
14 Apr 2024

Responses to Leviticus [Lamentations 1:12-13]
  • Topic: Christ, Costly, Dying, Fire, God, Heaven, Hours, Jesus, Lamb, Laws, Leviticus, Man, People, Place, Sacrifice, Singapore, Suffered, SUFFERING, World


The book of Leviticus is filled with Costly Sacrifices, Clean Living and Constant Awe. 1. Costly Sacrifices - the sacrificial animals were first bled, then skinned, then chopped into pieces, then thrown into the endless flame of fire on the Altar to be completely consumed by the fire. This was a type of Christ’s bloody death at the hands of Jews and Romans (Isaiah 52:14)  AND unimaginable sufferings at the Hand of God the Father (Lam. 1:12,13). 2. Clean Living - the Israelites were given many rules/laws so that they could lead a clean life that differentiated them from the peoples around them. These laws were given in a seemingly haphazard manner (ie, sacred and secular laws alongside each other) suggesting that there should be no division between the sacred and the secular in our lives. 3. Constant Awe - the pillar of cloud/fire was an awesome picture of the constant powerful presence of God (who lived in their midst).  Our Responses. As Christians, do we offer costly service instead of convenient, casual and comfortable “service”? Do we strive for Clean living so that our lives “shine before men” and open the door for us to lead men to eternal life? Are we living in constant awe and awareness of God’s presence and power? May this sermon encourage us to confidently serve God and sacrificially serve men. (Mat. 28: 18-20)



Sermon Transcript


All right, Pastor Jason PJ has gone through a 12-week journey on Leviticus; very, very amazing, enlightening journey through Leviticus. Now Leviticus is a difficult book. And many people, well-intentioned Christians have stumbled many, many countless people by telling them “Just read through the Bible.” So, dutifully this new Christian, you know, eager, will read through Genesis- so that's not bad. It's very interesting. There are stories about things you can understand. They read through Exodus. Wow! The Great Escape. A million people escaping out of Egypt. Wow, that's understandable too. And then the last part of - the back part of Exodus we are getting a bit heavy. By the time they come to Leviticus, I think 90% have surrendered. Right? First few chapters, seven chapters about how to kill a lamb. Like, all right? Do I really need to know that? You know, how you slaughter it, take the blood, spread here, throw the blood there, skin the animal, chop it into pieces. Goodness, what in the world is all this? Some of the more determined ones go a little bit more. They go into the part of the laws, you know, the laws of the [inaudible “cattle”] dropped here. You’ve got menstrual period, you do this. You know, everything looks so confusing. And to be honest, many surrender at Leviticus. But we thank God for Pastor Jason, who led us through a 12-day amazing and enlightening journey through Leviticus. 

 You thought now you know everything about Leviticus. Sorry. We're having another session on Leviticus today. All right. The difference is, it won't be deep. You won't need to take out your notes, your pen. Put it all aside, sit back, relax, okay? Now the analogy is something like this. Pastor Jason, being who he is - a bit more hospitable, patient than I am - and very generous man, if he has a friend coming to Singapore, and his friend tells him “Eh,PJ, I'm coming to Singapore for 12 days,” I am pretty sure PJ would organize for him a nice 12-day trip through Singapore. You know, he’d probably plan it, just like his sermons, all very well-planned. His itinerary probably got the three A's and four B's too, all right? And so, it'd be all planned, his friend will get the itinerary for 12 days, he’d go through Singapore and see all the sights and they leave Singapore with a lot of amazing, enlightening facts. They could almost be ambassador for Singapore after the 12-day trip! Now if I have a friend coming, I think it's going to be a little different. Okay. Most of my friends are missionaries passing through so they often arrive on the morning here, in the evening they will leave for say, wherever they are from (Vientiane, Laos, Myanmar) whatever. And so, what they do is say, “Eh,PC, I’m in Singapore for so many hours. Are you there?” You know, it's like a nice way to say, “Can you take us around?” And yes, I'm here and [they say] “PC, this is my first trip to Singapore.” Okay, that's another hook. And then, “It's our 10th anniversary.” Wow. Okay. “And it's the first time we are in Singapore.” Okay. All right. So, I'm going to take you around Singapore for a morning and get you back to Changi Airport by the evening, right? So, I take them around in a quick 1-day trip of Singapore, not PJ’s style, PC style. Right? Now at the end of the 1-day trip, most of them will end up with three points about Singapore. Firstly, it's very costly. Right. “Where you are staying? Your 10th anniversary, why don’t you stay longer?” “Well Pastor, the hotel room already can die! That's my whole month's support – one day hotel.” Which is true. Hotels are horrendously expensive here. So, they, you know, they don’t want to stay in a hotel. And you take them for your first cup of coffee in a decent cafe. Ask them to order the breakfast, they get heart attack already. They thought the coffee is like “Wow.” And then you say, “Order your breakfast.” Wow, $16.80 for one piece of toast and one egg on it. It's like, “No need! No need! No need to have breakfast.” Right? So now, the impression they have of Singapore is usually very costly. That's one thing. They will leave Singapore after that 12-hour journey and people will say, “How’s Singapore?” Expensive, right? That's the one thing they will say. Of course, when we start to talk about the price of cars, they almost fainted already. And then you tell them the price of house, they died! Right? Okay. So, definitely one impression - costly. Second impression. When they do get out of the, you know, the trauma, they see “Wow, Singapore quite nice, huh? Clean, very organized. A lot of laws. They heard about chewing gum law. They heard about $500 for you know, throwing things. All these things they already heard. So, they say, “Wa, your country very - a lot of laws, ya. ‘Fine’ country.” Right? Fine, fine. Yeah, but they like it. Because it's the laws [that] made the place very nice. Very pleasant. So, though they hear funny things about our laws, but when they see, it works. It works for us. Right? So, the second thing they’ll say is, “Wow, Singapore, a lot of laws but nice, huh, nice place. Clean, efficient.” Okay, second thing they'll probably go back with after that 12-hour trip. And the last one is they'll go back with a kind of awe, you know, kind of awe, that these houses are built by whom? Government. “All these kids go to school, where?” Government school. “Everything government?” Yeah.  “And then [when] you’re sick, where you go? Hospital, which hospital?” Oh, my heart all done in government hospital. “Government everything ah? Very good.” “How to be a citizen?” They will ask you they next thing. All right. Because this government takes care of everything. So, that's the kind of awe at the end of it all. “You all, good, huh? Government take care of everything, huh?” Right? So these are three things that typically my guests will go back with: Costly, clean, and Wow. 

 Okay, so, let's look at our first thing as we go through the book of Leviticus. Okay. Now, for many of you, you have gone through Pastor Jason’s and you're probably doing your revision, I hope you know, and probably you forgot 90% of it already. Right? And you can revise another 50 times, you'll forget 90%. Today, no need to take notes. I think you'll remember everything because there will only be three things. 

 1.     Costly Sacrifices

 Number one is the costly sacrifice. Now, the first seven chapters of Leviticus we read about how to kill a sheep, how to slit the fellow and the blood come out. Take the blood throw at the side of the altar. And then (after that), as if that's not bad enough for innocent lambs killed, bloody, you are supposed to skin the animal. You tried skinning an animal? No joke. Okay? All right. You say, “Wow, skinning a cat, huh?” You know, it’s like, you know, skinning a lamb. No joke, you know? Brutal, you know? To rip off the skin from the meat. Not easy. Okay? All right. Don't try it all right? After you rip the skin from the meat which is already very brutal and looks violent, you’re still supposed to chop the stupid


animal into pieces. Wow, it's even worse. Then all those lumps of meat you throw on the fire. And the fire is supposed to consume that meat until it's ashes. First seven chapters. Most of you are like, “Is it, huh?” You didn't read it, right? You didn't read it seriously, right? You read Pastor Jason’s notes, right? Because you read it, that's exactly what I'm saying.


Now, this idea of killing a lamb is not new. In the Garden of Eden when Adam sinned, Adam tried to hide from God. He realized he needed to hide from God - his nakedness before God.


He used fig leaves. Didn’t work. Don't try using fig leaf to cover your nakedness. All right? Not a good covering. So, what did God do? God killed an animal and covered Adam with the skin of the animal. That was the first sacrifice.


Poor innocent animal died for Adam and Eve’s sin. Then we know Abel brought a lamb. Then we know Abraham had a sacrifice. Then we know Passover, they wow, killed a lamb, put [blood] on the door. We know that. The lamb, the lamb, the lamb. We know that. But when it comes to Leviticus, it's not occasional. It's not [like] when in the garden, once. Abraham? Once or twice. In the Book of Leviticus, it says ‘mandatory minimum.’ Every day you make sure that altar is bloody. Fresh blood every day. Morning and evening. Mandatory minimum. Bring the lamb, cut the lamb, blood comes out. Skin it. Chop it. Throw the meat on the fire. The flames will wipe it to ashes. Mandatory minimum but the minimum was never the norm because in the Book of Leviticus, it tells us when you sin, bring the lamb. When you're thankful, bring a lamb. So many lambs were bought there. In other words, what was occasional became regular. In fact, there's no other religion like that. Have you ever thought about it? What’s the major religions in the world? Hinduism? Don't kill, cannot kill! Buddhism. Cannot kill! Cannot kill! Brutal, you people, kill.


Islam? Once a year. A few days ago in Singapore, 3000 sheep were slaughtered. Once a year. But [in] Leviticus, every day! Every single day. Imagine you live there. You were a slave [in Egypt], you had escaped. You managed to pull one lamb along with you. Crossed the Red Sea with your one precious lamb.


And then you're told, when you sin, bring that lamb. My one lamb? Sacrifice it. Wow, they didn't have herds, they didn't have flocks. And yet that precious lamb? Whenever they sinned, they were supposed to bring it to the tabernacle, and slaughter it. Wow. So many, many thousands, can I say, millions of lambs were sacrificed at the Tabernacle and the various temples that were built. What's all this about? Why so bloody? In fact, Jews today will not sacrifice animals. Jews today will say that's barbaric. Jews! They’ll say “We have already advanced! Why are we teaching our children, killing and violence and blood? That's wrong.” In fact, when we talk to other people of every other religion, this sounds brutal and primitive.


And that's why we don't preach a lot about [it]. We want to be educated, sophisticated. But what was God teaching us? God was teaching us that.


There's only one way for all of us ever to solve the problem of sin, which is the cause of the problems of everything in the world. One Way. And that is the Lamb. Last few weeks ago, I was in church having my lunch or trying to have my lunch. And a group says, “Pastor, pastor, can you come for a few minutes?” That's very normal. Right? And it was a heated discussion. “Pastor? Old Testament, how do people get saved?” Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man come to the Father but by Me.” Right? “You man, right?” I asked this person who was a lady actually. She said, “I Woman.” Yeah. All right. No man, no woman [can] come to the Father but by Me. So I said, “Why do you ask me this question? Old Testament saints also have to trust Jesus. As a Saviour.” “But, but, but, but, pastor, Jesus didn't come yet, how?” These are old-time Christians, mind you. And I want you to get this clear. I said, “So they didn't see Jesus by the eyeballs because He hadn’t come. But they saw Him come by faith, that God will one day provide a Lamb.” They said, “How come like that?” I asked her, “You ever saw the Lamb?” “No.” “Then how you believe? You also by faith believed, right? You look back 2000 years and you saw a Lamb. By what? Faith. So those fellows


in the wilderness they saw this all by what? Faith. The Lamb that was to come. I look back at the Lamb that came, by faith. Please, Gospel-Lighters? I don't want to hear anyone ask this question again.


How are we saved? One way. Jesus Christ. Old Testament? They saw Him the coming Lamb. New Testament believers? At last, we saw Him the came Lamb, by faith. Okay? Don't ask me anymore, right? Because that is so fundamental. All the blood of this Lamb, so [as] to teach us that. All right, so all this blood teaches us; all that endless sacrificing of blood and fire. That the fire was never allowed to be extinguished, never! The fire in the tabernacle, in the Temple was never allowed to be extinguished, because they were originally in Exodus, it came from higher from heaven, down


to the altar, that was to be kept burning. All right, so every Jew knew one thing. Bloody sacrifice, and a fiery end. Now, if they didn't get the AV message for 1000 years and more then I don't know what else God


should do. But you know, for most Christians, we don't get it. Okay. For most Christians, when [we] talk about suffering of Jesus, they will say this, “Oh, Jesus died at the hands of the Romans. Wow, the Romans flogged Him, you know. The Jews spit on Him, you know. They Jews beat Him, you know. The Jews, the Romans nailed Him, you know. You know how much He suffered for us? And that's true, we have to admit that is suffering. But is that the suffering of Jesus Christ? Is that the totality? Or is that even the little drop of sufferings of Jesus Christ? I'm not minimizing His physical death. But can I say this?


His death was much more than that. Right? That's what everybody sees. Jesus hung on the cross for six hours. 9am 3pm, roughly. First three hours? Everybody could see, they saw that.


Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonished, His appearance was so marred, disfigured. Disfigured beyond human semblance. And His form beyond that of the children of mankind. When you see a lamb being chopped to pieces, and you see the meat, do you know it is lamb meat? Can you tell? You can’t. It's meat. You can say “marred beyond sheep semblance.” Every time they went there, and they saw the lamb chopped up and become pieces of meat, what would they say? The meat was beyond lamb or sheep, or cattle semblance. Makes sense? Because meat is meat. It's bloody. It's ugly. Right? Beyond that of the children of mankind. You know, when you see Mel Gibson, you see sacred pictures of Jesus suffering, some blood trickling down. Does he look like a man? Definitely. That's not a fair representation. That's not what the Bible says. Jesus didn't look like a man. On the cross. He was so beaten. He was so marred. You couldn't quite tell. Is that a man? It's meat! I think it's a man. Well, I hope that's an honest interpretation. So as much as Mel Gibson and the Passion of the Christ and the sacred artists tried to draw, they minimized the physical sufferings of Christ. But can I tell you this?


The sufferings of Christ are much more than that. Because the Bible tells us noon time. “Sixth hour” is a Roman way of saying noon time.


Roman start the day at 6 am. Sixth hour -  noon time until 3pm. Typically the brightest time of the day. Darkness covered the land. Three hours, nobody knew what in the world is going on. It’s as if God had pulled the shutters down. God pulled the curtain down and said, “You won’t understand this. No need to see.” And it's true. We wouldn't understand it. For three hours there was silence and finally this cry, “Oh My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” And then finally, “It


is finished!” The lights came on.  All right? Now what was happening in this three hours? Romans? I think the Romans were trembling during the darkness. Suddenly


they all were, “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” And the lights turned off. You know, everybody knows only One can turn off the sun. It’s God. All the Roman soldiers? All the Jews? Is God angry? They couldn't go anywhere. It was totally dark. They couldn't say a word. They were trembling. For three horrendous hours, they stood there. Quiet. This [Lamentations 1:12-13] is a description of the sufferings of the Jews. The temple of Jerusalem was destroyed and Jeremiah wrote the suffering. But you know, like everything in the Old Testament, it is a type. Many things are types of Christ. When I read this [Lamentations 1:12-13], this is possibly the best explanation of what happened in the three hours.

 Is it nothing to you, all you that passed by? Wow, Jesus suffer, huh? Wow, the Romans, huh? Look and see if there's any sorrow like my sorrow which [was] brought upon me, which the Lord afflicted me on the day of his fierce anger. Now [if] Jesus suffered at the hands of cruel people, I can tell you right now in Gaza and Palestine, there are many people suffering. Horrible sufferings. Bullied, oppressed. I am not Pro-this or Pro-that. I'm just telling you, there’re many people suffering. Slapped, punched, beaten. But that's not [it]. [The verse] says: Is there any sorrow like my sorrow? Is it the Romans who afflicted Me? No! “Which the Lord afflicted Me.” Eh, pastor you know ah, on the Passion, the Romans beat Jesus. No, no. This [sorrow/affliction] is the [from] Lord, the Lord. Get it get it? All right. And where did it come from? From on high, on high. Not from the side [where] the Roman punch Me. No, no, no, not, not the nails from – NO. NO. NO. From on high. It is talking about fire. Okay? And he's talking about fire in my bones. Can you tie it up to Leviticus? Can anybody tie this up a little bit? If you were a Jew and you went to the Temple and your Papa brought you to the Temple many, many times, and every time what do you see in the Temple? Any fancy service like this? NO! First thing you see is the altar. Fire! Bloody! Does it tie up a little bit? When a Jew read this, the fire on the altar had come from heaven, and started the first fire and it was continued. So, my friend,


when you read that [Lamentations 1:12-13], what is it to you? What happened in the three hours? Any Roman slapped Him? Anybody nailed Him furthermore? Nails? More spit? No. Nothing. Until He cries out,” Oh My God! My God!” And then He said, “It is finished!”


Which simply means the penalty is fully paid. In English, “It is finished.” Three words. In Greek one word, “Tetelestai”.  Settled. Fully paid.


The debt is paid! What debt? Well, I think my debt. Your debt. Because I know there's a place called hell and it's a place of unquenchable fire and I know that I deserve to go there. That’s why people are terrified of dying. I don't care if they're all alone in the world. There isn’t a soul left. There isn't anything in their body worth living for. They are in great pain from head to toe and yet they are terrified of dying. You say they’re frightened of leaving this world. What


are you talking about? Dying to leave the pain. Dying to leave the sorrow. Dying to leave the frustration of this world. These are people who got - and yet you know what? They're terrified of dying. Because deep in their heart they know. Something else. It's called that [Revelations 20:14-15]. It's called [the] lake of fire. We deserve that. We are destined for that. Until Somebody took our place. We call it substitutionary atonement. He went and paid the penalty for me, a penalty I could not pay - He willingly paid and He took my place.


If your idea of Jesus suffering is Roman whips, are you going to be beaten by Romans in eternity? Are you going to be spat on by Jews? No.


But are you going to be in fire? Yes. But Who took that fire? Christ. You see, when you see Leviticus and you see a lamb, bloody, don't look like a human and fire consuming it? Does it tie up? Or is it just Leviticus chapter one, chapter two, chapter three. No, my friend. It's about a costly sacrifice that Christ made. I can't grasp it. I just know this 2000 years ago, long before PC was born. The Savior of mine who is 100% God 100% Man - it's not a guru, it is not a prophet, is a Savior because He's the only 100% God 100% Man. As God, He knew me - I wasn't born yet. As God, He knew all my sins which I have not yet committed for another 2000 years later. He knew me. He’s God. He saw every sin of mine. Because as God, He can see the Past, Present Future as one span. And as God, He saw every sin. He remembered every sin and every sin was placed on the Savior. And as Man, He could suffer because God cannot suffer. And I don't understand how. How the eternal, unquenchable fire of eternity could be concentrated in the three hours - poured out on one Person. Now what is the depth of that pain? I will take eternity to grasp. Till then there was darkness. Nobody can grasp it. But I hope you understand.


I hope you understand that Jesus’ suffering is not [just slap and spit]. No, don't sell short the sufferings of Christ. I hope you didn't think the suffering of the lamb was just “chop-chop-chop,”


some blood. There was flames that burn and consume the lamb to ashes. My friends, that is a costly sacrifice. And every time you talk to a Christian, he says “Christ took my sufferings.” What suffering? The nails. You're gonna get nails? The whipping. You will be whipped? No. What are you talking about?


Every substitute must be a fair substitute. If I take your Rolls Royce car, I don't give you back a little scooter. You know that. To say it's fully paid, I pay you a Rolls Royce. To say “It is finished.” He had to pay for what you and I should have suffered. No cheating, no discount. Fully paid. That's what He said. My friends, if you don't understand the costly sacrifice of Christ, your response will be lame. I'll talk about that in a minute. Let me just briefly say- many people come and tell me, “Pastor, I only appreciate my mother after I became a parent.”


Because before that you never really appreciated your mom. And even I can tell you this - pains my heart to hear. “Where's your mom?” “Old folks’ home.


Good, Good old folks’ home, pastor nice one.” I know you're doing your best. “How often you visit your mom?” “When I'm free.” “When's the last time you visit?” “Last week.” “I see.” If you knew what your mom did for you,


you understood, your response would be very different. You see, God has put in the human heart a very funny thing called gratitude. In fact, God put everybody's heart, even animals. Be kind to animals generally it is kind to you. Unless you threaten it. When we know someone has done much for us, we tend to do much in return. You know why Christians are so slipshod and so casual with how they serve God? They think it’s just [slaps, nails and spit]. Go on YouTube and see what the people suffer there. Big deal. Is that it? Houses are blown up and all. That’s suffering, man, Real suffering. Think mums are willing to suffer for the kids in Gaza, are willing to line up and get shot or whatever. Because of the kids! Is that all Jesus did for you? Friends? You see Jesus just like a good Mum, a good Dad? My friend, is there any suffering, like His suffering? If you don't get it, you don't respond accordingly. 

 All right, so the first thing we must get when we go to the book of Leviticus is not this, this, this, this, this, this, this. It is the costly sacrifice! 

 2.     Clean Living

 Number two. [Clean Living] After we come to the cost of the sacrifice, the seven chapters or so on the killing of this innocent lamb and bloody and the fire that never ends. I repeat that - the fire never ends on that altar. It is never ended, all right? Until the Temple was destroyed. Second thing we read in the book of Leviticus is the laws. Help me! So many laws! And worst part, they all mixed up. I thought God's a God of order. Laws on how to worship, how to behave when you have a menstrual period. What’s that got to do with that? The law when your neighbor's sheep drops into the ditch, what you do. And the next line is about how to worship God. It is like, “Excuse me, God, can You just put the sacred things in a sacred box and put the mundane things in the mundane box? You’re a God of order, right? Why is all mixed up?” Did God not know how to write things properly in categories and classifications? You know why it's mixed up? Because we as Christians, we don't have two boxes in our life. We don't have the Sunday box, the sacred box and the secular weekday box. You following me? On Sunday, dress properly, talk properly. When you sit around your CG, pastor comes, talk properly, you know? The rest of the week? Different. It pains my heart. Thought someone, “Oh, he's in your office huh? He's my church member.” You know what’s the answer? “He's a Christian, ah?


I didn't know.” “I see. How long your church?” “20 years.” “I had no idea he is a Christian.” Is that common? Yes. Very common. Because we have a Sunday behavior and a weekday behavior.


And so what happens? The Jews are given laws like this, to realize sacred and secular, there's no divide. We are ambassadors for Christ. We are children of God. If you are an ambassador of Singapore to some place, you don't just behave at official functions like a decent person. I hope all the time you you don't do e.g. pickpocket on a Monday, cheat people on a Tuesday, walk around half nude on a Wednesday, you know, because it's not official, get it? We know who we are, and we behave accordingly. You know, the food laws are very funny. I always wonder why the food laws are so many. More than everything else. Because food you eat three times a day. Every time you eat, you have to think (as a Jew), “Chew the cud, Divide the hoof.” “Does it - this seafood, this water-being, got scales? Got fins? You have to ask. The trouble about food is three times a day, you have to think. Your periods, once a month. Whether your house got fungus on the wall, maybe never? Maybe your neighbor's sheep dropped in a ditch, maybe


never. But eating three times a day, you have to ask yourself, “Am I doing right? Is this the best way? The best food to eat?”


Are you following me? What is God trying to teach the Jews? One, you should be visible to people that you're different. Number one. Number two. You should be thinking all the time, just as you eat? “Will this please God? Or not?” So you see the food laws are there. Not for no good reason. They jumble up not for no good reason. For a very good reason. All right? So, in Israel, when you pass motion, you'll cover the thing. When you want to do this, with you know, nothing, don't mess up the neighbor's cattle. Everything was orderly and proper. There were laws to make things good, to make the Israelites look different from the messy neighbors they had. All right? So, we must know the costly sacrifice. And we must also know Leviticus is about laws that lead us to live a little differently and live in a way as best we know how to please, God and men. All right. And then the third one, so we got lambs, we got laws. 

 3. Constant Awe

 The third one is Light. Have you ever thought about it, they have no entertainment there. There were nothing there. Two to three million people live around one thing - the Tabernacle. And what was the highlight of the Tabernacle? It was not architecture. It was His lighting


This tube from Heaven seem to come down. Light. Providing light for two to three million people. And you know because of this tube from heaven, this two to 3 million people didn't need to work. They had just come out of slavery; they worked like a dog just to have a decent meal.


Or just to have a meal. And now they do nothing. And every day, this Light, this God who is from Heaven drops food for us. And food for our cattle Wow. And provides water for us. And this God provides light for us at night. And this God leads us when we are going through the wilderness. When He lifts up, it goes, we follow. And this God protects us. Nobody has attacked us. We don't have a fortress. We don't live in a beautiful high wall surrounding. We are little tents. Helpless people and yet, we are protected. We are provided. We are guided, by this [Light]. You see, in Egypt there was a god for everything. There's a god for the water. There's a god for the cattle. There's a god for fertility,


whatever. But here no. One God. Everyday, this one God. Gave them all the needed. Okay, so what's the Book of Leviticus? If you did a quick ride through the Book of Leviticus


what would you see? Costly sacrifices, lots of laws that made them different and pleasing to God and one another. How they lived and they live in constant awe of this Being. This God. All right. So that's a quick tour of Leviticus. Now the hard part is what's your response?


Response to Leviticus

 What's your response to all this? If you know how much Christ sacrificed for you, you'll respond accordingly. If you think He has suffered like a mother in Palestine now, well, you’ll respond accordingly.


Beaten up by oppressors. Rejected by people. That's fine. Many have been suffering. Many mothers have suffered more for their kids. But if you know what Jesus suffered for you, what will your response be? Costly sacrifice? Costly service? Not Christian hobby. Let me explain: Most people here serve God like a hobby. I'm sorry to say that.


They do it in their free time. They're doing something they're happy to do. Pleased to do. Good at it. Do it because it makes some people happy. And I give you example:


Plenty of unbelievers have hobbies. Baking is a popular one. Now got more time, I work from home. So, you know what I do? I bake. Why do you bake?


I like baking. Now what you do with the cookies? I give my friends. They are happy.


I’m happy. We all have nice time. So, we call it a hobby. Many people have this. Art, cooking, baking, walking dog, whatever. And then in the church, a bit more spiritual. Why do you do this, this ministry? I have my free time. I can make it on time.


Why do you do this? I like kids. Oh, I see. Why you do this? Kids like me. Oh, I see. So that's called Christian service. I thought this is called hobby. Sorry! To spoil a lot of people here.


You see, a costly sacrifice demands a costly service. It's like a mother. If you know how much your mother suffered and worked hard, and missed hundreds of meals for you, and hundreds of nights of sleep and then took care of you - you grasped it (which most kids don't grasp).


You won't visit your mother when you're free. Because you knew your mother when she was not free.


Made time for you. Lost sleep for you. Ai-yah, Pastor, I'm very tired, you know? I don't have much time to visit her, you know? When I got free time, I go see her, okay?


Well, is that serving your mum? Now for some people, their conscience says “Yes.” So be it. And that’s the majority. That's the majority. They go when they're free.


Go there. Say a few things. Buy a few things. See you, mom. Next week come back. You've got something on? Sorry, mom. I couldn't make it last week. No costly sacrifice. No understanding of it. No costly service. Casual service. Response to Leviticus today. Response to Leviticus to a costly sacrifice is costly service. I hope somewhere, somehow, we, like animals, beings, we have gratitude. 

 Number two. Clean living. How are you going to make a difference? How are you going to make a difference? To people? You’ve got one short life here. For many Christians, you know what are you going to do with this life? See the world before it's too late. Wake up, man! If you are a saved man, you will see the world. Revelation 20 tells us there’ll be the new heaven and new earth. I will be seeing the world with you. We can go hiking together, we can climb Mount Everest together, we can do 1000 things together in new heavens, I'm not going to float on a stupid cloud forever, man. And sing hallelujah? No. I'm saved. To dwell in a new heaven and new earth. Yes, intermediate, while before Christ's second coming, I’ll wait for Him on a cloud. That's called “waiting room”. You go to airport now – there’re waiting rooms. That's not your destination. The cloud is your waiting room, buddy. But you know what Christians do? They want to see their bucket list first? I say, why? Are you going to hell? No, Pastor, I believe I'm saved. Then? What's your list, then? Do the things you cannot do there [in the new heaven and new earth], now, here [in this mortal life]. As far as I remember two things I can’t do there. I can’t share the gospel there with - everybody up there with me is saved. I can’t disciple them.


And I got to do it here. Everything else I can do there except sin. Climb mountains, canoe down rivers, explore planets. A new heaven and new earth. I'll be there.


But evangelize to one guy? No. Hence, I do it now. Are you going do it? But how can you do it when you don't - when your life is not even attractive? When people in the office don't even know you're a believer? You know how difficult it is to get someone to hear the gospel when they don't even know you're a believer? You try to share the gospel, they look at you like,whoa, why are you so religious today? And many people want to share the gospel, they can't! They don't have a starting point. Their life is not right. Messed up lives. Clean Living, brother. You say, “Pastor I try, but I don't have that courage. I talk to people, they don't listen.” Well, let me tell you this. It's not about you. It's about


Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in you. That [pillar of] fire told [the Israelites]: God is with you. Don't be afraid. Why are you afraid? The God of heaven is right here with you. Christian, why do we say we can't when the Holy Spirit lives in us? Why do we say we can't when Christ is in you? Now this is all in Leviticus. Graphically shown. Costly sacrifice. Live in a way that people can see you're different. You're God's people. Your life is different. Your family's different. Your kids are happier, your home is less quarrelsome. You're less miserable, you're less grumbly. Your life is different. They will listen and if they won't listen, you have the power the Holy Spirit in you - to make a difference. You have a message. There's a fire waiting for your relatives who are not saved, let me tell you that. Your friends, even your worst enemy, you don't want him there. What are you doing about it? You believe the fire? Well, in Leviticus, they saw it. 

 Well, this is the short journey through Leviticus. No big, brand new things you're going to learn. It's just three simple things: Costless sacrifice demands a costly response, service. A costly service would get you anywhere to live a clean, differentiated life and without the power of the Holy Spirit to help you, you won't do much. It's all in Leviticus. It's all there graphically, staring [at] us, slapping us in the face. The fire, the laws, the lamb, the laws, the light, it’s all there - may God help us. May we respond today, not by knowing more about Leviticus, but by doing more about whatever little you know. God help us. 

Let's pray. 

 Lord, we thank you for this time. We journey through Leviticus for 12 weeks, today's our 13th May we not keep journeying, ever learning and never coming to anything useful. Lord help us. We're not here for a lecture room to write a paper. We’re here, Lord, to live a Christ-like life. Lord, there's fire. There's real fire as eternal unquenchable fire. And Lord, it will consume our loved ones, our friends and the world around us. We believe it. Lord, help us live lives that are clean. Help us to live lives that are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Help us to make a difference. We need you God. We don't want to go through Leviticus and say another book completed, another book ticked. But Lord, we want to see our life changed. We need you, God. Help us. For those who are not believers, there is a fire. I don't need to tell you. There is a God. I don't need to tell you. Deep in your heart, you know. This world didn't happen by chance. You know, men, unlike cattle and sheep, don't just die, become barbecue. There's something more. There's something lasting. There's something eternal about a man. And we know there's either a place that is prepared for those that believe and know the Creator and His provision and a place for those who reject their Creator. And we pray God the day everyone will know. There is one Way, Jesus, the One who paid the penalty, heavy penalty for our sins, and said, “Fully paid.” Thank you, Lord. Bless everyone that's in this room. Bless newcomers today. Enjoy the fellowship, the friendship of this place, in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you