
14 Jul 2024

Why Then The Law? [Galatians 3:15-21]


Justification is by faith, and not by the works of the Law. So why then did God give the Law (of Moses)? Has God changed His mind? Is the Law an alternative way to spiritual life? The answer is no. Let's learn why. 1. The Independence of the Law. The Law does not affect, change, nor nullify the Promise (that God blesses those who are of faith). Even after the Law, justification is still by faith. The Promise still stands. God's covenant with Abraham remains. 2. The Intention of the Law. The Law was added because of transgressions- it was given not to remove sin, but to reveal sin (& our helplessness). It is given so that we despair of self-righteousness, and turn to Christ for life and righteousness. 3. The Inferiority of the Law. This does not mean the Law is lousy or useless! But the Promise is superior. The Law was given through angels and Moses. The Promise was given directly by God. The Law required the fulfilment of God and man (who is weak and who fails). The covenant is unilaterally fulfilled by God alone.   4. The Impotence of the Law.   The Law cannot give life nor righteousness. It is not a viable alternative to life to God. In all this, we see the primacy and superiority of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is the solid rock we must stand on. All others are sinking sand. May your faith find a resting place in Jesus alone!

