09 Mar 2025
The wise look at and go through trials in a very different way. Instead of wavering and doubting the worth of God, the wise see further than the average man and. 1. Rejoice. He counts it all joy, because he knows sufferings work steadfastness or endurance, which then leads to growth and maturity. He is not ruled by his feelings. He leads his life with deliberate thinking according to God's Word to rejoice. 2. Request. With a heart fully loyal and committed to God, the wise asks for wisdom as to how he can practically count it all joy and to endure. 3. Reflect. The wise reflects on the "Now" and "Forever. " If he is poor, he rejoices in the future glory. If he is rich, he also rejoices in his future death (and subsequent glory). So, both the rich and poor look beyond the "Now" to grasp the "Forever. "They who endure to the end, prove their love to God, and thus will receive the Crown of Life.
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