
17 Jan 2016

What God Wants


Hebrews 10:1-18 What God Wants Pastor Jason Lim 17 January 2016 Do you know what God wants? Will it be sacrifices and offerings? Find out what God really wants in this message. Slides

Hebrews 10:1-18
What God Wants
Pastor Jason Lim
17 January 2016

Do you know what God wants?Will it be sacrifices and offerings?Find out what God really wants in this message. Slides Audio

Sermon Transcript

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Today as a church we come now to Hebrews and chapter 10. First off, I want to congratulate all of you for being on this journey; We come to chapter 10, which marks really the end of the doctrinal portion of the book of Hebrews. It has not been easy, I'm sure, but you've covered 10 chapters in the past few months and I just want to say, well done, before we get into the message per se. Well, let me start Hebrews 10. And we are going look at verses 1 to 18 today. This is a picture of my two sons, Shawn and Mattias. Since we have had these two sons, in our homes, there are two words I hear a lot nowadays, and the two words are 'I want'. I regularly hear them say I want. I want to go out. I want rice, I want T-rex, I want money, I want iPad. I want. This is the new year, still relatively new and some of you may also have your wants. Maybe at the beginning of the year, you say, I want to have a pay rise, I want to have a new job, I want to buy a house, I want to find a spouse, I want to go on a holiday, I know it's the beginning of the year, but I need a break. All of us are thinking, about what we want.

The question is today, has anyone of you thought about what God wants? That's the question we want to answer in Hebrews 10 verses 1 to 18. What does God want? I'm going to tell you first of all what He doesn't want, then I'm going to share with you what He wants. What doesn't God want? Surprisingly, in verse five, we are told, 'Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired', so Christ says, that the Father, God the Father does not desire sacrifices and offerings. And then in verse six, he continues 'In burnt offerings and sin offerings, you have taken no pleasure'. I say this is surprising because we all know that God through Moses, commanded the sacrifices. It's His word that is given, that you offer your sacrifices. So why does the author of Hebrews now say that 'You have no desire nor pleasure for sacrifices'. Well, it is in this context; God doesn't want sacrifices, burnt offerings and sin offerings as a means to gain favor with God.

God doesn't want your sacrifices, as a way to earn acceptance before God. God doesn't want these sacrifices to become works that you think you deserve, to be saved, by God. In other words, God doesn't want these sacrifices as efforts made by man in order to get himself forgiven. These sacrifices cannot make up for sins, these sacrifices cannot atone for our transgressions. This is how he really begins in verses one and two: "For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities", well, what this mouthful means is, the old testament sacrifices, the rituals and rites, they don't really take away sin. Because they are a shadow, they are a picture of the real thing that is to come. So he says, 'These sacrifices, these rituals can never- by these same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near'. So, God says it was never, it was never my intention that these sacrifices you offer would wash away your sins, it can never make you acceptable or favored in the eyes of God merely by doing these things.

He goes on to say, the purpose of these sacrifices, is that they will give you a reminder of sins, as we often say here, not a removal of sins, but a reminder of sins. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. It's like using monopoly money to buy a real house; the other guy will look at you and say, 'Are you crazy? That's monopoly money, it doesn't work', and so it is. The blood of bulls and goats can not wash away our sins.


So, if you really believe this, if the world knows these verses, the world will be very different today. You say why, because if you go to China, you go through many parts of Asia, we sacrifice animals. Before you have your roast pig, the pig has to die, right? Blood has to be shed. You present animal offerings, people present animal offerings, in order to gain some favor and acceptance with the deities; Not only the Chinese, the Indians do the same, they sacrifice goats, lambs. Muslims do the same. It's bloody, it's gory, it's what sacrifice is all about. And the Jews do the same- in the past, but the Scriptures tell us, it is impossible for these animals' blood, to be able to take away any sins and so God says, 'Sacrifices and offerings, I have not desired- I don't accept them as meritorious works that will atone or make up for your sins. I have no pleasure in them in as far as gaining acceptance with Me'. So that's not what God wants.

None of us today would be able to go to heaven, because we've offered 10,000 lambs or sheep or goats or bulls. So what does God want? Now, what God wants is what Jesus came to do; because, in verse seven, He says, 'Then I said (that is Christ, quoting from Psalm 40) Behold, I've come to do your will, O God'. Why did Jesus come to be born as man? Why did Jesus go to the cross? Well, in a nutshell, He came to do God's will. It is God's will, that God will save humanity by the sacrifice of His Son, not the sacrifices we make with animals, but the sacrifice of His Only Son. It is God's will that His body will be given as an offering. It is God's will that Jesus will shed His blood for the remission of sins. It is God's will that He's now, our Mediator and Great High Priest.

So Jesus came to do God's will, and God's will is that we will be saved through His Son. This is the Bible in its nutshell. This is the essence, the central teaching of the whole of Scripture. Now, because of that, the author continues to elaborate, you see, the author is writing to a group of Christians who are now longing to go back to the old Levitical priesthood. They say 'Aah, Follow Jesus, but we are going to miss out on all the animal sacrifices and the Mosaic laws', and so the author says, 'Hey, look! God didn't want- never intended for those animal sacrifices to take away sin. Jesus is God's will, so with that, you've got to know: Something is now past, something new, is in order.' He says, by what Jesus said, 'Behold, I've come to do your will. He does away with the first in order to establish the second'.

Now, this is a very bold statement to make. In fact, this is revolutionary. If you lived in those days and you hear these words, you'd say, 'Wow! What are you saying? Are you saying that all the sacrifices that we do every day, all the animals that are being killed- we don't have to do that anymore?' 'Yes, Jesus came to die, didn't He? And with what He did, He has abolished, done away with the need for the old covenant and now He has established the new second covenant.' The old covenant is now gone and new is enough. Some of you are new with us, I appreciate that and that's why, let me just give you a simple comparison of what the old covenant is and the new covenant is. What is the old covenant? In essence, if you look at Exodus, God says to Israel, 'If you keep all my commandments, if you do all that I command you, you will be My people'. So, the agreement that God has with Israel, the first agreement called the old covenant or the first covenant is conditioned on Israel's obedience: 'If you obey and keep My Word, you will be My people'.


Actually what God demands is man's perfect obedience. Mind you, all the works. Now Israel, maybe, because of the sense of euphoria, they've just been delivered out of Egypt, maybe because of the crossing of the Red Sea, they're so hyped up, they say 'Yes, we will do all Your Word'. It's a gross overestimation of themselves. They think they are capable of obeying God's Word perfectly. The reality, however, is that man fails over and over and over and over and over again. God says, 'Do not have any idols'. Right after the law is given, they go and worship the golden calf, they reject God when they were given the choice to enter the promised land. They choose to worship Baal instead of the true and living God. They choose to live in idolatry. They fail over and over and over and over again. So they fail to keep their deal in the old covenant. So, God gives sacrifices. 'Hah' you say,'what's the purpose of sacrifices? Oh, I know, the blood of the animals washes away sin'. No! The blood of animals reminds you of the cost of sin.

Sacrifices do not remove or animal sacrifices, do not remove, it reminds. So the old covenant has a very clear purpose. It was never to save anyone. The old covenant was a ministry of condemnation. You say why, remember this statement we had? The good news is only good news when you know the? Be confident! The good news is only good news when you know the? Bad news. I mean, the death of Jesus is not precious until we realize we're so hopeless, so helpless, we will be damned in our sins. So, God gave the old covenant not to save, but to sober up, to humble them that they may turn to the coming Messiah: Jesus. So, now, Jesus comes, and He establishes the new covenant, which we have read in Hebrews 8.

The new covenant is now not focused on the man's perfect obedience for there is none to talk about. It focuses- it's based upon Jesus' perfect obedience. It therefore is a gracious agreement that is irrespective of our ability to obey. It has to be, because there is no way man could obey God by himself. So now the new covenant is based on Jesus and His perfect life and the old covenant says 'I will, we will keep it', but the new covenant says, 'It is finished'. Jesus said, 'It is fully paid. You are not going to pay for your sins. No, none of you can. But I have paid it all, it is finished.' The old covenant is about man failing over and over and over and therefore they have to try and try and to try and to try: That's what they  think. The new covenant is: It is all done. Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne of God, He is done with His saving work.

The old covenant reminds people of sin, the new covenant speaks of that one perfect sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. It removes all sin, and so the old covenant brings a message of condemnation, so that we may be guided and pointed and in the words of Paul, this is like our schoolmaster that leads us to grace that is in Jesus; brings us to true reconciliation with the Holy God. So when Jesus came, He did away with the first covenant and leads us to the new. Say why, well, the old covenant or the law is really a shadow of the good things. Let me give you an illustration. Let's say I am looking for my wife. I don't see her, but at the corner of the street I see her shadow. So when I see her shadow emerge from the corner of the street, I know that following after the shadow will be? My wife lah, please, what else? After the shadow, it will be my wife.


Let's say, I see the shadow, I walk towards that direction because I know it's her. And when she comes out, I say, 'Wow, what a beautiful shadow! Shadow, shadow, I want to live with you forever'. My wife will slap me on my head and say, "What up with you?, I am the real deal, not a shadow". Would you go on a date with a shadow? But that's what the Jews might fall into. So fascinated with the shadow of the old testament pictures that they neglect to focus on the real deal: Jesus Christ. Therefore He does away with the first. You don't have to be obsessed or feel like a sense of loss, now that you do not have the animal sacrifices, The second one, the better one, the effective one is established and you can be sure it's fully established because the Bible says, "And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all".

It's done, once for all, by that will. This is the will of God, not the old covenant by which men may be saved, but the new covenant through the perfect offering of the body of Jesus. He came to give His life a ransom for many. With His blood, there is now remission of sins. So going on in verse 11 we see, 'And every priest'- in the past, the Levitical priesthood, 'they stand daily at their service', Why? because they've to offer repeatedly the same sacrifice year after year, because they could never take away sins. 'But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God, waiting for the time until His enemies should be made a footstool for His feet'- A quotation from Psalm 110, for those who are interested.

"For by a single offering He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified". Notice the phrases in verses 10,12,14: once for all, single, single. No need to repeat. There are some religions today who teach, that every week, Jesus has to be re-crucified. That's not understanding the finished perfect work of Jesus Christ once for all. And its for all time. That one sacrifice of Jesus Christ is effective for all people for all time, even now, 2000 years later and maybe even 10,000 years later or trillion years later. It's effective. As the song goes, 'Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood, shall never lose its power, till all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more'.

The blood of Jesus Christ will never lose its power. So, there is that forgiveness that flows from that one single sacrifice of Jesus. This is the will of God and now the author concludes- well I'm glad you're tolerating; this is the last verse already. The author says, Hey, this is exactly what is being promised in Jeremiah 33; "The Holy Spirit also bears witness to us; for after saying, This is the covenant, (the new covenant) that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds, then he adds, I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more. (And) where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin (suffering)".

This new covenant is made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Someone has to pay. Jesus paid it all, on the cross. And so, this new covenant is something very different. I remind you that the new covenant is unconditional. The old one is conditional: We must obey. The new covenant: God graciously, sovereignly works in our hearts; gives us forgiveness. It's unconditional. The new covenant is internal, not external. The old covenant was laws written on tablets of stone. The new covenant is laws written internally in our hearts and minds. The new covenant, is effectual, it actually removes sin, the old covenant could never remove sins. The new covenant is eternal for all time, there is no longer any need for sin. And that is the beautiful gift and the message of the Bible. And that ends the theological or doctrinal teachings in the book of Hebrews; It really is about Jesus, that He is Savior par excellence; there's no one like Him.


He's greater than Moses, Aaron, Joshua, the angels. He's the only One who can save. He brings in an entire new priesthood that could deliver us from sin. Well, I think it's still early, so let me just say this: What does God really want? As you think about this, I want to suggest to you three things He wants. First thing, looking at these verses, God wants to forgive us, isn't it? He wants to forgive you. If you're here today for the first time, great news: We don't have a God who is very resistant to showing any mercy or grace. But if you look at the Bible, He is a lavish God, amazing in His generosity and grace to forgive. He wants to. Since Adam and Eve sinned, the whole of humanity has been plunged into sin. We suffer in sin, we are ruined with sin, we go astray, we lose our way, we are alienated from God, we suffer from guilt, the wrath of God abides upon us, and one day we will be judged.

The bad news also, is that we can't do anything to save ourselves. Some of us, some people in this world, actually many people in this world, they say, 'Let's try self-salvation project'. So they do charity, they help the sick, they help the poor, they do lots of good things, hoping that these good things will atone for their wrongs, their sins. But the Bible tells us "All your righteousnesses are like filthy rags." The best of man's efforts are tainted with sin, that in God's holy eyes, they are not acceptable at all: filthy rags. They say, how about sacrifices? Let's spill blood, let's kill animals. God says, "I have no desire nor pleasure in them". The blood of animals cannot wash away sins. Enter Jesus Christ. That's why He came, to give His life. That's why He came, to shed His blood because only Jesus could purchase our pardon, and what an expensive, costly salvation and pardon this is. That God would give His Only Son; but this is the grace of God.

This is the amazing love of God, He wants to forgive you and the only way He could do it, is if His Son is to take the punishment that is due for our sins and He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, all of you, right here. Have you heard of this name? Kevin Bacon? Hollywood actor, right? Once, when his son was watching a movie that he acted in, with him, his son saw a figure of Kevin Bacon swinging from beam to beam in a ceiling, from rafter to rafter. And his son says, wow, daddy, I didn't know you could do that! Kevin Bacon said, 'No, that was not me. That's my stunt double' The son asked, 'What's a stunt double?' The son is just six years old. 'Stunt double is', Kevin Bacon says, 'someone who dresses like me, looks like me, and does things I cannot do'.

They then watch another movie. It's about gymnastics and the son saw Kevin Bacon do gymnastics on the gymnastics bar or beam. He said 'Wow, daddy. I didn't know you could do that!' 'No, no, no, that is done by my gymnastic double.' 'Who is a gymnastic double?' 'Well, he is someone who looks like me, dresses like me, and does things I cannot do.' 'Then daddy, what do you do?' Kevin Bacon says, 'I get all the glory'. In a sense, that's what God did for us, He sent His Son to be man, He was made like unto us, took on weak flesh and went to do what we could never do. He lived a perfect, righteous life and gave it all up as a sacrifice on the cross, so that you and I today could get all the benefits and blessings His death deserves.


That's what Jesus came to do. See, religion is telling you 'Do, do, do, do, do'. Jesus Christ says 'It's done, it's done, it's done, it's done, repent and believe in Me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.' My friends, that's why heaven will be a place where we will hear the choruses of praise for ever and ever, because this is amazing grace: That God would give His Son for enemies and thwarted and twisted and sinners- filthy people such as you and I, but this is the grace. So, I want to say to you, God wants to forgive you today, would you repent of your sins and look and believe in Jesus alone for your salvation? That's what He wants, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Number two: What does God want? God wants, not only to forgive us, but He wants to give you a new heart. This is a beautiful thing. See, the salvation of God is not just settling your debts, the debts of sin. The salvation of God is also delivering you from the power of sin. Sin is so bad, it's not just about the eternal judgment that you may face, but it's also the present sufferings, and so the salvation of God is to deliver you both from the penalty and also the power. And in order to deliver you from the power, God's got to give you a new heart, otherwise your heart will continue to live in sin. So He loves us so much that He not only washes us clean, but He gives us a new heart, a new DOS. Okay, for people, like myself and older, DOS, this operating system was something like that… (0:27:25.4) computer. Okay, you don't call it DOS anyways, OS now, I know, but He gives you a whole new system, a heart transplant that now desires to walk in His ways.

See, this is what Ezekiel says, 'And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules'. What? You see, salvation is not just eliminating the penalty so that you can continue to sin. Real salvation is not saving you to let you sin, but saving you from sin. You're not saved to sin on, but you are saved from sin. That's what Jesus gave. By the way, that's one of the best ways to tell if you are really someone who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How do you know you're Christian? How do you know that God has saved you? Oh, just because I know my sins are forgiven- Well, one of the best gauges is to look at your life. Because, a man who is truly saved, has a new heart and a new heart will manifest in a new walk, a walk that is, according to the statutes, and the rules and the commands of Scripture.

Now let me say this, you are never going to fulfill God's laws perfectly, because even though He has given you a new heart, there is also the old flesh in us. So there's always going to be this struggle, and sometimes the heart wins, sometimes the flesh wins. Hopefully with time, the heart wins more and more and more and more. But you're never going to be perfect until we see Jesus. So, as we said in first John, the mark of salvation is not sinless perfection but a sincere progression. That's how you know you're a Christian. You can say you're a Christian, you can imagine you're a Christian, but for the past 20 years, no change in your life, no change in your walk. I say to you, you've really got to ask, 'Have I really been born again?'


This is one of the things I say to my kids. You know when I discipline them, when they do something wrong; Today I'm going to say a few things about how I discipline them.  When my kids do something wrong, my wife and I- we will let them know that what they have done is sin, it's wrong- it's wrong against God. And I'll say to them, 'the reason why you sin is because your heart is sinful', you get that? I don't say they are sinful because they sin. I say that they sin because they are sinful. There is a subtle difference, but it's important. 'So, Shawn and Mattias, you know why you disobeyed mummy and daddy? Because your heart is sinful and that's why Shawn and Mattias you need to ask God to give you a new heart, you need to be saved from your sin, you need to look to Jesus'. So one of the key things that they've got to know is that they are sinners. Young, looks innocent, but the Scriptures tell us they are sinners and they need to know they need a new heart from God.

But one of the blessings of the new covenant is that God gives you a new heart and it is already paid for, folks. This heart transplant is already paid for. You say, 'Paid by who?' Jesus Christ. So God today wants to forgive you. He wants to give you a new heart and thirdly, and lastly, He wants obedience, from this heart. What does God want? He wants, obedience, from the heart. He doesn't want sacrifices per se, you realize that? Because sometimes sacrifices can be a cloak for our disobedience. We can come to church, we can give offerings, we can do some ministry, but we can do all that, hoping that God just looks at my outward form, and will overlook my inward rebellion. God looks at obedience from the heart.

Classic text in the Bible, first Samuel chapter 15. The story is simple. King Saul was commanded by God to kill all the enemies and not to touch any of the animals, or loot or gold, nothing. King Saul successfully conquered the enemy but he left a group of his enemies alive, and he took some of their goods and treasures, clear disregard to what God has said. So, when Samuel came back and he heard- what is this? Sheep bleating. He asked Saul and Saul said 'Oh, uh.. I kept some alive, and I've gathered some of the goods. But don't worry Samuel, I'm going to offer them as sacrifices to God'. Samuel said, 'Saul, has the Lord has great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?  Is God really keen on your sacrifices, or is it the obedience to His Word? Behold, look Saul, to obey is better than sacrifice; And to listen, than the fat of rams. Because of your disobedience, you are set aside from being the King of Israel. Your kingdom will be taken from you.' And I say, Saul died a tragic death, miserable man.

See, it's so easy for us to deceive ourselves that what we do on the outside, satisfies God. But the God of the heavens sees deeper than that. I mean, come on folks, if you, as a husband, are having a fling outside, you are committing adultery and you give a flower to your wife, do you think she is going to be happy with that? But if she doesn't know, maybe. But if she knows you're having adultery, and you are giving her flowers, do you think she is going to be happy because you gave her flowers? The flowers are precious and valued only as much as you are loyal and faithful to her.


God does not look at our superficial hypocritical things. What He wants is obedience from the heart. In Psalms 51, look at all these verses, 'For, you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it, you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart.' Again sacrifices is not the problem. The key is that these things must be given in the right spirit, from a repentant and obedient heart.  Hosea 6:6 : 'For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offering.' Let me point you to what Jesus said. Jesus said, 'If you are offering your gift at the altar, you are worshiping God, you are coming to worship God, you're bringing gifts to God, then suddenly you remember that your brother John is angry with you, because you have offended him, what do you do?' Most of us, would think, it's okay lah, I'm offering to God my gifts, surely He'll overlook my sin in that regard.

Jesus says 'No. Don't let this gift be a cloak for your disobedience. Don't think that by offering this gift, you can be excused from your sin. Leave your gift there, before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother. Get that right, then come and offer your gift, because to obey is better than sacrifice.' God wants obedience, from your heart. Love is from the heart and 'If you love me', He says, 'keep My commandments.'

Something else about disciplining my kids: When they sin, when they do wrong, we discipline them and reassure them about our love. And, you know my sons, and especially the second one, he, by and by, he will say after being spanked, 'Even though I am naughty, daddy and mommy still love me.' He is like trying to comfort himself and also remind us to love him, but he remembers this statement, because we regularly tell him that, 'Even though you're naughty, Matthias, daddy and mommy still love you.' Because our love for him, is unconditional, even if he is naughty, the same as how God loves His children, unconditionally. And so when he says that, I say yes, you're right Matthias. But, I'll add on this statement to him, 'If you love mummy and daddy, you will obey', and he keeps quiet. You see, when Matthias obeys us, it is not to earn our love. Our love for him is unconditional. But he has to know, he can't be a hypocrite before his parents, he can't say he loves his parents, but he goes on disobeying us.

If you are really a child of God today, I say to you, if you have the marks of change, you have a new walk, God loves you unconditionally, because he loves you in Jesus Christ, His Son. My question to you is, 'Will you love God with obedience, from the heart?' Would you repent of your sins this morning and honor him with your life? This is what God wants.

Let's bow for a word of prayer together. Jesus loves the Father, because He always does the will of the Father. He said, 'My meet, My food, My desire is to do the will of my Father, and no wonder, the Father says, 'This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.' You see, Jesus was obedient to the Father, even unto death. Real obedience hurts, folks. Real obedience is a call to death, do you realize that? It's a call to dying to yourself, in order to live unto God.


This morning, I want to remind you: you are a people supremely blessed. If you know Jesus, He has forgiven you of your sins with His shed blood, He has given you a new heart and in the light of this tender mercy of God, how could we not now present our bodies a living sacrifice? (You) say how pastor, I say this very, very simply: It simply is this: Obey. Church, obey. Men, obey. Ladies, obey. Maybe God has been speaking to you this week. He's been dealing with you about a particular area of your life, you have been trying to push it aside and you say this morning I'm going to come to church, I am going to give an offering, I'm going to listen to God's Word and I hope He would be pleased with me. I tell you, God is not pleased with outward forms unless it is supported by inward obedience. Will you obey? What God desires, is that broken and contrite heart. Oh yes, you will never be perfect, but He wants that broken, humble, contrite heart. This is what He desires. So, my brothers and sisters, would you repent and obey?

To our friends, our guests who are here, maybe for some of you who are here, you realize God wants to forgive. Hallelujah, praise God for that! Now, He does say, you need to repent. He does say, you need to believe in His Son, they that believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. I say this is not an invitation for special groups of people, this is not an invitation for people who have been in church for 10 years, this is for anyone: Whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God is so willing to forgive you, He gave you His Son. Would you this morning, humble yourself, repent and believe in Jesus Christ, that your sins may be forgiven, and that you may have new life in Him.

Some of you have been churchgoers for the past five years, 10 years, you have assumed and indeed you have presumed, that you are saved, but looking at your life today, you know, there is no change, no walk with God. Today is not too late, for you to believe, for you to cry out to God, 'Lord would you do that miraculous change, heart transplant within me?' My friends, Jesus already paid for that, Jesus paid for your sins, Jesus paid it all. Humble yourself, that's what God wants.

So, Father we thank You this morning for Your Word. Bless it now to each and every soul. Thank You that what You want is always the best, what You want always glorifies Your Name. Spirit of God, effect the will of God in all hearts today, we pray: Lives to be saved, Christians to be yielded, and God to be glorified, through this Church. We thank You, we pray all this now in Jesus Name, Amen.


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