
11 Oct 2020

What Does It Mean To Be Human? [Genesis 1:26-31]


"What does it mean to be human? " "Why are we made in the image of God? " "What happens to the fate of humanity after Adam sinned? " These are the deep questions of life that philosophers, scientists and kings have sought to answer. But God's revelation in His Word is astoundingly simple and clear. He who has ears, let Him hear! Join us as we plunge into the creation of man in this sermon, and discover the secrets to your life! S


Sermon Transcript

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A very good morning to all of you and thank you for joining us in our online service this Sunday morning. It will not be very long before we can also have our on-site services here at 39 Punggol Field Walk. It's been many months, I've missed all of you. I've missed seeing your faces and saying, “Hi” to you face to face.

So it's really with excitement that I can announce that we would soon be able to hold the 100 people here in our building at Punggol Field Walk. So may the Lord allow us to have a smooth, safe transition to a re-gathering of God's people. And just to give you assurance that our online services will continue. This will, of course, be the norm for us going forward. A new norm, where we'll have both an online congregation and also an on-site congregation.

Once again, thank you for joining us, as we worship God together, as we study His Word together. We are in a journey through the book of Genesis. And we have learned in Genesis, chapter 1, that God is the Uncreated One. The One before the beginning. The One who is eternal, who decided to create the heavens and the earth, and all that is herein, with a power of His Word in six days.

It's an amazing story of how God prepares this beautiful world for man. He's like a father, who awaits the arrival of the baby by preparing the … the room. He gets the room ready. He paints the room. He gets the crib. He gets the pillows. He gets the soft toys. Everything in place before the baby would enter this world.

So in a sense, God prepares the earth, the vegetation, the animals, the stars. Everything in place, so that now, man would have a suitable home for him. So we read that creation of man here in Genesis 1, and verses 26 to 31. Let's look at these verses together.

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness …”’ [Genesis 1:26] Now, I know we are going to talk about man and how God created man. But before that, I just like us to pause for a moment and look at this verse, because if I were to be the one who will write an account of Genesis, I might write something very different.

I might have thought that God would have said, “Let me make man in my image, after my likeness.” But no! The Bible states that it is in the plural, “Let Us make man in our image in our likeness.” Now, there is no mistake here. It's in the plural, in the Hebrew language. And in other, in other words, what I'm saying is, “Right here in Genesis 1, we have a hint. We have a statement that tells us that there is a plurality in God.”

Now later on, in the rest of the Bible, we would understand that really God is triune. We worship a Trinitarian God. God is not just one person, but there are three persons in the Godhead. For example, in Matthew, chapter 3, we read in the baptism of Jesus, the presence of the Father, Jesus, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And later on in Matthew, chapter 28, Jesus commands His disciples to baptize others in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Now, of course, we can't see that it is three persons here in Genesis 1. But nevertheless, we see the plurality of persons in Genesis, chapter 1. It is also interesting that when you go to chapter or verse 27, it is said, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, He created them.” [Genesis 1:27]

So now, we see that singularity. So we have both the plurality and the singularity. And that's why we understand that God is one God, existing as three distinct divine persons. In Chinese, we call this the 三一真神 [sān yī zhēn shén]. That is to say, “The real God, the God of the Bible, exists as three in one.” The Trinitarian God is what we get a hint of, right in the very first chapter of the Bible.

Now, the Bible tells us that this triune God created man. In other words, man is not a product of chance, or random events. He is not a product of evolution. He is a product of intentional design. God created man. And he's created very special. He is created in the image of God.

Now, what does that mean? We're going to look at that in detail later on. But he is distinct, he is a class above all other creation that God has made in the six days. And he's created in the image of God, both male and female.

So the Christian ethos, the Christian ethic elevates the view of women. I think society throughout history, has had a dim view of women in general. But the Bible teaches us that both men, or both male and female are created in the image of God. So here, we elevate the dignity of women.

Now, there is order in a home that God has ordained in that the husband should be the head of the family. But it is not because women are inferior in any way, but that both male and female are equally created in the image of God.

The Bible then tells us in verse 28, “God said to them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over all the creatures here.” [Genesis 1:28] So God has given this stewardship, the care of creation to man. So that, he might lovingly care for it, lovingly tend after it, that he might steward this creation, to bring about flourishing and glory to God.

“And then God said also to man, “Behold, I've given you every plant for food.”’ [Genesis 1:29] Now, it's interesting that in Genesis, chapter 1, we are told that man here are to eat plants, vegetarian diet. That is, I'm not sure how happy I would be if I were to be living in those days. But here it is, I'm sure man has all that beautiful, luscious fruit around him. He is not to eat animals, he is not to eat meat, as far as we are told in Genesis 1.

Not only that, “All the beasts of the earth, and the birds of the heavens are also to eat plants for food.” [Genesis 1:30] So I'm really curious, is there a change in the dentition of lions and tigers and bears? Did it change after man fell into sin? I do not know. But I know that plants are given for food to the animal kingdom. “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.” [Genesis 1:31]

So herein is a refutation against ‘The Gap Theory’, we talked about that last week. In that people suggest that this world was ruined by the fall of Satan, and it is already tainted, and so on. But no! I don't think so. Because up till now, by six days of creation, God said, “It was very good.” It was a perfect world, untainted by sin thus far.

Now this morning, I like us after running through those verses to consider this question - what does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be man? I think this is a very profound and deep question that the answer, that the Bible gives an answer to here in Genesis, chapter 1.

Now, what does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Well, the Latin phrase is ‘imago dei’. What does it mean? It means made in the image of God. So I'd like you to consider. what does it mean for you and I to be made in God's image?

Now, it's a very complex question, actually, because if you were to go to the online resources, or to the bookstore, you will see a lot, a lot of things written about ‘imago dei’. A lot of things written about the image of God, even by Christians. So it is not a simple study, actually. But I … I hope to make it clear for you this morning.

In a sense, I want to simplify it to help you understand that being an image bearer or being made in the image of God means that we are to reflect and to reveal God. That's what the image does. Isn't it? When you see a photograph, it reveals you. When you see a reflection on the mirror, it reflects you or reflects the thing you're looking at.

So, being made in the image of God means that it is God's intent and desire that humanity would reveal and reflect God for who He is. Now, in a sense, all of creation is to reflect God. Psalm 19 tells us; the heavens declare the glories of God. Romans 1 tells us that the divinity and the power of God can be seen in creation.

So creation in a sense, reflect God and reveal God for who He is, in a sense. But humanity, above all, is uniquely created, to uniquely reveal and to reflect God for who He is. Man is that star creation in Genesis, who will reflect God.

So we must understand, then how do you and I reflect God, and reveal God to this world, to the angels, to all of creation? In what ways? Some people think that humanity is made in the image of God in a sense that we reflect God in how He looks. So they believe that humanity, in the way we have our arms and legs and eyes, and ears and so on, reflect God for who He is.

Now, this is a picture of Michelangelo's masterpiece of ‘imago dei’ of the creation of man in God's image. It pictures God as a human being, in human form. However, even though this is a masterpiece, very well known by many people, I don't think this is the truth. I don't think that man is God's or man is made in God's image in that God looks like us, or we look like God physically.

The reason why I say so is because Jesus said that, “God is Spirit”. God is not bound in a physical body. Yes, Jesus did come into this world, born as man, but the Father, He is not. So to say that man is made in God's image in the sense that we look like Him physically, I think is a wrong teaching.

Now, there are others who suggest that we are made in God's image in that we have all the attributes of God. Now, I want you to know that the study of the attributes of God is the study of God's character, the study of God's Being. But whilst there are many attributes that God has given to man, man does not possess all the attributes of God.

A simple chart like this, I know you can't see this very clearly. It's not the point, the point is, there are many attributes of God that we can see from the Bible. Attributes such as love and mercy, and kindness, and anger, and patience, and so on. Now, these attributes are what I believe He has given to humanity, that we can show anger, and love and kindness, and so on.

But we don't possess all the attributes of God. For example, we are not omnipresent, we are not omnipotent, we are not omniscient. The word, ‘omni’ means - all. And the words that I've quoted are - all seeing, all powerful, all present. We are not like that! We don't have all these attributes.

So the theologians say that, “These are the non-communicable attributes.” These are the attributes that only God possess. They are not communicated. They are not passed on to us. Just like communicable diseases are what can be passed from one to another, like COVID. And they are non- communicable diseases that cannot be passed on. So to say that, “Man is made in the image of God, in that we possess all the attributes of God would be erroneous.”

So let's summarize. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? Well, there … there will be many things I will speak of later on, but I want to tell you what it is not. It is not that we are looking like God physically [John 4:24]. And it is not that we are gods, in that we possess all His attributes.

So I've told you what it is not, let me now tell you what it means. To be made in the image of God, I believe consists of four things. And to help you remember four things, I like to show you a picture. Now, take a look at this. I know when you've, when you've … have the first look at this picture, you may think, “Wow Jason! Why are you showing us the picture of ghouls and ghosts?” Certainly looks like one. But let me tell you, “This is not a picture of ghosts or ghouls.”

This is actually a picture of a medical scan. It's a kind of radioactive scan. It's a kind of diagnostic scan. It's a scan of your kidneys. And this is a scan that is used to assess damage to kidneys, if any. So a more detailed scan might look like this.

You would see that on your left side, that's a scan. A radioactive scan, radionuclides scan of a normal kidney. And then when it's stricken with some infection like acute pyelonephritis, it's a kind of infection of the kidney. The scan goes a little bit off, the scan reveals some patchiness to it. And if the kidney has been suffering prolonged damage and is now scarred, it now looks small, shrunken and pale, as it were.

So this scan, we … we learned it in medicine, is called a [sic: ‘demeco’], the dimercaptosuccinic acid scan. Now, it's such a long name and that's why we often as doctors, shorten it and give it this ‘DMSA’, short term or short form of this long name, DMSA.

So why do I tell you about all this kidney stuff and radionuclides scan and so on? Because I just want you to remember that if you are made in the image of God, it consists of four things – DMSA. Now, that's not from the Bible, that's just the way I think. So I'm … I hope that this helps you, alright.

[1] Dignity
So first thing, that is an ingredient, that is a condition, a characteristic of what it means to be made in the image of God, is represented by the letter D, and it is the word, ‘dignity’.

I want to tell you that to be made in the image of God means that we are made with value and significance and worth and dignity. After all, that's what it means! Man is uniquely said to be made in the image of God, not lions, not tigers, not ants, nor bees, but men.

And in Psalm 8 and verse 5, we read that, “Man is crowned with glory and honor.” This is a wonderful verse. Man is created with a unique position. Now, you may be wondering, why does the psalmist say, “Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings.”’ Now, this refers to angels.

So it seems that the psalmist is saying, “That the angels are higher than man.” But no! Man is created at a higher position and privilege than angels. Because we are told elsewhere, that angels are ministering spirits. They are to serve man, they are to serve God and to serve man and man is made in the image of God and not angels.

So what does it mean, that God made man to be a little lower than the angels? Well, actually, that means God has made man to be in a little while, lower than the angels. For this period of time, we die, and so on, angels do not. So we are in a sense, a little, for this little while lower than angels. But in the resurrection and in the eternal life to come, surely we are made more glorious than angels.

Alright, that's just explanation. But I want you to get this, that you're made with significance and worth and value because you are crowned with glory and honor. Man is uniquely above animals and plants, because we are told that even animals, later on in Genesis 9, we now can eat meat. Animals are given for our food. So you're in an entirely different class from animals. You are made with dignity.

Not too long ago, I read about this man, his name is Thomas Thwaites. Very interesting man because he wanted to be a goat. He wanted to be a goat man. So he got for himself some clothes and apparatus, that allows him to walk exactly like a goat. He began to eat grass like a goat and he lived amongst goats. He wanted to be a goat.

And then I read about this parrot man and he went even to greater extremes. You could see that he chopped off his ears. He colored his sclera. He colored his eyes. He puts implant on his face. He tattoos his appearance, so that he can look like a parrot. He wants to be a parrot.

And then this picture may be even more scary. This is a picture of this person, called the cat stalker. He has since passed away. But it is said that when he was young, he was always wondering why he does not have a tail, because he really believes that he is a cat. He has gone through 14 surgeries in his body. He wears cat eye contact lenses and he has even fixed a robotic tail to himself, because he wants to be a cat. He believes he's a cat.

Now, there is a field of, or there is a diagnosis in psychiatry, in medicine called, ‘clinical lycanthropy’. That is to say, there are people who actually believe they are animals, that they are not men, but they want to be animals.

Maybe the Bible tells us of such an example. Can you recall? The Bible tells us of an example, a case, where men becomes like an animal. The answer is that of King Nebuchadnezzar. You recall how in his pride, God struck him down and he lived in the wilderness like an animal until he humbled himself and turned back and worship God.

Now, the Bible tells us that God did not create us as animals. God created us to be glorious, honorable. He has created us with dignity. He [sic: is], He has made us to be in His image. And so I say to you, “Today, you are of great worth and value to God.”

It doesn't matter what you have done. It doesn't matter whether you've hit rock bottom. It doesn't matter whether you're rich or poor. It doesn't matter whether you have sinned big time or not. You know something, there is something called intrinsic worth and value to humanity because we are all made in the image of God.

You are of value to God, you are precious to God, because you are made to be His image bearer. There's something unique and distinctive and dignified about men. And that's why the Bible tells us, “It is wrong to murder another human being.” In Genesis 9:6, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed …”

So if you kill someone, it's a serious problem. Why? “… For God made man in His own image.” [Genesis 9:6] That's the reason, for God made man in His own image. That's why abortion is wrong. That's why killing with selfish intention is wrong. Now, that's not only with a very serious problem, like murder, but the Bible tells us that even when we curse people, that is wrong. [James 3:8-9] And the reason given by James here is that, it is because, “We are made in the likeness of God.”

So here, the Bible tells us of a radical reality, a radical doctrine. That we are not to murder, and we are not to curse people. Not because they are not sinful, they are, but we are not to curse people, because they are all made in the image of God. So we have to respect all, we have to value all. That's what the Bible teaches.

In other words, we are to value every single one, whether they are rich or poor, whether they are male or female, whether they're handicapped or not handicapped. We are to treat people with distinction, with dignity.

You think about it, that's why Christianity has given rise to … to a kind of force against misogynism or against racism. We are against these things, because all of men is made in the image of God. And that's why many Christians, they serve the poor, they serve the sick, they serve the elderly, they serve the handicapped.

Why? Because we understand that man is made in the image of God. Jesus, when He came into this world, He reached out to the marginalized. He reached out to the Samaritan woman. He reached out to the leper. He reached out to those who are sick for many years. Because there is no one who is not precious to Jesus. He understands that man is made in the image of God.

It is what CS Lewis has to say, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.” All men, is made in the image of God.” I hope that encourages you when you serve difficult people. I hope that encourages you when you serve sinful people. I hope that encourages you, if you're serving the handicapped. There is no one unimportant to God, because we are all made in dignity, we are made in the image of God.

So that's what it means to be human, we are made in dignity.
[2] Morality
Number two, remember that DMSA scan. The second thing starts with M, and maybe you will have guessed it by now, we are made to be creatures of morality. God has made man to be able to live in a way that pleases Him, to live in righteousness, in holiness, in godliness. God has made man to be able to make choices that will honor Him.

Now, of course, we know that Adam and Eve failed God and chose to sin against God. So in a sense, they lost the power to live righteously. They lost the power to live a godly way. But there is still a vestige of the image that God has made in men today, in that God has written the knowledge of his laws in our hearts and He has given us a conscience.

This conscience allows us to know what is right and wrong, what is morally right, and what is morally wrong. I think you go to many cultures across the world, people would agree almost universally, that murder is bad, rape is bad, stealing is bad, because God has made us to be moral beings.

In Romans, chapter 2:15, we read that, “They show [the Gentiles], they show that the work of the law is written on their hearts …” The knowledge of God's laws, knowing what is right and wrong, it's in us. “…While their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even, excuse them.”

So men is made moral. In a sense that we understand, we can sense what is right and wrong. Now, clearly, we could also harden our conscience, numb it, sear it, so that we can ignore this alarm bell that rings when we do something wrong against the law of God written in our hearts.

But sometimes, and we pray for your case, when you do something wrong, the conscience gives you that uncomfortable feeling, that discomfort. Hopefully you would respond to it, and realize you have sinned and may that lead you to repent before the True and Living God. But the point is this - man is made with morality. We understand the law of God, written in our hearts, knowing what is right, and what is wrong.

So man is made unique, we are made to have dignity, we are made to have morality.
[3] Spirituality
Remember DMSA. The third, we are made to have spirituality. Now one day, I got home, and my dog greeted me. I've a dog at home, his name is Max. And then, I saw Max do something very interesting. He started to gather his rubber toys. He has a few dog toys, rubber toys. He's very possessive about it. If you grab it, he will look at you and want to get it back from you.

But I saw one day he gathered his rubber toys, he sort of piled it up and then he began to bow before those toys. And he began to howl to the tune of ‘How Great Thou Art’. Now, of course that never happened. Max will never do that! He will never get, he will never build an altar and sing to God and worship. He will never do that. He would never want to do that.

Because all he's bothered about as a dog is to be able to eat, and then go to the toilet to pee and to poo, and then sleep. That's all he does. That's all he's concerned about. He will never ask existential questions like - why am I here? Who made me? And where I'm going? He will never do that! Because he's a dog. He is not meant to worship God, the way humans worship God.

But you see, you are different! You are not like my Max. You will not be satisfied just with eating and sleeping and pooing. Maybe some of you think you are but when you have all that and you're satisfied, deep in your heart there is a gaping hole, there is a question in your mind that you cannot shake off.

And that is - “Who am I? What am I here for? Who made me? And where am I going?” You see these are questions that will always be tormenting you until you get the answers.

Augustine says, “God has made us for Himself and our hearts are restless until we find our rest in Him.”

The Bible tells us that, “The Father is seeking such people to worship Him.” [John 4:23] We are creatures who will worship God, who are always looking for an object or a person to worship. And that's because God made you a spiritual being.
[4] Dominion
So we see that man is made unique in that he has dignity, he has morality, he has spirituality and lastly, ‘A’ - he's made to have authority. That's clear from this text, that, “We have to subdue, and exercise dominion over all of this creation.” [Genesis 1:28]

Now God has His purposes, He wants man to be able to exercise care, and stewardship over all of creation. So that in a way when this world flourishes, the world will then praise God for who He is. Because man in the place of God, under the command of God has taken care of this world, this Earth real well. That's God's intent! So God has given man this unique privilege to exercise dominion and stewardship over all the earth, so that the glory of God might be known by His creation.

So let's have a summary. What does it mean to be made in the image of God? I'm not saying that, “We reflect God in how we look. I'm not saying, “We reflect God in having all His attributes.” But God did make us uniquely to be His image bearer, that we are made in the image of God. We are to reflect, and we are to reveal God, so that as we respond to God correctly, we would bring glory to God. That when creation sees man [sic: man sees creation], they will glorify God for His amazing creation, His pinnacle of creation, in the book of Genesis.

And in order for us to be able to reflect and to reveal God in such a way that brings Him glory, God made us to have dignity, morality, spirituality and authority. That's the purpose of God for humanity! That's the reason why you are here! That you would live a life of dignity, morality, spirituality, [sic:of ] and of authority, so that you may bring glory to God. That's how you're here. That's why you're here. That's what is going to bring great satisfaction to your life when you bring glory to God.

Now, that was the mandate that God gave to Adam and Eve. Sadly, as we've learned, Adam and Eve did not fulfill God's purpose for them. They chose to go their own path. They chose to seek their own glory. They chose to seek their own satisfaction. So they took of that forbidden fruit, having been tempted and deceived by Satan, took of that fruit.

And ever since then, the image of God is marred, is ruined, in, is darkened in the lives of humanity. In a sense, now, yes, we still have some vestige, some remnant of that glory, but it is so hidden, so marred, so defiled that it is not clear anymore. Instead, now man, bears not only the image of God, but also the image of sin. So sad! It's so tragic.! But we're going to learn of that in Genesis, chapter 3.

Now, that was God's purpose for man, to be His image bearer, that they might bring Him glory, but we failed. Has God then given up to manifest His glory to His creation? Has God said, “Okay, that's game over. Let's forget about this. Let's destroy everything.”

No, God did not! Because in the fullness of time, God sent another Man into this world. And this Man has the same purpose, to reflect the glory of God. Now, this Man is unique. Because this Man, sent into this world is not of the same lineage, does not come from the same stock, does not come from the same line, as we all do. He does not come from Adam and Eve.

The Bible tells us, “He is born of the Spirit.” And He's none other than Jesus Christ, God's Son. In an amazing operation, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Godhead, equally God, fully God, He came into this world, to be born as man, to be that unique, dual nature God Man.

And what's his purpose? To glorify God. To bring glory to God. To show creation, the magnificence and the image of God. And that's why in John, chapter 1:18, we read, “No one has ever seen God.” The only God, that refers to Jesus Christ. So let me put it this way, “No one has ever seen God the Father …” “The only God, Jesus Christ, who is at the Father side, He has made Him known.” So Jesus came into this world to make the Father known.

John 14, verse 9, “Whoever has seen Me, Jesus Christ, has seen the Father.” See! Jesus is here to be the image bearer. And again, in Hebrews 1:3, “He …” that is Jesus, “… is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature.” So why did Jesus come? To manifest God's glory.

But Jesus lived a short life. He lived for 33 years, and then He died. He died a tragic death on the cross. He died. You ask, “Why? Why did the glorious image bearer die?” Let me tell you why. Because before His death, Jesus said, “Like a corn of wheat, I am useless. In a sense, I don't really bring life until like that corn of wheat, I will also die.”

You see, the corn of wheat is useless if it stays by itself. But if it dies in the ground, it is able to bring forth much life. So Jesus is saying, “I have come to glorify God and I can only glorify God to the maximum if I'm going to lay down My life.”

And so with Jesus laying down His life on the cross, He is purchasing for humanity, the way to eternal life. Jesus sacrifices Himself, so that through His death, He might redeem, He might save those who would repent and believe upon Him.

So that now with His death, there will be a new creation in those who repent and believe. And that's why Paul would say in 2nd Corinthians 5:17-18, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. All this is from God, who through Christ, reconcile us to Himself.”

You see this, man was meant to reflect God, reflect God's glory, but he blew it, he ruined it. So God sent His Son Jesus Christ, glorious, eternal. And Jesus laid down His life so that the ruined creation can now be a new creation again, if we will repent and believe.

And now, the Bible says in Ephesians 4:24, those who follow Jesus, those who belong to Jesus, those who believe in Jesus, “We can put on the new self, created after the likeness of God.” So it is through Christ, and His finished work on the cross, through His resurrection victory, that we now can be restored to who we were meant to be.

And so, the Church of Jesus Christ, Jews and Gentiles, together as a people, together, all of us as a church, we are meant to be, “A dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” [Ephesians 2:22] In other words, we are meant to be a structure, a people who will manifest God's glory.

From the beginning, to the end, God is always working out His plan to glorify Himself. First through men, then through Jesus, and then ultimately through the Church of Jesus Christ.

Can I end today by saying to you, “This is your purpose. This is why you are made.” You know, a hammer should never be used to cook. It is a very frustrated hammer if you use it to cook. A hammer is a hammer when is used to hammer. And man is man when we reflect the glory of God.

Your search for significance, for meaning, for purpose in life has to be found here in Genesis 1. You are made to be an image bearer. You are meant to reflect and to reveal God for who He is.

And I pray today as you hear God's Word, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you will not try to seek glory for yourself, that is not satisfying. I hope you'll not trying to seek significance for yourself, that's not satisfying, because you're made to reflect a far greater reality. You're made to reflect God and His beauty. So give your life to serve God, give your life to follow Jesus, give your life for things that matter, for the eternal, splendid glory of God.

And if you're here today, and you're not a Christian, I want to say to you, “There is a hole in your heart, that nothing can fill because you're made a spiritual being. Come and know Jesus today. Come and realize that you cannot save yourself from your sin, but Jesus paid it all on the cross.”

I pray today you'll repent, you'll believe in Jesus Christ, that you might be restored to God, reconciled with God. What does it mean to be human? We are image bearers. We are made with dignity, morality, spirituality, and authority. And Jesus will restore all that in His church. Let's come to God in a word of prayer.

Father, how we rejoice today for this wonderful glimpse of what it means to be human. We are certainly a privileged creation. What a high and holy calling to reflect Your glory in this world. O God, today we thank You for Your Son, and what He has done. We are helpless in and of ourselves, but thank You He came to die and to pay for our sins. So that we might be a new creation, so that we might be reconciled with You.

So I pray today that men and women listening in today will be wise unto salvation, that we will repent and believe in Jesus alone. And I pray for Your Church, that we will aspire, we will endeavor, we would ask You for grace, to live a life worthy of Your calling. Thank You for this time. Bless Your people. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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