
03 Jul 2016

Head, Heart and Hands


Head, Heart and Hands Pastor Paul Choo 03 July 2016 Most Christians are satisfied to have their heads filled with spiritual truths. Some Christians are moved by the spiritual truths that they hear. But few Christians' hands are moved to do something because of these truths. Churches are filled with Christians with big heads, small hearts and paralysed arms!No wonder most people consider Christians to be hypocrites who talk a lot about God's love and show none of that love in their lives. Jesus shows how we can use our hands and touch lives in HIs Feet Washing Example.

Head, Heart and Hands
Pastor Paul Choo
03 July 2016

Most Christians are satisfied to have their heads filled with spiritual truths.Some Christians are moved by the spiritual truths that they hear.But few Christians' hands are moved to do something because of these truths.Churches are filled with Christians with big heads, small hearts and paralysed arms!No wonder most people consider Christians to be hypocrites who talk a lot about God's love and show none of that love in their lives.Jesus shows how we can use our hands and touch lives in HIs Feet Washing Example. Slides

Sermon Transcript

A couple of weeks ago, I spoke on a topic called ‘in church or in love’. Today, I want to review that message a little bit, because today's message is a continuation of that message. In that message, I wanted to remind everyone that God is love. And because God is love, He wants to have a relationship with us. He wants us to know his love and He wants us to love Him in return. In simple words, God wants us to fall in love. Now, the truth is, the vast majority of Christians, when you ask them this question, “Are you in love with God?”, most of them will look at you with that look like, that is strange question. Am I supposed to be in love? You know, we know the word ‘in love’. All of us, many of us have experienced what it is to be in love. Those were the most amazing times of our life. The problem, of course, when you fall in love with a human being, you start on cloud nine and then realize you didn't marry an angel. You married a human being. And then you come down that ladder from Cloud Nine. Hopefully, you're still on some cloud today. But with God, we may start really low but as we know God more and more, because He's so amazing and He's so wonderful, that as we know Him more and more, we move up. This falling in love is going up, up, up. And when we get to heaven, it takes off at a much faster pace. I don't know what cloud will be on in heaven, but it goes higher, and higher, and higher, and all the zeros you can add - trillions, quadrillions, whatever - that's the cloud we're going to be on. The next day, it will be on a cloud that is higher, and higher, and higher, because that is what heaven is all about, being in love with a God who is worthy of all that love.

But today, we realize that we come in here and hear amazing things about God, we hear messages about God. But somehow there's kind of a barrier, a traffic jam between here (the mind) and here (the heart). A lot of stuff here (the mind), fills up here (the mind), very little trickles down to the heart. And so we get to know more and more about God and no generation knows as much about God as this generation - amazing amount of knowledge, because this is the knowledge age. So available, knowledge.

Five reasons that hinder the knowledge of God from flowing to the heart

What were the five reasons that I gave that hindered this amazing knowledge of God here (the mind) and prevented it from going down to the heart?

  1. 1. Too religious

Number one, I said, we were too religious, we are too religious. We are infected by other religions. In every religion, people go to a particular place, at a particular day, particular time, do their religious duties, perform their religious duties. It's kind of like a duty thing. And then when it's over, we leave the place and we go out to look for love. That's where the real life is: find someone to fall in love with, some food to fall in love with, some condo, some cars and whatever, country club, whatever Cs. Right? We go out there. That's where love is, man. You see, church, fall in love with God. Because that's what religion is all about. Duty - perform your duties. It's not fun. It's not enjoyable. It is duty.

  1. 2. Too studious

Second reason, we are too studious. What's the bottom line for most people in Christianity when you ask them? “Hey, how are you growing as a Christian?” “Good!”. You say, “you fall in love?” “Oh, weird guy. Weird question.” What they meant by ‘good’ is, “Hey, I know more about God today than I did last week. It is growing man.” Our bottom line is not here (referring to the heart). It's not out of the heart or the issues of life. It's not about heart. It's about head. And so you ask a difficult question, “are you growing?” “Yeah, I'm growing. I'm attending this Bible study, attending that Bible study.” Are you more in love with God?

  1. 3. Loss of supernatural

Number three, the loss of the supernatural. Every previous generation before this generation had a respect for the spirit world, the other world. They knew that world was bigger than them. It usually resulted in fear. Fear of ghosts, fear of this, fear of that. They were frightened because they knew however big you are, you could be the emperor of the world, there was something much bigger than you. But this modern generation, the word ‘supernatural’ is superstitious. What supernatural? Talk about supernatural? Are you old fashioned? Are you superstitious? So the idea of God is like, He is a being. When I'm in trouble, I mean, I go to see my doctor, I check Google, I see what medicines to take, what health food to take, and by the way, I think I should also ask God to help me. God is just another piece in the economy. With problems, what do we do? We look for answers, we run all around, we do our research, we discuss it, we talk about it, and pray, or maybe we might even pray to ask for guidance. You see, the supernatural has been shut out of our mind. It's superstitious! All these praying and depending on God and all this stuff.

  1. 4. Fear of the Holy Spirit

Fourth reason - this is more particular in a setting like this, in a church like this, where we hear people blaming the Holy Spirit for everything, for their babbling, for their gibberish, for their falling down, for their foaming in the mouth. They say, “That's the work of the Holy Spirit” and we say, “Oh man, I don't have anything to do with the Holy Spirit”. That's the Holy Spirit, so they shun the Holy Spirit. They fear the Holy Spirit. And so when they do Bible study, it is intellectual man. It is an intellectual study of the Bible. When you have an intellectual study of the Bible, without the Holy Spirit guiding you, you fill your head. You cannot study the Bible intellectually alone, you need the help of the Holy Spirit. But for many churches of this type, there is a new Holy Trinity. It's not Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It's Father, Son, Holy Bible. Throw the Holy Spirit out. Bible study is about study, not by the Holy Spirit.

  1. 5. Prosperity Gospel

Fifth reason, the prosperity gospel. Many, many people think God is Santa Claus. He gives goodies to those who are good. Now you tell me how many kids love the fat guy in the red costume. They don't love the fat guy. They love the goods. So we have Christians today who say, “Love God? Oh, excuse me, what's that about? I love the blessings!”

And so, these are five reasons. I'm sure there are more reasons why there seems to be a traffic jam here - it is an amazing amount of what we know about God, about the amazing God, and so little seems to trickle down to the heart. So we have a huge head and a tiny little heart, kind of like a deformed freak. Many Christians are like that. They can talk about the Bible, they can discuss it, they can argue it, they know all the fine points of theology, but you ask them, “Do you love God? Do you love your brothers?” and it's like a trick question.

Head, Heart and Hands

Today I want to stretch this a little bit further. I want to talk today about head, heart and hands. I hope today there won't be a traffic jam between your head and your heart, and between your heart and your hands. You know, when you fall in love, something happens to you. You look happier. You smile more. You greet more people. You seem to have more energy. I caught a lot of people; I said, “you're in love”. “Pastor, how do you know?” You can tell when a person is in love. It radiates out. It oozes out. You can't stop it. That's why the Bible says, in the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. If we look at the definition of love, which is the best definition of love in the Bible. There are a whole lot of things describing love. It's not about feelings. It's about your behavior. You are more patient. You are kinder. You're gentler. You see, when you're in love, it's visible on the outside. When I say hands, I don't mean just hands. I could mean your life - head, heart and your life. But just for the edge, Pastor Jason is the master of what do you call these things where they all have the same letter; what do you call that? I don't even know what it's called in English. All right. But it's about your life, right? When you are in love, it will show. You know I fell in love with my wife many, many years ago. I cannot tell you the exact number of years. I may not survive, all right? But from that time I fell in love with her, I have told her, “I love you, I love you, I love you” every day. I believe that many times a day. It is not because I have to tell her that but because when something is here (referring to the heart), it has to come out. When I fell in love with God, I tell God, “I love you, I love you”, many more times than I tell my wife. Because if I tell her too many times, she gets irritated. It is true! As humans, too much of a good thing is no good. But you can tell God “you love God, you love God, you love God” a zillion times. It's fine. And I do. Why do I do it? I want the goodies from the fat guy in the red costume? No! Because I'm in love. Plain and simple. And when you love, it has to ooze out! It has to come out. It comes through your life. And so today, the topic is head, heart and hands.

You know what's the biggest charge against Christians? It is not against Christ, it is against us. You guys talk, talk, talk. No action, talk only. Bible study, go this, talk about this and talk about that, but you look at the guy's life - nothing. The vast majority here, and I mean, people around you don't even know you're a Christian. They don't even know something amazing has happened. They don't even know that you have tasted an amazing love from God. They don't know. There's nothing in your life that shows it. But some of you say, “Hey pastor, how can I go around and just tell people? Smile at people? You mean I should just stand in the MRT and smile at people? Say, ‘I love you’ or ‘Oh, can I help you?’” And the guy goes, “What's up?” I mean, Pastor, you want us to use our hands but how? This is a country where every need is met. Most people are satisfied and they have their needs met? How are you going to help them?

I believe Jesus gave the answer and the demo of this  at the Last Supper in John 13:1-4. It is a long description of what Jesus did at the last supper with his disciples. The Bible tells us that during supper, Jesus took off his robes and then took a basin, filled it with water, put a towel and then he went to wash the disciples’ feet. Now to me this is a major lesson. Why do I think it's a major lesson? Because it was the last supper. Now if your father who is on his dying bed tells you, “Son, I have something to tell you.”, you better listen because when a man is on his last time with you, the last moments with you, he is not going to say anything frivolous. He's not gonna say anything that is unimportant. You can be sure that everything he says is important, the most important. But this John chapter 13, not only tells me that this is an important lesson - this feet washing thing is an important lesson because it was at the last supper. But it also is important because he demonstrated it. You see, Jesus usually taught through parables. The Bible says, ‘without a parable, he did not teach’. How is Jesus’ style of teaching? He told a story and then he let you figure it out. Sometimes he said, ‘What did it mean?’ Jesus’ typical style of teaching was to tell a parable and let people learn lessons from it. But on this night, he not only was going to teach them something, he was going to demonstrate it with his hands. Now what do people get from this feet-washing incident? What is the typical lesson most people get out of this feet-washing incident? Most people say that Jesus was teaching humility. It's true. I mean, washing someone's feet is a humble act. There's no arguing from that. But was that all that Jesus was teaching? You see, every Easter there are pictures in the newspaper you pick up here and there of some bishops and pastors or somebody washing 12 members’ feet. That's quite humbling, I mean, to see the bishop or the pope or whatever, your pastor, kneeling down and washing. It is quite humbling. But is it that humbling? I think this guy looks more humble. Hey, you wash feet once a year - how humbling is that? This guy is naked all the time. He probably lives in a cave. He didn't come in a car to the church and then kneels for a couple of minutes and washes some feet and says, “Ooh, how humbling!” When you see that guy, he lives in the cold. He hardly has enough to eat and he hardly has got enough cloth on his body to fight the cold at night. You want to talk about humbling? I think this guy wins. If Jesus was just going to teach us how to be humble by that incident of washing feet, I say that wasn't a very impressive job. But I know my Jesus when he teaches things, he teaches very impressive things. He is a master teacher. He didn't come up with second rate lessons. If he was trying to teach humility by this. I say, “lousy, lousy!” because this guy is better.

Now you think, ‘Okay, you are saying that Jesus was not just teaching humility. Then what else was he teaching?’ I say he was teaching us, you and me, how every day we can use our hands. You say, ‘What do you mean? What do you mean?’ I want you to know that when Jesus washed the disciples feet, it didn't quite look like this lady's feet. I know you can’t see it very clearly but I don't think she had much dirt on her feet. I'm pretty sure she drove in a car there. She probably had her toes manicured the night before and it were pretty clean feet. But I tell you when Jesus washed feet, it looked more like that. You say, why do you say that? Well, it so happened that when Jesus washed feet, it was 2000 years ago. Roads in those days were typically not asphalted. Maybe a major military highway would be but most roads were dirt tracks. The passover was after the rainy season in Israel. On the dirt tracks, it is muddy. On those tracks, not only humans walk but animals walk. Animals drop dung along the way. That's normal. When they walk at night, there isn't usually light. There were no street lights in those days. And hey, by the way, they didn't just go to the car park and then walk to the house. They walked, and walked, and walked. And by the way, they didn't wear shoes. They wore sandals. Nobody wore shoes. So by the time you walk, and walk, and walk, you probably have dirty feet. I know that. I go to third world countries. I spend my time there. One of my challenges in the rainy season is, how do I keep my pair of shoes from looking decent when I have to walk? It is a big challenge.

In the time of Jesus, every house had water pots outside. Any guy who had means to invite guests to his house had water pots outside. Now, these were water pots not for drinking but for washing feet. And so typically, when a guest comes to your house, you know that he's gonna have pretty messy feet. And he'll be embarrassed to come into your house. It is like how we don't like to bring our dirty shoes into someone's house. We leave our slippers or shoes outside. So typically, in every household, a slave, the lowest slave, would be the guy who washes the guest's feet. But in the case of Jesus’ last supper, there was no host. They borrowed the upper room. They borrowed this place. There was no one to wash their feet. And so, probably their feet were dirty. Now to add to the problem, in those days, they did not eat like we do now. When I eat, I sit down at a table, I sit on my chair and my dirty feet can hide under the table - no big deal. I can hide it. At the time of Jesus, when a man had the means to invite guests, they did not sit at a table to eat. They reclined on a couch to eat. There is a name for this - tri, which means three, three sides; and a table in the middle so the maids or the servants can come and put food in the middle. And then the guests reclined on the couch with their feet up on those gorgeous looking couches. Probably, Jesus’ last supper looked somewhat like this. Now, how would you like it if you had your dirty feet up on someone's couch? How could you enjoy your meal? If you are a man with a conscience, how could you even eat properly? I mean, I don't care how good the meal is. I got these stinky feet and nobody washed my feet. I am hanging out on a couch, messing up someone's house. This guy was kind enough to lend me his house and I'm messing up his house. You see, when the disciples went in, I think they anticipated that a slave would wash their feet. But lo and behold, there was no slave that day. So they all wondered who would be the first volunteer and there was no volunteer. So they went up to the upper room, reclined there with their feet up and started to eat. And during that meal, Jesus took off his robe, put the towel in the basin, and went to wash.

I hope you see that Jesus wasn't just trying to demonstrate humility. Jesus was doing what he had done all the days of his ministry. He saw a need. What did he do? He met the need. That's what the gospel is all about. For God so loved the world! God in heaven saw the need. What's the need of man? We have sinned! What is the greatest fear of man? Fear of death because we don't know where we will go. So what did God do? He saw a need and he met the need. He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. That's the character of love. When you see a need, you meet a need. You don't say, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”. How do you know a mother loves a kid? How do you know that? She meets every need of a kid at great expense and sacrifice. So Jesus wasn't doing something weird that night. He was doing what he had always done but the disciples didn't get it. Three years and they didn't get it. For us, sometimes 30 years in church and we don't get it. We think Christianity is a head exercise and maybe some emotional singing at the end of it, “Oh, I know about God. I am going to worship God.” and the hands are paralyzed. Jesus was not just demonstrating.

So what's the lesson of the last supper? Humility? I believe so. But more than that. What did Jesus say at the end of that passage we know about the last supper? “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them” (John 13:17). If you know not this concept of humility, Jesus did not say, if you understand this concept of humility, praise God! Blessed are you! Jesus said, “You do these things!” - hands, get to work. Jesus wasn't teaching a concept of humility. Jesus was teaching how these hands can get to work. See a need? Then meet it.

Have you ever wondered why human babies, human children, take 20 years of parental love? Have you ever wondered why? Doesn't make sense, right? A fish pops and swims away; doesn't know who the mother is. A bird is featherless and after a few days, some feathers come on, and it flies off. See you, Mom, I will never see you again. I don't care who you are. You are you and I am I. Animals are all the same. Why? Ask an evolutionist why the highest on the evolutionary scale, which is humans, and for 20 years, the kid is helpless, almost helpless. He needs a mother's care. He needs parental care for 20 years. What's up, man? Because God wants to build relationships between mother and child. A child has needs for a long time. Babies have needs, children have needs, teens have needs, and mum has resources to meet those needs. And as needs and resources meet, relationships are built.

Why just for man? Why not for animals? Because the Bible does as man is made in the image of God. And who is God? Who is God? Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What is so unique about the Trinity? Three persons in one Godhead. Long before God made man, long before God created anything, there was already something called relationships between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And because man is made in the image of God, that is why babies take so long to grow up. Because God wants the babies to learn how to have relationships with their family. You know, what's the most important thing as a Christian? You, made in the image of the holy Triune God, what is the most important thing in your life? Relationships! Not possessions, not achievements, not knowledge. Relationships! It is the basic of basics of our faith. But how do you have relationships? One must have a need and one has to have the means to meet the need, then bridges are built - that's called relationships.

Sometimes people ask me, “if God is so good, why is there so much need in the world? Why are there so many poor people? Why are there so many refugees? Why are there so many sick people?” I don't have the all the answers, but I'll tell them one of the answers is that God wants us who have the means to touch the lives of those who don't have the means. That's one of the reasons. If all the world is self-satisfied and all the world has everything they need; every baby is born completely satisfied; every man has everything he needs; how could you build relationships? Imagine your baby was born totally self-confident, totally able, totally knowledgeable, what relationship do you have with your kid? When you are born, you will just walk out of the house. Period. Over.

But you know, the disciples after three years didn't get it. They did what all of us do. When you see a need, what do we do? Act blur. Because when you recognize the need, you have a responsibility. Imagine one of the disciples said, “Eh, our feet are dirty.” then the rest will say, “Then you wash lah.” So, what's the job? What's your best job? Pretend your feet are not dirty. You know, that's what we always do. When we see someone with a need - I know it because I go on a MRT train with my stick, I go up there, and there is this guy sitting on the handicapped chair, and the moment I come up, they all fall asleep. Very deep sleep; but the moment they reach their station, they get up and off they go. Because they know if they saw me, they will have this horrible inconvenience of having to stand up and say, “uncle”. We laugh at them but what about you and me? What do we do when you see somebody in need? We don't want to bother, right? Someone sitting right next to you is a new guy here, or you suspect this guy is new; what do you do? Act blur lah. Because the moment you say, “Hey, are you new?” then you have a little obligation to show him around. Or about some guy who's shy out there? If you go and greet him, you have some obligation to talk. I want to talk to my friends, man. I came to church to talk to my friends.

You see, we don't like to have people with needs around us because they oblige us. We see them as a hassle. We see them as a trouble. But I hope Jesus’ lesson on that night will teach us Christians that our job is to look for needs. You know, one of my favorite verses is about how the harvest is plentiful, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers. I like Matthew 9:37-38. It is kind of like my favorite preaching verse. But you know, before Matthew 9:37-38 about the harvest is plentiful, you know, how many of you know the harvest is plentiful? Many people will say, “that's only a verse!” and that they have no nobody to share the gospel with. “Who can I share the gospel with? I tried to give someone a track and they run away. I tried to say something about the gospel but they ignore me.” Why? Why is it contradictory to what the Bible says? Because we forget to read the verse before it all. What is the verse in 36 saying? “Saw” - Jesus saw with a heart of compassion. When you look around you with a heart of compassion, there are a lot of needs around. They may be something as mundane as dirty feet. You see, Jesus was showing us that what he did was not rocket science. It didn't need high skill. It didn't need high talent. It didn't need anything. Anybody could do it. Can anything be simpler than washing feet? What skill do you need? The skill you needed was to identify a need, to look at things not with this eye of seeing nice, sweet things but an eye of seeing things that identifies a need. When you see a need, you meet a need. And when you meet the need, you build a bridge. And when you build a bridge, God may open the door of this person's heart for you to bring the Gospel across.

You know, to be a servant of God, it is not to know the word of God. Honestly, if you want to be an evangelist, I teach you: learn John 3:16. That's probably all you need. Reaching out to someone is not about knowing the Bible from cover to cover. It's about having the eye that sees needs. My ministry, I think, 60 to 80% of my ministry is looking for needs. What's the gospel? John 3:16. Now what do I need to study that, man? Christ died for your sins, according to Scripture. He rose from the dead according to scriptures. Believe! That’s it. Don't complicate the gospel. Anything more complicated is not the gospel. But the harvest is plentiful. How do you ever harvest a harvest that is plentiful? When you have plenty of bridges that you have built. You say, “Pastor, I'm not like you.”. Really? Can you wash feet? Jesus is going to ask you a question, “Can you wash feet?” You say, “What do you mean?” “Can you smile?” You say, “Yeah, I can smile.” “Can you say hi?” “Oh, yeah, I can say hi”. Have you smiled at some lonely guy? Have you smiled at the cleaner in your void deck? “Hey, hi!” - first time and he is shocked. He is stunned because of the thousands of people that walked by him that day and yet nobody said hi to him. The next day you see him again, “Hey, you're still here! Working ah? What's your name?” Can you do that? I think I can do that. You can do that. “Oh, my name is Sulaiman” “Oh, good.” Next time, “Hey, Sulaiman. How? Busy ah?” And that is how you build bridges. Next time you have some kueh kueh and you don't know what to do with it, give it to Sulaiman. And next time you have a little chat with him. And one fine day it is near Christmas and you say, “Can I give you something?” You know what, that little track you give him? He will read it because you build a bridge. Is that complicated? I don't think so. Anybody can do it. Anybody can wash feet. Question is, when you see Sulaiman, is he a hindrance or is he an opportunity? You see a man with a need and say, “Wow!” or do you see a man with a need and say, “Oh, no.”. What's your response? Christianity is not about what goes in here (referring to the mind), folks. What goes in here (the mind) must move here (the heart) and must come out here (the hands). Otherwise, we are a bunch of hypocrites that turn the world off from Christianity, that make people throw up about Christianity. It is sickening; talk, talk, talk about the Bible; talk about God; talk about love but I don't see it. Do we nauseate people - that's the question - or do we draw them?

I hope when you see this message, you will go back and read John chapter 13, alright? Verse one to verse 17 thereabouts and ask yourself really what was Jesus trying to tell us? These hands can be put to good use. As a Christian, it's got to be about head, heart and hands.

There is a magazine out there on the counter about some of the work we do in the Philippines. There are tons of pictures in it. Basically, what is every page about? It is basically about a need. Kids that are tempted to fall into drugs. That's a need. They have energy and they don't know what to do with themselves. That’s a need. What do we do? Do a sports program for them; basketball. Kids there have such low self-esteem. They have never achieved anything in life. They never finished Primary One. They never learnt to spell. They never learnt anything. They have no self-esteem. What do we do? There's a need! Teach them the guitar, teach them the recorder - hey, they can play a piece. And one day, they can play the guitar properly; they went from zero to hero. Some mother doesn't understand nutrition - what do you do? Bring a weighing scale to the house and weigh the kid and show her, “Hey, Mom, your kid is seven years old. This is the average weight and your kid is like this.” This magazine is all about that. Just find a need and meet the need - bridge is built. We put an audio Bible there or a track or the gospel. You know what? The rest is God's work. Salvation belongs to God, not us. We don't need to persuade and cajole and push people into the kingdom of God. No, our job is to build bridges. The hard part of the Christian life, if I can use the ‘hard part’, is to build bridges. The rest is simple. That's why Jesus spent that evening, that last evening with his disciples doing a demo and said, “remember these things”. John 13:17, “If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” - if you do them, not know them. Humility is about knowledge, the concept of humility. This is not a lesson on humility. This is a lesson on action. Active heads, shrunken hearts and paralyzed arms is a picture of Christians today; deformed and too paralyzed.

Know, Grow and Go

Know, grow, and go. get to action. We're gonna move to Punggol and sit down as a Bible study class in Punggol, and if thousands will come and have their head big with a small little pumping heart and paralyzed arms, I say, “close Punggol down today”. I'll tell Pastor Jason and I'll tell the board of Elders to close the church down because it is a waste of time, a breeding ground of deformity so that more people will say, “Christians are hypocrites lah. Talk only.”

I hope that when we go to Punggol, we will go out there, look at the needs of people around Punggol. Are there kids, little kids? Are there moms? Are there grandmas? Are there nationals from other countries? Whatever! Eyes, man, with a heart. We have eyes, which I hope is joined to a heart of compassion. We can build bridges. We worship the Holy Trinity - it is all about relations. This lesson is not only for you, as a church, but for you as parents at home. What is your goal in your home? So your kids can achieve, or can earn? What's your goal in your home? You believe in a holy Triune God; what is your goal? Relationships. Teach your kids about relationships - not only within the home, but also outside the home, on how to build relationships. You know, other religions - what do they say? I never do any harm to anyone. Don't do to others what you don't like others to do unto you. See, their religion is about sitting down and just not hurting anybody. Sorry, that's not Christianity. It is not about you harming no one. It's about you having tasted God's love, knowing how much God loves you, and you go out there and reach out and touch lives with simple acts of love.

Love is not a feeling, folks. Love is action. I look forward to going to Punggol. I look forward to a whole new culture in Punggol, where we will be a church. You see, here is very hard. Where is our community here? Who do you reach out to here? Next week, we will be in another hotel. It's difficult. But in Punggol, we will have a community with several hundred thousand people around us and there are millions of needs. You say, “Pastor, I don’t even know how to smile. I don't even know how to greet.”. Can you pray? When someone tells you his mother is sick, what do you say? “Oh, is it?” You are a christian, pray! Say, “Can I pray for your mother?” Maybe you're too shy even to talk; can I pray? You say, “Pastor, I don't know whether a prayer will work.” It's not your business man. You are God? Your business is just, “I will pray for your mum” and sincerely go home and pray and watch God work. If you don't believe prayer works, forget it. There's nothing that we can’t do, folks. There is always a need we can meet - a smile, a ‘hi’, a greeting, a piece of cake. See a lonely guy out there? Talk to the guy. See a discouraged guy? Give two words of encouragement, “I will pray for you” and go and pray and see what God does. Build bridges, folks. See needs and build bridges. God will do the rest. May God bless this church and may we not be deformed. May we be fully formed - head, heart, and hands.


Let's pray. Father, we thank you for this time. Thank you that we can come to you and ask you to mould our lives and build us, that we may be more and more like Jesus. Lord, our prayer is not a church full of intellectuals or a church full of people who worship God emotionally, singing and oo-ing and ah-ing, but a church that is beautiful in head, heart, and hands. This is our prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.