
05 Jul 2015

The Supremacy of Jesus


Hebrews 1:1-3 The Supremacy of Jesus Pastor Jason Lim 05 July 2015 "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay then it's not the end. ” Unknown This statement is true only for those who know Jesus. He alone is Lord over all, and holds all things together. Rom 8:28 still holds true today! This message from God will encourage you as you face struggles in life. May His Word lead you to a deeper discipleship to Jesus! Slides Transcriptions Audio  ** Right click to do

Hebrews 1:1-3
The Supremacy of Jesus
Pastor Jason Lim
05 July 2015

"Everything will be okay in the end.
If it's not okay then it's not the end.”

This statement is true only for those who know Jesus.
He alone is Lord over all, and holds all things together.
Rom 8:28 still holds true today!

This message from God will encourage you as you face struggles in life.
May His Word lead you to a deeper discipleship to Jesus!

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So, we are starting on a new series in the book of Hebrews. Just this morning, someone in our first service said to me, "Pastor, are you going to serve us coffee?" I say, "Why?" "He brews," she said. Well, I know this is the common joke we talk about, we laugh at, but the book of Hebrews is not about coffee. The book of Hebrews is about Christ, about Jesus the Lord and Saviour, and this book is going to be dealing, therefore, with the key theme of the whole of the Bible. The Bible is really about Jesus. Actually, Christianity is about Jesus. There is no Christianity without Christ. It is Christ who gives us Christianity; Christianity is about Christ.


Now let me ask you a simple question: What would you think of when you think of Jesus Christ? What image comes to your mind when you think about Jesus? What are some of the images, not just one, but what are some of the images you have when you think about Jesus Christ?


For many of us, the image that comes up straightaway is the image of someone with curly hair, blue eyes, moustache, beard and appearing in a portrait somewhere in a church building. But for some of us, we may think about a baby in a manger, or we may think about a young boy growing up in a carpenter's house, or some may think about Jesus walking the streets of Galilee, teaching, preaching, healing, doing good works. Maybe, we could recall Jesus suffering in the temptation of the wilderness, or maybe, we would think about Jesus as He struggled and agonized in the garden of Gethsemane. But maybe, the most common picture we would have in our minds is Jesus hanging on the cross, brutally abused, bloody, rejected and despised of all men. So for many of us, the image of Jesus is one of someone that is despised, rejected, humiliated, poor, weak and powerless.


Timestamp 0:02:27.9


But the book of Hebrews switches gears. The book of Hebrews reveals a facet of Jesus that we are so prone to forget. The book of Hebrews is going to show us how He is greater, because it's going to show us the supremacy of Christ our Saviour. You see, this is how the author began:


Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,

(Heb 1:1-3 ESV)


"Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son." This is an interesting start to the book of Hebrews, because usually in the Bible, the books start with a kind of a greeting or at least a kind of an authorship: I, Paul, the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, grace be to you, peace, and so on and so forth. They start with an identification of who the writer is and a greeting. But this author seems to be so eager and anxious to go and tell us about Jesus that he doesn't tell us who he is.


Right up till today, nobody really knows who the author of this book is. Now, we all know God is the one who inspired this book but the human author till date is not known. Some say it's Paul. Some say it's Barnabas. Some say it's someone else. It's mere speculation at this stage, no one knows. He also doesn't give any greetings because the point of this letter is to show us Jesus; everything else is so unworthy to be mentioned alongside, it seems.


So now, he tells us about Jesus Christ and he begins by telling us that God has always been on the move to reveal Himself to mankind. God has in many ways tried to communicate and reveal Himself to us in many times and in many ways. He appeared as a burning bush to Moses. He spoke to Elijah in a still small voice. He appeared to Gideon as an angel. He even speaks to people in visions and dreams, and in many ways and in different times, God gives revelation progressively. It's never full picture but it's all growing; it's what we call progressive revelation of God.


Timestamp 0:05:01.4


As time passes and in different ways and in different manners, God shows Himself in richer and fuller ways. It's like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The more you have, the clearer it comes. But the supreme revelation of God, the ultimate climax and culmination of who God is and what His will is, is seen in His Son "in these last days". The last days refer to the time after Jesus died and rose again. We are living in the last days. And how does God reveal His full self to us in His Son? By His words, His life, His works. So, Jesus is supreme. I mean all the prophets had different bits and pieces, different pieces of the jigsaw but Jesus is the full revelation of God in the last days. And we remember how He spoke to the apostles: "This is my beloved son, hear ye him."


So this morning, we're going to consider Jesus Christ. We're not going to talk about anything else today, straightforward, right down the middle, beeline for Jesus Christ our Saviour. The next few phrases really tell you who Jesus is in a nutshell. He's going to tell us seven wonders of Jesus Christ. It's a seven-fold revelation. I'm sure you know the number seven in the Bible. For the Jew, it's a number that refers to completion or perfection. So the author here is very careful to select out seven descriptions of God's Son, to reveal to us the supremacy of Christ. He says, first of all, or rather, Spurgeon, I want to add this:


Other men had the threads of truth; but Christ took the threads, & wove them into a glorious robe,

put it on, & came forth clothed with every truth of God.

– CH Spurgeon


So, what Spurgeon is saying is what the author is saying. Different prophets had different pieces, different strands of threads but in Jesus, all comes together in full-orbed glory. So let's look at this passage again, the seven-fold revelation or wonders of who Jesus is.


  1. Heir of All Things


Number 1, he says Jesus is the "heir of all things". An heir is someone who will inherit the riches of the father and Jesus is appointed the recipient of all things. You must understand this word "all". "All" means all, not just something. I grew up looking and watching Chinese movies and TV shows about Chinese Gods and deities. You know how it is, they came from heaven to 人间 (that is) to the earth to do some good works, to achieve something and when they have saved mankind, did some good things, they will go back and they will receive rewards. Maybe they'll be promoted to a higher rank of deity in heaven. Maybe they'll be given some material things in heaven. Maybe they'll have more power in heaven. Whatever it is, they will receive something.


But the Bible tells us, Jesus is not just going to rise in rank, to be someone along the whole thing. He's going to be the one who will receive all things. It makes sense because Jesus is the one who gave up everything. In His first coming, He gave up everything. He gave up glory, He gave up the kingdom, He gave up communion with the Father. On the cross, as He says, "My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?" He gave it all up and the Bible says, don't forget, that's not the end of the story. He will inherit all things. We don't serve a loser; we worship the heir of all things. By the way, that's the endpoint and goal of all creation. The trees, your lives, all of creation, it's for Jesus and He'll inherit it all. He's a supreme God.


  1. Creator of the Ages


And then again, he tells us, not only will He be the heir of all things, He is also through whom God created the world – "through whom also he created the world" – from the smallest things to the biggest things, to the things you see and even to the things you don't see, from your DNA to your atoms, to your protons, to your neutrons, to your electrons and I do not know what else ‘-ons'. I'm told... I read recently there's something they have discovered called the God particle – even smaller than the electrons and so on. I'm not sure what it is but everything is made by God, the smallest of things to the largest of things, to the distant galaxies that our eyes can't even see and we'll probably never even travel to. God made it all through His Son. This God is not someone who rules in a small, little corner in your kitchen. He's the God who made the worlds.


Timestamp 0:10:47.8


I grew up as an atheist. I don't believe in God. I didn't believe in God. Of course, my heart changed, my mind's totally changed when I came to Jesus and He changed my life. Now looking back, I realize the premise I had as an atheist is that even though I see everything around me, it all came about because something just happened. I didn't believe in God so I think, on hindsight, this is what I believed and this is a quote by someone: "Atheists believe Nothing created Everything."


I believed nothing created everything. You say how brilliant was I to believe this. I could actually believe nothing created everything. Now that you look at this, it doesn't make sense, isn't it? The only logic, the only explanation for creation is that there is a creator and God created everything. It doesn't make sense when you put nothing instead of God, and God created all things through His Son. It is very clear in John 1:


All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

(John 1:3 ESV)


This is the God we worship. This is Jesus we worship. Through Him all things are made.


For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things were created through him (added by pastor: "and look at that") and for him.

(Colossians 1:16 ESV)


Angels were created by Jesus. So, no wonder He is the heir of all things because He is the creator of all things. This is the God we worship.


  1. Radiance of God's Glory


It goes on. The author tells us the third wonder and that is that "He is the radiance of the glory of God". The word "radiance" here is the shining forth of the glory of God. Someone interprets it this way: it's the out-raying. You say, "What is the out-raying?" It's a picture of the sun. You can't quite see the sun but you see the rays of the sun shining forth and Jesus is the out-raying of the glory of God. No one can see God but the glory of God is seen in His Son, Jesus Christ.


  1. Exact Image of God


If Jesus is the out-raying, He's also the exact imprint of His nature. The word "imprint" is a word that refers to a seal and the wax. You know how it is, you put your seal ah melted wax and then you stamp it on a piece of paper. What you have on the piece of paper is the exact image of what you have on the seal.


So the author here is trying his best to say Jesus is not just the shining forth but He's the very substance; He's not just the manifestation but the very person of God. Basically, I think language is stretched to describe who Jesus is, in both His expression and His essence of God. But Jesus Himself did clarify:


... Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father'?

(John 14:9 ESV)


You see, He's saying, "I am the very exact imprint or the image of God."


  1. Sustainer of All Things


So we've seen that He's the creator, He's the heir, He's the radiance and He's the exact image of God and number five, we see that He "upholds the universe by the word of his power". The word there is to sustain. I'm sure that you must have thought, how can this world be stable as what it is. I mean how can... Why are we not falling down all the time? You know the... You think about this planet, it sits on nothing, isn't it falling somewhere?


So the Greeks have thought about it and the Greeks have an idea on how this world is supported. You know how it is supported? The Greeks? No, don't think about the euro zone crisis, but long time ago, how... They need support now for their economy for sure, but how did the Greeks think this world is supported? That's right. They have this mythical figure or this God that they have, called Atlas. Heard of him? Atlas, that strong God who holds the whole globe upon his shoulders. Strong ah, Atlas. Wah, this is a mighty God, holds this earth up.


Timestamp 0:16:02.2


The Bible tells us this world is not held up by Atlas, it's held up by Jesus; and this is the difference: Man can only think of a mighty God to hold one planet. Bible tells us Jesus holds everything, not just a planet as if you have to fight against the weight of it alone, but He upholds everything that happens on the planet and all the invisible realm that is operating in the planet, and then He operates or He holds everything beyond the planet, to the galaxies, to the planets all over. It's all held together by Jesus. Wow, this is the amazing God that the Greeks don't know. And when I see Atlas, I see him very "cham" (Hokkien word meaning pitifully disastrous). He's a poor thing, right? Aiyoh (transliteration of a Chinese expression for "oh dear"), whole life like that, poor thing. I think they should have drawn more beads of sweat on him. It's hard work, man.


How did Jesus, how does Jesus sustain all things? "By the word of his power" – said and it is done. This is the God, this is the Jesus we worship. Oh yes, he came as a weak baby but at the very same time, Isaiah said this child that is born to you is the mighty God, get that? So often we are so locked into the poor and despised figure but we forget He's the supreme God above all.


One more thing about this phrase in the word "uphold"... Oh sorry, I want to emphasize the word "universe" is maybe not the best translation here. The word in the Greek is simply the word "all", "pas" (in Greek), "all", "p-a-s", which means He's not just sustaining the physical universe but really everything, and as you've read in Colossians 1, even the invisible realm. So all things are sustained by the word of His power.


But I want to say also the word "uphold" is a word that means to bring forward, to carry forth. So He's not just keeping things together as if all things are on maintenance mode but there's a moving forward. There's a purposeful reason why things are held together. Wayne Grudem, one of the theologians today, he says: "It does not simply mean ‘sustain', but has the sense of active, purposeful control..."


Your life today may look like a mess. Some of you are literally going through mess – just diagnosed with cancer, husband just left you, failures in your business, and you feel like your life is in a mess and you feel like God is letting go of your life, there's nothing under your feet. Let this be a reminder: God is sustaining all things, not just maintaining it but even the apparent breakdowns of your life is a purposeful moving forward, because all things work together for good to them that love God. Again, all things.


Our God is not just in charge of big things, He's also a God of small things because He's a God of all things. That's why He is the Almighty God. Don't limit Him based on your own limitations. So there is a purposeful control, and that's why we worship Him for who He is.


  1. Saviour of All Men


But this next one is the one that is most familiar to us. He makes purification for sins. Why did He come as a babe? Why did He suffer the temptation in the wilderness? Why did He agonize in the garden and why was He on the cross? He was there for a purpose. He gave that all up so that He may make purification of sins, so that He may die on the cross in our place and with His blood cleanse us of our sins. This is a great work. This is a work no one else could do, only God's Son. If He had refused to do it, we are all doomed. We will never be able to purify even one sin, we will never be cleansed, we will forever be guilty.


Timestamp 0:21:08.7


But look at this, because of Jesus, He has made purification for all sins. There is salvation available for us. That's why He said on the cross: "It is finished. I've done it." And the tense here in the Greek is that this is a once-for-all finished action. He has already done it, He doesn't need to do it over and over again. He has done it once and now there is forgiveness for those who will repent and believe in Him.


  1. Lord Over All


And the finality of His work, the completeness of His work is seen when we are told "he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high". The writer of the book of Hebrews will be very keen to share with you later on, as you'll study, that He sitting down is a very important aspect because in the olden times, in the Jewish nation, they had the tabernacle, they had the temple where the priest will perform ceremonies. They have many pieces of furniture: an altar to sacrifice, a laver (or) a basin to wash hands, a lampstand to shine light, a table of showbread for the pieces of bread, an altar of incense to offer prayer and praise, but there is never a chair in the tabernacle because the work of the human priest is never complete. The blood of the animals that are shed can never wash away any sin.


So what they are doing is to remind, is to be a picture, is to be a lesson to the people of Israel year after year: Your sins are not removed yet; you have to look to the Saviour. So the priest could never sit down. But when Jesus went to the cross to be our sacrifice, it is a perfect work, completely accepted by the Father and it is done. And when it is done, He now sits down at the place of authority and power. Friends, who is Jesus Christ? Oh, He is the baby in a manger. Oh, He's the suffering servant. That is true. That is true, but don't you ever forget who He is according to the book of Hebrews.


Some people say the book of Hebrews is the fifth Gospel. You have Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They show you Jesus when He was on earth in the first coming, but here we are taking a peek into the heavenly realms and see the glory of Jesus in the fifth Gospel. I'm afraid some of us, when we look at the book of Hebrews, it's a difficult book, we avoid it and therefore we forget who Jesus Christ is. Who is He?


Heir of All Things

Creator of the Ages

Radiance of God's Glory

Exact Image of God

Sustainer of All Things

Saviour of All Men

Lord Over All


He is the heir of all things, and because He's heir, you who have believed will be co-heirs. He is the creator of the ages. He created the world. Now, you may be wondering why did I put "ages" when it is actually the word "world". Well, the reason is because the Greek word there is the word "aiōn", not cosmos. Jesus created the cosmos, that would be correct. But the author says no, He created the aiōns, which we get the word "eons" or "eras". Jesus did not just create the physical world, but He created the times, the seasons, the eras.


God is eternal. He's above time, beyond time but He gave time, He created it. He's the Lord of the ages, creator of the ages. He's the radiance of God's glory. He is the exact image of God. He sustains all things. He's the Saviour of all mankind and He alone is Lord over all.


Timestamp 0:25:31.4


I'm proud to share with you who my Saviour is. I hope your heart is thrilled to learn of who your Saviour really is. Pastor, so what's the point? You tell me about Jesus. What has this got to do with my life? Let me share with you a few things, three things to be exact.


Number 1, coming to Jesus, believing in Jesus as your Saviour means you believe Him for who He is as shown in the Bible. See, there are many people who tell you about Jesus, use the name of Jesus, but it is not the Jesus of the Bible. They call themselves church, they call themselves Christians, but the Jesus they believe is not the Jesus of the Bible.


Well, this week, I was driving and came into a filter lane and I realized that there was a queue of cars and people were slowing down and I realized someone was doing an action. You know this movement is to slow down (in) army days? Slow down? And I saw this figure making this hand movement therefore we all slowed down. I was... Let me show you what he looks like. This guy was signalling to us to slow down. But when I took a closer look, something is wrong, not quite right. He's a? He's a dummy. I mean my camera... my phone not so good lah. Can't see so clearly but it's just a doll, a dummy. Looks like the real thing from afar but when you look at him closer, he's not the real thing at all. I thought to myself, I must take this because I'm preaching this, right?


There're so many people to tell you this is Jesus, but he's not the Jesus of the Bible. There're cults today that say Jesus is good, Jesus is a wonderful teacher, he did many miracles but don't say that he's God. He's not God, he's just another man. But you know, we still call ourselves Christians; you know, we still call ourselves church. Is that really church? Is that really Christian? Is that really Christ? I'm afraid not.


Just because you claim the name of Jesus, or just because you say I believe in Jesus, doesn't mean you have actually known Jesus for who He is. Have you known Him for who the Scriptures display Him to be? It's very important because the fundamental tenet of believing in Jesus, as given in Romans 10:13, is that you must recognize that He is the Lord. Now, you say, "What's so special about this word?" Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). This is referring to Jesus, but what's so special about the word "Lord"?


Well, if you compare this verse, which is a verse taken from Joel chapter 2, you'll realize that in the Old Testament in Joel, the name of the Lord, the word "Lord" there is the word "Yahweh". And Apostle Paul is saying Jesus is Yahweh, He is God. He's not an ordinary man. He's the heir of all things; He's the creator of the ages; by His word, He sustains all things. He is not an ordinary man.


If you believe in Jesus, you got to believe He is the Lord who made purification for your sins. No man can save you, only God can. And if you don't believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ, there is no salvation. That's why Paul says, who are those who were saved? (Those) who call upon Jesus (Romans 10:13), recognizing He is Jehovah God. It's so important for us to teach our kids who God is, who Jesus is. Today, that is that superficial dealing of the message of the Bible – just believe Jesus can already, just... You know it's almost like a mantra we tell people to recite? But with no proper understanding, there is no real faith, simple as that.


Timestamp 0:30:06.2


A second application I want to make for you today is back to what the writer says, that the definitive, decisive and final revelation of God is in His Son, Jesus Christ. The implication is that the church must preach Jesus Christ. You say, "Pastor, don't you always?" Yes, we do, but we must intentionally, at every point, point people back to Jesus, God's Son because that's what makes Christianity Christianity, Jesus Christ. I'm not saying don't preach 10 Commandments. I'm not saying don't preach about evangelism or works and so on. I'm not saying don't do that. Please, that is proper and godly and right, but it must always be rooted and it must always return to Jesus.


Piper says, "The Word that God spoke by his Son is the decisive Word. It will not be followed in this age by any greater word or replacement word. This is the word of God -- the person of Jesus, the teaching of Jesus and the work of Jesus." It's all Jesus. I have no greater message today than Jesus Christ. I determine to preach nothing else but Christ and Him crucified. These words are from Apostle Paul. That's the centrality of the cross. That's the centrality of Christ in all that he says.


Interestingly, in 1832 or 33, I can't remember the exact date, Spurgeon preached from Hebrews 1. Today, I started with a joke about coffee. Spurgeon opened with these words:


I have nothing to do tonight but to preach Jesus Christ. This was the old subject of the first Christian ministers: "Daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."

When Philip went down to the city of Samaria, he "preached Christ unto them." When he sat with the Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot, he "preached unto him Jesus." As soon as Paul was converted, "straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues."

– CH Spurgeon


I say for Gospel Light Christian Church, it is all, it must be all about Jesus. In our children ministry, it's got to be about Jesus. I will say this, I'm actually very dead set against teaching moralistic behavioural change. Oh, you got to be a good boy because that's what the people want you to be. Oh, you cannot be naughty because otherwise you'll be punished. Oh, you got to be loving, you got to be kind. You tell him all the things he is supposed to do and be. Now, these are good things, I'm not saying they are bad things. But if you tell a child to do these things without having their hearts changed by Jesus, it's all about his own morals. There's no love from God and for God. What he will become is the elder brother in the prodigal son story. Oh, didn't I do all these good things? God, ain't I good enough for you?


But preach Christ and he'll see his sins. Preach Christ and he will see his need for Jesus Christ. Preach Christ and Christ will live in him and through him. Isn't that far better? How do you teach your kids today at home? Do you preach Christ to your kids, or is it about one plus one equals to two? What's your CG, your care group, talking about today? 10 ways of how to find financial freedom. Sometimes you might need to find, to learn that I suppose, but is it drawn back to Jesus Christ? Is it all about Him?


Timestamp 0:34:37.3


Final application, I feel, is the most obvious one in the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews, we call this the book that talks about greater. Why? Well, because in this book, the word... Actually, the word used is not the word "greater". The word used is the word "better" but "better" as a subject theme (is) not so cool lah. So we use the word "greater", all right?


But the idea here is this: the Jews who have forsaken the Judaism for Jesus Christ are having a hard time. They're being persecuted. They are suffering and they are always looking back: "Aiyoh, so sayang ("what a pity" colloquially), I lost the temple worship. Aiyoh, I lost the priesthood. Aiyoh, I lost the laws of Moses and all I have is Jesus." The author here is saying, "What? Don't you know who Jesus is? You are not a loser for losing the older things. You now have Jesus, who is greater than the angels, greater than Moses, greater than the tabernacle, greater than the old covenant. Jesus is better." Now, as you go through your sufferings, don't give up. Don't you give up. As you suffer, look at Jesus and run the race that is set before you. That's the context.


Now, the people there must be suffering big time. The author seeks to comfort them, not by saying to them your pain is small, but the author seeks to comfort them by saying, look at the greatness, the supremacy of Jesus. Let me say something to you, if you're counselling someone with pain and loss. Do you go to someone and say, "Aiyah, I hear your problems, really feel sorry for you. But you know your problem, very small lah, no problem. You can get over it one lah, it's okay lah. Your husband died but it's okay lah. Small problem, you can overcome it." Do you do that?


Now of course you don't say in such a language, but sometimes we may try to help someone by minimizing their pain, by saying it's actually not that bad, think on the bright side. But the guy will look at you and say, "Wah lau (an expression of astonishment), who do you think you are? You are not in my position. What do you really know?"


The point that the author is making here is, I'm not trying to minimize your pain. But I'm trying to tell you in the midst of your pain, you have a supreme Saviour, He is working all things together for good. He is not a weak, impotent baby. He's the heir of all things, the creator of the ages, the radiance of God's glory, the exact image of God, sustainer of all things, Saviour of all mankind, Lord above all. Cling on and bask in His glory. All things will work together for good to them that love God, because Jesus is able.


I end with this quote. This quote is by an unknown person. I tried to find. Some people say it's by John Lennon, believe it or not. Someone else says it's by some guy I don't even recognize, but this is the quote I want to encourage you with:


"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay then it's not the end."


Actually, I find tremendous wisdom in this verse, not verse, in this statement. If it's John Lennon, I'm shocked. I do not know if he is a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ. This statement works if you're a Christian, but if you are not a Christian, this is a devastating lie because it's not going to work well for you. They who die in their sins without the purification that comes from Calvary's cross are doomed for eternal damnation. It's a scary thought. However, everything changes if Jesus is your Saviour, then everything will indeed be okay in the end. In fact, it will be such a beautiful, endless eternity.


So if today, things are not okay, remind yourself, it's not the end. Jesus will come one day and everything will be restored to its original intent and even better. It will be one where the full glory and splendour and the worship of God will exist for evermore. My friends, it's all about Jesus today and I pray these simple thoughts will encourage your heart to draw near to Him. Let's bow for a word of prayer together.


Timestamp 0:40:12.4


What began as a very, very plain three verses of the Bible became a thrill to my heart as I thought about it more deeply. Amazing ramifications for myself as I considered the supremacy of Jesus. How my problems when set in the context of His brightness melt away. How I'm burdened today that each one of you will come to Jesus, not for who you imagine Him to be but for who He is revealed today, burdened that as our church progresses, we will not depart from the centrality of Christ but indeed go deeper into the person, the work, the glory of Jesus Christ.


If God is speaking to you today, don't stop right here, right now but respond to Him in obedience, in faith, in prayer right where you are on your seats, in the quietness of your heart. Rejoice in the full-orbed glory of who He is revealed to be this morning. Three simple verses that blow the minds of men, that there is such a God who created all things with His word, who sustains all things with His word, who actually came to save me from my sins, who actually came to be a servant, to be abused, to suffer so that I may be set free.


Friends, could your heart hold out against the love of God any further? Won't you today be thankful for His Son and won't you today repent of your sin and believe in Him alone? Won't you do that? The supreme God who became our servant, our sacrifice.


My friends, why would you today, if you have already believed in Jesus, live for anything else than Jesus? Why would you? Why would you? Why would you grovel in this earth and hanker after the little trinkets this world can give you and neglect who Jesus is? And how you can abandon your life because you will be heirs and co-heirs with Him? All that He has will be all that you have. We are joint account holders with Christ. That's an amazing thought. Why would we as believers, followers of Jesus Christ today, live for this world? Why would you? Why would you? Is Jesus not worthy of your worship?


I pray that our church will not take Christ so superficially, just coming Sunday after Sunday, hearing a little here, hearing a little there, but practically in our lives, we still think that He is not worthy, He is just a weak, powerless Saviour. Oh friends, He's the supreme Lord above all. Don't serve God today as if He begs you to. Serve God today because it's your privilege to. Give Him your lives. Give Him your lives.


Father, we thank You this morning. There is nothing greater than Jesus Christ, Your Son. May everything fade to its background and may the light of His splendour shine brightly in our hearts. Oh Lord, teach us to treasure Your Son. Help us to live a life worthy of Him. I pray for salvation of souls. I pray for comfort of hearts. I pray for consecration of lives this morning for Jesus' sake. We pray this in His Name. Amen.


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