says, there is no respect of persons with God. God is righteous and He will judge us according to our deeds and not your race, not your lineage, not whether your father is a pastor or not. Doesn't matter if you are born in a Christian family, He is going to judge you according to your deeds. And this is a very clear teaching to help you understand, in Acts 10:34, Peter opened his mouth and said "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:"

Acts 10:34

Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

Those familiar with Acts would know that this is the time when Peter had been instructed by God to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. For a long time, the Gospel, or the word of life, is given to the Jews. But now, Peter realized that there is no favoritism in a sense. God is going to receive both Jews and Gentiles alike, there is no respect of persons with God.

In Col 3:25

But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

God judges, justly, righteously. In fact Christians, we are to live our lives like what God is like.

What do you mean?

Jas 2:1

My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.

Do not play favoritism in church, or in your life for that matter. When there is a poor man who comes in, you neglect him, despised him, you don't talk to him, you don't let him have the seat. But a rich man comes, you Ha, Ha, Ha, Sir, Sir what tea would you like to have?

Have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with favoritism, or bias, or partiality. When God judges, there will be no respect of persons, there will be no favoritism, you can't pull strings. God judges us as it is.

My son, three years old now, is developing to be a really cheeky boy. He has been toilet trained for I think nine months or so already and he is well capable of holding his urine until he goes to the toilet. But recently, he decided to be very naughty. He decided that sometimes, once in a while when he feels like it, he will leak some urine. Now, I'm not sure whether there is any medical problem at all, but as far as I know, he is well, but he just loves to, I am not sure whether love is the right word but, it has happened several times that he leaks a little bit of urine and the pants become wet and then we know "Shaun, why do you leak, why do you pee in your pants?" And he will say "Because I am naughty." You say "Shaun, what happened?" "Pee in my pants." "Why Shaun?" "Because I am naughty."

We tried to ascertain if there are other reasons that he can't control himself, but he seems to understand that he's at fault, he's naughty. There was a day that I brought him back from the park and I wanted to bring him to the toilet and for once, I realized that it's wet again. There is a spot that, and I said "Shaun, what did you do?" "I peed in my pants." "Why did you pee in your pants?" "Because I am naughty?" "So what do we have to do? " "Spank." "Alright, I am going to tell mummy, because mummy has to wash the pants so I said I am going to tell mummy." And Shaun says "Don't tell mummy, don't tell mummy." Anyway I told mummy. Mummy came along and mummy asked him "Shaun what did you do?" "Pee in my pants." "Why?" "I am naughty." "What do you need?" "Spanking." And as mummy was about to turn and get the cane, Shaun reached out his hand and says, "Mummy, hold my hand, mummy I love you, mummy I love you." I am not kidding, he does this to us a lot. "Mummy, I love you."

You know what this three-year-old boy is trying to do? You know what this snake of a guy is trying to do, he is wise as a serpent, I tell you. He's trying to say, mummy, let me pull some strings, mummy, I am your son, I love you, so don't judge me like that. Hey, he understands like the Jews. But of course, there is no respect of persons with Winnie. (Loud laughter in the congregation). Out comes the cane and gives him a good whack. Hey Shaun, you are our son, we know, but you did wrong and you have to be judged. Now, it is hilarious like this, but I don't think when God judges us, it would be in any way hilarious at all.

There is no way, anyone of us could say, God, but I have been to church, I have been in GLCC 25 years, 34 years. God, I have read the Bible, God, I have, I have, I have, we would say a lot of things, but at the end of the day, God says, there is no respect of persons with God, He is going to judge us according to our deeds.

Time stamp in audio 0:27:50.0.

Some of us would have this question. But, pastor, I think God is going to judge us based on our deeds, our works for obedience to the Word or to the Law, but what about those who do not know the Bible. Hey, what about this question, what about those who do not have the Bible? They have never read the Word, they do not know what is written by Moses, they do not know what the Bible wants, how can God judge them if they do not know? How can God judge them and be just and be fair and righteous? Explain to us?

Paul, like a very good prosecutor, he gives us no excuse. Look at what Paul says in verse 12

Rom 2:12

For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law:

Paul is saying, all right, God is not going to judge people who do not have to Word, i.e.some Gentiles. God is not going to judge people who do not have the Bible with the Bible. For as many as have sinned without law, without the Commandments or the standards that are clearly spelt out in Scriptures but they shall also perish without law. They would be judged by a different set, not a totally different in terms of quality, but different in terms of source. God would not take out the Bible as it were and judge them, because they will perish without the law.

But, not being judged by the Bible, doesn't mean they are guiltless, or they are innocent, because at the end of the day, Paul does say they have sinned and they will perish. It may be clearer to you if I reveal to you what God is going to use to judge them. This is 14 and 15 it says

For when the Gentiles, which have not the law (Added by Pastor: that is the 10 Commandments, the Mosaic law, they have not the law), do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts,

Yes, they would be judged, but not like how we today would be judged because we have the Bible. Those who never had the privilege to read the Bible or to have the Bible will be judged by the law that is written in their hearts so that men once again is without excuse because in our hearts we do know the law, although not as clearly as it is in the Bible, but in our hearts, it is enough to show us that we have sinned and we have been wrong. The word conscience is the word that means to know along with. Con is with, science is to know, omniscience or science, that's to know. And so, in the hearts of men, is that inner sense of right and wrong and it is written in our hearts. I think that is something that we all can identify with. Almost every human culture would understand that it would be wrong to murder, it would be wrong to rape, it would be wrong to steal and cheat, it would be wrong to lie. That is that inner voice, conscience, that is like an alarm bell that rings when we go wrong. It shouts loudly when we have done wrong. When we have killed someone, the guilt, when we have stolen from someone, the guilt, where does it come from? The law of God that is written in our hearts.

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Just look at any child and when a child stole something, you ask him "What did you do?" The child instinctively will say "I did not take it." He lies, because he knows that stealing is wrong. There is in the heart of men, the understanding of the laws of God.

You see, Paul has been teaching us in Romans 1 and Romans 2, that for every man, there are spiritual things that he understands. In Romans 1, we are told that man does know the power and the divinity of God. The only problem is that man choose to hold down that truth, chose to suppress that truth but in our hearts that is the instinct of the knowledge of God. He may not know exactly everything about God but His power and His divinity are known through the creation of the world.

In Romans 2, Paul tells us, man does not only know about God, but man also know the laws of God, because it is written in our hearts. What about those who do not have the Bible? Well, they are guilty as charged, because in their conscience, they already know the will and the Word of God. There is no excuse on the Day of Judgment, there is no man, whether you're from Africa or Antarctica, who can stand before God and say "I did not know the truth and therefore you cannot condemn me to hell." God says you know, you know about Me, you know my standards. I have placed it in your hearts.

Time stamp in audio 0:33:33.5.

Then, can I ask you, what about those who know the Bible? What about the majority of us here, we possess the Bible, we read the Bible, we hear the Bible preached, what is God's standard of judgment for us then? Let's look at it again. Romans 2:12 says

Rom 2:12

For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law:

There is a different light they have been given and they will be judged according to the light they have been given, but for us who know the Word and have been given more light as it were, greater revelation, as many as have sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law.

Ah, the Bible, will be the standard for your judgment, because why? You know the law. You know what the Bible declares. This is a clear declaration of the law, of the will of God, of course and based on this greater knowledge, you will be judged.

I think what I'm going to say to you is or what you hear this morning is either going to help you or it's going to condemn you even more because with greater knowledge, comes a greater guilt if we do not do that which is right. You see, the Bible tells us

Rom 2:13

For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.

Maybe, on the Day of Judgment, many of us say but, God, I have heard so many sermons, you don't understand, I always go to listen to GLCC sermons, I listen to them 10 times every week. I hear until I am sick of his voice, but I hear and God would say, "It's not the hearers who will be justified, but the doers who will be justified."

It's a scary thought, that when you sit under the teaching of God's Word, it gives you a greater responsibility and greater guilt if you do not respond to Him.

You see, in Luke Chapter 12, this is what the Lord taught.

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Luke 12:47,48

And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

Can I share with you another passage. The Bible tells us in

Mat 11:20-24

Then began he (Added by Pastor: That is Jesus ) to upbraid (Added by Pastor: To reprimand) the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not (Added by Pastor : These are cities where Jesus performed great miracles, convincing evidence that He indeed is the Messiah, the Son of God but these cities repented not and so Jesus began to upbraid them, reprimand them and say) :Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. (Added by Pastor: You were privilege, yet you did not turn, if I had done the same works in the cities, they would have turned, they would have repented)  But I say unto you (Added by Pastor: Because you do not repent and especially, since you had the privilege of seeing all these great evidences), It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the Day of Judgment, than for you.

Those cities, wicked cities would have a less horrid time than for you, because you knew what was right, but you do not turn to that which was right. In fact, Jesus gave an even sharper comparison

Mat 11:20-24

And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell (Added by Pastor: You were a blessed city, because I was here, Jesus said, but you would be brought down to hell): for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.

Sodom, is well known as the classic city of evil. I mean, this was the city that God was angry with and wiped about Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and yet Jesus said, it is easier or if I may put it another way, it is less horrible for Sodom than for you. Why? Because you had the greater revelation and you did not turn. It is said that the hotter hell is reserved for those who knows the most.

The Jews, thought that they could pull strings, they thought that God would show favoritism, they thought that God would spare them because their ancestor is Abraham but Paul says no, God's judgment is righteous, it's according to truth and in fact, because you have the Bible and did not turn to Jesus Christ, it would be worse off for you. The greater guilt is laid upon those who had the greater knowledge because it’s not the hearers of the law, it's not possessing the law by the practice of the law that marks us out as the children of God that we may be justified. Again, let us be clear, works do not justify a man, his faith in Jesus Christ alone. But true faith would result in that righteous being that flows out of his life and on the Day of Judgment, God is going to judge us on a very objective basis, your works.

Be careful of the presumption and the false assurances you may have if we see a lack of fruit in your life. But let me close in verse 16.

Rom 2:16

In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel.

God is going to judge us, and He has committed the judgment to His Son, Jesus. He is going to judge us. In Acts 17, again it is repeated by Paul that God hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he had ordained and that is the man, Jesus Christ.

Acts 17:31

Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Let me tell you a reality. The reality is all of us, whether Jew or Gentile, male or female, all of us, would have to face Jesus one day. You either face Him today as your Savior or you face Him on the final day as your Judge, but we all will have to face Jesus Christ. My friends, how would you do on the Day of Judgment in the light of what God says, these are His standards, these are the way He will judge, how will you fare on that day? I fear for you because Jesus would say to many, I never knew  you.

My friends, this is shrouded in the context of the good news, the reason why God gives us His Word today, it is so that you may be warned, so that you may turn from your sins and run to Jesus Christ, because Jesus is now waiting for you to trust, to own Him as your Lord and Savior. Friends, you don't have to face Jesus only on the Day of Judgment when you can face Him today as your Savior. Would you come to Christ or would you risk it all and face God in His wrath on the Day of Judgment?

The Bible tells us

For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world. The law does condemn us isn't it, the law does show us to be unfit for kingdom living. But God did not send His Son to condemn the world today, he sent His Son so that the world through Him might be saved. Friends, today, he that believes on Him is not condemned, but he that believes not is condemned already, because the law is already clear and we have already sinned because he had not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 3:17,18

For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

You have a choice, you have a choice. Would you face Jesus as your Savior or would you face him as your Judge. This is the good news, the Gospel. But may I remind you, the Gospel is only good news to you if you believe and receive it before the Day of Judgment. Because, if that timeline expires, the good news to you, I think, will be the news that will condemn you for evermore. You knew, how to be saved, but you spurn that chance, you spurn the goodness of God and I think, the agony of hell would be: knowing that you could have escaped it all, if you only come to Jesus Christ. Let us bow for a word of prayer. Let us bow for a word of prayer.

The words of Matthew 7 ring so loud in my mind, that many would say to Him on the last day, Lord, Lord, didn't we, didn't we, didn't we. And Jesus said "I never knew you." My friends, there is no way we can hide from God, because, all things are naked before His sight and while this message may be tough, hard, I believe that is meant to be kind to you that you may turn from your sins. We all stand condemned already, condemn because the Word of God declares so in the Bible and because the law God declares so in our conscience and in our hearts and that's why God sent His Son, Jesus, that the world through Him might be saved.

Would you come to Jesus and accept the Author of Salvation, would you come to Jesus that you may live a life of righteousness, that you would seek for things that are higher, nobler, things that point towards heaven? I pray today, dear God for all my friends who are gathered here, that if any have yet to trust in Jesus Christ, that Lord, Your Spirit would woo them and call them today to repentance and faith in the finished work of Jesus. We thank you, that Your wrath is entirely satisfied by Jesus Christ upon that cross, that man, through Him might be saved. But Lord, I pray also today for many churchgoers, who have presumed in their salvation. Maybe their dependence has not been entirely on Christ alone. Have mercy, dear God, to alert them to that reality that they may turn from their wicked ways and to come to Christ. Lord thank you, You gave us today, You have delayed Your judgment yet another day, that You may lead us to the path of repentance. Lord, we pray that none will be lost in this room but all will come to salvation and life through Your Son and we would give You the glory and praise, because You have achieved our salvation. We thank You, we pray all this now in His Name, amen. God bless.