
12 Jul 2015

Jesus is No Angel!


Hebrews 1:4-14 Jesus is No Angel! Pastor Jason Lim 12 July 2015 Angels are servants. But Jesus is the Son. Tozer says "Forever God stands apart. . . . . . He is as high above an archangel as above a caterpillar, for the gulf that separates the archangel from the caterpillar is but finite, while the gulf between God and the archangel is infinite. " Jesus is no angel! He is far greater! And only Jesus could die and did die to save you from your sins. Let us therefore render worship to Jesus! Slides Transcriptions Audio  **Right Click To Do

Hebrews 1:4-14
Jesus is No Angel!
Pastor Jason Lim
12 July 2015

Angels are servants.
But Jesus is the Son.

Tozer says "Forever God stands apart...... He is as high above an archangel as above a caterpillar, for the gulf that separates the archangel from the caterpillar is but finite, while the gulf between God and the archangel is infinite."

Jesus is no angel! He is far greater!
And only Jesus could die and did die to save you from your sins.
Let us therefore render worship to Jesus!

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We are looking today at the book of Hebrews and the book of Hebrews is found at the near the end of the New Testament, the near the end of the Bible so if you have your Bibles please turn with me today to Hebrews and Chapter 1. This is a series on "Greater". This is a series on Jesus... how He is truly greater than all and who we have ever met. The book of Hebrews - a series through – "Greater".


I read about this news report many years ago about a lady in New Mexico. She was frying a piece of tortilla on a skillet and she flipped it over and recognized or realized that the burnt marks on the tortilla looks like the face of Jesus so she was very excited, took that piece of tortilla to show her husband and to her neighbors and say doesn't this look like Jesus, they all agreed so she was really fired up about this she brought it to her priest..... this happened actually ... she brought it to her priest and asked the priest to bless the piece of tortilla. The priest was initially reluctant to do so because he has never blessed a piece of tortilla before but she affirmed before him that this piece of Jesus-tortilla changed her life. She is more at peace, she is happier and da.. she is now a more submissive wife, she says I have a life changing relationship with Jesus, the tortilla... so the priest reluctantly agreed and pronounced the blessing on the tortilla. She brought it home, puts it in a glass box, surrounds it with lots of cotton wool to make it look like it's floating in heaven and she erects a shrine, sets up an altar for people to come and visit. Over the next few months 8,000 people came and paid respects to Jesus, the tortilla and this place is now called or then called the Shrine of Jesus, the tortilla.


Well this is no laughing matter in a sense isn't it? Because it shows us how easy it is for us to be mistaken about Jesus, who Jesus really is. The author to the book of Hebrews, take great pains to show us the real Jesus. Not every "katong laksa" is the "katong laksa" [katong laksa is a variant of laksa lemak from the Katong area of Singapore]   Not everyone who says that is Jesus is really Jesus. Who is Jesus really?


We started last week looking at the supremacy of God's Son. He is not just a baby in a manger. He is not just someone who's suffering on the cross. He went through all that but don't forget He is the great and majestic and supreme God in the verses we have read last Sunday.


So we have looked at the greatness of Jesus but really how great is He? You see when I talked to my son and said Shawn the boat is very fast, the ship is very fast, my son immediately asks me how fast?   Is it faster than the car? Is it faster than the motorcycle? Is it faster than the aeroplane? You see when you say something is fast you got to have some kind of reference or comparison. The author knows that he is not just going to give us a statement that says Jesus is great, he is going to compare and for the rest of the book of Hebrews, you are going to see comparisons. Is Jesus greater than Moses? You said Jesus is great, is He going to be greater than Aaron and the priesthood we have. He said Jesus is great ... is He going to be greater than the tabernacle and the temple we revere? Is Jesus greater than the angels? So the book of Hebrews is going to give us this kind of comparisons, how great is Jesus as compared to Moses, Aaron, tabernacle, temple and angels. This's where we begin. He is going to show the greatness and how He is greater in verse 4. He starts with a comparison with the angels, now this is very interesting that the comparison now is going to be drawn with the created spiritual beings, the angels and he starts with that. I mean if I am the one writing the book of Hebrews I may say Jesus is great and let me show you first of all He is greater than Moses but that he will do later but the first comparison is with angels that Jesus is much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.


Now a little word about angels.... I think most of us, if not all of us must have heard about angels.   Hollywood also talks a lot about angels. The Hollywood movies would have a "City of Angels" Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan. I do not know when this is maybe 20 years ago, probably.. "City of Angels" and then you have a more recent film by.. where Tom Hanks starred is "Angels and Demons" or maybe the popular TV series in America "Touched by an Angel". These movies and TV shows talk about angels but I'm not suggesting you watch any of them because they all portrayed inaccurate, wrong and unbiblical understanding of angel but the Bible does talk a lot about angels now the Bible doesn't talk about ghosts like the Chinese ghosts. Ah... the Bible doesn't talk about vampires or werewolves or aliens and so on. So if you're looking for that you can't find that in the Bible they're not there but the Bible does talk a lot about angels. To be precise, it is said that there are hundred and eight references to angels in the Old Testament and hundred and sixty five references to angels in the New Testament a lot.... and so we do know about the angelic realm. This realm that our physical eyes can't see but nonetheless real and biblical so the Bible tells us angels are spiritual beings, they are spirits but they can and do at times appear in the form of man you will read that in the Bible.


The Bible tells us the angels are extremely powerful. There is this occasion found in Isaiah, where one angel is responsible for the death of hundred and eighty-five thousand people in one night. I mean that's super weapon of mass destruction an angel could do that. The Bible tells us angels are very organized, you will read about archangels in the Bible that shows that they are of the top rank and there would probably be a deep and wide organization under the demonic forces, they are the fallen angels. They are organized into principalities and powers and dominions.

The Bible tells us there are going to be many, many angels that will be worshiping God 10,000×10,000 thousands of thousands.... so that is a lot but today I am not going to talk about "Angels and Demons" I..I just gave all that as a kind of a background. We must not be distracted from the main point of the author. The key to studying the Bible is to understand the intent of the author and intent of God and this is what we must do.


This passage is not so much about angels as it is about Jesus. So we must stick to that. This is going to be a rather technical sermon, I mean we have to be if the text before us is a little bit technical, so this is going to be rather technical in the sense the author is setting out to prove how Jesus is no angel, but He is greater, way greater than the angels... now how is he going to do that? Why does he do that? I mean what's the point..... I mean, why do you start with angels and why do you need to prove that Jesus is greater than angels. I think there is a deep reason there but let me suggest to you three possibilities first.

The first possibility, why Jesus had to be compared with the angels is... number one, there maybe people who are misled to think or they may be confused to think that Jesus is not the Son of God, but he is just another angel, powerful angel but just another angel... that can be a possibility.


I'm not sure whether this is really the case. In those days, but throughout history and even right up to today there are religions that say Jesus is an angel.... say.. are you sure.. yeah... there is this "Watchtower" publication or magazine you must have heard of it. This is the publication for the Jehovah's Witnesses and in 2010 they had a very explicit direct answer to this question is Jesus an angel? Specifically Michael the Archangel. This is their reply. "So Michael the archangel is Jesus in his pre-human existence. After his resurrection and return to heaven, Jesus resumed his service as Michael, the chief angel"..... so what are they saying? They're saying actually, God created Michael the Archangel and Michael the Archangel came down to earth to die for man and after he rose again. He returns to being Michael the Archangel, so to them, Jesus is not the Son of God.... is merely a created being, so the Jesus, that the writer of Hebrews says is the creator of the ages is now a mere creation so people can be confused, misled and led to erroneous thinking and maybe that's why the book of Hebrews is written and that's why he starts with that or maybe another reason is because people instead of just worshipping God alone are now beginning to worship other things like angels. This is spoken of in Colossians 2:18, where Paul warns the church don't do this please ..... don't do this ..... don't worship angels. Now this happened in Colossae but is this happening to the Hebrews that the author is writing? We don't know, maybe not but this is another possibility, and even up to today you know of religions that worship angels isn't it?


The problem with worshiping of angels is that you have too small a view of God to be able to put the two so close together is a small view of the great God and is wrong. So Paul says, don't. I think these two reasons are plausible but they are not the real reason.


Let me tell you the third one and I think this is the reason. The author here is proving the superiority of Jesus over the angels because Jesus and the angels represent two ways of salvation and he is going to prove that the Jesus way of salvation is the only way, is the right way, is a superior way, so the angels and Jesus represent two ways of salvation, and in order to show you salvation through Christ, he has to show you the superiority of Christ over the angels. You say Pastor why do you say the angels represent a way of salvation. The reason is this... the angels represent a way of salvation by own works, by obedience to the law, by deserving, by achieving, by earning, by your own works. Why? because the 10 Commandments were given to Moses and the people of Israel via angels.


God gave the 10 Commandments via the angels so the Jews knew that the 10 commandments are, they thought to themselves, are the means by which I obey to earn heaven, and it is good because it's given by angels. I didn't invent this thinking myself.   It's found in Scripture "you who received the law as delivered by angels" yes God gave, but by angels. Galatians 3:19... "Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions..... and it was put in place through angels by an intermediary." So the angels, the regard for angels is very tied to the 10 Commandments, to the old covenant, to the means of earning salvation by your own works and obedience.... very linked ... so if you're going to show that salvation is no more by obedience to the law but by grace in Jesus Christ alone... you've got to show that Jesus is greater than the angels... you get the logic? It's a very simple one ... salvation is not by works but by grace, which means you don't earn it, you don't deserve it, you don't achieve it, because you never be able to do it, but Jesus earned it, Jesus deserved it and Jesus is going to give it to those who believe, out of grace. The Jews will say are you sure this is the right way? Yes. How do you know? because Jesus is greater than the angels. That's why this chapter is necessary. Now we are not Jews...huh! We may not even have that understanding that the old covenant, the 10 commandments were given via the angels.


That's why it's so difficult for us when we read the book of Hebrews, but you got to understand the context and then as you and as we today as Singaporeans living today, the 21st century appreciate the superiority of Jesus, it will also bless your heart that you will not return to the incurable almost desire to try to deserve favor with God. God's favor is given out of his grace, so we're going to see how this author is going to prove the superiority of Jesus in order to establish the covenant of grace that the Jews who have given up their temple, the Jews who have given up Aaronic priesthood benefits, the Jews who have given up in a sense obeying the 10 commandments to earn favor with God. They are no losers but they are the winners because Jesus won for them righteousness... so how do you prove this?


Well some of us may say ah... maybe the author saw Jesus, saw angels and they fought and Jesus won, not likely... or the author saw Jesus and the angels had gongfu exchange? ... not likely do you prove it? He's not going to prove it by experience or encounter, he's going to prove it with Scripture and this is very instructive for us if you want to prove anything in life. The question you ask is what does God say, not what did you feel or how did you experience it, they are not accurate ... the author here is going to show you, Jesus is greater not because of I've seen it but because God said it.


So he's going to refer us to Old Testament passages... verses in the Bible to establish this point. Now for us.... how many verses do you need to establish one point? You want to prove something, how many verses do you need. Sometimes 1, sometimes 2 to 3 because the Bible says in a mouth of 2 to 3 witnesses everything shall be established but this author here is very "kiasu" [ kiasu is a Hokkien and Singlish word that means a grasping, selfish attitude. Its meaning is comparable to the English idiom "dog in a manger"] he has 7, a perfect number complete number just to shut all opposition. He is going to show without a shadow beyond a shadow of a doubt Jesus according to God is indeed greater.


Can I challenge you to think of at least one verse, now, to show Jesus is greater than an angel? Can you think of one? Anyone can think of one? The smart ones will look at Hebrews chapter 1 immediately but imagine you never read it, we would be so hard pressed to find one verse, right? It is difficult.. now... that tells me the author of the book of Hebrews is no lightweight in theology. He is absolutely steep in the Bible. He could draw from the Old Testament and proves so clearly so I think it gives me renewed regard and respect for the author and what is to say here but most of all, God is the one who gave his words. So let me show you the seven verses very quickly, seven verses to show Jesus is greater.


Number one, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you". This is a verse from Psalm 2 verse7. For those want to take notes, you can refer to it. Verses 4 to 14 looks long but actually it's very simple, very straightforward, just the author giving you seven verses to show Jesus is greater, so that the covenant of grace is seen to be greater than the covenant of works, but some of you who're sharp would say, hey why is this special? Well it's special because Jesus is called my Son and none of the angels have ever been called my son and some of you will say no, that's not true, Pastor.   I remember somewhere where God addresses the angels as the sons of God. Well, one clear reference is Job 1 verse 6.. the sons of God appeared before God and then there is another reference that calls Christians the sons of God, where? Huh... John 1 verse 12. So there are references to sons of God, both to the angels and to Christians. So why is this special?... this is special because this address is applied to Jesus individually. Yes, God has called His creation and His redeemed people sons, but He has never called one of them, Son.. so that's what is unique, you go to catch that!   Now this verse is fulfilled when Jesus rose from the dead. It's found in Acts 13:33, for those who are taking notes, you might want to take that but other than that, very straightforward verse I prove to you, Jesus is greater because he is called my Son, no other angels is called my Son.


A second reference is Hebrews 1 verses 4 to 5 where it says "or I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son" and a more excellent name. 2 Samuel 7:14 it was referring to Solomon at a time but God also intended it to refer to Jesus and then a third reference "let all angels worship Him", Deuteronomy 32 and verse 43 now no superior being worshipped an inferior being. It's always the other way right? Inferior worship superior who is great. Well, Jesus is great. Let all of God's angels worship Jesus. That's what the author is saying He's great to be worshipped.


Reference number four, "he makes his angels winds and his ministers a flame of fire". This I think refers to the transient ministry of the angels what they do is very transient compared to the eternality of God. I think this is so because the next verse, by the way this is from Psalm 104:4 because the next verse talks about how God is for ever and ever.   Of the Son he says "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever" let me ask you who is saying these words? who is He here? It is the Father, God the Father and God the Father is speaking to who? the Son and what does the Father call the Son, "Your throne, O God".


There are many religions in fact we called them cults today, who say Jesus is no God, he is a prophet, he is a smart man, he's a great person, but he is no God. Well, look at what God says about his own Son, "Your throne, O God", this is one of the clearest, most explicit verses about the divinity of Jesus, I mean verses 1 to 3, is to me very clear. This is also very clear. Jesus is God and He will rule one day. He will rule with the scepter and it will be a rule of righteousness, of gladness, of joy, because that's who He is and that's what His kingship will be. This is from Psalm 45 verses six and seven.


So we are at reference number five. Quote number six "You Lord" again, referring to Jesus "laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning and the heavens are the work of your hands". Everything else will perish. This world as we know it will be gone, but Jesus is the same, and His years will have no end, the eternality of the Son of God, the creator God. This is from Psalm 102 verses 26 and 27.


The last reference Hebrews 1:13 tells us "sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet" reference to Psalm 110 verse 1. I do not know about you but Psalms sure have lots of stuff isn't it and this is a song book for the Hebrews. This is what they sing, this is what they learn, this is what they proclaim. No wonder they are well taught in Scripture and I pray that our songs would teach us and help us and go deeper into the knowledge of God. So the author here quotes from Psalm many times and says Jesus is going to rule above all. Apostle Paul also says the same thing. "Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign.." 1st Corinthians.... so that's it!


Maybe last night as you read Hebrews 1 you may say wa! so "chim" [ local dialect for difficult ] so difficult ... actually it's not, right ?   Once you understand the context, it's about proving Jesus greater than the angels in order to establish that the new covenant is the right one, not the old covenant and you will see that these seven verses are plain proofs to that end. The question now for you is then why did God make angels? What's the purpose? Just to prove this – No! He tells us that angels are ministering spirits. Jesus is the Son but angels are the servants. Jesus is the Son, but angels are the servants, serve who? This may excite you... serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation. Serve God's people, God's elect, God's redeemed people. God has his angels ready to serve you. He has 10,000×10,000, thousands upon thousands of angels to serve you. You say how do they serve?   I don't know maybe you say, when I took my exam instead of writing A, my angels shifted my hand to B, probably not... but maybe? Huh! When I drove, I was not alert and the angels somehow woke me up and I avoided accident. Maybe? Well people touched by an angel, city of angels, angels and demons, have all ideas about this but I do know that angels are here to serve us and the Bible does include some examples of how they help God's people. I just show them to you in a quick survey. For example, in second Kings, Elisha and a young man was trembling, the young man in particular was scared because he saw that there was a great army that was going to capture them and who are they in the midst of such a huge army so Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, please open his eyes", you see he can't see, these are invisible forces but Lord open his eyes and the Lord did and he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire. God has sent his angels to help his people. God has his angels helping you. It's cool if you think about it that you don't have ghosts or vampires or werewolves but you have angels ready to serve at any time God calls.


"My God sent his angel and shut the lion's mouths". Daniel said he was in the lion's den and it.. he would have been, ah.., he would have been beefsteak for all of them, if not for angels and the angel did it..shut the lion's mouth when nobody else could. The angels also directed God's people, well the angels protected God's people. The angels also directed God's people, leading them, ah.. leading Philip for example, to meet the Ethiopian eunuch to share the Gospel. The angel appeared to Cornelius to guide him to Peter from whom we would hear the Gospel of Jesus and be saved. So angels do lead people.


We read about angels rescuing Peter ... ah Peter was in prison. The church gathered to pray and the angel released and freed Peter. We read about angels appearing or the angel appearing to Paul in a shipwreck and affirming and confirming and comforting him that his life will not be lost. So actually, if you survey the Bible angels are very real, just that somehow in our modern day scientific society and mindset we say no such thing la but there is.... it is a reality in the Bible, so angels are ministering spirits. But again, let me say this, the point of Hebrews 1 verses 4 to 14 is not about angels, but it is about Jesus and the reason is to prove the superiority of the new covenant over the old one... how Jesus is greater. He is no angel because he's far greater.


I like what Tozer has to say.... Tozer says.... "Forever God stands apart, in light unapproachable. He is as high above an archangel as above a caterpillar, for the gulf that separates the archangel from the caterpillar is but finite, while the gulf between God and the archangel is infinite" What a cool statement . You say Pastor what ..what is this? His "angmoh" very "chim" [ang moh very chim means one’s proficiency in English is excellent and it becomes hard to understand or comprehend.] It's true in those days is like that, he's saying the difference of the level between an archangel and a caterpillar to us seems like a lot, right ? I mean caterpillar, "mao mao chong" what can it do? Angel... wa... one day can kill 185,000 people very powerful and in our eyes, it seems that the gulf is so great, but in reality, very small .... angel above caterpillar very little, why? because God is so high, this looks like nothing.


So Tozer is saying God is as high above an archangel as he is above a caterpillar because the difference is so vast. See... the scholars, the theologians of time past, has an extremely high view of God. They know that God is so great not like us. We worship angels people worshipped angels because they think that angels and God are not very far apart... it's a small view of God and so sad when people today are obsessed about angels and oh.. this ...I gotta get this angel to help me, I got this guardian angel following me and all I need is the guardian angel ... please you have God. Why do you worry and fret about angels? They are real. Don't forget them, be thankful to God for them, but your focus is never about angels, focus is always about God, that's the point.

And also I say to you, we fear Satan right? I mean Satan is extremely powerful. I think he is also extremely intelligent.   Satan compared to us, we tremble, we fear, it's true ... it's true but sometimes we transfer this fear also to God, we think that Satan and God quite close. We think "yin" and "yang", good and evil, they battle, they have a tug of war and ah....sometimes God win, sometimes Satan wins because it depends on how hard you pray. If you pray more you give more power to God, he pulls easier or maybe like the Chinese gongfu martial arts you put your hand behind his back, wa.. a lot of people put at his, power very strong. So we think of God at that like he needs your prayer in order to win Satan. If you don't pray Satan will win, you will get your disease, you'll not be helped... you're going to be in trouble... as if God needs your help and as if God is always playing this tug of war with Satan, no! Satan is not God, he's an angel and if you speak at the language of God, he's just an angel, he is the chief of angels, but he is still just an angel as Luther says one little word will fell him, that's it.... all God needs to do is the Word and Satan is no more. You pray, not because God needs you to pray to help him.... please .... you pray because he commands you to pray, you pray because he wants to draw you near to him in intimacy. He doesn't need your prayer. He's giving you the privilege of prayer.


My friends, God is so high above, Satan is no opposition...he's like a "mao mao chong" .. do you fight with the "mao mao chong" ... aiya please come here, come here... ah please don't eat me ... all you do is "stamp your feet"... "mao mao chong" no more .... That's it... Satan now let's say this... as man, as humans, we must not be presumptuous against the devil that is warned against in Jude, we have a regard to know that our enemy is powerful, but you must not think that God has the same problem as we have, God is far above, trust Him, rejoice in Him and as we draw to an end, I just want to give you a preview of next week. So pastor, what's the point of you telling us all these technical points, what's the point of this author proving Jesus is greater so what's the application.. he tells you... oh sorry... let me before I go there I just wanna say if God is so great, you worship only God, no, not angels because the angels themselves tells you not to "I, John am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me." I mean John is absolutely stunned by all the revelation he received and caught up with emotions, even though he's an apostle, even though he has followed Jesus, he can't help but just bow at the feet of the angel and began to worship the angel, I mean the angel is glorious, it's splendid, he begins to worship and but the angels said to him, "you must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers, the prophets, and those who keep the words of this book. Worship God", only God is to be worshipped because He's so so so so far from everything else.


Angels are beautiful, but they are just angels .... worship God. Well, like I said I was going to the application that the author is going to say, and that's in Hebrews 2 verses 1 to 3, is a continuation. So hearing about angels... what do you so... "therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard" Jews, Hebrews who used to regard the Old Testament the.. the 10 Commandments so much because you know that every disobedience will be judged. Now, I tell you there is a new covenant, the grace that is in Jesus, make sure you listen, make sure you keep holding on to Jesus, don't ever drift from him, don't ever let go, don't ever depart from the position of grace to trying to earn favor with your works, don't ever do that and we are going to look at this next week.


My friends, the angels are servants, they can do many things... they can kill, they can protect, they can lead, they can guide, but there is something angels can't do. Angels cant die for your sins... angels can only deliver the law, but only Jesus can die for your sins and that's what Jesus did. The great God who is called my Son who is called oh God whose throne is for ever and know what He did .. He gave it all up to come to die for sinners. He came to die for humans. He came to die for you and for me, something angels can never do.   I tell you something, Jesus didn't die for the angels. He died for you, man made in the image of God. He came to save us from our sins. This is the great Savior we worship. No one would die for your sins and be able to pay it ... no angel, Michael, Gabriel add that altogether.... they wouldn't be able to do it. That's why in the last scene, we are going to look at today.... it's a scene of worship and the multitudes were gathered to say who is able to open the scroll, they sang this new song, saying "worthy are you to take the scroll and open... open its seals, for you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God, from every tribe and add language and people and nation and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God and they shall reign on the earth", only you, Jesus for you were slain and by your blood you saved us. "Then I looked, and I heard around the throne, and the living creatures and the elders, the voice of many angels, angels are not to be worshipped, angels are worshiping.... numbering myriads of myriads in the King James is 10,000 of 10,000 and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb who was slain, He is worshipped to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them saying to him who sits on the throne, and to the land be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever, and the four living creatures said Amen and the elders fell down and worshipped".


God's people can't help but worship Jesus when we recognize who He is and what He did to save and redeem us from our sins.


Let's bow for a word of prayer together. Jesus is not a piece of tortilla, the world makes him to be nothing more than that sometimes, Christians may even be guilty of thinking Jesus is somewhat helpless and hopeless on the cross, but the author so-called the fifth evangelist here reviews the supremacy of Christ, and there is no comparison, even great spirit beings like the angels. They are just angels, before Christ. This is the great God we worship today, a God splendid, majestic, powerful and mighty yet a God who would give it all up to die for sinners like you and me, how can our hearts not leap with joy and gratitude and say worthy is the Lamb who was slain, how can we boast and how can we live for ourselves in the light of who Jesus is and what he has done for you. This morning, would you bow in your hearts to Jesus afresh and anew, to worship your God, your Savior, your Jesus.

My friends, if you're here today for the first time and grateful for all of you here for the first time, the Bible is about Jesus, about this new covenant, which is the way to God. The old covenant is given to show us the inability of man to earn his way to God. The old covenant is given to show us that we are helpless in and of ourselves. No one can ever obey the 10 Commandments perfectly enough, so he says really Jesus is the only way, the only truth, the only life. You can trust Jesus because he did finish his work on the cross. He shouted it is finished and the Father raised him up and says this is my Son, today I've begotten you. You can't go wrong by placing your faith in Jesus. This is the Word of God, would you today, repent of your sins and come to Jesus for salvation and life. This is His command, would you obey?

Father we thank You this morning that your Word is supreme, it is final authority. It is the grand revelation of who you are and what you have done and I believe today, your sheep will hear your voice. Would you allow us to respond appropriately. Whether it is for repentance and faith or whether it is for surrender, I ask that we will crown as King of our lives. Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for us on the cross. May your church sing unto you, with one voice, one heart to enthrone you in this church, we ask and pray all this now in Jesus Name, Amen.


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