19 Apr 2019
15 years ago Hollywood came up with a blockbuster called “The Passion of the Christ. ”Millions watched in horror and sympathy at the sufferings of Christ depicted in the movie. Even those who were against Christianity were moved by the extent of the actor’s sufferings! However, the real sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ were infinitely more than any movie director or actor can ever depict. In fact the real sufferings of Christ are more than any human mind can ever grasp or understand. One of the main reasons why Christians love Christ so little and are so unwilling to sacrifice for Christ is because we have such a shallow understanding of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ!
15 years ago Hollywood came up with a blockbuster called “The Passion of the Christ.”Millions watched in horror and sympathy at the sufferings of Christ depicted in the movie. Even those who were against Christianity were moved by the extent of the actor’s sufferings!
However, the real sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ were infinitely more than any movie director or actor can ever depict. In fact the real sufferings of Christ are more than any human mind can ever grasp or understand.
One of the main reasons why Christians love Christ so little and are so unwilling to sacrifice for Christ is because we have such a shallow understanding of the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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