
Weekly Meetings

Sunday Prayer Meeting

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Prayer Meetings

Prayer Meetings

Join us for Prayer Meetings on 

  • Wednesdays at 8:00pm 
    Venue: Hall 3 (Attic)
  • Sundays at 8:15am 
    Venue: Shine Auditorium Cry Room (Level 4).

Meet Your Pastor


Prayer Meetings

Meet Your Pastor

Our weekly Meet the Pastor has ended. But do check back for future Q&A sessions with Pastor Jason Lim. For further questions about, the Church, God and the bible, please drop us an email at [email protected]

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Youth | 4:30pm | Gospel Auditorium | Level 2

English | 9am  | Shine Auditorium | Level 4
Chinese | 9am  | Gospel Auditorium | Level 2
Filipino | 2pm | Gospel Auditorium | Level 2
Varsity  | 2.30pm | Shine Auditorium | Level 4
Bahasa | 11am | Hall 1 | Level 2

sonshine CLUB (Children's Ministry) | 9am & 11am
sonshine PLAYGROUP (1 -2 years) | Kindergarten | Attic
sonshine TOTS (3 - 4 years) | Kindergarten | Attic
sonshine KINDERS (5 - 6 years) | Kindergarten | Attic
sonshine JUNIORS ( 7 - 9 years) | Light Auditorium | Level 3
sonshine KIDS (10 - 12 years) | Light Auditorium | Level 3


Public Bus

39 Punggol Field Walk S(828753)

Public Bus

Punggol East (after Punggol Field)
50, 62, 62A, 85

Punggol East (Waterwoods)
50, 62, 85

Punggol Field (Coral Edge Stn Exit A)
3, 62, 83, 381

Punggol Field (Coral Edge Stn Exit B)
3, 62, 62A, 83, 381, 386


Access to the church carpark is via Punggol Field Walk. Due to limited space, parking availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. Alternative parking locations are at P1 (Blk 128 Punggol Field Walk) and P2 (Blk 126 Edgedale Plains). 


Alight at Punggol MRT, transfer to the LRT and alight at Coral Edge LRT.


Map to Gospel Light Christian Church Singapore


traffic marshal






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Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
“What is the gospel? What does it mean?”
“What's the real meaning/purpose of life?”
“Where can I find lasting peace and joy?”

We all ask these questions at some point because they reflect our deepest needs.
At Gospel Light, we believe that you are not just meant to be alive, but to experience the real life!

Real Life
Human beings are innately spiritual; we naturally seek and worship something greater than ourselves. Why?
Well, the Bible tells us that we are created in God’s likeness (Genesis 1:27).
He created us to be like Him, so that we might have a relationship with Him
Therefore, we cannot be truly satisfied (and have real life) except through this spiritual relationship.

Our Problem
The problem is that our relationship with God is broken because of our sin.
The Bible defines sin as any disobedience/rebellion against God, not just breaking human laws.
God, being perfect, has a perfect moral standard, which we all fall short of (Romans 3:23).
Sin is so powerful that it transforms our nature into one that misunderstands and hates God (1 Corinthians 2:14).
We try to find satisfaction in other things like “earning” our way to heaven with good deeds, or pursuing money and/or sex…we even try to convince ourselves that He doesn’t exist!
God, being perfect and holy, cannot tolerate sin and must punish it. And the penalty is eternal death (Romans 6:23) and separation from God in a place the Bible calls Hell.

God’s Love
It would be tragic if the story ends here. But the Bible also tells us that God, despite having no obligation towards us, “is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loves us” (Ephesians 2:4).
God loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty of our sin on our behalf. Jesus took the form of a man, suffered, and died on the cross— an event so significant that our calendar years became recorded as BC (“before Christ”) and AD.
God chose to reconcile our relationship with Him even though we were enemies (Romans 5:10).
Three days after He died, Jesus rose from the grave to heaven, thus defeating the power of sin, death and hell. Only the love of God can release us from the power of sin!

What do I do?
The Bible says in John 3:16 that “whoever believes in Him (Jesus Christ) should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
God offers us a free gift that we can choose to accept by believing that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour.
If we confess and repent of our sins, He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). We will be destined for eternal life in heaven with God instead of eternal death in hell separated from God.
This is the gospel (‘good news’)— that Jesus saves us by paying a penalty that we cannot pay ourselves. We pray you will enter into real life through Jesus Christ today!

PS: Let us know if you want to or have just made this decision to repent and believe in Jesus Christ. We would love to encourage and pray for you!

For more information, please contact us at:
Phone: +65 9117 6000
Fax: +65 6386 6703
E-mail: [email protected]

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Updated on 29 Aug 2022


Advisory Note 27 -  Please click here for more details

Pastor Jason


Appendix: our regular weekly program:

1. Tuesday night expository Bible Study on Book of Romans by Brothers Jerry Koh at 8pm,
2. Wednesday night Prayer Meeting at 8pm
3. Sunday morning Prayer Meeting at 8.15am 
4. Care Group meetings on Zoom (different days of the week for different groups)

The links are- https://gospellight.sg/media/expository-bible-study/  (Tuesday night)

You can write in to enquire about Care Groups (call/SMS 97761377 or email [email protected])

Besides these, you can also check out Pastor Paul’s teaching on the “Beautiful Book” here at https://gospellight.sg/media/the-beautiful-book/ .

All our sermons and Christian resources are also freely available on our church website (eg https://gospellight.sg/daily-grace/ and https://gospellight.sg/sermon-filter/).

PS: Please let us know if you have any needs (eg running important errands but you are home-bound, prayer needs, spiritual questions etc). You can reach us at 91176000/63866702 and [email protected]. The pastors, elders, shepherds, staff and members are here for you. 

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Want to come to church, but don’t know what to expect? We are glad you are here! Our brethren in the Sunday Experience team are friendly and welcoming to all guests; see below for more details. If you can spare the time, check out the video on the right!

For non-English congregations or the children's church, see Congregations.


