
13 May 2012

Will God Forsake His People? [Rom 11:1-10]


Romans 11:1-10 The Book of Romans: Will God Forsake His People? Pastor Jason Lim 13 May 2012

Even when Israel rejects God, God remains faithful! Watch this sermon and be challenged by His word. Transcript

Sermon Transcript

Well, this morning, I like to speak to you about a little country and this is a picture of a nation that is well known to us, China. And, China is in Chinese is called "Zhong Guo." In English, it means the middle Kingdom. Why is China the middle Kingdom? Because the ancient Chinese believed that China, the land is the center of the world and that their people is the center of civilization. So, Zhong Guo, Middle China, they are the center of the world, that's what the ancient Chinese believed.

But is China really the center of the world, is China really the central focus of human history? If you look at the entire world map today, what is the central focus, what is the most important or significant nation of the entire world? Wah, how come you all are so smart? (Laughter in the congregation). During the first service, they were still thinking for a while, you are right, but I didn't quite ask you, what is the most significant country in terms of God, or from His perspective, because, if we say it is the most important country in terms of economy or military might or geography, it may be something else.

But today, we are seeing things from God's point of view and the most important nation amongst all nations, amongst all people, surely would be the nation of Israel. Look at how small Israel is, you can't even quite see the red sliver of land there. But, there is no doubt, Israel is the most precious, is the most significant people amongst all because God Himself said so in Deuteronomy 7 when He says,

"the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

Deu 7:6 “For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.”

In Amos chapter 3, the Bible also says

In Amos 3:2 “You only have I known of all the families of the earth:”

They are a privileged, chosen, specially loved people in God's eyes. And then we see in Zechariah 2:8, how God described them as the apple His eye.

Zec 2:8 “For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye”

He that touches you, touches the apple of His eye. What is the apple of the eye, well, the apple of the eye refers to the pupil. This is a picture of your pupil. It is where light goes through to the back of your eye when the nerves are and it picks up as visual signals. Now, we all know that the eye is a very important of the body, very precious, very dear to us. If you want to poke someone, you want to tickle, cuki, cuki , if you want to poke someone, you poke him around his waist, he's still cool with it. But if you try poking someone in his eye, it is going to be very difficult, because he is going to shut his eyes, he is going to tilt his head, he is going to fend off your attacks, because the eye is so precious.

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The eye's precious, and God is saying that you are so precious to Me, you are the apple of My eye. The apple of the eye is the description of God's love. Photoshop picture, it is a picture of God's love for you. He that touches you, touches me. Pastor speak a Cantonese phrase. (Laughter in the congregation). Don't touch Israel because they are a special people unto me. God loves Israel, God loves them, God loves the people because they are like the apple of His eyes and they are protected by God. You know that the pupil is very protected, the eye is a very protected organ. I mean, there are eyelashes, they are eyelids, they are eyebrows, they are tears to lubricate and wash away the impurities and it is set in a deep socket, the skull is like a socket and the eye is within so that it is protected. Imagine, if your eye is popping out and everywhere you knock, it comes out. (Laughter in the congregation). It's not a very favorable position.

So, the eye is set in a very protected position and is a picture of how God loves and will protect His people. So, amongst all nations in this world, Israel is the favored one. God has chosen to set His love upon this nation. But how did Israel react to God? God loves you but Israel says "I don't want you". And this is what we have been looking at in Romans 10 when the Bible tells us in verse 21, all day long Israel, I have stretched off my hands unto you, but you have been disobedient and gainsaying.

The word disobedient means rebellious, refused to be persuaded, they are a contradictory people, they are a contrary people, they do not want God. It is almost like a man, pursues a girl with all his heart, I love you, I love you, I am willing to sacrifice all for you. But this girl, spurns the advances of the man. But it is far worse, when it is a relationship between God and Israel. God, all the day long, patiently beckons and woos and calls Israel to Himself, but she would not come to Him.

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The question now is, God so loved Israel, yet Israel rejects God. What do you think God should do now? What will happen to be Israel now? How will God now treat Israel? Wah, Carol, you straight away blew away my cover. In the first service, people say, well God will now forsake Israel, and God will now turn His attention towards the Gentiles and God will not come back to Israel. And maybe that's the way we would logically think. Right? God loves Israel, Israel don't want God, then God says "Suak lah". Okay! I go to the Gentiles.

But you see, when He went over to the Gentiles, He did not forsake Israel. Israel is still very much His people. But, this is the question we would want to answer today, "Will God forsake His people ? God loves Israel, but Israel doesn't want God's love, so what will God do? Will God forsake His people? The answer. Let's look at Romans 11:1-10.

In this passage, it opens with this question,

1 I say then, (Added by Pastor : in the light of a disobedient and gainsaying people) Hath God cast away his people? Has God forsaken Israel? The answer, affirmatively, in the next phrase, God forbid.

This is the strongest way to say no in the Greek, God is saying, absolutely not, even if Israel is unfaithful. I remain faithful. I will fulfill my promises to Israel, even though throughout history, they have been such a rebellious people. This is the grace of God, folks, even if Israel spurns and rejects God's love. God still will fulfill His promises to His people.

Trace the history of the Jews and you know they are a very stubborn and rebellious people. Remember the times of Moses, God brought them out of Egypt and what did Israel do? At the foot of Mount Sinai, they began to erect for themselves a golden calf. And they say to themselves, this be thy god. Wow, Jehovah brought them out, and so quickly they turned their back against God and the now worship a golden calf?

Some years down the road, God has brought them into the promised land and after a while, the people of Israel got frustrated with things and looked around, and said, "Hey, look at other countries, they all had human kings. We also want a king. We don't want God to rule us. God cannot be seen. God cannot lead us to war. We want a human king and God said "When you say that, I know it is because you have rejected Me."

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And so, the people of Israel had been a rebellious bunch, right up to the days of Elijah, they have turned to the worship of Baal, they have killed the prophets and right up to the day of Lord Jesus Christ, the people of Israel killed the very Son of God. But even though they have been rebellious, even though they do not want God, God is still faithful to them, "I will never forsake you."

And in order to prove this very clearly, Paul now raises three examples.

The first example he says is "Look at me". And verse 1, he says

For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

1 He said then," Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin".

He says, "Has God forsaken his people, absolutely not, I am a living proof that he has not forsaken us, I am a Jew, I am a true blue Jew, I am not a proselyte, I am not a Gentile who subsequently became a Jew, I am born a Jew, I am a true blue one, I import the tribe of Benjamin, one of two tribes that did not defect like the northern tribes of Israel. I am a true blue Jew. And I was a fierce hater of Christianity. I persecuted Christians, I brought them to jail, I killed them, but God has not rejected Israel, even though I am a Jew who rejected Him. See, he has not forsaken us, I am a living proof and example. That's example number one.

But someone may say, "Paul, one swallow doesn't make a summer, you are just an exception, it's still that God would reject His people, because they have been rebellious." Paul then says no, let me give you example number two and you go to verse 2 where it says:

God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.

He reaffirmed His position and says now, don't you know what the Scriptures say of Elijah.

2 God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew. Wot ye not what the scripture saith of Elias?

The second example is look at Elijah? So, what happened in Elijah's time. Elijah's time was a very bad time for Israel, it was a time where the flame of faith was burning really low. People didn't really obey God, didn't worship Him, in fact they turned to worship Baal. And Baal was a false god, was an idol. And Elijah was sent to confront the nation of Israel, but Israel will not hear. And so, what Elijah did is to propose a battle at Mount Carmel and this was a famous battle, this was a time for fighting, a time for show hands, who is the real prophet who served the real and living God.

And so, 850 prophets will gather at Mount Carmel versus one, Elijah and the challenge was very simple, "Whosoever can called down fire and burn up the bullock, let his God be God."

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Elijah was very generous and he said to the prophets of Baal, you go first. And the prophets of Baal did their very best, they sliced up the bullock, placed it there, and then they began to pray, and then they began to cry and when there was no answer, they began to cut themselves, you know how teenagers can also cut themselves, huh, huh! And they cut themselves to show their blood, to show their Baal, Baal, you must hear us, we are willing to sacrifice ourselves. They cried from morning to afternoon, but there was no answer. They jumped upon the altar, they did all they could, but there was no movement from the heavens.

Elijah stepped up, and said "Folks, it's my turn." And before he did it, he said "Guys, I want to increase my difficulty level, so, can you please get some water and drown the bullock." And that was what happened, the bullock was drowned with water and Elijah didn't have to do a lot of hullah. He just did something very simple, he just cried out to God, the Jehovah God of the heavens and God sent down fire like a laser guided missile. Voomph !, An entire bullock was set on fire. Fire licked the waters and it was vindicated, Elijah is proven to be the prophet of the true and living God.

It was at the time, the prophets of Baal realized they have been shown up and Elijah had every right at the time to slay the prophets. I think, at this time, Elijah probably thought that instant revival is about to break out, I mean, this is it, God is shown to be real and the whole nation of Israel would turn to Jehovah. But alas, that didn't quite happen. Instead, Jezebel, the wicked Queen, issued a warning. She swore in a wrath, I will kill Elijah and Elijah when he got wind of that, he panicked and he took flight and he ran.

You see, they something scary about a woman when she's angry. (Laughter in the congregation) Elijah wasn't scared about the 850 prophets, but he was terrified when Jezebel swore, "I am going to kill you." And Elijah, being an old man, took flight and he ran for one whole day and you know how far he ran or not? You would be ashamed, young men all of you like myself. He ran for 18 miles, some 30 clicks I think, is close to that. From where he is to where he went to, 18 miles in a day, I think that speaks of either his stamina or his fear. (Laughter in the congregation). He really wanted to run away from Jezebel. When he got to where he got, he crawled under a Juniper tree and started to feel sorry for himself, he started to feel depressed, he had what we call an emo time.

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He pressed the emo button and he was just lamenting under the Juniper tree and this is what he said "This is enough Lord, take away my life for I am not better than my fathers."

1Kin 19:4

“It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.”

"You see, he fully thought, God is going to usher in instant revival, the nation of Israel would turn to Jehovah." But, he said, it is no use, they wouldn't, I am no better than my fathers, why am I in the prophetic ministry, I rather die." Then, he goes on to say,

1Kin 19:10

“I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.”

Strange man, you know! If you want to take, let them take it away, if you want to die anyway right. But somehow, he was emoting himself before God and he thought, in the entire nation of Israel, he's the only one left. He believed it, that he was the only one left.

This is the example, Paul use in Romans 11. He says, this is Elijah and Elijah pray this prayer, "Lord, they have killed your prophets and taken down your altars and I am left alone and they seek my life." He feels that God has lost it, he feels that God cannot save Israel, and then God spoke to him in 1 Kings 19 in effect, these words. What did God say to him, God said

I have, Elijah, reserved to myself seven thousand men. I didn't just preserve their lives, but I preserved your faith, that they have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.

What is the argument of Paul here? The argument of Paul is very simple

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Israel rejected God, but God has never rejected Israel.

Example number one, look at me, Paul says in number two, look at Israel, even in those times when apostasy was rampant, God has sovereignly reserved for Himself, 7000 men. Has got rejected Israel, no, God has never rejected Israel. Even when people reject God, God has not rejected them because God will be faithful to His own Word and promise.

And he says, if that is not enough, Paul now gives example number three. He says in verse 5, even so then, at this present time, also that is a remnant. So, Paul says, the third illustration this look around you. This present time, I want to remind you, is not about today, it's about the time of Paul. You have got to read it in its setting. So, Paul is saying, during his time, during the early church, they are people from the nation of Israel who believes in Jesus Christ. You say, have meh ? Where are they, how many are there? Do you know? Now, it is difficult for us, because we're not living in those times, maybe. But, look at the Bible and what the Bible says. In Acts 2:41, remember, this is the day of Pentecost. Pentecost is the time where the people of Israel, the Jews, scattered all over the known world would gather back in their homeland of Jerusalem. This is where the worship God and when they were gathered that day, apostle Peter stood up and preached and on the very same day, how many people were saved? The Bible tells us, 3000. That's a lot, but that's a portion of the entire nation of Israel, but that's a good number, 3000 and I say they are all Jews because, these are the people who came back to worship the true and living God. But that's not just 3000 because in acts chapter 4, you see again, that when the apostles continued to preach, the number of men was about 5000. Now, it can be an additional 2000 or it might be an additional 5000. In any case, it is thousands of people amongst the nation of Israel who are coming to Jesus. Has God forsaken His people, no, look at Paul, look at Elijah and look at the early church, many Jews are coming to God, why? Because, God has not forsaken His people. It is about God doing that saving work.

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And if you're still not convinced, look at Acts 5:14

And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes ...

5:14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women

It is as if, Luke, the writer of Acts is saying, enough already, I cannot count anymore, it's too many. So, I say, a lot, are added to the church, multitudes of them and if that is not enough, he says in Acts 6:7 that the number of the disciples, multiplied.

For those who are into maths, so far, we have been looking at addition, but when you come to Acts 6, Luke switches to multiplication. It's not like he suddenly learned multiplication, but the numbers coming in are just in quantums that surpassed the early days in Acts 2-5. It says multitudes, and not only multitudes of the common people, even the great company of priest, wow! Many of those priests, who are guilty of condemning Jesus are coming to salvation, that's phenomenal.

You say why? I say, it is the sovereignty of God. Two, I say it is the power of the Holy Spirit, that's what God is doing in the early church, and all that is because God is reserving for Himself a remnant. It's God's work, it comes back to the question, "Has God forsaken His people? Absolutely not!" He is reserving for Himself, a remnant.

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What is a remnant? A remnant, it's like a piece of cloth that is torn off from a shirt, a remnant, a piece, a portion. This word remnant, reminds us, that that will never come a day where Israel will be wiped out from this earth. There won't, because there will always be a remnant. On the other hand, it also tells us there will not come a day, where every Jew will be saved, until the fullness of the Gentiles come in, that, we will learn later on in Romans 11.

But it's always going to be a remnant, a portion of Jewish people will come to Jesus Christ. Right up until today, they are still being saved, there is always a remnant. There is a remnant in Moses times, there is a remnant in Samuel's time, there is a remnant in Elijah's time, there is a remnant in Isaiah's time, there is a remnant during Daniel's time, you have Shadrach, Meshach, Aded-nego, you have Esther, you have Mordecai when they were captured in Babylon and when they returned, Ezra and Nehemiah, led them back. There is a remnant.

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And even during the days of Jesus, there is John the Baptist, there is Anna the prophetess, there is Simeon and all of them are remnants. Out of the entire unbelieving nations, God sovereignly reserved for Himself a remnant. May I say even right up till today, there is a remnant in our church. I often talk about our friend, Mike, and he is a Jew who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. Has God forsaken His people? Absolutely not.

So, what is the summary of what we have looked at so far? In the diagram, it is this. God sets His love on Israel. Israel, is however a disobedient people. The question is then is - has God forsaken us? Has God forsaken His people? Paul says "No, of course not, God will never go back on His Word, God will never cancel His promises and even when we are unfaithful, He remains faithful." He says, "Look at me." He says,  "Look at the 7000 of Elijah's time." He says, "Look around you." God is reserving a remnant sovereignly when they don't deserve it and when they can't secure it, God is doing it sovereignly and freely, out of grace and I see that in this phrase "A remnant according to the election of grace."

That is what is happening, in the nation of Israel, God is reserving for Himself, a portion of people who will believe and He does this according to election, because, there is no other way men can be saved, you see, no other way, apart from the electing purposes of God, you cannot be saved and it is according to God's electing purposes that this remnant must and definitely will be reserved. You see, in Romans 8:29-30, the five words there, it speaks of the irresistible workings of God throughout human history. It does not fail.

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Whatever God wills, let me tell you a secret, He gets His way. Okay, whatever God wills, He gets His way, nobody can foil the sovereign plans of God. You see, whoever He knows, or foreknows, will be those, eventually will be glorified. If 1000 people got on the bus here, 1000 people will get off the bus here, nobody gets off in between, there's no loss.

When in the Army, you go for navigation exercises, you go for route marches, some people get lost, because why, because the Army is not sovereign, the command is not sovereign, we can't ensure everybody will follow, but when God does this, working out His salvation plan through the history or through the tunnels of time, who ever He foreknows them, will also be glorified.

So, you say, why is there a remnant, I tell you why, because God Himself ensures it. It is not left up to men, it's not left up to the whims and fancies of men, God preserves a remnant according to the election, sovereign will, sovereign choice, sovereign determination and it will be done. If not for God's election, none will be saved, that's how it is. If not for God's election, none will be saved, Romans 9:29, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.

Rom 9:29

And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.

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So, He says, why is there anybody saved in Israel, is it because they are good? Oh no, we are all sinful, they are all fallen, they are all rebellious, but they are saved because of election. God chooses, out of the sinful race, a people who would belong to Him.

So, why is there a remnant folks? Israel reminds us of the sovereignty of God, you see and may I say, this election, is not a cold, hard truth, it is a warm, loving, compassionate truth. Why, because Paul reminds us, it is an election of grace. Grace, it is justice for men to be judged for his sins and God is perfectly righteous to have men judged for their sins, there is nothing wrong if we are to be judged for our sins, it's just like there is nothing wrong for the angels, fallen angels to be judged for their sins. But, it is undeserved grace that would have God save a number, out of a sinful humanity. Election, is a gracious doctrine, you see.

I read in the Facebook, one of our brothers here. He said this "Why should one find the doctrine of the election, cold and distant, when it flows out from the very love and good pleasure of God the Father, secure by the very Son that you loved and applied by the Spirit that now lives in you. It is warm, personal and comforting planting one in such good ground that would never fail. You see, it is all an election of grace. Man, is hopeless and helpless and totally ruined in our sins, we will not turn to God until God out of His free grace, would come, and called us and save us.

You see, I think, folks, we sometimes don't quite understand grace. We feel that, Israel is saved because Israel is good, we feel that we are saved because we are good. Let me tell you something, God saves us when we are absolutely no good; that's grace. You don't earn it, it's freely given.

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Suppose, today, after service, you get down to the carpark, you get to your car, you want to drive off. But, just as you open the door and you see your car, you see a young man, jumping on your car, just jumping, happily on your car, trying to bash the bonnet you have, he takes a baseball bat and knocks at your bonnet, he smashes all the windows and after that, he gets a pail of paint and throws it into your car. How would you feel? Well, one of you, goes out to this man, you look at him, eye to eye and look at him, you reach behind you, and you take out a wallet and you gave him $1000 for it.

You say, what are you doing? Let me tell you, this is something like what God is doing, to save those would reject Him. You say, what was that, that's crazy. Let me tell you, salvation is crazy in a sense, it's out of the world's grace, that when we trash God's name, when we hate Him and reject Him when there's nothing in us that deserves His goodness. In fact, all we deserved is His wrath, when we deserve nothing, God gives us everything in Jesus Christ.

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You say, why are the Israelites saved? Because it's grace. Even though they have trashed God's name? Yes, because it is grace. Even though they reject Him, yes, because it's grace. It's according to the election of grace and that's why, Paul says, you have got to understand grace, you have got to understand it's absolutely not of works, grace and works are mutually exclusive, like water and oil, they just don't mix. It says here, and if by grace, it is no more works, otherwise, grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

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In a short way, it is saying, it is either grace alone or you have got to do it yourself. You can't have a mixture, God doesn't save you because He is gracious and because you are worthy. No, understand this, salvation is by grace, it means we are absolutely unworthy. I want you to notice something here, it is very interesting, Paul is very sharp and precise as a theologian and it is helpful. He says here, the contrast is between grace and works, okay, the contrast is between, grace and works. However, most of the time in Scriptures, the contrast is not between grace and works, the contrast it between something and works, what is it? Starts with a letter F ? Faith, very good, in Ephesians 2:8-9, it says "For by grace, are you saved, through faith and not of yourself, it is the gift of God, not of works..." Also, in Romans 9, look at this, Romans 9:32, says

Rom 9:32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law.

So, Paul in Romans 9, contrasts faith and works, but in Romans 11, it's grace and works. Eh ! Why? Why does he do this? His usual methods, it's faith and works, but in this passage, he changes the word faith to become grace and you say why ?

Let me try to help you, why, by looking at these three words together. It's a bit of a theology, works, faith, grace.

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What is works? Works in terms of salvation, alright, what is works ? Okay, let me start you off. Works is what we do to earn salvation, alright, very good, so this is what we do to earn salvation. What is faith, trusting in God for salvation alright, or what we do to receive salvation. You see, salvation is not achieved, it is received. It is not of works, it is by faith. Now, this is the third one. What is the difference between grace and the rest ? What God has done, very good, so Favian has put it, this way, what God has done.

You see, the contrast of these three words, Chim, Chim a bit ah ! (I.e., deep, colloquially ). Generally, Paul contrast works and faith, because he says, you're saved, not by works, but by believing in Jesus Christ. That's true, but here in Romans 11, Paul is not trying to distinguish between to human activities. Paul is distinguishing between God's work, versus men's work. The elected, the election, the people who are saved, is not so much about what they do, it's because of what God has done. So, he chooses the word grace and not faith. Faith and works are two things that are of human doings, in a sense, human activities. But, he is emphasizing not the difference between two human activities, but the human activities here and the divine activity there. It is grace.

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Why is Israel preserved ? Because of God's grace, that's the emphasis, the decisive action, the initiating action is of God, that's what he's trying to say and but look at verse 7, he says here

Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it

7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded

Again, this is precise, because, if I were to write the Bible, I probably would've said, but the elect would have obtained it. But Paul says, it is not the elect, it's the election and the word election, is a different Greek word from the word elect. Again, his emphasis is not quite what the elect does, but what God has done, the election.

So, all throughout 11, she is trying to say, it is God who is securing a remnant for the people of Israel, it's God, it's God, it's God, why is it that they are not forsaken, because God is the one preserving, God is the one who is sovereign, God is the one who is leaving for Himself a remnant. It's God!

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Theology, causes us to think, not so much from the human perspective but we have got to see it from the divine perspective. And, this is how God is saying, this is what Paul is saying, it's God, who is securing it. The election has obtained it, because it is grace, the rest, sadly the Bible says, were blinded and he proves that, in verses 8-10, these are a combination of Old Testament quotes, I think I would not share that too much with you, I think that may be an overload, but there from Isaiah 29, Deuteronomy 29 and Psalms 69. Three different passages, from the law, the prophets and the Psalms, wow, so Paul, so well-versed in Scriptures, combines, Deuteronomy 29, Isaiah 29 and Psalms 69 and says, concludes, even the unbelief, the blindness of Israel, did not catch God by surprise, it's is exactly as He has prophesied, it's according to plan.

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So, the election has obtained it because God is gracious and the rest, are blinded. Why are they blinded? In Romans 9, we are told that they are hardened, because God sovereignly chooses to do so and who are we to argue against Him. But, in Romans 11, the emphasis here is on their responsibility and he says in verse 9, they are blinded, they are trapped because it is a recompense. In other words, it's a retribution, it's a payback. Paul, in a sense is saying, they are hardened and blinded, because they would not have Jesus.

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What do they want to do, they want to go about their own way of salvation, they were busy, the previous verse if I may show you, they were seeking, they were seeking for righteousness. This is the word that means intense seeking by the way, they were intensely seeking salvation, they were intensely seeking righteousness, but they want to seek it according to their own way, they want to earn it, they don't want to believe it, they want to achieve it, they do not want to receive it and so, Paul says, as a result of that, they do not want Me. As a recompense, they are blinded and they are hardened.

Time stamp in audio 0:38:35.6.

What is sad here is this verse that their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block. A table, is where you dine at, it's where you eat, it speaks of bounty, it speaks of being plentiful, it speaks of joy, it speaks of blessings, it speaks of security. I think, one place you would like to be is at the dining table at home, that's where you enjoy peace, that's where you enjoy blessings but Paul, or God is saying, their table, their place of blessings and joy and bounty, would turn out to be their snare, will turn out to be their trap.

You say, what's the trap, you say, what's the table?, I believe in this passage it refers to the law. They had possession of the oracles of God, they know the Word of God, they know the Scriptures, but instead of having the Scriptures lead them to Jesus, it becomes to them the way of salvation, the obedience to the law, it becomes the way of salvation and what is meant to be a blessing now becomes a trap unto them.

Time stamp in audio 0:39:49.1.

For the past two days, I have some SMS exchange with someone, who is anonymous, I kept asking, who are you, I didn't get an answer but the person wanted to ask me a biblical question. The person said that, I have been a believer for three years and I have been reading the Bible and realized that the Bible has many rules for me to obey in order to be totally saved. When I read that, I was like wow, this is, this is wrong. You don't get saved by your obedience to the requirements of the law, you're saved, only by trusting in Jesus Christ. But you see, they are people who read the Scriptures, today, and they see a whole list of do's and don'ts and they say, this must be the way to salvation and that were has become to you a trap, a snare, a stumbling block.

Time stamp in audio 0:40:45.7.

It was not the intention of God, but because we have failed to realize how helpless and hopeless we are, we must have the forgiveness from Jesus. We now string to our own works, self-righteousness, it never makes it you see.

I was with my son, and yesterday, we were at home with our son, my son was really naughty and Winnie had to discipline him and after that, I went to ask him, "Shaun, did you make mummy angry?". He said "Yes." What did you do? I disobeyed. When you naughty? Yes.

So, Shaun, should you do it again? He says "No." And then, I asked him, can you not disobey next time, will you be able to do what you say?. He looked at me and he said "No." (Laughter in the congregation). He was honest, at least. And then, I asked him Shaun, why? And he said to me, "Because I am a sinner." (Laughter in the congregation) I am not kidding, because that's what he said. But the next question, is the most important question. I asked him, "So, Shaun, what you do?" I waited with a bated breath, because the next few words that came out of his mouth is very important. Most of us, would teach our children to say what? "I will be a good boy, right?" So, Shaun what should you do? "I will be a good boy." But, as I waited for Shaun to speak, I was hoping, he would say something better and he said, "I need to believe in Jesus Christ." Wah!" (Laughter in the congregation), I felt so happy. Now, I don't think he has trusted the Lord yet, I don't think so. But, I am hoping that as we bring up our child, we'll not bring him to legalism, where he says, I need to be a good boy to be accepted by God, I need to be a good boy in Sunday school to be accepted by God. No, please don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to teach your children to disobey. Teach them, the way they should go, but the fundamental need of humanity, is not better behavior, but the recognition that you are a sinner and you need Jesus to save you from your sins.

Time stamp in audio 0:43:15.3.

By all means, teach them the Scriptures, but, don't ever let them think, don't ever let them think that it is by being a good boy that I am a child of God, that it is by being a good boy that I am saved. You see, salvation is not of works, it is entirely of grace, it is received by faith in Jesus alone.

Maybe, I will share with you a story. You know, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor, is a time when the Japanese successfully invaded and destroyed much of what was there in Pearl Harbor. When did the Japanese attack? Wah, how come you are so knowledgeable in all this, I have got to research to find out. They attacked Pearl Harbor on? , Oh you all know the date, I am saying which day of the week. Sunday morning. Wow, you all are very knowledgeable, I almost feel ashamed to talk some more. Yes, they are attacked on Sunday, why? The reason is that the Japanese did research. Ah, they did research on the Americans, they found out that Friday is their payday and when they got to pay, they went to buy drinks, they went into debauchery, they drank themselves punch drunk and the very next day, they are drowsy, tipsy and that's the day, that the Japanese came and called them unaware.

You know, America is the day, when Sunday used to be their strength, I mean, that's the day, that people gather to worship. But the very same Sunday turned out to be their trap, to be their snare. That is a danger for us dear folks, every single Sunday, coming to hear the preaching of God's Word, I'm saying this reverentially, I am saying this fearfully, I am saying this seriously, it might turn out to be a snare for some of us, because, we hear a set of dos and don'ts. You say, pastor is always talking about, Bible, do this, do that and you think to themselves, alright, if I want to be saved, I would need to be a good boy. No! If you don't turn to Jesus, you don't have faith in Jesus, then, all these teachings of the Bible, can become a hardening process for you. The more you hear, the more you think it's about you, doing this to earn God's favor, you are blinded.

My friends, there is no hope apart from Jesus Christ. The Jews, by and large were blinded, because they refused to accept the Messiah, they didn't want the carpenter's son to be their Savior and so, they sought to achieve righteousness their own way.

Time stamp in audio 0:46:08.6.

There are people there on the cross you know, the soldiers, the four soldiers who saw Jesus on the cross and gamble for His garments, they were right there witnessing the greatest event of all human history and they were unmoved. I tell you, their hearts were hardened that very day, there were the scribes, there were the Pharisees, there were the leaders, who say, if he be the son of God, let him come down. They saw all that Jesus did, but instead of turning to him, they were hardened within their souls.

You can come to church, you can hear the preaching of God's Word, but if you are not asking God to have mercy on you, to direct you to Jesus, His Son alone, there can be a blindness, and hardening that comes into your life. My friends, we are not here to cause you to doubt your salvation, no, that's not my goal, that's not the Spirit's desire. But, you need to be in Jesus. Doesn't matter which religion you have come from, I know, some of you did not come from churches, you do not come from Bible preaching churches and you are still thinking, the way of salvation is by doing this, doing that, doing this, doing that. My friends, it is in Jesus alone, whosoever confesses with his mouth that Jesus is the Lord and believe from the heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.

Time stamp in audio 0:47:31.3.

Christ alone, is our hope and stay. Your works, don't cut it folks. Jesus's work is sufficient, it is finished. Trust in Him and you will be saved. And so, this is the election of grace, salvation is always grace, never works, never deserved, always freely given, that all glory is His and in a lost sinful humanity when nobody would be able to be saved if left to our own, God elects, chooses graciously. That's why, Israel today is preserved. Has God forsaken Israel? No, not at all, of course not, look at me, Paul says, look at Elijah 7000, look at the present time and the reason why there will always be a remnant is because, He does it sovereignly, it will never fail, God ensures it, He sees it to the end and He does it freely, out of grace.

Time stamp in audio 0:48:38.7.

Because, if it is out of merit, nobody would be left as a remnant, it must be grace, it must be grace, it has to be grace because nobody would ever deserve it. The question we have today, is pastor, you talk so long about Israel, but I am not an Israelite, I'm not a Jew, what has it got to do with me. Well I say, has this anything to do with you, in a sense yes, in a sense, no. No, in the sense, all that we have spoken about, is specific to the nation of Israel, let's be clear about that.

But I say no, in a sense, it is applicable to you for another reason. This is a picture of myself and my son yesterday. It is the very first time, we are bringing him to learn how to swim. Now, I have brought him to the swimming pool before and he is not a very courageous guy, he is a scaredy cat by nature, very apprehensive and when we bring into the water, the first thing he would do is to hug me like a koala bear, he would not let me go. I know, when he's older, he would throw me away, but when he is younger, he hugs me, he is a koala bear and we felt that it is time for him to learn how to swim. Now, Shaun has fear of water, he is very sensitive to these things and so, when we wanted to help him swim, learn how to swim, we were bit apprehensive, not sure what the instructors would do. But when we brought him that, I was very pleasantly surprised, how clever they are.

There was this coach, called coach Edith and she did very simple things with Shaun. She said Shaun, (she makes a funny sound) high five and when she hit her hands on the high five, she would wooo and fell in the water, and try to win his favor, you see. And after that, she played games with him and threw rings to another man, this man, gentleman and Shaun is supposed to pedal on the float to get the rings but her masterstroke came later on. Her masterstroke came when she brought out this little toy, red octopus, I went to search for it on the Internet and I found the picture. (Laughter in the congregation), is the exact one, it's a classic red octopus and when Shaun came back after the kicking exercise, the octopus came out and its said "Hi Shaun, I am octopus." And he was so excited about the little octopus could talk and Edith said, let's wash octopus shoulders. And so, she took a bucket of water and poured it to the side, just the lower part and then she puts it to her ears and said, "Oh, Shaun, Octopus says, it is time for you to wash your shoulders." Shaun said "Okay." (Laughter in the congregation). He took the bucket of water and poured it on his shoulders, not very successfully, but he did. And after that, Edith, the ventriloquist, "Oh, it's time for me to wash my ears." And so, she took the bucket of water and poured water a little bit higher up on to the octopus' imaginary ears.

Time stamp in audio 0:51:44.0.

And say to Shaun "Shaun, it is your turn to wash the ears." Now, Shaun is not very good at this bucket of water thing, couldn't quite get to the ears and so, Shaun did this. (Laughter in the congregation), he literally obeyed washing the ears, he dipped himself sideways into the pool. And now, this is the big part. "It's time for me to wash my head." And so, Edith took out the bucket of water and their holes in the bottom, the holes, so that streams of water come out, very beautifully, very fascinating for a kid and took the bucket of water over the octopus head, making it really fun and enjoyable. "Shaun, it's your turn." Wow, in my heart, this is the best, but Shaun, took the bucket of water and poured it over his head. And then Edith said, "That's all for today."

I paid money for her to do all that thing. (Loud laughter in the congregation). I mean, the session went by just like that, I mean, wah, lao, just a stupid little octopus and... But that was enough, and that was enough isn't it, Shaun had a tremendous time, he had great fun, he overcame fear without him knowing it and I learned something.
Much better, when you see someone else go through it, you learn better, when you see someone else, you learn, Shaun learned from the red octopus. And you know, today, as Christians, who belong to Jesus, who belong to the true and living God, we learn better when we look at the red octopus of Israel.

Time stamp in audio 0:53:38.6.

When you see the way God deals with Israel, you are reminded and you are taught the way God will deal with you. The question today is "Will God forsake his people?" No, never, because God is always true to His Word. Do you know that Romans 9, 10, 11 are absolutely necessary, in order for us to fully appreciate Romans 8:28? All things work together for good to them that love God. Romans 8:35, 36 nothing shall separate us from the love of God, you say, why, how? Are you sure? Yes, look at Israel, look at Israel. Even though they reject God, God remains faithful to His Word. Shall His Word fail? No, absolutely not.

My friends, this is why the sovereignty of God is such a bedrock to your faith. If you today, are going through the storms of life, going through the winds and the waves and you feel like Elijah, God, I am alone, you seem to have lost your plot, that God's Word remind you, I have preserved to myself 7000 who will not bow bow their knees to Baal. I am sovereign, I can never be foiled what I purpose will be done. And I say, all things synergize for your good. And I say, nothing shall separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. And I say, I will fulfill this, freely, out of My grace. You don't have to feel that you don't deserve God's love anymore, you have to feel that once your sins, you're out of His salvation. My friends, He loves you with an everlasting love, He will not go back or cancel His promises and even when we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, if you have truly believed in Jesus Christ, His Son.

Time stamp in audio 0:55:46.5.

That's what makes God glorious, folks. When we are unfaithful, He is faithful, when we are unable, He is sovereign, when we are unloving, He still loves, that's why He is God, He is beautiful, He is glorious, He is perfect, your faith, stands not on who you are, but who He is. That's why, we preach the Gospel of grace. It's not about works. I pray, this church will not become a legalistic church that we think that we earn God's favor, with our works, it's all of grace, and if you today serve and live for Jesus, don't do it out of guilt, do it out of gratitude.

Time stamp in audio 0:56:32.6.

You see, look at the red octopus of life, Israel. How would you know God is going to be true, because, every single day, Israel exists. In spite of Adolf Hitler's final solution, in spite of antagonistic countries surrounding them, Israel is supernaturally preserved because God will fulfill His Word. May you be encouraged, with a view of God today, may we catch a glimpse of His glory and make it fill your life with grace, glory, with gratitude with a passion for Him.

Let's bow, for a word of prayer. Father, we thank You today that You alone are God and there is none like You. How shall we even begin to praise Thy great name. Thank You that You are faithful, sovereign, holy, but yet a God of amazing grace and love. It is our prayer today that you will help all of us, who are going through the storms of life to look at You, Dear Lord, that You are sovereign and never are You out of control, never, are You caught by surprise. Thank You, for the promise, Jesus Himself make, "I will build My church." And even, when things are crumbling, we know, Dear Lord, they are only, seeming to crumble, but You are doing a great work, You are building Your church. So, Dear Lord, drive, pessimism and despair away from Your people, drive, fears and insecurities away from Your people, ground us today in who You are.

I pray today, for my friends, gathered today, Lord, have mercy, that their tables will not become a snare, that they were not think, it is the obedience, to the laws, to the 10 commandments that would earn them favor but help them to receive humbly, the favor that is found in Jesus, Your Son. Oh God, have mercy, in this room, and even in the other room, that by Your Spirit, You will call Your children to Yourself and You will soften their hearts, You will remove that blindness and You will save each one from their sins. Lord, we worship You today, thank You for who You are, we ask and pray all this in Jesus name, amen.