
16 May 2015

The Potrait of a Fool [Sermon Snippet 2]

Sermon Transcript

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You see, a Christian, according to the New Testament, is supposed to be a sweet-smelling savour, isn't it? 2 Corinthians tells us we're supposed to be like that aroma, we're supposed to draw people by the sweetness of our lives. Christians are to live out the beautiful holy life of the Lord Jesus Christ that when others see it, they are drawn to our Saviour.

But, how sad that the perfume of our life is often stinking because there are flies – little flies of sin, little flies of compromise, little flies of bad habits, little flies such as a little chat with your colleague when you shouldn't have, a colleague of an opposite gender, a little flirtation, a little changing of accounts, false changing of accounts, a little lie, a little envy, a little jealousy, just a little bit of neglect, a little bit of slothfulness, a little bit of unforgiveness, a little bit of a grudge, a little bit of loving the things of this world. All it takes is a little fly.