
16 May 2015

The Potrait of a Fool [Sermon Snippet 1]

Sermon Transcript

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Now, Bill Clinton, I'm told, is an extremely charismatic speaker. In fact, yesterday or the day before, I read that he earned $25 million in speaking engagements since January last year. I'm also told that he's very capable, he's very hardworking and during his time, the United States actually did quite well in their economies and so on and so forth. But today, none of you remember that. All of you remember Monica Lewinsky, because all it takes is a little folly to outweigh the wisdom and the honour.

One black stain is enough to ruin that whole cloth or that whole shirt as it were. So, the point here in modern terms is this: A small mistake makes the smell of his folly greater than the fragrance of his wisdom; or in even simpler terms, an ounce of folly can destroy a ton of wisdom.