
02 Sep 2018

True Greatness [Matthew 11:7-15]


Graham Kendrick's song "All I Once Held Dear" goes "Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you, there is no greater thing. " Indeed, it echoes the passion of Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:8 "Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. " Jesus Himself also taught from Matthew 11:11 that true greatness is in knowing Him in His fullness. So, what's a great church? It's one that helps people know Christ. What's a great potential spouse? He/she must know Christ. What's great parenting? It's when you help your kids know Christ. What's the great goal of life? It's really to know Christ. What do all these mean for your life? Be sure to check out the sermon here. Remember- "Knowing you, Jesus, knowing you, there is no greater thing!"


Sermon Transcript

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Today, we are looking at Matthew chapter 11 and verses 7 to 15, that will be the basis for our thinking today.

Now, when I was a student in class, there was an essay that we were all tasked to write. And it was to be an essay on, “The greatest man in the world”.  So the teacher said, “You write an essay on who you think is the greatest man in the world.”  Now, at that point of time, I do not know Jesus. I am actually very atheistic. I despised Christians, so I would never write about Jesus.

So I struggled at my seat, thinking who is really to be considered the greatest man in the world.  And if I were to ask you today, “Who is the greatest man in the world, apart from Jesus, apart from biblical characters?” You may have all different kinds of answers.

Some of us may say, “Oh, the greatest man is, is Lee Kuan Yew.  He's a political giant.” Some of us may say, “Oh, it's Beethoven because I love music.”  Some of you may say, “It's Einstein because he's so smart.”  Some of you say, “It might be Lionel Messi because he plays the football,  play soccer really well.”

What is the greatest man?  That's not an easy question.  That's not something that everyone can agree with.  But if you were to go to the Jews, during the times of Jesus and ask, “Who is the greatest in the world?”  They might have a more uniform reference with regards to greatness.

They might say to you, “We believe the greatest is Abraham, our father.” Or they may say, “It is Moses, the one who lead our people out of Egypt.”  Some of them may say, “It's David. He's a man after God's own heart.” Or others may say, “It is Solomon.  He's great in his wisdom and power and riches.”  But if you ask this question to Jesus, what would He say?

Matthew chapter 11:11, Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, among those born of women, there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist.” Now, who is John the Baptist? Why is he considered the greatest? Well, we have a little glimpse of John the Baptist over the past months.  He is that prophet sent by God to prepare Israel to receive their King.  He preached the message of repentance from sin.  So that their hearts may be cleared.  So that, they may be right and ready to say, “When the Saviour comes, we will believe upon Him.”

So John was a great preacher and Jesus actually gave some words of commendation for John. Jesus says in verse seven, “Speaking to the crowds concerning John, what did you go out into the wilderness to see a reed shaken by the wind.”  When you went to John, when you went to John, preaching in the wilderness, what did you expect? Did you expect someone who is spineless?  Someone who will just go with the flow?  Of course not!  He's not a reed easily shaken by the wind of man's popular opinion.  He's someone with conviction.  He's someone who speaks the truth without compromise.  He's a great guy – John.  Because he has conviction.

Then Jesus went on, verse 8, “What then did you go out to see, a man dressed in soft clothing, behold, those who wear soft clothing are in king's houses.”  So Jesus says, “Did you expect to see someone who live for comfort and enjoyment?  Well, if you do, he should be in king's houses, not in the wilderness. So, John is a man who is very sacrificial.  Man who is very dedicated to doing God's work.

Verse 9 and 10, “What then did you go out to see, a prophet. Yes, I tell you and more than a prophet. This is he of whom it is written, behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare Your way before you.”  So, John is a, is a good guy.  He's uncompromising.  He's dedicated.  He's devoted.  And he is a special prophet, who will just come before Jesus. He prepares the way.  He's foretold of in Malachi chapter 3.  And so he is a great guy.

But Jesus then gives us a bombshell, “Truly I say to you among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist.” The question is why?  In what way is John the Baptist greater that all who were born before him?  Have you ever asked that question?

Now, let me just say this, for the next 5, 10 minutes, it's going to be a bit difficult.  It's like - wah.  For those who are paying attention, I don't think it will be that difficult.  But for those who are just hoping to casually listen, it's going to be a bit tough.  But it's only just 5, 10 minutes, bear with me after that, it will be easier.

I want to answer this question, in what way is John the Baptist greater than all who were born before him? Is John the Baptist greater, because he's very godly?  Perhaps.  But surely, there are many Old Testament saints who are very godly.  Is it because he is very sacrificial?  Maybe.  But Moses also forsook the kingdom of Egypt to follow God's will.  Is it because he's very smart?  Probably, maybe.  But Solomon is a very wise man, wiser than all that has gone before him.

So in what way is John greater than the rest? In fact, that becomes a little bit more difficult when Jesus goes on to say, “Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.”  Who is the least in the kingdom of heaven?  I believe he's talking about those will believe in Jesus Christ, subsequent to this.

So, ‘these least’ are referring to the most inconspicuous of Christians, today. In other words, I think Jesus is saying, “You and I who believe in Jesus, now, today since the time of John, we are greater than John the Baptist.”  “Are, are you serious?”  Yah, that's what Jesus says. “But in what way is Jason or James or Mary,  in what way are we greater than John the Baptist?”  Are we more godly than John?  Probably not.   Are we more influential than John?  Probably not.   Are we more sacrificial than John?  Probably not.

So in what ways, are we greater than John?  And in what way in us, in what same way is John greater than the Old Testament saints?   I think there's only one reason.  Well, there is two but I'll just say one, which I think is in the text or in, in the mind of Jesus. I think we are greater than John and John is greater than the Old Testament saints in the sense of having the privilege of knowing Christ in His greater fullness.

Let me try to explain that further, Jesus said in verse 13, “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.”  So, all the Old Testament prophets, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, they all speak about the coming Saviour.  But they can only know some bits and pieces, because they've never seen Christ. They do not know exactly what He is like.  They know something but not exactly.

So they all foretell of the coming Saviour, He will come.  But John the Baptist is different.  John the Baptist doesn't say, “He will come.” John the Baptist says, “He is here.  He's right before you, “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.”  This is He.  But then, even though John know something about Jesus, he doesn't know as much about Jesus as you and I do.  Because I think John doesn't quite understand that Jesus will have to first suffer and die.

He was very discouraged. Remember last week, when he was still imprisoned and Herod Antipas and the Roman Empire is still not overthrown.  He was puzzled.  He doesn't understand.  He thought the Messiah will come and destroy the Roman Empire.  But we all know today; the way Jesus is going establish His kingdom is when He first suffer and die on the cross.  Then He will rise again from the dead before He will return to establish His rule on this earth.  We today, the least of Christians, the most inconspicuous of New Testament Christians, we know more than John.  And John knows more than the Old Testament saints.

So in summary, it looks like this.  What’s the relationship between the prophets and John. Are they equal, in this sense of knowing Jesus?   No. John is greater than the Old Testament prophets in the sense of knowing Jesus in His fullness.  Because the Old Testament prophets can only say, “He will come, He will come, He will come.”  But John would say, “He is here. He is here. He is here.  This exactly is Jesus the Messiah.”

And we know more than John, and therefore we are greater than John, in the sense of having the privilege of knowing Him in His greater fullness.  Because we can say, “Look at the Saviour, look at His amazing love, His amazing forgiveness, His amazing mercy and compassion when He died on the cross.  Look at His power when He rose from the dead.”  The Old Testament saints have some inkling, but not like we do.

So what is true greatness, in the eyes of Jesus?  It's the privilege of knowing Christ in His greater fullness.  Now, look at this verse, I, okay this last two verses will be the last of these 5, 10 minutes, I speak about, alright.

And it turns us to 1st Peter chapter 1:10-11, it says, “Concerning this salvation, the prophets, [Added by Pastor: the Old Testament guys like Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah, Moses they, the prophets] who prophesied about the grace that was to be [Added by Pastor: was, the prophets, to preach about this good news, this message of salvation, the prophets who write these things actually] searched and inquired, [Added by Pastor: they, they are like well, we are writing stuff, but there are many things we don't understand and so] they are searching, [Added by Pastor: they are asking, they are inquiring, inquiring what?] they're inquiring what person or time, the Saviour will come.”

Who is this Messiah?  What is He like?   When will He come?  When will He establish His kingdom?  The prophets have some shadowy, vague idea.  But they were searching inquiring for a fuller knowledge, about the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.  And they wrote these things for us.  “It was revealed to them that they were not, they were serving not themselves but you in the things that have now been announced to you, things into which angels long to look.” [1 Peter 1:12]

So they wrote about these things that we would know in the New Testament.  And we know very, very clearly now because of what has happened some 2000 years ago. But the Old Testament guys are always puzzled.  They, they don't get the full picture.  You see, they are inquiring, they are searching.  And it's not just the Old Testament prophets who didn't know, the angels also didn't know very clearly then.

So, the Bible says, “the angels long to look…” In the Greek it's something like someone, is like craning the neck.  The angels are you know, crane the neck.  You're supposed to get there, but you want to see.  So what you do you? You stretch out.  That's the idea!  The angels are like, can't wait to get across, and see who is Jesus, who is this Saviour?  What is He exactly going to do? And when is He going to do what He's supposed to do?

Now 5, 10 minutes is up.  And if you are not awake for the five, past five, ten minutes, this is the time you need to wake up, this is going to be easier. That was gear five, this is gear one, easy cruising, alright.  So what is the point I think this passage is about?  It is this: true greatness, the way Jesus understood it or explained it in this text, is simply about knowing Christ.

True greatness is knowing Christ.  In what way is John greater than the rest?  He knows Christ in greater fullness.  In what way are we better than John?  We know Christ in greater fullness. Real greatness is knowing Christ.

Why is this so important?  Why is this so important?  Because the only way you can really know God is when you know Christ.  You are made for God.  You're made by God.  And you will never really live life or know life as it should be until you know God, your Creator through Jesus Christ.  You see, John tells us, “No one has ever seen God.  The only God who is at the Father's side, He has made Him known.” [John 1:18]

Now, this sounds a bit complicated.  But let me just add a little bit of commentary.  No one has ever seen God.  We, as filthy, fallen sinners, we don't really know God today.  We can't, in our own strength. No one has ever seen God.  The only God, that refers to Jesus. Jesus is God.  Jesus is the second person of the Godhead.  No one has ever seen God, the Father but the only God, Jesus, who is at the Father's side. He, that is Jesus has made God known. The only way you and I can really know God is through Jesus Christ. That's why true greatness is in knowing Jesus.

Jesus later said, “Whoever has seen Me, has seen the Father.” [John 14:9] Because I reveal the Father. So there's nothing more important, there's nothing greater than understanding, it is all about knowing Christ.  Up till today, people often ask me, “Do you find it a waste that you studied for so many years in medicine and now you are no more working as a Doctor?”  I, I was just ask this even last week.

And I always say to them, “I never find it a waste.  I never find it a pity because I think true greatness is knowing Jesus.”   And like John, making Him known.  True greatness is knowing Christ.  Now, let me ask you, very simple questions.  And it's really simple.  That's why the sermon now is like cruise mode, simple stuff.

What is a great church? What is a great church?  To many people today, a great church is when you have a great building.  Maybe some like modern, big ones.  Some like those historical archaic looking ones.  And is it that's a great church because I love the building.

Some people say, “A great church is where there are many people.”  Wah, the more people they are, the greater the church is.  And if the church is very small, we tend to despise them. Not so great.  Some people think a great church is one where there are many, many programs and activities.  Well, I suppose here at Gospel Light, God has given us a great building.

I, I, I hope that is not what we are arrogant and proud about.  No, but it's a great building, I think we are seeing people in this neighbourhood come and join us.  And it's a tremendous joy to see many come.  I think it's wonderful that there are so many of you on your own initiative. And your own passion and love for God are doing so much planning, so many platforms to connect with people in this neighbourhood.  Wonderful activities!

But, if we have a big building, good number of people come in, many programs and activities,  but we are not helping people know Christ,  this is a lousy church.  Don't you think?  A great church, even if the ceiling is coming down, carpet is dirty, chairs are not so comfortable, but if the church is effectively leading people to know Christ, the Biblical Christ, I think it's a great church.

Great churches can be under a coconut tree, in a hut somewhere.  Great churches can be anywhere where the people of God are effectively helping people know Christ.  That is the golden test.  The mission of Gospel Light is very simple.  We are here to be leading generations into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  I think this is the greatest thing!  We're not here to roll out social programs as if they define what the Gospel is about. I'm not against social causes, but I don't think that should be our major focus.  It should be about leading people to Jesus.

I hope this church will never be teaching self-help messages, as if it's all about me, myself and I.  How I can get out of this?  How I can get out of that, without pointing them to Jesus?   I hope this church will never be about health and wealth as opposed to having Jesus.  We must be helping people come into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  See, this is what apostle Paul said, he said, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

He used this word, ‘except’.  He didn't say, “I want to help you know, dash, plus Jesus Christ.  He's not here to say, “I'm, we are here to help you know how to battle against depression plus Jesus Christ.”  “We are not here to teach you what it means to fight against pornography, plus Jesus Christ.”  It's not something plus Jesus Christ.  It's nothing except Jesus Christ.

In other words, “Jesus and Him crucified,” the Gospel is the lens through which He will deliver and teach all things.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified is to be central,  fundamental, front, back, center.  Everything the church is supposed to be doing.  Someone said, “The Gospel is not just the ABCs of the Christian faith.  It's the, it's the A-Z of the Christian faith.”

The Gospel affects everything, everything comes back to the Gospel.  “I'm determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” [1 Cor 2:2]  See the Gospel is, is something that must be very explicit.  It, it has to be clear.  It has to be so obvious.  You cannot assume the Gospel, because if you do, I think you would tend to lose the Gospel with time.

I have not been in church scene for a long time.  I'm a Christian for maybe 20 something years. I, I can't claim to know every church here in Singapore, but one thing I feared in church is that when the church first starts, the people who come together believe the Gospel.  That's why they gathered together.  But after some time because they think everybody knows the Gospel, they assume they know the Gospel.  They don't really talk about the Gospel.

It loses its centrality and soon enough the second generation doesn't really know the Gospel anymore. Certainly not in the same clarity and fullness, it deserves to be heralded in.  And so churches then slip into pursuing social causes; self-help messages; health and wealth and absorb all kinds of substitutes. For what?  That for the Gospel that should be central in church.

It was Spurgeon, ever quotable Spurgeon, who said, “If a man can preach one sermon without mentioning Christ's name in it, it ought to be his last.”  I, I hope, I've said enough times this morning.  But he's absolutely right. Why?  Because let me tell you the Bible is not primarily about you.

When I first read the Bible in my life, I thought it's all about me.  So, I'm reading what is there in it for me, for me, for me.  And I hope to see myself in the Bible.  But I've learned over the years, no.  Oh yes, it's a Bible that wonderfully benefits me.  But it's a Bible, a message that is primarily about Him, about Jesus.

Isn't it all about Jesus?  Jesus expounded from the prophets and from Moses, the things concerning himself.  Jesus is in Genesis, in Leviticus, in Numbers and so on and so forth “Lo, I come to do thy will, in the volume of book that is written of Me.”  Jesus Himself said, “The Bible is about Me.”

So when we preach the Bible, when you go into any text, someone says, “When you go into any text of the Bible, make a beeline for the cross.”  It must be Gospel, Christ-centered, otherwise, we're not preaching the Bible correctly.  So Spurgeon would say, “I wish that our ministry, [Added by Pastor: our church, The Tabernacle, in his time] that mine especially, [Added by Pastor: my preaching, pastoral ministry] might be tied and tethered to the cross. I've no other subject to set before you but Jesus only.”

Oh, we need Christ.  Because He's the one who shows us the Father.  We need Christ so that our hearts may be astounded by the marvel and the beauty and the supremacy of God and His Son.  So that we are cured from our pornography, cured from our lust.  So that idols of our lives will fall off when we see His beauty.  And that our lives will be driven by that which is beautiful because we know Him.  And there's no greater thing than knowing Christ.

I wish this is true for and I know this is what we aspire to for our children ministry here at Gospel Light.  What is our children ministry all about?  Let me tell you, it's very simple.  It's to tie or to bring people to Jesus.  Bring your little ones to Jesus.  Now, let me say this, this is what we would love to do for your kids, but this is not something you should throw to us, to do for your kids.  Because we only spent an hour or so with your kids.

You guys, you parents, you spend virtually every day, hours with your kids. We are only calefares, in Hong Kong TVB drama serial’s terms.  We are calefares.  You know what is calefare?  What is calefare?  Calefare is extras.  Yes, like in movies.  We are the extras, we are the add-ons, good to have, not bad.  But the real star is you - father, mother.  I hope we all will work together to help our little ones come to know Christ.

I'm very scared if all we are teaching them is how to be kind; how to be gentle; how to be loving; how to be polite; how to be patient; how to be enduring.  I mean, I'm not against these values,  of course, they are good values.  But, if that's what we give our kids, and they grow up knowing the values, trying to live out these values without knowing Christ, that will be disastrous.  Because all we will achieve is giving them a substitute of having a model lifestyle without having a real greatness, which is knowing Christ.

So often, again a generational thing. The first generation knows Christ, their children come to church, and if you're not careful, we start teaching them to be brave like David, meek like Moses, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, character traits.  They grow up and they say, “I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm a moral guy.  I'm a meek guy.  I'm a brave guy.  I don't really need Jesus.” And when they are 19, 20, 21 years old, they slip away from church.  You know why?  Because morals never gave spiritual life.  Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ gives life.

They slip away from church, not because they fell away from the faith as it were.  But because they never really had life.  And that's because we never led them to the Gospel consistently. Now, if we have done so faithfully in our teaching, in our praying, in our modelling, then the blood is not on our hands.  But if we do not, then we totally missed the point of what it means to minister the Gospel.  True greatness is leading your kids to Christ.

I hope that is the philosophy.  That is the undergirding motivation and principle for all that we do here in this church.  Why do we gather as a care group?  Or so that we can eat nice food? Nothing wrong with eating nice food, alright.  Don't go and eat terrible food.  Eat nice food but in all your eating, in all your sharing, in all your converse, conversing, let it all be about helping people know Christ.

Why do we have Bible studies?  I hope your Bible studies is not to teach, “Hey, do you know how many … wah, statistics lah and all these.”  I hope that is not your main reason.  Sure, teach them, but let that all guide people to a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ, alright.

What's a great church?  What's a great church?   Where we help people know Christ, alright. What's a great man?  What's a great man?  One, one who knows Christ. So, some ladies here, you are looking for a great man, “Wah, that guy look great man – tall; dark and handsome.” Not necessarily great.  Some, some ladies you today you like to look for great man, “Wah, he must have six abs.”  I tell you my, when you come to my age, no more abs one.  No, no more definition, it's all very united.

These are not things you look for.  These are not real greatness, they don't last. Same for guys, if you're looking for a girlfriend or spouse.  Most guys look for beauty and charm.  But you know what the Bible says, now, now it's not saying that OK, you know what.  Let me tell you what the Bible says, first, alright.  What does the Bible say?  Do you know?  Charm and beauty - Deceptive.  My mother tells me, “漂亮的女人会骗人” [piào liàng de nǚ rén huì piàn rén].  My mother tells me that, “The pretty girls, they know how to deceive you.”

Well, the Bible says, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31. I think, it's verse 18.   Now surely SK2 will not ask me to endorse their products, or say anything. “Wah, you say like that, then what's the point?”  Now, I'm not saying you should not present yourselves well.  Nothing wrong with that, but it's reminding us that real greatness, real beauty is not here, but here [Pastor points to the heart].  It's a woman who fears the Lord.  It's a woman who knows Christ.  And I think, that's what it means to have a great partner; great spouse.

What's great parenting?  What's great parenting?  What, what, what does it mean for you?  To, now every parent here, I know one dream you have for your kids.  One dream you have is that you want your kid to be great.  Agree?  Anyone disagree?   I want my kid to be a lousy.  No!  Every parent wants your kids to be great.

So it's very natural that you will be so happy and willing to give to your kids, so that they will be great. You don't mind not eating so well, as long as you provide for them opportunities to be great.  Maybe go for classes; tuition; ballet; tennis.  Whatever you have, you don't mind. You, you want them to be great.  You want, you load them with lots of tuition so that they will be great.

But can it be that in our desire for them to be great, we make them succeed. We help them succeed in life in such a way that they can gain the whole world but lose his soul?  Can it be?  I think there's no substitute to helping your kids know Christ. I think that is the greatest!

By all means send them for tuition.  By all means send them for sports and stuff like that.  But they can excel in all these things, but and if you're not investing in them spiritually, I think that is a great tragedy.  So parents, invest in the greatness of your kids.  How?  Help them know Christ.

The most important thing you can do for your kids is to help them know Christ and to grow in Christ. Read the Bible with them.  It's, it's a stunning thing.  But I am afraid to even ask, “How many of you actually read your Bible with your kids?”  And I would never ask that here, because you won't come back to church after this.  But this is meant for you to reflect. I want my, I want the best for my kids, but do you actually read and teach and discuss Bible truths with your kids, intentionally pointing them to Jesus from the pages of the word?  Do you pray with them and pray for them that they would know Christ.

And let me tell you something very practical it's very real for our season now.  The Filipinos call these months, the "ber" months, I just learned about it, right. The ber months.  What is ber months?  September, October, November and December.  I thought it's really cool, man.  So we are heading into the ber months.  And, and the ber months is one of great fun, but it's also a time of great … what ?  Stress.  Why?   The holy grail of life - PSLE or O-levels or A-levels.  “Wah, this one, this one is the great thing!”  Getting you, getting 292, getting 11 A1s, that's the great thing.

So, if that's the great thing then I won't come for the secondary things – i.e. [stands for that is], church services. And I can tell you, the attendance would drop from now onwards, once the ber months come, attendance drops.  Now, I'm not saying this to keep you in church, but I'm saying this to help you realize that sometimes we don't really mean what we say.  We say, “We love God, we think God is great. We think knowing Jesus is all important.”  It doesn't always translate because the heart is really quite deceitful.

Let me tell you what is really great for your kids.  Rain or shine, exams no exams,  “Son, the most important thing is for us to know Christ.”   That is something your kid, will live with and remember for the rest of his life.  But if you say, “Son, it's okay.  God can wait.  He's eternal, He can wait.”  He will also remember that for the rest of his life.  Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You, there is no greater thing.

Well, I could have spoken more about discipline, but I think my time is up.  I just want to remind you,  that even disciplining your kids can be a great thing.  Don't enjoy it.  No one does.  But don't just aim for behaviour change, aim for shepherding your heart to the Gospel that they may know Christ.  I have spoken about this many times and if you still have any questions, come and ask me.  I'll discipline your kid for, oh, no, oh no.  I'll share with you what it means to shepherd their hearts in discipline, aim at the greatest thing - knowing Christ.

So what is a great goal in life?  At the end of the day, we have spoken about a great church; a great spouse; a great parent.  What's the greatest goal in life? Some people great goal in life is to retire with sufficient money, so that I can travel the whole world. It's a fun goal.  It's a pleasant goal, but I'm afraid it's not quite a good enough goal.  Why?  The world that we live in today is actually quite ugly compared to the world that is to come.

So, if you really want to see wonderful creation, wait till you die, alright.  Then when God creates the new heaven and new earth, the tour package there will be much, much, much, much better.  But for now, the greatest goal, I think is not to enjoy life here.  The greatest goal according to apostle Paul, “Is to count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord” [Phil 3:8]

Wow, Paul has a lot of things going for him, you know. He's a brilliant chap!  Some people say, “He is the equivalent of two PHDs.”  I do not know.  But he's certainly a very smart man. He's one of the rulers, one of the Pharisees, one of the elites.  He sat under the feet of Gamaliel, one of the prime elite teachers of his time. He was a very religious man; a Pharisee, meticulously keeping the law of God, at least externally.

But he says, “I count everything as loss …” Because of what?  “The surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.”   There's no greater goal than knowing Christ.  So, there's this song by Graham Kendrick:

“All I once held dear, [added by Pastor: all I thought that was precious and important.”] It says, “All I once held dear, built my life upon, all this world reveres and wars to own, all I once thought gain, I have counted loss, spent and worthless now, compared to this.”

The world fights for these things.  I used to fight for these things.  And now, I realized, when this is brought into comparison with the surpassing worth of knowing Christ, I count them, but loss.  I don't even want to mention it.

“Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You, there simply is no greater thing,. You're my all, You're the best, You are my joy, my righteousness and I love You, Lord.”

Folks, real greatness is knowing Christ.  Can I ask you a very practical question? In your life, what is your chief pursuit? I speak this because I, I think there's no question, Singaporeans, most of you work really, really, really hard.  And there's nothing wrong with a good work ethic of diligence and responsibility.  We should.

But have you, have you perhaps sacrificed the greatest thing of knowing Jesus, on the altar of your career?  On the altar of being successful in the eyes of the world?  On the altar of arriving at the top of your career potential?   I'm not saying, please don't misunderstand me to say, “We should be slackers and lazy.” No! But sometimes, in life we have to make certain choices because we don't have all the time and all the resources and all the energies.  But we all have a choice to choose what is greatest.

I've seen our people over and over again.  You, you, you say, “I’ve a sincere heart.  I really want to know God. I really want to know Him. I really want to study the Bible but I have no time. I really have no time, I'm so tired every day.  I, no time.  Aiyah, I hope it will get better.”  I've spoken to these people, it never gets better.  This year busy, next year also busy, five years time, also busy. 10 years time, even busier.  And when they're not busy, they are about to die.

Actually, it's all about choice.  Don't you see that those who have made certain choices in their lives, somehow, yes, they may have to give up something.  They have to give up a BMW; a seafront condo,  but they are investing themselves in pursuing the greatest thing.  We can't have everything, we can't.  But we can be wise to choose the greatest thing.  And so, I've seen over and over again, people who are busy; stressed; anxious; all tied up and they are so irritable.

And I just remind myself of that picture in the Bible of Martha, who is so busy everywhere.  And Mary, who Jesus commended to have chosen that which is needful.  “She is sitting at My feet doing the greatest thing - knowing Me.”

So have you been running too hard?  “Wah, next week, Pastor, I lost my job.”  Ah, no, please, please, please, I'm not asking you to do all that.  Sometimes, the choices you make can be smaller ones.  Sometimes, however, it might be bigger ones, but it's all about knowing Christ and recognizing this is true greatness.

Now, I would have ended my sermon here actually but I feel compelled to explain the verses a bit more.  So it goes on in verse 12 that says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence and the violent take it by force.”  Very few of us really get to understand what Jesus is talking about, right?  Wah, wah, what violence?  What is this all about?  Well, it's not easy.  In the English, is not easy.  In the Greek, it's also not easy. The grammar doesn't make it easy.

But in summary, let me just paraphrase it in a way, I think most scholars and commentators understand this verse to be.  Jesus is saying, “From the days of John the Baptist until now…” Since John has been preaching, since John has been exclaiming and proclaiming, “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near, is at hand.”  Since he has been preaching the kingdom of heaven has advanced vigorously, it has moved forwards with great strides.  That's the first half of that meaning.  Since the preaching, the kingdom has advanced greatly.

Second half, “The violent take it by force.” It really means people; many people have been aggressively; actively; vigorously laying hold; grabbing hold of the opportunity to enter the kingdom of God.  This is maybe easily, more easily understood in Luke 16:16,  “The law and the prophets were until John ….”  They anticipate the Saviour, but now John presents the Saviour.  “And so since then, the good news of the kingdom of God is preached.”

It is advancing.  People are talking about it, people are knowing about it, believing in it.  And everyone forces his way into it.  You see that?  It's a vigorous; energetic; earnest; urgent, eager response to the preaching of the Gospel.  It's not lazy and slack.  So in the book of Matthew itself, we see how people vigorously come into the kingdom.  They come as beggars.

Now, let me explain this vigour; this energy, is not about earning your salvation.  No!  It's about that desperation of coming before Jesus begging Him, pleading with Him for mercy.  That's vigorous!  So the leper came to Jesus, the lame man and his friends came to Jesus.  And when there was no room, they would not give up.  But they will force their way from the roof to Jesus.  You see of how the ostracized of community would not give up, but they would come to Jesus like Matthew's friends, the tax collectors.

You read of the lady who was desperate in a sickness and knew that she needed healing. She says, “I must reach the hem of Jesus hem…” not the ham, ‘hem’ is the clothing, the, the skirting of Jesus.  “I'm going to grab hold of that hem. I would be healed.”  The kingdom of God is for desperate beggars.  You lay hold of Christ with desperation and plea and humility and that's how the kingdom of God is going to advance.

It has been advancing since the time of John.  The Gospel of the kingdom has now been preached in many, many parts of the world.  There are still many parts unreached, but it is growing, it's expanding, it's advancing with great strides. I hope the Gospel kingdom is advancing here in Punggol, through His church here.

And I hope if you're here today, and you do not know Jesus, you'll listen to Jesus, when he said, “He who has ears to hear let him hear.” [Matt 11:15]  I hope you'll hear, and come to Jesus Christ.  Because there is no greater thing than knowing Christ, who gave His life and died to pay for all your sins.  You cannot save yourself but this is the great news.  You can know Christ and through Christ, repenting and believing in His finished work, you know the Father.

Chronicles of Narnia is a famous story, series of books, by now, because of the movies that has been a screening. It was a project by CS Lewis, a Christian thinker and author and he intended for this series of stories to be a parallel and allegory of the Christian life.  So, he writes about the trials and tribulations of the characters in the Chronicles of Narnia, meant to portray the trials and tribulations and the journey of Christians here on this earth.

And in his very last book of the Chronicles of Narnia, a series of books, but in the last book, called, “The Last Battle.”  And in the last paragraph of “The Last Battle”, this is what Lewis wrote: All their life in this world and all the adventures had only been the cover and the title page.”  All this drama of our lives is only the cover and the title page of our great book.

“Now at last they were beginning chapter 1 of the great story.”  When you get to heaven, when you get into the eternal life this is only the beginning of chapter 1 of the great story, “which no one on earth has read, which goes on forever, in which every chapter is better than the one before.” You know why?  Because life story for all eternity is about knowing God and knowing Jesus.

You know heaven is exciting.  Heaven is not exciting because there are fat babies with wings flying around with harps. I find that irritating after a while.  What's so exciting?  There's nothing exciting about that!  But what's exciting is heaven is about knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ.  There is no greater thing!  That's the thrill of our hearts.  That's the joy of the church.  And I hope that will be the goal of your life.  Knowing you, Jesus, knowing You, there is no greater thing.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. What are you living for today?  Everybody lives for something -  for a condo; for a certain digit in your bank account; for a certain grade in your kid's exams; for a certain status in society.  We all live for something.  And these pursuits are not bad in and of itself, nothing wrong to do well in your career, studies and so on. But is that really the greatest thing?

What does it profit you, if you gain the whole world but lose your soul?  How does it help your kids if they should be successful in this life, but they do not know Christ?  What's the point of Gospel Light, if we are so busy and full of activities but we are not helping people to a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ?  Knowing Christ, knowing Jesus, there is no greater thing.

Perhaps, right where you are this morning, you can cry out to God with your heart bare before Him and say, “Lord, show me, show me in what way, I've been a Martha. I've chosen the mundane of this world and neglected to sit at Your feet to learn of you.”

Perhaps today, some of us can repent of our ways and say, “Lord, when I read the Scriptures, grant to me each time a vision of Your supremacy.  So that my heart is really driven by joy and satisfaction and love of the Father.  So that I would give myself to you gladly.”

Perhaps some of us today, need to step up as parents.  When I say, “Step up.” It, it doesn't mean you have to do a one-hour Bible study.  Step up, just read a simple page, simple story.  Start there, but press on there.  Because the greatest thing you can do for your kids today is to provide for them a regular opportunity to know Jesus.

And my friends, if you're here today and you do not know Jesus, you have got to know Him, because there is no other way.  Jesus said, “I am the way; the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.”  And there is no greater thing for you in your life than to know Jesus. Don't put this off to say, “Let me have my career first.  Let me have my kid first.  Let me have my marriage first.”  There is no greater thing. No greater urgency than for you to come to know Christ.

You don't have to earn your way to heaven.  This is the great thing, Jesus paid it all on the cross.  We can't save ourselves.  There's nothing we do, that will merit forgiveness from God.  There's nothing we do that deserves His favour upon us.  We are such filthy; sinful; wicked people before God, but the great thing is Jesus loves you.  God loves you and He sent His Son to die for you.

So my friends, come this morning.  Repent, that is to say, recognize your sin, be so sorry and grieved over your sin.  Be willing to turn from your sin to God and then rest and receive what Jesus has done for you on the cross.  Believe Him, He died and rose again for your sins and may today be a great day because you come to know Jesus Christ.

So Father, thank You for Your Word. Bless each one here that we may really strive and ever so effectively know Jesus more and more each day.  Bless Your people, we ask this now in Jesus’ Name.

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