
28 Sep 2014

Love Not the World – Part 1


Sermon Transcript

Well, we are, as a church, going through the Bible and we are right now in the book of 1John and if you have your bibles, it will be great if you can turn with me to 1John chapter 2. And the book of 1John is a very searching book. John is Apostle of Love and he doesn't shrink back from hard truths. He doesn't shrink back from saying tough things because that's what love is all about. Love is not just a sugary, sentimental feeling. It's wanting, and doing, the best for the people you care for. So he cares for his church and so he gives tough things to his church because they are necessary things.

Today, we come to 1John chapter 2 and verses 15-17. If not the most famous, will be one of the most famous passages in 1John and in, really, all of the Bible. Here, we see that John says,

"Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world ~ the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life ~ is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

Today we are going to look at the subject on 'Love Not the World'. And we all know how powerful attraction to the world can be, isn't it? I read of a man who, this is a fictional story of course, just bought a brand-new BMW car. It's his favorite car. It's his dream car. And, as he opened the door to get out of the car, another car sped by and tore off the door of the car. He got out and he was staring at his car. And a bystander came and said, 'Sir, don't look at your car. Look at your arm.' He asks, 'What's wrong with my arm?' 'It's torn off!' And the man then looks at his arm on the floor and says, 'Oh no, my Rolex watch!' (laughter).

The grip of the world is strong upon the hearts of men. In fact I read again this week about someone saying that when a man falls down with an iPhone 6 in his pocket and he hears a 'crack' sound, he will pray, 'Lord, let it be my leg.' (laughter). We can love the BMWs, we can love the iPhone 6, we can love the things of the world so much because the world has a lure for every one of us, even for all of us who are Christians.

So, today, I want to share with you something really important. Why? Because it is said that, today, the greatest threat, the greatest danger to Christians is not persecution from the world, but seduction by the world. I'll say that again.Today, the greatest threat to Christians is not persecution from the world, but seduction by the world. And, I think, everyone of us here today can feel it and can understand that. This is a very needful sermon. This is a very needful passage of scripture because it is sad today that most of Church, most of Christendom cannot be distinguished from the world today by the way we live. We are no different from the world in the way we spend our money, in the way we raise our kids, in the way we hunger and thirst for goals in our lives. It is virtually indistinguishable between the world and the Church, and yet, John tells us Love Not the World.

I think this is so important that I want to dedicate 3 sermons to this passage. You hear it right. It's not 3 points. Usually I have a 3-point sermon. This is a 3- sermon series because I want to cover, in a very clear way, what loving the world is. The definition of loving the world. And then, in our next sermon, I want to look at the devastation when we love the world. And then we are going to cover, lastly, how we can be delivered from the world. So it's a very simple 3-sermon outline ~ what it is, why is it bad, and how can I be delivered. (04.42)

Love Not The World


Today, we are just going to focus on one thing ~ the definition. What does it really mean to 'love not the world'? What is loving the world? So, this is a very simple message. What does it mean by loving the world? What is the meaning of the word 'world', first of all. Does it mean today that you and I are not to love people? 'Love not the world' means 'don't love people'. Does God mean, does John mean, that we're not to love our wives, our husbands, our parents and our children and our neighbours, and the lost? Does it mean we don't love people? Answer? Obviously no. The Bible tells us that :

"For God so love the WORLD, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16 ESV

And so the use of the word 'world', in John 3:16, is about people. I suppose, I suggest to you, that in 1John chapter 2 when John says 'love not the world', he's not saying 'don't love people'. The Bible is full of commands to say 'love your neighbour as yourself'. Love one another ~ that's what we just covered 2, 3 sermons ago so he's not having amnesia. John is clear. 'Love not the world' does not refer to 'not loving people'.

And does 'the world' mean 'the planet'? Does it mean today, we cannot love the planet. We cannot love beautiful flowers and trees, and plants and animals, and rivers and streams, mountains and great scenes? Does it mean that we cannot love this planet? Is there something wrong with this planet? Well, again, I don't think John is saying 'love not the world' by meaning that I cannot love the things or the beautiful, creative works of nature. No, I don't think he refers to that. Again, Romans 1:20, tells us that the creation - this planet, this world - reveals something good to us, reveals the power and the divine nature of God.

So, some people really feel this way : 'Oh, this is such a beautiful rose. No, no, no, no, that's not a beautiful rose. It's of the world. I cannot love the world.' That's weird if you have people like that because we all know that the world does not refer to people nor to the planet. Then you say, 'Okay, Pastor, then I think what it means by 'the world' is iPhone 6, computers, cars, houses, food. These are the things of the world and we should not love them. But again, I suggest to you it is not necessarily evil for you to have an iPhone 6. It is not necessarily wrong to own a house or a car. The Bible does tell us that God richly provides us with everything to enjoy :

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy." ~ 1 Tim 6:17 ESV

This world does give legitimate things for us to enjoy. So what is 'the World' today? We've got to be very clear in its definition, otherwise we will have false guilt. Or, on the other hand, we may indulge in things we shouldn't indulge. So, what is 'the World' in 1John chapter 2? Well, I suggest to you, in the bible, the word 'world' is used in different ways. One, he refers to people. One he refers to possessions. (08:04)

But in 1John 2, it is not referring to people. It is not referring to the planet. It is not referring necessarily or primarily to possessions. 'The World' here refers to a kind of a power. It's a kind of influence. Love not the world. This world is exerting a power and influence. What is this power? This is the power all around us that draws man away from God. This power can reside in people. This power can reside in a glass. This power can reside in an iPhone. The problem is not the iPhone. The problem is not about people. The problem is not about the rose. The problem is the power that Satan is exerting behind these objects that seeks to draw us away from God. And John says don't love this influence. You see, this is an evil world. Food by itself is not evil but there can be evil that can be achieved out of that because there is that satanic influence that uses the things around us and this is like a power, this is like an influence that seeks to draw us away from God. Galatians 1:4 tells us this is an evil world :

"Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world."

John again in this passage :

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." ~ 1John 2:15 ESV

reminds us that when we love the things of this world, when we love this world then the love of the Father is not in him. This is an evil power that draws man away from God. In my mind, I think of it this way : the World is the POWER all around us that draws men away from God. It's like an electric power. And you can be plugged in here (referring to an image on the screen). But when you are plugged in to this power, it does not empower you to live for God. It empowers you to live away from God. It pulls you away from God. It draws you in the opposite direction and so this is your life. Your life, when it's plugged into this power, (referring to another image on the screen) is not going to be godly. Your life will be worldly. Your life will be against, and away, from God. And, in 1John, we are told how we are plugged in. Three pins, right? That's why I thought about this power analogy. Three pins. And there are three seductions that this world affords to you and if you plug in to :

the desires of the flesh
the desires of the eyes
and the pride of life,

you will be drawn away from God. And these are powerful seductions. Don't underestimate these three phrases back in the garden of Eden (picture of a woman reaching out for a fruit). Why did Eve take that fruit? By the way, I don't know if it's an apple or something else? Just a picture to represent the fruit. We do not know what it looks like but when Eve saw this fruit, there was something that made her go and get it, and eat it. And, eventually, it led her away from God. In fact, it was the result of - we are all the result of - this sinful act. With this one act, the whole of humanity is drawn away from God. It's a powerful thing. So why did she go for it? The Bible tells us that :

"when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,
and that it was a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,
she took of its fruit and ate ..... ~ Genesis 3:6 ESV

She absolutely plugged in to the seduction of the world. This is the lust of the flesh. This is the lust of the eyes. This is the pride of life. And the whole of human history is plunged into deep, dark evil because she bought in to the seduction of the world. It can be a fruit today, but it can be anything else. It can be an iPhone. It can be a car. It can be a bank account but when you are seduced by these three things, you'll be led away. The key word, therefore, is the word 'Desires'. You say, 'Pastor, is it wrong for me to have a desire?' After 84 hours, you will start to desire something. What do you desire? You desire food. Maybe some of you desire sleep now. 'Pastor, please, short, short. Please, short. I want to sleep.' (laughter). (12:58)

Is it wrong to have desires? (Someone in the congregation replied 'No'). No, huh? Is God saying we must have no desires, like the Chinese say 'meiyou qi qing liu yu'? Is it biblical that we should have absolutely no desires? No, of course not. Desires are good when it's used in the right context and to the right degree. It's good that you have a desire to eat, otherwise you die. It's good that you have a desire for something greater than yourself, otherwise you will not have a search, or a heart to seek after God. Desires are great. So, why does John say the problem is 'the desires of the flesh, desires of the eyes, the pride of life'? Well, the key is to understand the word 'Desires'. In the Greek, the word 'desire' is the word 'epithymia'. (Form of word is shown on the screen). The Greek form is there and this is the English transliteration of that. Epithymia. Wah, si-mi-ah? ('what is this' in Hokkien)

Epithymia is formed with 2 Greek words : Epi and Thymia. Thymia is the word that may be related to the word thermos, thermometer. Thymia is the word that represents what? (A member suggested 'heat'). Heat? Very good. Or the word 'Passion'. Thymia is the word that refers to passion. What is Epi? What is Epi? (Someone said 'Super'). Super? Okay. Epi is the word 'Super'. Or on top, right? Epi - on top. And it is a word that refers to 'over'. The King James' translates this word 'Desires' or Epithymia to be the word 'Lusts'. Now let me say this : 'Oh, lust is a bad word'. Not necessarily, alright? If you search the Scriptures, 'Epithymia' is used sometimes to refer to 'good things'. It can refer to good things. It's that deep, strong passion for something. And it can be good things. A deep, strong passion for God is a good thing. So whether it's good or bad is not determined by the word itself but by the context ~ where it is used.

Obviously, in 1John chapter 2, the word 'desires' is a word that refers to a bad kind of 'Over Passion'. In other words, it's an excessive, inordinate desire for things that are forbidden or it's that excessive craving for something treating it as the ultimate thing in life. And that is not God's desire for us. The fruit is not God's desire for Adam and Eve. But there was that excessive inordinate craving for it and treating it as the ultimate thing in life, thereby leading them to disobey God and to be separated from Him. So, the key is not that we cannot have desires. The key is not that the things of the world is wrong. The key is when we excessively crave for something, so much so that we are willing, and we are wanting, and we are deciding to say, 'I will have it at all costs.' Even if it means disobeying God. This is my ultimate thing. When I have it, I'll be really, really happy. I don't need God. So this is what the world offers to you ~ I give you things and when you treasure it to be THE thing in your life, it draws you away. It's not passions alone. It's over-passion. It's excessive passion. This is seen in 1Timothy 6 :

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." (1Tim 6:10 ESV)

A superficial reading of this text would say, 'Oh, money is bad'. No, money is not bad. It's not. But what is bad? It is when you have 'epithymia' for it, when you love it, and when you crave after it. That is the problem. It is not wrong to have money. It is not wrong to work and get money but it is wrong when this is the ultimate pursuit of your life. It is wrong when you say money makes the man. Again, in verse 17 : (17:30)

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty (not to be proud or arrogant), nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy." ~ 1 Timothy 6:17 ESV

So there's nothing wrong with being a rich man. God did not say, 'for the rich man today, I want you to become poor'. No, He didn't say that. It's not about what you have but your heart. When you are rich, don't crave after riches. Don't let this be the ultimate thing of your life. Don't think that because you are rich, you are somebody. Don't be haughty, nor set your hopes upon it ~ epithymia. So, let's come to very basic things. Oh, he's such a worldly man because he's so rich. Not very good deduction. Not very true. Oh, that man is so poor. He's such a godly man. Not very true. There can be very rich men who have no craving for money and yet there are also very poor people who have a deep craving for money. It's not money that is a problem. It's not even having the money that is a problem. It's not even wanting the money that is a problem. It's the excessive desire for it. The over (the epi), desire that is the problem.

The same for a house. Is it wrong for you to have a house and an apartment? No, but if this is the house that dominates your thoughts every, you know it, every waking hour somehow you think about your house. How to decorate it, where's my kitchen. Wah, when friends come. Wah, and when you've nothing to do, you think about your house. I tell you something : you have an epithymia for your house. The world has brought along this plug ~ lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. And your life has homed in on those three sockets or three pins and are connected to the power that seeks to draw you away from God.

It is the same for a car. It's so easy to be tempted, isn't it? Nowadays you can walk in a shopping mall and cars are displayed there. You open the door. You smell. Wah, the new car smells very shiok, ah. Wah, and you close the door. Thud. Wah, the 'thud' is not like mine - clank, clank, clank, clank, clank. (laughter). Wah, and you start to dream about it, think about it, you work for it. That has become an epithymia. There's not a problem with you owning a car. The problem is : does the car own you? Do you crave for it? Same for iPhone 6. 6 and 6+ ~ which one you like? Which one you are thinking about all the time? It can come to very simple things like gadgets. It's not very expensive but it dominates your thoughts. (20:40)

Again, iPhone 6 is not to be cursed. Wanting a phone is not to be cursed but treating it as the ultimate, and excessive craving for it, is to be cursed. Maybe for some of us it's not so much possessions of things. For some of us, it may be this one (picture of 'char siu' or Chinese BBQ pork). Wah, look at this 'char siu'. 'Ai jiak liao' ('it makes me want to eat' in Hokkien). Hungry already lah, you say. Now, is food bad? Of course not. Food is meant for sustenance. It's wanting to eat that. Don't dare to say, huh? Wanting to eat bad? No, of course not. It's a perfectly legitimate thing. But when you crave and you live for food, that's when it gets into problems. Eating is not a problem. Over-eating is. Eating is not a problem but gluttony is. There's a distinction. Some people say, 'Oh, I eat to live', but there are others who live to eat. (laughter). If your life is living to eat today (laughing at who?), there is a danger. This is an excessive inordinate desire. It may be char siu, it may be durians, it may be ice cream, whatever it is. But this is where it goes wrong.

What about rest? Is it wrong to rest? Is rest bad? Is a desire to rest wrong? No, but when you rest excessively, you are lazy. Correct? Or when you live only for pleasure. That's worldliness. And, I say, in comfortable cozy Singapore, we may be in danger of the world because we long for an epicurean lifestyle, meaning you enjoy the high things, the nice things of life. That's what you live for. That's why you work so hard, so that you can enjoy, you can go on holidays, you can eat the nice stuff, and, suddenly but surely, we are gripped with the world because we love pleasure. We love comfort. The mattress must be the type that you sleep already cannot wake up type. (laughter). (Someone shouts out 'coffin'). Coffin, ah? (laughter). That's true. If anyone of you crave for the coffin, please talk to me. You seriously need counselling. But there is that desire for comfort, for ease, that is excessive.

Let me give you something even more touchy : sex. Woh, sex is a dirty word. No, it's not a dirty word. It is made dirty by the world but sex is a beautiful word. It's found in the Scriptures ~ Song of Solomon, and, of course, in the New Testament Hebrews 13. The marriage bed is undefiled. In fact, we as a church look at what sex means in Christendom, in Christianity, it's a beautiful thing. Wanting sex is also not a wrong thing. But when you excessively crave for sex, and you want to get it outside of your marriage bond, and you go beyond what God has allowed, that becomes a reason why you will be drawn away from the world. It's an excessive inordinate desire, thinking that this will satisfy you, make you happy. And you live this kind of a promiscuous lifestyle. You could go on and on, you know. (24:20)

About art. Is art wrong? No, it's not. But it can go wrong if you have an excessive desire for it. Is music wrong? No, but you can go wrong if you have an excessive desire for it. Is the desire for acceptance wrong? No. We are made to be loved. That's our inbuilt desire but this can go very wrong if you think that you are the centre of the universe and it can lead to pride and self-centredness when it goes to excessive desires. So, I just want to clarify for you : loving the world today is not living in the world. Some people say, 'Wah, you live in New York, ah? Very worldly.' You are very worldly. No, not necessarily.

Loving the world :
Is not living in the World
Is not possessing the things in the World
Is not using the things in the World

Loving the world:
Is excessively craving for the things of the world at all costs, and seeing them as ultimate in my life.

I want to say ~ the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. Too often, we view people as worldly simply because of the people they hang around with. If Jesus hangs around with very worldly people, He was not worldly. Too often we determine worldliness by the things we possess. No, the Bible tells us clearly it's not what you possess but what possesses you. Some people think that worldliness is categorized by the do's and don'ts of the Christian life. No. I tell you it's not about these outside things but what is on the inside.

A church like ours, from the background we come from, too often we categorize people as worldly, or not worldly, by the things they do on the outside, by the things they possess on the outside and by the people they hang around on the outside. Ah, you go to movies, huh? Wah, you are very worldly, huh? Wah, you go to shopping centre, huh? Wah, you are very worldly. It's always categorized by the outside but who is to know what is on the inside? You stay at home, you don't watch movies. You are very godly. No, inside you still want. 'I wish I could watch The Ironman'. It's about the heart. You don't go to shopping centres but you do online shopping and shop more than anybody else. (laughter). It's about the heart and is not about the haves and have-nots. It's about the inside. So, let me summarize this : the world is a power. It's all around us. It's all around you, by the way. It can be a car and, like I said, it can be anything but it's a power because Satan is real and he uses these things to seduce us and he draws us away from God. And my life can be plugged into that with the relevant date, with the relevant desire when it elicits the relevant 'over passions', the 'epi desires', the excessive cravings.

Let me make this clear.
Worldliness is not what you Possess, but what you Obsess.

'Wah, I wear very torn clothes, Pastor. You never see my shoes all broken. My pants got holes here and there. I am very godly. I am not worldly.' You're serious? Peel your heart. Not how you dress on the outside. Not what you carry in your pocket but what is inside your heart. Not what you possess, but what you obsess. In fact, you can look very godly. You can serve God. You can do many good things. You are always in church but you are worldly. And people can't tell because it's on the inside. (28:18)

Several years ago, actually a long time ago, I would go to China to preach once in a while. I remember one trip that I was in China preaching. I was supposed to be there to be a blessing to teach the word. But I tell you something. This is embarrassing to share but I don't think it's unique because all of you might understand this. When I went there, I was always thinking about something. You say, I must be thinking for lost souls and for people to be trained and people to be godly. No, I was not thinking about that. I was thinking about this (picture of a blue car on the screen). This, by the way, looks a little bit like the car I used to own. This one not so good because got blue and black. Mine all black one. (laughter). Church members used to call that the Batmobile ~ Pastor PJ's Batmobile. But it didn't always look like the Batmobile because when this car, it's a Subaru car, it's a normal car but you can 'zheng' (in Hokkien meaning 'to accessorize') 'Zheng' the car have you heard of that? Gangsters and Ah Bengs all like to 'zheng' cars. And there's an Ah Beng in me that likes to 'zheng' my car. So I was always thinking about my car how to zheng' to be more 'zheng'. How to be more Beng. And so, one thing that I kept thinking about a very significant change for my car is this bumper. You see this bumper? (Pointing to the picture on the screen). This one not ordinary. Chargespeed version 2 GD bumper. You all don't understand. But I tell you what I was thinking about. I was thinking about this bumper for my whole trip. I mean, I was thinking whether to 'buy, don't buy, pay, don't pay'.

Then it was time to go to China. Go China I thought will be better but I was still thinking about my bumper in China. Preach half-way, the bumper can come one (laughter). The whole trip thinking about bumper. Whole trip thinking, can you imagine how stupid that is? Pastor, you are crazy, huh? You are supposed to preach and you are thinking about bumper. It's such a trivial thing. It is very trivial. I mean, this is so silly. Now I thought about it, I want to laugh. I want to hide myself. It's so trivial but it has such a grip on me. I know it's stupid but that's the power of the world. I'm not proud of it because I know I was drawn away from that. I couldn't really focus on the Lord, on the things he wants me to do.

What is it in your life today that draws you away from God? What is it today in your life that consumes your thinking, that become your focus, your obsession? What is it today that you say 'I must have'. And if I don't have it, I will be devastated. I'll be at a loss. Worldliness is here (pointing to his head) and here (pointing to his heart). I look like a super godly man going to China, sacrifice my life. Go in the cold winter, never bathe two weeks. Wah, you're such a servant. No, no, no. God knows what's going on right inside ~ Over Passions. Living in the world is not necessarily worldly. Jesus actually wants us to live in a world. But it's when you are plugged in, you are sucked into it by your Over Passions that's when you are drawn by the powers all around you. It can be a car. Some of you right now, I guarantee in a congregation like this, some of you are thinking about car. Some of you who can afford a car you think about a car. Those of you who cannot afford a car ~ you are 15, 16 you are still thinking about a car because when I grow up, my first pay check, I'll buy this car. It can be the house. Wah, Singapore property, Pastor, you don't think about it, cannot one. You are sure? There's a way to think about it appropriately, plan for it appropriately and another thing to obsess over it. Money. Nothing wrong with money but when money is the way by which you are plugged into the Over Passions that's where it goes wrong. iPhone 6. I found an icon for iPhone 6. (32:40)

It can be also the applause of men. This is what I live for. I live to be popular. I live to be well accepted and if I'm not accepted, if I'm not loved, I am supremely unhappy. That's a kind of lust, pride of life. The thumbs up thing. Wah, my Facebook must have a lot of 'likes'. If not, I'll be very unhappy. (laughter). Oh, the desire to be king, the desire to be the boss in a company, in a school, in the neighborhood. It can be any form and shape but it brings us back to Adam and Eve. It's the same trick the devil uses on us all over again. So, the Scripture says today, 'Love Not the World'.

This is a heart condition whereby we have an excessive craving for the things of the world treating them as the ultimate goal of our life and that which draws us away from God. It's not about a problem on the outside. It's a problem on the inside ~ it's about the heart. My friends, what is in your heart today? The Bible says love not the world. You say, 'Why?' 'How can I be delivered?' I say, come back next week and I'll tell you how. But this week, today, I just like you to be able to reflect upon your own life. 'Are there idols in your heart? Are you plugged into this world?' Do you know that your desires are meant not to plug into the things of the world but your desires are to be meant to be plugged into God. So, who is having the power in your life? Who are you obsessing and what are you obsessing about?

Let us bow for a word of prayer. I'd like you, this morning, to reflect. I think this message is simple enough, straightforward enough. And I just want to afford you this time to consider and to really be honest before God because you are not going to get this kind of a message or this kind of a reflection anywhere else in this world. The advertisements will not cause you to pause. The shopping malls will not cause you to pause. The radio programs will not cause you to pause. But God's Word today tells you to pause. What do you love?

My friends, is there something in your heart that you are obsessing about? What is that? It may be a bumper like my car. It can be your bank account. It can be the approval of men. I tell you something. It can even be your ministry. I must succeed in ministry. I must do well here. You know there's something about doing well for Jesus' sake, and doing well for your own sake? It can be anything, you see, that draws you away from God. It can be your son. It can be your husband. You have treated them as the ultimate things of your life. That's worldliness.

My friends, the bible tells us that a true Christian is someone who cannot, and will not, consistently, habitually love the world because he loves the Father. Some of you say, 'How do I know I'm a Christian today? I'm not sure whether my baptism was 'pakay' ('valid' in Malay). I'm not sure whether my sinner's prayer was done perfectly. My friends, this is how you know whether you are a Christian today. What's your relationship with God? Do you obey him? What's your relationship with one another? Do you love your brethren? And, number 3, what's your relationship with the world? Do you love the world? I'm not asking if you are in the world. It's obvious we are all in the world. But, I'm asking, is the world in you? By this you would know if you are truly a child of God. (37:36)

My friends, maybe today you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. You know it. You are following Him. But you, in this season of your life are just entrapped by the lures and the lust of this world : your thoughts, your life patterns, your spending patterns, the way you raise your kids, your goals for your kids. It's so much for the world, it's for money, for better career. The Scriptures warn us this morning, and I urge you to repent because God is good. He gives you this Word not so as to condemn you but to lovingly draw you back to a supreme love for Him. That's where your life is supposed to be plugged in. That's where you have the greatest satisfaction. That's what really matters.

Maybe you're here today, first time, and you're saying, 'Why should I be a Christian? Why should I love God?' Let me tell you why : Because the world passes away. The world is an enemy to God who made us, who has a divine purpose and glorious promise for us. You say, 'how can I be delivered from this world?' My friends, you can only be delivered from this world if Jesus is in your life. You see, you cannot replace that deep desire for things but it is only when Jesus fills your heart, when you repent of your sin, and come to trust Him that you can truly have deliverance. Would you, this morning, choose to repent of your sin and believe in Jesus, the Son of God? Would you be born again? Would you have this real life? It's available from the cross. Jesus has paid it all. Would you come to Him?

Father, we thank you today for your word ~ crystal clear. As we study Scripture, we are so confused because we have been so entrenched into the philosophies and the lures and attractions of this world. Would you have mercy to deliver us today? This is an evil world and if we love the world, the love of the father is not in us. So, would you work in all our hearts? Purge us from inordinate excessive cravings for the things of the world and make us have a real passion for you. For those that need to be saved today, we pray by your Spirit, awaken their soul, turn them from sin, that they will repent and believe in a wonderful Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And for all of us who are disciples of Jesus, help us to keep our eyes on you, to decide to follow Jesus ~ no turning back. We thank you and we pray all this now in Jesus' name.