
19 Nov 2017

Your Will Be Done


Robert Law says, “Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man’s will done in heaven but for getting God’s will done on earth. ” Praying "Your will be done" requires self-denial, so that we may do God's will. It also means that we pray for men and women to be saved, so that they will have a heart to do God's will. Lastly, it means that we affirm that God is good, wise and sovereign, and that we can trust Him through sufferings and difficulties of life. May we all say with AW Tozer "Outside the will of God, there’s nothing I want. Inside the will of God, there’s nothing I fear. ”


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Religious or non-religious, atheist or agnostic, almost everyone finds themselves praying at one point or another in their lives. People pray in fear and distress, as part of some religious duty when they want something badly, or when they simply need answers to life's questions. But what is prayer? Prayer, at its essence, is talking to God. The God who with His spoken Word brought the universe into being, the God who holds the vastness of creation together in His power. This God actually listens to us. And He listens as an attentive Father, as the Shepherd of His sheep, despite how unworthy we may feel in approaching Him, or feeble we may think our prayers may sound. God has done what we could never do, and made access to His throne possible for us. We need to reduce our distractions and increase our interaction with God because true prayer is the means by which we align ourselves to God's will. It's the means that we draw nearer to a Holy God and so may we pray: "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done".

Well, my passion is to preach God's Word and I'm excited again to share with you from the Lord's Prayer in our series "Teach Us To Pray". This series is really based on Matthew chapter 6 and verses 9 to 15. You will be familiar with the Lord's Prayer, I'm sure, by now and it is a beautiful prayer that Jesus has given to us to teach us how to pray. We have been looking at this prayer line by line, isn't it?  We began by looking at what it means to say "our Father in heaven". Then we looked at what it means to pray "hallowed be your name". Thirdly, we looked at "Your kingdom come", and this morning, we're going to look at this phrase: "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." We looked at the Person, the Priority, the Plan, and today the Purposes in prayer. So let's focus on "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

I want to start with the obvious.  When you look at this verse, what is obvious is two things, are two things. Number one, what is obvious? OK, when it's obvious it's not so obvious sometimes, so what is obvious?  Yes, it's very clear. So what about this verse is clear? On earth as it is in heaven.  Yeah, what else?  To obey the will of God, okay, that's obvious. I'm a simple man, so I thought something very obvious is this: number one, God's will is not always done on earth. That's obvious right?  We pray "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" because right now, God's will is not always done on earth; that's why we pray! Number two, what's obvious is God's will is done in heaven. So God's will is not always done on earth, but God's will is done in heaven; so we pray God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, right?

Now is God's will done in heaven? Absolutely! In Psalm 103, it is said: "The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His Kingdom rules over all. Bless the Lord, O you His angels, you mighty ones who do His Word, obeying the voice of His Word. Bless the Lord, all His hosts, His ministers, who do His will!" (Psalm 103:19-21) Angels in heaven today do the will of God. They obey His Word. They obey His voice. So God's will today is done in heaven.

But do you know it was not always like this? Because there was once, where angels did not do God's will. There was once, when angels said, "I don't want to do God's will, I want my will."  Who said that? Satan! Satan said: "I will not do God's will. I want my will." So Isaiah 14 tells us, Satan said - this is probably a passage about Satan that says - "I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God".  Haughty, high language, arrogant and proud; the 5 “I wills” of the devil. "I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14: 13, 14) The devil says, "Not your will God, my will." With that, he rebelled against God, and he led a whole legion of angels to rebel against God, and now the Bible tells us they are cast out of heaven. Jesus said in Luke 10: "And He said to them, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" (Luke 10:18)

So Satan in heaven says, "My will, not your will God." And so he's banished from heaven, upon earth, and now he leads men and women into sin. He leads men and women to say, like him, "Don't say yes to God's will, say yes to your own will." Adam and Eve as you know, you read that story, they fell for Satan's trick and ploy, they rebelled against God, and now Satan rules this earth.

Satan is called "the ruler of this world" in John 14. Satan is called "the prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2 verse 2, and the Bible tells us: "the whole world lies in the power of the evil one" (1 John 5:19). That's why today we pray "Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"; because heaven is where Your will is done, but earth is where Satan rules, and where Your will is not always done.

Is that clear? Not very clear. Okay, so let me use my whiteboard, alright. In heaven, according to the Bible, is where God's will is done. But as you know, one day - we do not know exactly when - but one day, one of the created beings, one of the angels, Satan, a beautiful angel decided to rebel against God and says, "I will be like the Most High." And so - enter Satan. Little art and craft my son helped me with. So Satan came along and says "No, I will not do God's will." So what happened? Well, God created the heaven and the earth. Okay. Someone told me in my first service, the continents were upside down, so I'll make sure it's correct. So Satan fell like lightning to earth, bringing along his rebellion, and so the earth today does not do God's will. Man today, because of the deception at the Garden of Eden, will not do God's will. Heaven today is where God's will is done. Alright?

Now, let me then share with you what I think it means to pray "Your will be done".  I've given you the technicalities, the background, the context, but the practical aspect of praying "Your will be done", I think, involves three aspects. Number one, very simply, when I pray "Your will be done, on earth as it is heaven", I'm praying that I or we will obey God's will. "Lord Your will be done on earth" - wow, it's a cosmic-scale prayer! But let's make it practical. Let's make it real, let's make it every day; and I think the everyday prayer today is: "Lord, help me to obey your will. I don't want to live under the rule of the devil. I don't want to live in sin, in rebellion against You." So Lord, when I pray "Your will be done", I'm praying first and foremost in my heart, I will do your will, I will obey You.

You know the world today is confused about prayer. We think prayer is asking God to obey our will, you know that? God give me this, God give me that; it's almost as if God has to do what I want. But Jesus teaches us prayer is not asking God to do what I want primarily, prayer is asking God to help us to what He wants. Because of this confusion, because of this innate desire to get what I want, there's a lot of false teaching that tells you prayer is getting God to obey my will. We actually don't pray "Thy will be done"; we pray "my will be done". But Jesus has told us real prayer is saying, "Thy will be done", not "my will be done".

Let me give you a little quote from a lady. I don't think she's a Christian, as far as I can find out or did research, I don't think she's a believer of God, but she makes a very good accurate observation. She says: "the fastest-growing brand of religion is of the magical ‘name it and claim it' variety, in which the deity exists only to meet one's immediate, self-identified needs." (Barbara Ehrenreich) In other words, many, many, many people are following a religion that says: "You worship this god so that this god will give you what you want. You just tell your god what you want, and he will give what you want." So in essence, this religion, or these religions are teaching you: pray "my will be done".

Now, we call this, in Christiandom today, the Word of Faith movement. There is a whole movement like this, that says you just name it, and you will claim it - name it, claim it, because God will do what you want. You want a Ferrari, name it - F430 Spider - and God will give you your F430 Spider. Name it, claim it! You want to be healed? Just say it: "be healed, be healed, be healed", and you will be healed. And that's what churches, false teachers are perpetuating. That's not prayer, that's idolatry! That's not praying to a God who is sovereign and wise, that's rubbing the lamp so that the genie in the bottle may come out.

You see prayer is not getting my will done, it's asking God's will to be done. Robert Law puts it very well. "Prayer is a mighty instrument, not for getting man's will done in heaven but for getting God's will done on earth." Christianity is not asking God to do my will. Christianity is you and I denying ourselves, to do God's will. What is a Christian? Someone who asks God all the time to give what he wants? Well Jesus says a Christian is someone who is willing to deny himself to follow Jesus.

I say prayer is a means not for self-fulfillment. Prayer is a means of self-denial, that you may find your real fulfillment in Christ. What is a Christian? Jesus says a Christian, a follower of Jesus must be someone who will deny himself; say no to my own will so that I can say yes to God's will. And often times, this means sacrifice and pain. You know what, when Jesus came on this earth, He denied Himself. He came not to do His own will, but the Father's will, and you know where He ended up? He ended, ended up on the cross. And you say "I want to be a Christian, I want to be a follower of Jesus". Let me tell you what it means - deny yourself and end up taking your cross daily. See prayer is a means by which we say, "Lord, help me deny myself to do Your will."

We follow Jesus today to the Garden, and in the Garden of Gethsemane, He had His will; He wanted, if it be possible that He will not have to suffer the cross, He would not have to go through the agonies. He says, "if it be possible, let this cup pass from me". That's His will. But almost immediately, in His next breath He says "nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39)

On planet earth, because of the Garden of Eden, man today will not do God's will. We are all sinful, we are all tainted by sin; rotten and corrupted in sin. But in this planet earth, there's a little place, little place, where Jesus went. This place, called the Garden of Gethsemane, where God says, where God's people say, "not my will". There is this place called Gethsemane that whoops… there's this place in Gethsemane that only followers of Jesus Christ go to. This is where we pray. This is where you should go every morning - "Lord, not my will, but Your will." "I want to kill my colleague who bullied me yesterday - but Lord, not my will, but Your will." "I want to cold-shoulder my husband because he was mean to me - but Lord not my will, but Your will." "Lord, I want to sleep in today I don't want to go to church - but Lord, not my will but Your will." You know what, it's painful, it's difficult, it's not easy; to forgive your enemies, to give to those who hurt you, to serve even though people will abuse you. But that's what it means to follow Jesus, that's what prayer is all about; that's what Christians do.

Christians are those who do not just say, "Lord, Lord"! Christians are those who will actually do the will of the Father; that means they won't do their own will. Christians are those who do the will of God; they are really part of God's family. Jesus says "whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother". (Mark 3:35) Not because he was born in a church, he was born in a Christian home, but because he really does the will of God. A Christian goes to Gethsemane and prays "not my will, but Your will be done".

Richard Baxter, he says Lord, this is what prayer is, alright, this is, this is what, if You were to paraphrase "Thy will be done" might sound like: "Lord whatever You want, wherever You want it, and whenever You want it, that's what I want."

Florence Nightingale likewise would say, "Now no more childish things, now no more vain things, now Lord let me think only of Thy will" - Your will. What a grand prayer this is! What a marvelous prayer this is! It totally goes against the grain of this world's teachings. Prayer, "Your will be done", is to say, "Lord, let me, let us, let the church today obey Your will, because we trust You." You know why Jesus would so utterly give of Himself to the cross? The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12, "for the joy that was set before Him [He] endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God". (Hebrews 12:2) He absolutely trusted the Father. It looked difficult, and painful, but at the end of the day, it is worth it!

My friends, you will pray this prayer if you trust your God. It is worth it for me to give my life to Jesus. It is worth it today to obey Him.  It is worth it to forgive my enemies. It's difficult, they may bully me, they may abuse me, and my husband may still mistreat me, but it is the right thing to do and you trust God. You see the joy that is set before you. You pray "Lord help me, give me wisdom to know Your will. Help me study the Bible, know the scriptures, know the principles, know Your will in my everyday life. Lord give me the power to obey, give me the desire to obey, because that's what I really want right now! I'm praying Thy will be done, and I'm praying I will do it; I'm praying for my church to do it." Number one.

Number two.  I think what it means to pray Your will be done also involves praying men will obey God's will. I am not saying women don't have to obey alright; I am saying "men" as in everybody. We are praying for not just the church, not just Christians, we are praying for other people to obey God's will. Now what this means is that we have got to pray for other people to come to be saved, because unless a man is born again, unless a man is saved, unless a man is changed, unless a man is given sight after he is blinded by devil, he will not obey God's will. He has no power, no desire to obey God's will. So when I say we pray that other people will obey God's will, we are saying we are praying for people to be saved. We are praying salvation, we are praying for a new life, we are praying for blindness to be removed. That's what we pray for.

You see so many of us, we think that Christianity is about obeying the Law so that we may be saved. But it's not! It is that you're saved, then you can obey the Law. So let me give you this simple statement: "You don't obey God's Laws to be saved." Wow, you say this is a crazy – Pastor, are you sure? Are you throwing out the Law? Are you saying that Christians don't have to obey? No, no, no, no, no! I'm not saying Christians don't have to obey. I'm saying sinners don't obey the Law to be saved. You say, "Why? I thought the Law is good?" Yes, the Law is good; but if you try to obey the Law in order to be saved, you're doomed to failure. You sure fail, no need even to take exam, I know you will fail. You say, "Why?" Because you know what's God's standard if you want to obey the Law to be saved? God's standard is that you must obey every single Law, all the time. If you just break one Law - just before you sleep also can - just break one Law, the Bible says, you break the whole Law, because you're now a sinner, and a sinner cannot earn salvation. So no one obeys the Law to be saved, but you are saved to obey God's Laws.

The first one is what we will call Legalism. Legalism is man's self-righteous, arrogant efforts to try to reach God. It's the story of the tower of Babylon: "Hey, we want to reach God by ourselves!" God says that's arrogance. You can't change yourself; you can't be so good that God is so obliged that He says, "Wah, you so good boy, good girl, I must let you come to heaven." No, you can't. Legalism kills; legalism makes you a child of hell, because you are stuck in your sin.

But this is the good news of the Bible. We are called Gospel Light Christian Church because we have a glorious, great message called the Gospel, and the Gospel is all about God's grace - that when I'm a sinner, when I can never do enough to be saved, Christ did everything for me on the cross; He died and paid for all my sins. And so today, we give the good news that Christ paid it all. We are not giving you good advice that you've got to do it all; Christ did it all. And those who repent and believe in Jesus, God saves you, then He gives you a new heart, a new desire, a new nature, and you will obey God's Laws.

Well, this is not so clear. OK, let me put it in another way, alright. Legalism, what is it? Legalism is man's efforts to try to reach God. Man's obedience, or apparent obedience, to try to reach God. So legalism says you obey to be saved. What does the Bible say? Doesn't work!  By the works of the flesh shall no man be justified; no way! What is grace?  Grace is that God will save you, now you will obey. And I think that is what the Bible teaches consistently.

So when we pray, "Lord, Your will be done", we are praying that man will be saved. That's why we pray for Punggol. We pray for people living in Singapore, in all over the world. Do you know they're living in crime, in sin and evil and misery? How can they do right? They can never do right until they come to Jesus Christ. So we are praying for the ministry of the Gospel to go into many hearts. Even this morning, I'm praying, I'm praying that you would hear this message, and not say to yourself, "Okay, Pastor, I'll do more good things so that God will save me." No, no, I say, please listen carefully. Pray that God will change your heart, pray that you will repent and believe in Jesus. And when you understand God's grace, when Christ comes into your life, you will start to obey God's Laws, and you will do God's will.

Alright? So number one, we pray "God's will be done" means "Let me obey your will, let me learn to deny myself." Number two, when we pray "God's will be done" we are praying for more people to come to know Jesus. Number three, the last one - and it is this - that we will joyfully trust God's will. When we pray "Your will be done", we are saying "Lord, this is my expression of faith in you, that you will always do what is right."

Let me explain this. So far, when we say God's will is done in heaven and God's will is not done on earth, we might think that our God is not so great. He can be foiled. He can be frustrated. He seems to be out of control, because Satan seems to be in control, and God is out of control. It's as if God is not sovereign anymore.

However, that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that God is absolutely in control; absolutely in control. Give you some verses to check. Isaiah 14:24, says: "The Lord of hosts has sworn: 'As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand". God's purposes are always going to be fulfilled. He's never frustrated. He's never foiled. He will never fail. If He fails, He is not God.

Isaiah 14:27: "For the Lord of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it?  His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back?" No one can resist God. Not the devil; the devil is a puny little thing, before God. Pfffft! Satan is no more. That's it, no issue. No one can foil the plans of God. Isaiah 46: "...I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose'". (Isaiah 46: 9, 10) Ezekiel 12: "For I am the Lord; I will speak the word that I will speak, and it will be performed..." (Ezekiel 12:25)

So, the Bible tells us that God's will is always done, everywhere. Then you say: "Pastor, you jialat lah you [dialect: you are terrible]. You, you really confuse me. You, you say Ezekiel and all this says God's will is always done, then you say God's will is not done on earth? What are you talking about?" Are you confused? You ought to be, because I'm saying two opposite things at the same time. I'm saying or rather the Bible is saying: God's will is not always done on earth. Right? At the same time, God's will is always done, everywhere. Scratch head. Not easy to explain, but I think we always find a beautiful solution to mystery at the cross.

Let me ask you a question. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, is God's will done? How many of you say yes? You mean, God wanted to kill His Son? How many of you say yes, can I see by a show of hands? Half of you. How many of you say it's not the will of God? None of you. Then the rest of the half? As usual! The crucifixion of Jesus - was it the will of God? Who - okay, let me ask it another way; who crucified Jesus Christ? Pharisees... Romans... Soldiers... Men... No one dare to say God, you see! Who did it? Well, I don't have to be clever. I just need to read the Bible.

The Bible says in Acts 2:23 that Jesus was crucified "by the hands of lawless men". It was sinful men who nailed Jesus to the cross. You know what? They broke God's Laws. They killed an innocent man. It was sin, it was sinful for them to kill Jesus, you know that? But Luke in Acts 2 equally says this was "according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God". (Acts 2:23) Okay, so we see that the crucifixion of Jesus was both the act of sinful men, and the determinate purpose and plan of God.

Let me be clear - don't ever think that it was God who made them sin. Nope, the Bible draws a line there, thick, bold line. God cannot be tempted with evil, neither does He tempt any man. That's not what God did. God did not lead those man into sin, God did not create sin through them. No, God is not the author of sin. But, it is God's plan to use even the sin of wicked men to accomplish His glorious purposes.

And in this verse, you see two wills. The only way you can reconcile this, that God's will is always done because He's sovereign, and God's will is not always done in His Word, is that you must understand there are two wills in the Bible about God. One is His secret will. No one knew, no one would have known that God would give His Son to die on the cross until it was accomplished, and the secret will of God was accomplished there. God's will, absolutely done! The way Christ would die, absolutely as God had planned it. Fulfillment of all the prophecies with regards to His death; perfect accomplishment! At the same time, man broke God's revealed will. So, the secret will of God is always done, but the revealed will of God can be disobeyed.

"Okay, Pastor you're very chim [dialect: profound] this morning. Wah, this is like mental gymnastics, really hard." Okay, okay, okay take a break. "What's the point, Pastor?" The point is this - why do you suffer? Why would you have a sickness, a trial, a difficulty in life? I tell you what false teachers teach you. False teachers teach you that you're sick, and you're in trouble, you're in difficulty because the devil did it to you. They tell you that the devil did it to you, and it's not God who gave it to you. It's the devil, so you need to pray against the devil, you need to help God in your prayer. You don't, you don't pray hard enough, God's power not strong enough, then the devil will win and that's why you're sick lah. As if God is that pathetic being that requires our assistance. Now they sound very good in trying to protect God from having the blame for the difficult things in your life. But they're not teaching you who God really is. Because if that God is really God, He is an impotent God; He's no God. But the God we read of in the Bible is an all-powerful, sovereign God. Yes, God can use the devil to give us sufferings. But don't ever think that God is divorced from any circumstance in your life. He is in it, even the difficult things of life.

You see the Bible tells us suffering is not always comfortable - of course - it's painful. But God is always sovereignly working all things together for good to them that love God. He doesn't promise Christians a comfortable life; never. But He promises He's always working all things for your good. I'm sure if you talk to Shawn today, he hates daddy and mummy for making him study for his exams. "It's not comfortable, I want to play." "But you've got to study Shawn." "I want to play!" "It's for your good, Shawn. Study is not comfortable, but it's for your good." And I hope our son, your son, trusts you enough to know that what you're telling him to do is for his good. And God puts us through hardships not because He has lost control, not because Satan is so powerful, but He's working all things for your good.

The trials, the difficulties of your life, perhaps strengthens your faith, grows your patience, gives you a greater empathy towards others, grows in you a greater hope for the glory that is to come, gives you a humility, turns you from sin. There's so many things! God is molding and shaping your life through adversity, to be more like Jesus. That's what it's all about. So when we pray in times of difficulty, we pray "Lord, Your will be done."  I'm having hardship, I'm sick, I lost my job, but I trust You, God. Your will be done. Your secret will that is always for my good, let it be done. I'm not going to complain, I'm not going to gripe. I'm going to do what is right. I'm going to obey Your word, and I am going to trust You, joyfully trust You. Because You are God, I'm not.

I read the Bible with my kids, as you know, and this week we came to the story of Joseph. The... Joseph, in Hokkien ah, if he lived here in Singapore, people would say his life very “sway”. “Sway” means bad luck - wah, he was hated by his brothers, sold by his brothers, to another nation to be a slave. Then, when he got to Egypt, he was accused by Potiphar's wife, the captain's wife that he took advantage of her, when actually she was the one wanted to take advantage of him. Then when he was thrown into prison, he did something good for them, but the people forgot about him. His whole life, in Hokkien, we say “sway”. And if you are Joseph, if I am Joseph, I might be sitting in jail and say, "'Walau' [dialect: oh dear], really 'sway', man! Where is God in all of this? I hate my brothers, I'm going to kill them when I get out! I hate that Potiphar's wife, I'm going to kill her when I get out! And for those who forgot about me, I'm going to take my revenge when I get out. They are all to blame, God is to blame, I'm in a mess!"

But you know what? Joseph later on in his life said to his brothers: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good." (Genesis 50:20) Now he did not minimize their sin; it's wrong, it's wrong. But he didn't say "it was all your fault, it was all the devil's fault"; he could see that God was behind it all, and that he trusts that his God is working all things for good. He has great theology, folks. In suffering, you need good, solid biblical theology, to trust that your wise, loving, faithful, powerful sovereign Father in heaven is doing all things for your good, and you can joyfully trust Him.

"In God's hands, intended evil becomes eventual good." (Max Lucado) Yeah, people intended it for evil, your colleagues scolded you, abused you, backstabbed you; you say, "This is bad. God is not in the picture!" No, He is in the picture. Trust Him, do right, love your colleague, do good to him. See how that changes your life.

I like this quote from a Frenchman. I don't think he's a Christian, as far as I know; he is a priest. I don't think he is born again, but what he said here is really quite remarkable, nonetheless. He said: "If God would concede me His omnipotence for 24 hours, you would see how many changes I would make in the world. But if He gave me His wisdom too, I would leave things as they are." (Jacques-Marie-Louis Monsabre) When you look at the world, where Satan rules, there's a lot of misery, a lot of pain, a lot of sin, a lot of darkness, and you say "I wish everything would change! I wish my life will change!" But you do not know what God knows, and you do not know what God plans. You will change everything if you can, but if you know what He knows, you wouldn't change because you know what He is planning is always the best!

God is the grand weaver of your life. On one side, it looks like a lot of knots and criss-crosses. But when you get to heaven and look at the other side, He's weaving a beautiful portrait of your life. Would you trust Him? So when we pray "Your will be done", we can pray together with Tozer these words: "Outside the will of God, there's nothing I want. Inside the will of God, there's nothing I fear."

This is a heavy sermon. I've kept it short, but I pray that you will remember what it means to pray "Thy will be done". It's right at the heart of the Lord's prayer. This is where it all comes to. Lord, help me deny myself to follow You. Lord, save men and women all around; use me to be bringing the message to those around me. And Lord in my sufferings, I trust You! You are God, and there is none beside You.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. Maybe this morning you came, wondering what this sermon is all about. I hope God has spoken to you. Some of you today are living in the Garden of Eden, with persistent rebellion against God. Maybe it's about your relationship with your spouse, maybe it's something to do with your work environment, maybe it's someone you have refused to forgive right here in church, maybe it's about ambition and covetousness and greed, and you will not give it all up, and follow God's will.

This morning I pray by God's Spirit, you will come to the Garden of Gethsemane, where you will follow Jesus and say, "Not my will, but Thy will be done." Because my friends, this is what Christianity is all about. This is what discipleship to Jesus is. God is not the genie in the bottle to do your whims and fancies, bids and wants. God is the sovereign one, the wise one, who we will be wise to follow. So this morning, come to the Garden. Follow Jesus, take up your cross, deny yourself. Because of the joy that is set before you, you can endure the cross, you can despise the shame; and one day we will be heirs and coheirs of the glory inexhaustible.

Perhaps this day you came to church thinking that you have to do more church stuff to get saved; hoping to be a goody-two-shoes to be saved. The Bible is very clear, there's no one good enough for God. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God; we are saved by grace and not by the works of the Law.

This morning, I say to you have good news. The good news is Jesus has done it all, paid it all, and will give you all, if you today, repent and believe in Christ. I pray God's grace, the good news of Jesus will be wonderfully received into your heart; today, repent of your sin and believe in Christ. And then, you'll discover the miracle of the new heart, new life and you will begin to obey God's Laws truly from your heart.

To my brothers and sisters-in-Christ who are going through hardships and sufferings, I know it feels as if everything is spinning out of control. It feels as if God has neglected you, forgotten you, and is powerless for you. But like Joseph, it might take years, but you can trust. It will always work together for good to them that love God. Maybe there are puzzles, mysteries, curve balls thrown at you in life, but you can trust Him. He is your heavenly Father.

Father, this morning we thank You for Your Word. So many things, but beautiful realities of who You are, and Your ways in our lives.  May we trust You, may we obey You. May we say together, trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. We thank You for Your grace, thank You for Jesus. This grace that is mine, may it inspire us to lose our life, to find our all in You. Bless your people, we pray in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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