
09 Jun 2024

Keep In Step With The Gospel [Galatians 2:11-14]


Paul brings the defence of the gospel he preaches to a climax, when he spoke of how he rebuked Apostle Peter when Peter was not walking in step with the truth of the gospel. Paul would not allow anyone to misunderstand that Jesus alone is not enough for salvation, and that it must be supplemented with laws and regulations. The gospel can be threatened in current times here in Singapore too, in at least these 3 ways. 1. Testimonies. Instead of focusing on how Jesus forgives us and changes us in holiness, Christendom today is dominated by testimonies of health and wealth, success and prosperity. It is not that God cannot give His people health and wealth, but when our testimonies are predominantly rooted in success or prosperity theologies, it confuses the true gospel- for the gospel is not about "get rich" or "get well", but it's to "get right!" Jesus calls us to "lose our life" for His sake, & not "live our best life now. " Let our conversations, teachings, prayer and thanksgiving therefore be more about "holiness", and not so much about "happiness" (in a superficial way). 2. Tongues. There are some quarters who teach that if you do not speak in tongues, you are not saved (for they say, you do not have the Holy Spirit). This is wrong, and it confuses the gospel.   3. Table of the Lord. A new teaching that taking the Lord's Supper heals you of physical ailments is sheer superstitious voodoo unsubstantiated by the Bible. It also distracts people from the remembrance of the gospel. Like Paul's defence of the gospel, let's learn that we need clarity, commitment and courage in our day too. May God help us to keep in step with the gospel and to defend the gospel well.

