
31 Jul 2011

Secure In God’s Love [Romans 5:5-11]


Romans 5:5-11 The Book of Romans: Secure In God’s Love Pastor Jason Lim 31 Jul 2011

God doesn't only want you be saved but He also wants you to be secure. He does not want you to wander around in life wondering "What if this happens and God doesn't accept me anymore, what if, what if, what if...". Let us learn from Paul on how we can be saved and secure! Transcript

Sermon Transcript

Well, once again, a very warm welcome to all of you, especially our friends, our guests who may be here for the first time. We appreciate your presence here with us and we hope that the Lord will minister to you directly today as we come to His Word in Romans.

Now, we have been embarking on a journey through the book of Romans and I hope it has been a blessing to you, it certainly has been to my own life and I trust that God will continue to speak into your life and build up your faith as we look at the book of Romans.

Turn with me in your Bibles to Romans chapter 5. Romans chapter 5 and we have been covering for the past two weeks Romans 5:1-4. Today, we will take a bigger chunk as the Spirit of the Lord directs us and we look at Romans 5:5-11. So, let's look at Romans 5:5-11. Let me read these verses to you.

Rom 5:5-11

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

Time stamp in audio 0:02:22.8.

May the Lord bless the reading of His Word.

Let me tell you a story. There was a lonely frog who wanted to know his future and so the frog went to a fortune teller and asked her about his future. The fortuneteller closed her eyes and muttered a few inaudible words. She opened her eyes and said to the little frog "Little frog, little frog, let me tell you your future. You will meet a very beautiful young woman, young lady and she would want to know everything about you." The little frog was excited, he was thrilled, a beautiful young lady want to know everything about me. Yes, are you sure? Yes, where will I meet her? In a party? No, you will meet in a biology class on the dissection table. (Laughter in the congregation).

Time stamp in audio 0:03:27.6.

You know, things don't always work out the way we want and often, our hopes can be disappointed. Life is full of things that don't work out our way. In a sense, life is full of disappointments.

Yesterday, I chanced upon an acquaintance and she was sharing with me how she was bitterly disappointed just a few days ago because her child, her primary one to be child did not get into the primary school she wanted. She said, I was disappointed, I couldn't get in.

And I realize, every year in Singapore, round about July, that is the time when there is great anxiety, there is a time when there are a lot of people like this lady, hoping and praying that maybe my son, my daughter could get into the school of our choice. I was reminded about an article that was written a week ago, on the new paper and it was in the Internet, you could check it up. And it says, parent volunteers worked 40 hours for nothing! Now, I have never done parent volunteering, I don't think I am going to do that, but it is something quite excruciating isn't it when you have poured in 40 hours and in some schools, I am told, 80 hours or 100 hours. You have poured in so much of your time and efforts and at the end of the day, you were not ballotted; your child could not get into the school of your choice and that is great disappointment that comes.

There is a lady who experienced it. The article goes on to say, "Many parents, trying to register their kids for primary school under Phase 2B ended up disappointed. One parent volunteer was trying her best to put on a brave front as she got into her car. We did all these school events, she recalled sadly, we helped out at sports day, we help out at Napfa, I even took leave so I could attend those events held on weekdays. I did so much, but things did not turn out the way we had hoped for. I was bitterly disappointed. Anyone of you been disappointed in primary school registration, can I see? You guys, (Laughter in the congregation), can't be no one. There was no hands raised in the first service, cannot be no hands in the second service? None of you?

Aw, okay. I know lah, the rest of you said, there is no disappointment in God, all things work together for good. Well, if you have gone through the process, you might have understood it a little bit more.

But what about our Christian faith? Will we get disappointed? Will we get disappointed in a sense, that what God has promised in the Bible do not materialize in our lives. Can that be the case? Good question. You know, Paul has been telling us in Romans 5 about the blessings of a believer. He says, if you believe in Jesus, you get peace with God. In other words, God would not now treat you like an enemy as in the past, but He treats you like a friend, He treats you like a child. You are reconciled! So, you have peace.

Time stamp in audio 0:07:02.6.

Romans 5 also tells us that when you have faith in Jesus Christ, you also have an access to God. You are no more blocked out from His presence, but you have a straight through passage into the holy presence of God. The Bible also tells us that if you believe in Jesus Christ, you can rejoice in the hope of glory. You can anticipate the day when you will share in the glory of God. You will be heirs and co-heirs with Jesus Christ, those are great things. But what if, all these things you hoped for come crashing down on us. What if our hopes will be disappointed. Is there such a possibility? The Bible tells us, affirmatively in verse 5, no. No, it can never be!

Paul says, in no uncertain terms, "And hope maketh not ashamed; "

Time stamp in audio 0:08:02.0.

The word literally means, your hope will not be disgraced, your hope will not be disappointed. You can be sure, you can be certain, there will not need to be a sense of insecurity whatsoever. If you have genuine faith in Jesus Christ, then this is assured unto you. You have peace, you will have an access to God, you will have the hope of glory and this hope can never be disappointed, that's the point. You see, God doesn't want you, not only to be saved but He does want you to be secure. He does not want you to wander around in life, wondering, hey, what if this happens and I will lose my salvation or what if this happens and God will not accept me anymore or what if, what if, what if, what if I won't be saved in the final day.

God wants you to be saved and secure.

Time stamp in audio 0:09:00.4.

I say this in 1John 5:13

These things have I written unto you. (Added by Pastor : The Bible is given) that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life (Added by Pastor : God wants you to be safe and secure and not be living in trembling in limbo, in fears and insecurity)

1Joh 5:13

These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Time stamp in audio 0:09:26.8.

So, the theme in Romans 5:5-11, I think it's with regards to that security in Christ, how I can be secure all in God's love.

Whenever I talk about security, whenever I talk or I think about assurance, I remember a video we did about a year ago and it's about how we can still be afraid of losing our salvation or how we can be afraid of our relationship with sin even though we have trusted in Jesus Christ. You know what I mean when you look at this video. So, let's take a quick look at a video, it stars some of the own members of GLCC.

Note: after the video is seen.

Yes, I think with a video like that, you don't have to explain a lot isn't it. We are set free from sin, we are no more under the bondage of sin and yet many a times, we tremble with sin and we lose that security we can have in Jesus Christ.

Well, in Romans 5, today, from verses 5-11, I hope to encourage your hearts, that you can see that as Christian men and women as those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ, you can be secure all in God's love.

Why, can I be secure in God's love. I think, in verses 5-11, it shows me a few things.

1. I am Secure because God’s Love is Poured out in my Heart

Think along with me, I am secure because God's love is poured out in my heart.

I am secure, because I have experienced, I have tasted the love of God.

Paul says "And hope maketh not ashamed (Added by Pastor : you will not be disappointed. What God has promised will materialize in your life, why? Because he says, there is that connecting word there) ; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."

He says, the love of God is shed abroad. Another way of translating this is it that the love of God is poured out into our hearts. God's love is coming into our lives, we experience, we taste God's love, not as a trickle but as a copious, profuse, lavish outpouring of God's love. In other words, we can know, we can sense, we can experience the love of God in an unmistakable way and so, Paul says, that is one of the reasons why the Holy Spirit is given. The moment we place our faith in Jesus Christ, genuine faith in Jesus Christ, we are born again and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our lives and the Holy Spirit enables us now to know and to appreciate and to discern the love of God.

In this appreciation, is key to giving us security in our Christian life. That's what Paul says in Romans 8 as well. He says

For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

Rom 8:15,16

For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

When we place our faith in Christ, he gives us not the Spirit of fear that you may lose your salvation or that you would not be saved or God may not preserve you until the end. No, he did not give you the Spirit of fear again to bondage, but he gave you the Spirit of adoption, whereby you know, you have tasted and you have an experience of that intimate relationship with God, whereby you can call out "Abba, Father." Abba, is an intimate term of address, Papa, Ah Pa, Daddy, Abba, Father.

I think, there will be very few people in your life where you can say, Abba, isn't it so? First of all, they may not be your dad, number 2, even if so, you must have a close intimate relationship and what the Bible is saying here is the Spirit comes into your life and gives you the confidence, the assurance to approach God not as a judge or as a tyrant. No, He is your Father and you have that confidence to say Abba, Father. The Spirit itself, bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

So, there is that internal testimony that the Holy Spirit brings into your life and that's why "Hope makes not ashamed", it will not be disappointed because the love of God is poured out, actually in the Greek it is poured out and it is continuously being poured out, in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.

Now, let me illustrate this to make it easier for you. We all know, that for children to develop properly, they need more than food and water, they are not fish, you can't just keep giving them food and water and trust that they will grow up well. There are two things at is, amongst many other things, two things that a child must know in order to grow up well.

Time stamp in audio 0:14:57.2.

I said that before in this church, and the first thing is that they must know, they are to obey their parents. That's scriptural, that's what Scripture teaches, Ephesians 6. The first thing they are to know, is that they are to obey their parents. Secondly, they are to know what? Parents, two things your kids need to know, they need to obey and number two....... now, a kid is speaking, now that is amazing. Tell me now yes, what do you know. Wow, this will reflect on your parents ah, (Laughter in the congregation).

This is nervous, you need to know.... second thing. Wah, let's give him a round of applause. That is absolutely right. A child needs to know, I am to obey my parents and number two, my parents love me and if I may add one more word, unconditionally. My parents love me unconditionally. That's great, that's what a child needs to know, why? Because a child needs to grow up in an environment of security. They need to know that. That's what I struggle with sometimes, you know, when I was growing up, when I was naughty, my parents would discipline me, and sometimes, in jest, I think, sometimes in the spur of the moment, "I don't want you anymore, lah, so naughty, I rather give birth to a char siew than you." (Laughter in the congregation). At least, char siew I can eat. You, you are useless. And my parents have said that sometimes. I know, they don't really mean it that way, they said in jest.

So, when I discipline my son, there are times when I'm almost going to let those words come out. You naughty again, I don't want you. But, I kept myself there and have to restrain myself from following after my parents footsteps in that sense, because, I want him to know always that he is loved unconditionally. Now, I discipline him when he does something wrong. He needs to know, it is wrong, it is not right. But, it doesn't mean that I stop loving him. I need to show him that. So, after spanking Shaun, what we do is that we will, after he has said sorry, he is repentant for what he has done wrong, we will go and we will give him a hug and say, Shaun, daddy still loves you. That's what we do, because he needs to know, he is loved, so that he can go up in an environment of security.

Last night, I was preparing the message and I was asking my wife Winnie this question, Winnie, has there been a time when I've said something that will make Shaun feel that he's not loved. Winnie, have I at any time, said something to Shaun, to make him feel that he is not loved. My wife, was thinking for a while and she couldn't think of anything as yet, but my son thought of something. (Laughter in the congregation). He was with us in the room, he was playing with rubber bands and chairs and when I said those words, loved, and feel loved, I don't think he was listening to my question and I don't think he understood our questions, but this is exactly what he said, I kid you not, once he said it, we laughed and I immediately wrote it down. I want to quote him verbatim so that I do not slander him. (Laughter in the congregation).

But, I want to ask Winnie, has there been a time when I said something that makes Shaun feel not loved, my wife paused for a moment and thought, and Shaun immediately said this, "if you cannot feel the love, cannot already." (Laughter in the congregation).

Okay, first of all, I've got to work on his English (Laughter in the congregation), but I don't think he really understood the question, all, but he was just taking the word, feel, loved, cannot, he knows that he is loved, he knows he must be loved and anyway, he blurted out those words, "If you cannot feel the love, cannot already." (Laughter in the congregation). Winnie and I were just laughing and laughing in the room and then after that, we proceeded to ask Shaun, "Shaun, do you feel loved." Actually, these kind of questions, it is not easy to ask a 3 1/2 year old boy. Do you feel loved? And Shaun said "Yes". Then we asked him "Who loves you?" What he said is quite admirable except the sequence is a bit wrong. He said "Mummy and daddy." (Laughter in the congregation). Something's got to change alright. (Laughter in the congregation) mummy and daddy, God and Jesus. So, I wish he were to swap God and Jesus first, then, okay lah, mummy, can lah, but swap God and Jesus, in front.

But, in any case, we are glad that at least at that point in time, he could say, I am loved, unconditionally by daddy and mummy and God loves me and Jesus loves me. And, Shaun by nature is a cheerful, jovial boy. I think, it is necessary for a child to be happy, for a child to have that security for him to grow up so that he is not uncertain and struggling and fearful in life.

Time stamp in audio 0:20:33.6.

I think, our heavenly Father wants us to be likewise. He doesn't want his children to be struggling with fear and uncertainty. He wants you to be certain, He wants you to know that your hope will not be disappointed and therefore He gives us the Holy Spirit so that we can experience, know and discern the love of God that is generously poured out and it is continuously being poured out into our lives. You see, I think Paul is saying in verse 5, I am secure because God's love is poured out in my heart. I have tasted the love of God, my heart has been warmed. I know this is subjective, this is on the realm of feelings but let me go on to the objective part in a while. But this is it, that we can know personally, experientially the love of God and that gives me tremendous encouragement, assurance and security in Jesus Christ.

But that's not the whole of the story as I have said. Because, if you go onto verse 6, you would see that Paul goes on to say, "I am secure because God's love is proven on the cross." Yes, the understanding of God's love is given to me in my heart, it's poured out in my heart. But God's love is proven on the cross. You see, verse 5, is that subjective realm of perceiving, understanding, appreciating, that subjective appreciation, however is not mere mysticism or emotionalism. It's not just a big sensation of sensationalism where, ah, somehow God loves me. No, that understanding of the love of God is based on an objective reality when Christ died for me on the cross.

You see, Paul says in verse 5, the love of God is shed abroad, is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. And, look at verse 6,

Time stamp in audio 0:22:44.8.

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

The understanding, the experience, personally of the love of God, is based on the objective reality that Jesus died for me. The love of God is proven on the cross of Calvary. That's what he's saying. That's why, you can know, God loves you, because he has proven it on the cross and the Holy Spirit indwells your life, to bring that understanding afresh within your soul.

Again, in verse 8 he says,

But God commendeth his love. The word commendeth is demonstrate. But God demonstrates His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

So, how can I be secure? I am secure because I experience His love, I am secure because God demonstrates to me, He loves me. Where? On the cross when Jesus died for my sins. Jesus died for me.

Something about God, we need to know. He's never stingy with His love towards us and He is also not ashamed of showing His love towards us. He demonstrates it, He shows it. He wants you to know it.

Last week, I was at the Esplanade, I was with Shaun going for a children's theater program and we were there ahead of time and so we walked around the Esplanade and went to a museum, not a museum, but an art gallery, somewhat and in the art gallery, I was amazed at many art pieces. They were beautifully drawn, some state of the art kind of technology that was used. But there was a simple painting that caught my eye and attention. I want to share this with you. I took a photo of it and this is what it looks like.

Appreciate it for a while. I look at the various art pieces and I looked at this one and had a particular interest in it, because this is a picture that is so well drawn, yet there seems to be something wrong with it. Something wrong, and I think you can catch it even if you're sitting from afar. I then look at the description by the painter, by the side and I took a photo of it as well. And this painter is a young man named Shen Hanmo

Time stamp in audio 0:25:22.8.

I don't think you can read all of that, but that's fine, let me read that to you. Shen Hanmo, this is one of the winning entries for the young artist category and this is what is written.

Appreciate this painting as I read to you his description of his work. Shen Hanmo, "Father and son, Oil on canvas."

Father and son, is a portrait of my father and I, one which reflects the nature of our relationship.

My father has always been critical of me. For as long as I remember, he has never failed to come up with some form of criticism for nearly everything I do, including this painting.

(Added by Pastor : If my son can draw like that, I don't need to...., what is there to? But anyway.)

As much as I understand his positive intentions, there have been times where I felt frustrated at his comments which sometimes seem to put me down. In this portrait, the vacant gazes of the subjects, suggest that there exists an emotional distance between them, despite their close physical proximity.

It's a picture that is rather unique I think, beautifully drawn, brilliant artwork. But, you can't help but sense a tinge of sadness, a tinge of remorse, of disappointment in Shen Hanmo.

I don't think the father hates his son. I think he has the best intention for the son. I believe so, but what this son needs is that clear and repeated, maybe demonstration of the father's love for the son.

2. I am Secure because God’s Love is Proven on the Cross

You know, God is unlike Hanmo's dad or even some of our fathers who may be reserved in their demonstrations. God clearly demonstrates His love towards us in that He gave us His Son Jesus Christ so that you may know, you are loved, so that you may be secure in His love.

The Bible therefore tells us,

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

There's something special in this verse I want you to note as well. The death of the Lord Jesus Christ, in a tense is a once for all tense. In other words, He died once for all, that's it. But when the Bible speaks about God demonstrating His love towards us, it is in a continuous tense. God is repeatedly, continuously demonstrating His love towards us. When? Well, on the act that was done especially some 2000 years ago. But this is what the Holy Spirit is doing. He brings a fresh the understanding of what Jesus did to us, consistently in our lives. He keeps demonstrating the love of God.

That's why, in verse 5, he says, "God pours out and God continues to pour out the love of God." It's as we reflect upon the initial of Jesus Christ that we are warmed in our hearts as to His love for us. It's the Holy Spirit that brings these truths into reality that we may know we and experience it and taste it.

You see, that's why, Paul when he prayed for the church at Ephesians he says "I bow my knees before God". For what?, for this, that you may be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that the Holy Spirit that will work properly in your life, to do what? If you read on to verse 19, so that you may know the love of Christ. That's the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our life. He brings afresh and a new the love of God that is demonstrated on the cross, that we may taste and know and bath and soak in the love of God, and when you know it, you are secure, you know you are loved.

This is the love of God, Christ died for us.

How great is this love? Is this a great love? Why is this a great love?

I think love is great when you consider the objects on which the love is poured out to, isn't it? If you love someone who is lovely, well, that's great, but not as great as if you love someone who is totally undeserving and unlovely. What are we like when God poured out his love towards us? I ask you to consider these verses 6-10. Tell me, how the Scripture describes you and I before we came to Jesus Christ, give me some words that are used.

Ungodly, okay, what else, enemies, good, what else, sinners, what else, enemies, yes what else, weak, which you get weak, without strength, excellent. So, those are some terms that Scripture use to describe us.

Number 1, we were without strength, we were weak, we were powerless, we were impotent, there is no man who can seek God or serve God in his own strength, we are all impotent, without strength, powerless. God did not love us because we could do something for God. God loved us when we were weak, without strength. Secondly, God loved us, when we were ungodly, we were wicked, we were sinful our ways, we reject the Him, we did not want Him. And even though we were ungodly, we have no God in our minds, we suppressed that thought, God still loved us.

A third description, when we were sinners, when we keep missing the mark, when we keep going wayward, when we keep straying from God, God loved us when we were wayward and God loved us when we were enemies when we were at war with God.

Do you know that the love of God is amazing because He chose to love us, who are weak, wicked, wayward and at war against Him. In other words, He loved us when there was nothing lovely about us. He loved us not because there was anything in us but because of everything that is in Him. His love is unconditional. His love was independent of our love, of our loveliness. He loved us when we were yet sinners.

A preacher in the UK, his name was Joseph Parker, some of you may have heard of his name was once asked this question "Why did Jesus choose Judas, that betrayer, that traitor. Why did Jesus choose Judas? Joseph Parker thought for you while but could not give an answer and then he asked in return another question, "Why did God choose me?" It's a good question, because we are no better than Judas Iscariot. We are all sinners, we are all gone astray, there is none righteous, no not one and yet the love of God chose us, the love of God saved us. That is the greatness of God's love.

I think another aspect I like to consider of this greatness of God's love is who He sent to die for us. Have you ever considered this, what is more painful ? That Jesus would die for us, or that God the Father, I'm not suggesting that this is a possibility at all, I'm just trying to figure out, why is it that he has to be the Son. Because, as a father, it is more painful for the son to go. I mean, I would be willing to do everything to protect my son.

I remember the time when my son was kicked in the chest and when I saw it, my heart was like ppptttttuhhhh ! It was broken, it was shattered, it was painful, it was possibly a little ache on his chest, but it was a deep pain in my heart. I can't kill the boy who kicked my son because I am a pastor. (Laughter in the congregation) but I certainly wish I could've taken that kick for him. I wonder what, we, we know, Jesus said, My God, My God why has Thou forsaken Me on the cross. But, has it ever crossed your mind, what might have gone through the mind of God as Jesus said those words.

Friends, the love of Christ is clear, but the love of God the Father is also clear in that He sent His Son, for who? For sinners, ungodly, wicked, enemies. That is the love of God. And as you ponder these truths, it is the Holy Spirit that brings to us an awareness, a keen awareness of the love of God in our lives.

So friends, why are we secure. I think I am secure, why? Because God's love is proven on the cross, when He died for me when I was undeserving, He died for me in an unconditional way.

3. I am Secure because God’s Love is Perpetual in Christ

But, finally, can I close with this, I am secure because according to Romans 5, not only because God's love is poured out and proven, but God's love is also perpetual in Christ.

The word perpetual means it doesn't end. The love of God for me is everlasting. The love of God for me, it will never be broken. You see, our security is not only for today, but our security is also for tomorrow and for the future and for eternity that is to come. My security is perpetual. I am secure because God's love is perpetual in Christ.

Time stamp in audio 0:36:55.5.

I like to read to you a little letter from one of our church members who has now left us, gone back to where he came from, his country and this is what he wrote and that may be a question in your mind.

He says "Dear sir, I am so and so, a student that attends your church. I just wanted to inform you that I will be leaving Singapore very soon. I have already completed my Masters program at NUS. I must say, that the past nine months at your church has been really spiritually uplifting. I really wish I could stay a little longer till you finish your exposition on the book of Romans. (Added by Pastor : I think he's mistaken, not a little longer (Laughter in the congregation), much longer - anyway). Thankfully, GLCC sermons are uploaded online. However, I wish to clarify an important issue before I leave. I once, heard you say in one of your sermons that you believe in the doctrine of eternal security. I do not know if I am mistaken, but if it is true, I just wanted to know whether you believe the doctrine of eternal security can be reconciled with several Bible passages including this, this, and this, thank you.

Time stamp in audio 0:38:25.5.

I know, in GLCC, in our church, we may have different schools of thoughts and persuasions. My goal here, is not to, I share with this dear brother. I said "What is important is not what I believe. What's important is what does the Bible say." So, it is important for us to know what the Bible says. Is security really eternal, perpetual? Well, if you ask me a question like this, I can tell you, there maybe over 50 verses in the Bible that clearly teaches that. But my purpose here is not to tell you all the 50 versus, but to share from Romans 5, the reasoning from Paul that will assure our hearts that security is not temporal, but it's eternal and perpetual and it is considered from the angle of how God loves us.

Now, your security is based not on your works, it is not based on whether you deserve it. It's based on God's love and that is where you need to start. I am secure, because God's love for me is perpetual in Christ.

You see, in Romans 8, I'm going to jump to Romans 8 for a while before we come back to Romans 5. Romans 8, that classic text,

Rom 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? (Added by Pastor : Now, God loves me, Christ loves me and if He loves me so, today will He stop loving me tomorrow? There is a song that goes, "Will you still love me tomorrow?" , well, will God still love me, tomorrow, will God still love me when I stumble into sin later on, will God still love me when on my death bed, as I look back, I still have committed many sins, will God still love me if I have genuinely believed in Jesus Christ. Paul says, who shall separate us from the love of Christ?) shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Time stamp in audio 0:41:04.3.

Here, Paul is saying, I have loved you, with an everlasting love. Perpetual and nothing will break that love and therefore when you come back to Romans 5:9, this is the reasoning of Paul, he says "Much more then, being now justified by his blood,"

Consider what we look at just now, God loves us when we were yet wicked, wayward, sinful enemies of God. God loved us then and brought us to justification. If He loved us, when we were so unlovely then and when we were enemies, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.

Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Time stamp in audio 0:41:49.9.

That's what Paul is trying to say, if God could love me then unconditionally, surely, He could continue to love me now, when I am not His enemy but His child. This is the reasoning of how much more, theologians call this the "Fortiori argument", that if God could love me so much when I was such a filthy sinner and enemy then, surely He could love me still today, even if I should stumble into sin. It will not separate me from the love of God, the "how much more argument".

He goes on to say in verse 10,

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Two thoughts here, number 1, when we were enemies, I am saved. Now, I am His child, surely I will be saved. Secondly, Jesus says to me by His death and Jesus continues to preserve my salvation by His life and now that He is alive, how much more my security in Jesus Christ.

Time stamp in audio 0:43:10.6.

You see, it is a compelling persuasive argument by the apostle of God, that you can be secure because He loves you with an everlasting love.

Pastor, what do you mean, by we shall be saved by His life? Well, I think, the answer is given in Scriptures if you compare passages. Hebrews 7:25 will tell you, but before that I need to show you Charles Hodge, I love what he said, I love what he said, it's long, you can see that it's going to be long, but, give him a chance and let him share with you what this passage is all about.

Charles Hodge, the theologian of the days gone by, these guys are deep thinkers, they are great and they say:

"If God loved us because we loved Him, He would love us only so long as we loved Him and on that condition, and then our salvation would depend on the constancy of our treacherous hearts, but as God loved us as sinners, as Christ died for us as ungodly, our salvation depends, not on our loveliness, but on the constancy of God's love."

Time stamp in audio 0:44:32.2.

Do you get that, do you get that? You know what's the most profound theological statement in this world, according to a theologian, he is a well-known theologian and someone asked him, "Sir, can you tell us what's the most profound theological statement in the world that you have ever heard in your life?" They expected him to come out with some very bombastic, chiminology kind of a statement, but his answer was simply this Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." That's it.

Time stamp in audio 0:45:14.4.

It's an amazing fact that God could love me and He loves me not because I love Him, He loves me not because I am lovely and therefore He would not stop loving me, ever, because it is an unconditional love. So, listen to Mr. Charles again.

"If God loved us because we loved Him, He would love us only so long as we loved Him and on that condition, and then our salvation would depend on the constancy of our treacherous hearts, but as God loved us as sinners, as Christ died for us as ungodly, our salvation depends, not on our loveliness, but on the constancy of God's love." It's perpetual in Christ.

Now, let me answer the question again "How is it that Jesus would save us by His life?" Again Hebrews 7, I think this is the answer

Wherefore he (Added by Pastor : That is, Christ ) is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him (Added by Pastor : How this Jesus saves us, he saved us to the uttermost, to the very end, to the very extreme, he doesn't save us for a while and leave us alone, He saves us to the uttermost, that come unto God by Him. How, how is he going to save us to the uttermost? ), seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Time stamp in audio 0:46:50.7.

Oh yes, Jesus died on the cross for my sins, but Jesus is arisen today and He sits at the right hand at the throne of God and what is He doing right now? He is pleading, He is interceding for you and for me. The accuser of the brethren, the devil would come along and say, "How could you say this man, who has trusted in Jesus, he is still in sin, he still has committed sins in his life." And there, our advocate, Jesus Christ, at the right hand of the throne of God would say and plead, "But I have borne his sins, I have borne the wrath of God for him and I plead his case because he is now My child and he is now Your child and Jesus saves us to His uttermost.

Eternal security, is not because of us. We can't preserve ourselves, do you realize that, but it's God Who preserves us, secures us by His love. Of course, genuine faith, which is according to the Bible, endures unto the end. That's just human aspect, but the divine aspect is that God does save us to the uttermost and preserves us.

And verse 11, it tells us the conclusion, it says "And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ".

11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

Time stamp in audio 0:48:18.0.

My friends, you can rejoice, you don't have to be like the primary one parent, in the month of July that sits there and says, "Oh no, I am not sure whether I will get in or not." Hope will not be disappointed, you can be secure, why? Because you have experienced the love of God poured out in your life, because you have seen and you have known that the love of God is demonstrated clearly upon that cross and because of that, you know that he will continue to love you, all the days of your life. You see, we have always memorized, recited Romans 5:6-8.

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Great verse, but that's only half the story if you don't realize the intent of Paul. He's saying "Based on what Jesus did on the cross, you can have security for the future, how much more." So, dear friends, your security is in Jesus Christ. You are secure in God's love if you have placed your faith genuinely in the Savior.

Let's bow for a word of prayer.

Time stamp in audio 0:49:34.9.

What a blessing it is to know Christ, to be saved from the wrath that is to come. Paul tells us, that when you are justified by faith, it gives you tremendous blessings, in the peace, in the access, in the hope of glory and even as you go through tribulations, you can glory and if there should be a niggling doubt in your hearts, will I be disappointed, then let us come to the love of God, let us see that from Paul's argument, that if you have tasted of His love, you have believed in a clear demonstration of love and you believe that the Word of God is constant and unchanging, my friends, you have tremendous hope, confident expectations for the future.

I pray that Gospeliters, we would not be uncertain, insecure in our ways, but being rooted in Him, being secure in Christ, you can grow, you can thrive, you can develop, you can be the man and woman God wants you to be. But friends, this morning as we consider these things, is your heart cold towards the things of God? Would you spend this time and ask God by His Spirit to strengthen your inner man, that you may taste, you may know the love of God afresh as you think on the cross of Calvary.

Time stamp in audio 0:51:13.8.

But if you have come, and you do not know the love of God, you say, pastor, I don't understand what you have been talking all along, I have never tasted of this love, I don't really know if God loves me, I am not even a believer as yet. Can I encourage you today that, Jesus died to take away your sins. He promises that "Whosoever believe in Him, shall not perish, but has this everlasting life." This life will not end, it would not be taken away from you, that relationship with God would never be taken away from you. My friends, there is tremendous blessings in believing, chiefly, that you would have a relationship with with the God of the heavens. Would you place, would you believe, would you trust in Jesus Christ. Father, we thank You, thank You, for Your words that teach us, so that we not be left to our own, to figure things out in our flawed human thinking. We pray that Your words, will continue to transform our minds, and build up the foundations of our faith, that we would be strong, we will be firm, even when the winds of false doctrines would come. We pray that you would secure Your people in Your love today, that we would taste afresh and anew the love of Christ that is clearly demonstrated upon the cross.

It is our prayer as well this morning, for those who have yet to place their trust in Christ that You would so work in their hearts that they would turn from their sins and believe in Your only begotten Son. Lord, do what only You can do. We commit ourselves, our hearts to You, we thank You, we pray all this now in Jesus name amen. God bless.


Heb 7:25

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Charles Hodge

"If God loved us because we loved Him, He would love us only so long as we loved Him and on that condition, and then our salvation would depend on the constancy of our treacherous hearts, but as God loved us as sinners, as Christ died for us as ungodly, our salvation depends, not on our loveliness, but on the constancy of God's love."

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Heb 7:25

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

Rom 8:35-39

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.


1- That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.