
23 Mar 2025

Theodicy In Trials [James 1:13-18]


One of the easiest ways to deal with our mistakes is to blame others. And we can even blame God for our sins. James writes to those who blame God, or who are going to blame God, for their sin when they go through trials. He says that no one should do so, and he furnishes 3 reasons why. 1. Incorruptibility of God. God cannot be tempted with sin, and He Himself tempts no one. We sin because of our own evil desire. God is not to be blamed for our sin. 2. Invariability of God.  God invariably gives good and perfect gifts to His people. He doesn't change.  He will not tempt you to sin. 3. Intentionality of God.  God's will from the beginning is for your glory and beauty. He will not sabotage His own will by leading you to sin. James defends that God is righteous even in the presence of evil and suffering. This is theodicy.  So why does God allow sin and evil? Is He truly good? And is He truly great? Even when sin abounds?

